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Texans SMith accuses Patriots of spying.


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Mark Berman ‏@MarkBermanFox26 38m
MoreAntonio Smith on NE prep 4Texans: "U would have 2B a descendant of Tonestradamus 2know what we put N this week2 B able2change that fast"

Mark Berman ‏@MarkBermanFox26 44m
More Antonio Smith: "...They changed it up N a way to where(there was) indecision N calling the defense. It was kind of fishy.""


Honestly, as amusing as this might be, it just reads like bitterness. I mean, it's not as if we didn't do the same thing to the Texans in the second half.

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Susie...sweety, they put a spell on you. Did you drink the punch of those silver tongue devils?

Nobody puts a spell on Susie Q you can tell your new you don't know me very well. haha  We even have a Pat's fan that is one of our moderators.



If you knew Susie  !!!! Avatar

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His tears taste oh so juicy sweet!


 Sounds like someone who just lost a tough game, but its the ultimate compliment to be called a cheater after beating someone..  Anyone who plays xbox or online games knows that you get a small sense of joy when you win a round and hear the losers calling you a cheater :)


Go Pats!

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I listened to the interview this morning and honestly I can understand what he is saying. His English is horrible and his point made no sense. The Texans defense was dominating the Pats O in the first half so I am not sure why they would have introduced anything new in the second half. Just keep doing what they were doing but losing teams tend to do losing things.

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1. Who is "Tonestradamus?" Is that like the love child between Nostradamus and Tone Loc? 


2. The Texans had a 10-point lead at halftime. I'm no NFL scholar, but... 10 points? 


3. News flash: Good teams make adjustments in-game. Which explains why Antonio Smith doesn't understand how it happened.

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Smith- we doin' a 'lil stuff we never did before... we killin' them


Brady at halftime- we've seen this before, but   XXXXteam  was doing it, not Texans.  And this is how we countered it... let's go kick some butt!


Pat's second half after adjustments begin kickin butt...


Smith - No fair!  They must be spyin'' or scoutin' or sumpthin'  {or how about maybe making effective adjustments?  LOL}


Texans D has to be rubbing their wounds, as it was about the only thing they had to be somewhat proud of this season.



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I'm sure he was frustrated but does he not know Belichick and Brady after seeing something new can't adjust by halftime.


Every time  the camera pans to Bill on the sidelines why is his head buried with a pencil and paper. Why is it always the first half. Why is he writing something down after a big play or TD scored on him- in the first half. It may look like tic tac toe with the X's and O's but somehow you get the feeling its football x's and o's.


Belichick and Wade Phillips have been around a long time and you can bet they have seen it all. Brady too for that matter.

But the G-15 secret defense wrinkle BB had to send drones in to spy ;)

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the patriot are cheaters bill billechick is a big baby they are known cheaters.  The whole team should have been thrown out of the league for cheating and continuing to cheat.


This quote from you and quotes similar to these from fans makes you and them come across as immature and childish like when you're in grade school and your team loses in gym class and instead of shaking hands with the other kids you pout and stomp your feet and run away.


Texans are 2-10.  All the other teams who beat them did they cheat?


People who are paranoid and obsessed over the Patriots who constantly whine about spy gate have some weird bizarre way about them and they put themselves in in a corner.


I'm still trying to figure out what competitive edge the Patriots ever had and what did they do?  If what ever they did gave them a competitive edge then they should have won the Super Bowls in 2002, 2005 and 2006.


"If" the Patriots ever did cheat then where are all the former disgruntled Pats players who were traded, released and cut by the Pats who dislike Belichick speaking out?  By now it should have been Lawyer Milloy, Ty Law, Richard Seymour and Adam Vinatieri "spilling the beans." 


Reason why Gooddell had to fine Belichick and take a Pats draft pick away was not because he felt the Patriots did anything wrong, it was from pressure from Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania who was so pus%y soar that his Eagles got beat by the Patriots in the Super Bowl that he threatened congressional investigation into it....and in the mean time we had 180,000 troops in Iraq and Osama Bin Laden wasn't captured or killed yet.  Goodell wanted this to go away quickly so to make people happy he did what he did.  And often times people who are in Goodell's situation do what they do not because they want to or feel it's the right thing to do, but to just shut people up and make it go away quicker because not doing something can make people more angry and cause a bigger firestorm.  It's sort of like when people settle out of court.  They just want it to go away and move on in life regardless if they feel it's the right thing to do or not.


There is no love afair with the NFL and Patriots.  Refs have been screwing the Pats this season and last season.  Lots of bad calls against the Pats this year.  The refs don't like Belichick.


If there's never been a player on your team who never used performance enhancement drugs and if your favorite college team never violated NCAA rules then you can call other teams "cheaters".


It will suck for the Steelers and their fans who accused the Patriots of cheating if the NFL fines their coach Mike Tomlin and takes away a draft pick.  Colts fans and their owner need to be careful because you never know because when you accuse others of cheating and when your team gets caught cheating it makes you look even worse than the team you called cheaters and you're the bigger hypocrites.  Something can come out about the Colts organization someday.

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Smith backed off from his comments yesterday as everyone assumed he would. The league does not like this type of talk and I am sure Kubiak gave him an earful. Just very immature.  http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10070974/houston-texans-antonio-smith-says-comments-new-england-patriots-not-serious-matter


How do you know Kubiak will do anything like that?  For all we know he could have brought Smith into his office and high fived him and gave a bro hug and said: "Man that was funny, way to speak your mind like that!"  A lof of these coaches let their players talk like undisciplined fools and shoot their mouths off like Rex Ryan and John Harbaugh of the Ravens.  They think and feel it's a way to motivate their players even if they think their players are wrong to talk like that.

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How do you know Kubiak will do anything like that?  For all we know he could have brought Smith into his office and high fived him and gave a bro hug and said: "Man that was funny, way to speak your mind like that!"  A lof of these coaches let their players talk like undisciplined fools and shoot their mouths off like Rex Ryan and John Harbaugh of the Ravens.  They think and feel it's a way to motivate their players even if they think their players are wrong to talk like that.

Prior to the game Kubiak said he thought the Pats were poised for a champ run this season. He praised the team up and down. I am sure he had words with Smith which made Smith back peddle.


In fairness to Kubiak, his team is hurting big time this year. I would imagine it is very difficult to control the locker room with 10 straight losses.


Does the spygate stuff bother you that much? Honestly, at this point I take it as a compliment. Two weeks in a row the Pats out together two outstanding second halfs. That is just great coaching and mental toughness from a young team.

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This quote from you and quotes similar to these from fans makes you and them come across as immature and childish like when you're in grade school and your team loses in gym class and instead of shaking hands with the other kids you pout and stomp your feet and run away.

"I think your post is childish and immature but lemme respond with this here thesis paper".

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