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Chuck Pagano unsure who the starting Center will be moving forward


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Why does it seem like they tip toe around Satele like a locked and loaded skunk? Its not what he does when he`s on the field but what the offense does when he`s off..produce! Just do the obvious and bench the dude


Chuck "the ra ra blind in the headlights players Coach cajoneless guy" doesn`t want to hurt his feelings or worry other vets that he has pumped up and told them how much he needs them, plain & simple.

 And it would be a Much Deserved Slap to Grigsons Face "the Guy who hired him" that he gave him a such a Dog of a Center to protect the #1 prospect of the last 25 years.

That would be Awkward!!

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Chuck "the ra ra blind in the headlights players Coach cajoneless guy" doesn`t want to hurt his feelings or worry other vets that he has pumped up and told them how much he needs them, plain & simple.

 And it would be a Much Deserved Slap to Grigsons Face "the Guy who hired him" that he gave him a such a Dog of a Center to protect the #1 prospect of the last 25 years.

That would be Awkward!!


I'm genuinely curious: Do you love being negative, or do you hate being positive? 

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So at this point Holmes is the worst draft pick from the Colts ever, right?  Or at least up there with Pitcock.  How can a 4th round pick not beat out easily the worst starting C in the NFL?

Satele was a 2nd round pick so how bador even good a player will turn out has nothing to do with the round that a player is chosen in

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I'm not sure if Pagano doesn't know what he wants to do....


He know, but is not interested in making it public right now....

In situations like this, that's often the case.

This might be one of them.

I think they're gonna go in a different direction. Like someone in the thread said, Pagano said similar things when it came to DHB and looked what happened.

It's all hands on deck and I think Satelle will be benched.

By the way, for those of you saying Pagano is stubborn and is a "deer in the headlights" when it comes to players, why did DHB, Richardson, Vaughn and now Angerer (healthy scratch last week) get benched?

While I agree it may have taken a week or two longer most would of liked, the fact remains Pagano did make changes.

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I think they're gonna go in a different direction. Like someone in the thread said, Pagano said similar things when it came to DHB and looked what happened.

It's all hands on deck and I think Satelle will be benched.

By the way, for those of you saying Pagano is stubborn and is a "deer in the headlights" when it comes to players, why did DHB, Richardson, Vaughn and now Angerer (healthy scratch last week) get benched?

While I agree it may have taken a week or two longer most would of liked, the fact remains Pagano did make changes.


Agreed.  As far as the "deer in the headlights" comments, especially referring to him on the sidelines, the simple fact is that people see what they want to see.  I've never looked at an image of Chuck on the sidelines and thought to myself "wow he looks like he's in way over his head" or anything like that.  Some people don't like him so no matter what he does they'll always find a way to turn it negative.

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Agreed.  As far as the "deer in the headlights" comments, especially referring to him on the sidelines, the simple fact is that people see what they want to see.  I've never looked at an image of Chuck on the sidelines and thought to myself "wow he looks like he's in way over his head" or anything like that.  Some people don't like him so no matter what he does they'll always find a way to turn it negative.


Some people don't like anyone. That's the problem.

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So at this point Holmes is the worst draft pick from the Colts ever, right?  Or at least up there with Pitcock.  How can a 4th round pick not beat out easily the worst starting C in the NFL?

Yeah, it's a headscratcher for sure why Holmes cannot get some reps at C...maybe he is still that 320-pound weakling.

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I won't sit him on the bench. You bet I'd have him in there on our "power running" scheme. Extra blocker

The extra blocker in that stupid formation is supposed to be athletic, as he is basically lined up in the TE position.


I doubt anyone has ever accused Satele of being athletic.

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How many Colts drafts have you followed? Interesting first post.


Many, and I know there are other worthy candidates (that tool trev alberts comes to mind in relation to where he was picked).  Still, even if it was none the math is simple.  Satele I near the worst olman I've ever seen wearing the horseshoe.  So if a draft pick can't beat him out (assuming Holmes is healthy which by all accounts he is), he's either terrible beyond belief and Grigs whiffed massively, or the coaching staff is clueless.  I don't know what I'm hoping for in that scenario to be honest.

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Don't get your hopes up too much. Reitz and Link are both probably out. Leaves us trying to fill the middle 3 spots on O-line with some combination of Thornton, Nixon, McGlynn, Holmes, and Satele. If Thornton, Nixon, and McGlynn start, as people apparently want them to, that means we're going into the game with 2 backup centers, 0 backup guards, and 0 backup tackles.

EDIT: Oh, apparently we just elevated Thomas Austin. Another center.

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Don't get your hopes up too much. Reitz and Link are both probably out. Leaves us trying to fill the middle 3 spots on O-line with some combination of Thornton, Nixon, McGlynn, Holmes, and Satele. If Thornton, Nixon, and McGlynn start, as people apparently want them to, that means we're going into the game with 2 backup centers, 0 backup guards, and 0 backup tackles.EDIT: Oh, apparently we just elevated Thomas Austin. Another center.

Austin can also provide G depth

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Fair enough. Still not an optimal situation for McGlynn to make the move to center. We'll see what happens.

Austin does have some game experience to his credit.  Wouldn't shock me at all if he is the first interior lineman off the bench this week.  This is situational football, and he may be the most prepared to help in this situation.  He has been in the league for 4 years.

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Austin does have some game experience to his credit.  Wouldn't shock me at all if he is the first interior lineman off the bench this week.  This is situational football, and he may be the most prepared to help in this situation.  He has been in the league for 4 years.



Playbook experience in week 14 > league experience

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So at this point Holmes is the worst draft pick from the Colts ever, right?  Or at least up there with Pitcock.  How can a 4th round pick not beat out easily the worst starting C in the NFL?


A 4th-round Center who may or may not bust is not even close to the worst draft pick by the Colts.  For worst pick, I nominate QB Jeff George, first overall pick of the 1990 draft.


Second choice would be OT Tony Ugoh, for whom the Colts gave up their 1st-round pick in the 2008 draft in order to move up and STEAL him in the 2nd round of the 2007 draft.  That's right, Chris Polian burned a 2nd-round pick AND a 1st-round pick on that hall-of-flame franchise Left Tackle.


I apologize to my fellow Colts fans for reopening old wounds.  I don't know why I keep picking at the scabs

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A 4th-round Center who may or may not bust is not even close to the worst draft pick by the Colts.  For worst pick, I nominate QB Jeff George, first overall pick of the 1990 draft.


Second choice would be OT Tony Ugoh, for whom the Colts gave up their 1st-round pick in the 2008 draft in order to move up and STEAL him in the 2nd round of the 2007 draft.  That's right, Chris Polian burned a 2nd-round pick AND a 1st-round pick on that hall-of-flame franchise Left Tackle.


I apologize to my fellow Colts fans for reopening old wounds.  I don't know why I keep picking at the scabs

Sorry to nitpick, but it only cost us a first in 2008.  Brutal, yes - but brilliant if it works when you are in the middle of chasing championships.  Just didn't.

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I think they're gonna go in a different direction. Like someone in the thread said, Pagano said similar things when it came to DHB and looked what happened.

It's all hands on deck and I think Satelle will be benched.

By the way, for those of you saying Pagano is stubborn and is a "deer in the headlights" when it comes to players, why did DHB, Richardson, Vaughn and now Angerer (healthy scratch last week) get benched?

While I agree it may have taken a week or two longer most would of liked, the fact remains Pagano did make changes.

yeah but it took most the season to figure it out.

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