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ProFootballFocus reveals Offensive Line rankings! Colts are 24th!


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It says we're 31st. And that the interior line is the problem. And that McGlynn is awful. And our tackles are good.

The message should get across now. Time to get rid of McGlynn and figure out if Thomas will be ready. Make a move on C or evaluate if C Holmes can make the jump. I don't think so yet, and the C is the anchor of the line and needs to be experienced... Or talented.

Is Holmes that? Time will tell...

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It says we're 31st. And that the interior line is the problem. And that McGlynn is awful. And our tackles are good.

The message should get across now. Time to get rid of McGlynn and figure out if Thomas will be ready. Make a move on C or evaluate if C Holmes can make the jump. I don't think so yet, and the C is the anchor of the line and needs to be experienced... Or talented.

Is Holmes that? Time will tell...


I think Holmes is a future project. Grigs said last off-season that 'baptism by fire' wouldn't work in O-line, or something like that. They are building him up, and against JAX he had few snaps, and he did a great job. I guess we will see more of him next preseason. TBH Satele did a better job in last games... We need better Guards too.

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Texans is 10th.  Its not ordered by rank.


Read the first page for the love of crap.


Numbers in bracket indicate last year’s rank


Numbers in bracket indicate last year’s rank


Numbers in bracket indicate last year’s rank
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Too bad Vasquez didn't want to play for us. He did amazing this year. He was the number 1 FA I wanted to sign too.

If it makes you feel any better, Levitre was the other guy many on this board wanted, and he was the 13th best guard with a plus 12.3.

Wait... :(

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LOL Yea not as impressive that is for sure. On the other hand he would have been miles better than any G we had.

Levitre and Vasquez might have put us in the super bowl with this squad. Not sure we could have afforded them though. Hopefully this year we get some veteran guards.

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Levitre and Vasquez might have put us in the super bowl with this squad. Not sure we could have afforded them though. Hopefully this year we get some veteran guards.


Both no I doubt we could have got both without spending too much money that could be used on other positions. Think we could have got 1 though pretty sure they weren't even signed for as much as people were originally thinking.

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It says were 31st in the league.  Anyway the point got across


The 31 in brackets is last years ranking so we significantly improved, however there is a lot of work to be done. 


With the skill we have at some other positions, I'd be happy just to get us in the top half of the league.  

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Sometimes, a GM has to swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake and let go of a guy he was highly invested in, IMO. That is what I expect Grigson to do with Satele and McGlynn.


I think Grigson knows what he's got, his hands were just tied in needing warm bodies for another year.

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Yes, Vasquez would have helped tremendously. Hopefully, we can pick up Mack and/or a RG. With Thomas coming back, at least we have a fairly decent LG. After what we've been used to seeing the past several years, you would be surprised at what a difference even an average Oline would make. (And yes, even Levitre's off year at 13th ranked would have been a huge improvement).Constanzo's getting better after a fairly rough rookie year. Cherilus did better than I expected and was very good (like his salary). Plug in a decent Thomas and add at least one top notch FA at C or RG and we'll be much better next year.

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I think Holmes is a future project. Grigs said last off-season that 'baptism by fire' wouldn't work in O-line, or something like that. They are building him up, and against JAX he had few snaps, and he did a great job. I guess we will see more of him next preseason. TBH Satele did a better job in last games... We need better Guards too.

We need a better center now.. if we get rid of satele and sign a fa center, it would have to be a 3-4 year contract at least.. during that time holmes' contract would expire.. do you resign him then, without him ever playing? I think holmes' future with the colts is a big question mark...

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Yes, Vasquez would have helped tremendously. Hopefully, we can pick up Mack and/or a RG. With Thomas coming back, at least we have a fairly decent LG. After what we've been used to seeing the past several years, you would be surprised at what a difference even an average Oline would make. (And yes, even Levitre's off year at 13th ranked would have been a huge improvement).Constanzo's getting better after a fairly rough rookie year. Cherilus did better than I expected and was very good (like his salary). Plug in a decent Thomas and add at least one top notch FA at C or RG and we'll be much better next year.



We need a better center now.. if we get rid of satele and sign a fa center, it would have to be a 3-4 year contract at least.. during that time holmes' contract would expire.. do you resign him then, without him ever playing? I think holmes' future with the colts is a big question mark...

This is the one area that I think we address in FA.  While the C position is not the most physically demanding out of the 5 OL positions, it is the one that requires the most time to become good at.  While we're lucky enough to have a QB who will call out the blocking assignments, it doesn't happen every play and even then, a C needs to be able to call out something that his QB may not have picked up on.  That's something that only comes with experience and typically doesn't happen in a rookie season unless it's a first round type of C talent, which is already a rare occurrence.  Were we to address it (again) in the draft, we would be behind already, not to mention we'd have to hope our C has the physical ability to start (and we're still not sure Khaled Holmes, who was unable to crack the starting lineup, is our guy).


I say, go with a vet here.  In addition to Mack (who I think will probably be too expensive for our taste), I think another good candidate is Brian De La Puentes from the Saints or Evan Dietrich-Smith from the Packers (whom I think both would be more affordable and a solid starter).  Assuming they are both available, I think I'd tend to go with Smith over Puentes, simply because our offense and blocking schemes resemble the Packers more than the Saints.

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It says we're 31st. And that the interior line is the problem. And that McGlynn is awful. And our tackles are good.

The message should get across now. Time to get rid of McGlynn and figure out if Thomas will be ready. Make a move on C or evaluate if C Holmes can make the jump. I don't think so yet, and the C is the anchor of the line and needs to be experienced... Or talented.

Is Holmes that? Time will tell...




It says we are 24th.


The 31st is in parenthesis....   that's our ranking in 2012.    Last year.


24th is what we are in 2013.


As to the problems,  you're entirely correct.   The problem is in the middle.     G/C/G   


Fix that, and a lot of our problems will look better.

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Thornton was also a DUD with a -15.

Pagano`s valuable 4 Position player Link was a what? -8 Just kind of a DUD.

Cherilus at +12 played well below his contract.
IMO, ONLY Luck getting rid of the ball considerably quicker than last year (much more often than last year) kept Castonzo from AGAIN being one of the very lowest rated Pass Blocking tackles.

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I think Holmes is a future project. Grigs said last off-season that 'baptism by fire' wouldn't work in O-line, or something like that.

I think that 'baptism by fire' would have been better than what we had with the veterans - Satele and McGlynn.


At least with a rookie, there is at least some hope that they can improve with each game. With Satele and McGlynn we already knew what to expect and, of course, showed no improvement at all. Their ceiling, as bad as it is, has been reached.


I think Thornton showed some improvement throughout the year and the experience he gained will only help him even more for next season. I wished they would have just swallowed their pride and done the same with Holmes.

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For those using the line as an excuse for Richardson's troubles..  How does Andre Ellington for Arizona average 5.5/ypc having the last rated o-line?


or Rashad Jennings 4.5 ypc for Oak (27th)

or Chris Ivory 4.6  and bilal powell 4.0 for NYJ (25th


I was suprised to see Seattle (26th) and Chicago (24th) rated so low considering they each have premier runners.

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For those using the line as an excuse for Richardson's troubles..  How does Andre Ellington for Arizona average 5.5/ypc having the last rated o-line?


or Rashad Jennings 4.5 ypc for Oak (27th)

or Chris Ivory 4.6  and bilal powell 4.0 for NYJ (25th


I was suprised to see Seattle (26th) and Chicago (24th) rated so low considering they each have premier runners.

Because those guys had a full off-season with their team, the offensive coordinator, the scheme, their line and everything else. Preparation is the key to success and not having an off-season with your team is the definition of not having time to prepare.

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It says we are 24th.

The 31st is in parenthesis.... that's our ranking in 2012. Last year.

24th is what we are in 2013.

As to the problems, you're entirely correct. The problem is in the middle. G/C/G

Fix that, and a lot of our problems will look better.

You are correct, I misread it.

I'm curious as to how good both C Holmes, G Thomas, and G Thornton will be next year. Thornton was rushed into the mix and has progressed nicely. I'll expect either a signing of an experienced guard and let him and Thornton compliment each other... Or perhaps let him get a full load.

That leaves the question if G Thomas will be ready... Time will tell. The line is about cohesion and timing. They need to glue together.

Regarding C I'll actually not expect them to sign another one. I'd hope they'll start from scratch with OTA's and TC and let the best man win. If Holmes has the talent and is ready. Let him glue together with the rest of the crew before season start.

Then again Grigson wants the best line in the league and isn't scared of making a move. So who knows... Is he patient or trigger happy.

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It's pretty simple we need at least 2 veteran interior linemen one of whom must be a center and probably are going to command some money. When I say at least, we would be better served by 3 quality OL pick ups. Whom those OL players will be should revolve entirely around the best player for the best value ($). We can't afford not to do it and we can't afford to overpay 1 guy or fall in love with any particular player to the exclusion of other possibilities.

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