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Castonzo update


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this was what I was afraid of.  "mild mcl sprain"  translation.... we will be cringing until the results of the MRI.  it's always a mild sprain to keep speculators at bay.  sit out next game and be ready for game 1, really, you would risk that?  a mild sprain if that's what if even turns out to be isn't just going to heal right up, things inside there were stretched even with a mild mcl sprain. :facepalm:

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this was what I was afraid of.  "mild mcl sprain"  translation.... we will be cringing until the results of the MRI.  it's always a mild sprain to keep speculators at bay.  sit out next game and be ready for game 1, really, you would risk that?  a mild sprain if that's what if even turns out to be isn't just going to heal right up, things inside there were stretched even with a mild mcl sprain. :facepalm:

You should refrain from talking about injuries

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Have to admit that any injury ending in CL scares me a lot. Won't start this week. I'll predict he puts in his first appearance in the Miami game. No need to risk him too much against a Raiders D line that couldn't fight it way out of a wet paper bag.

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Because the Raiders have one heck of a pass rush? I don't doubt reitz could do ok in an emergency lt spot against some teams but let's be real here he's not going to hold on the rest of the game if castonozo got hurt early in a regular season game. Would have to adjust protection and which could effect multiple parts of the offense.

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Because the Raiders have one heck of a pass rush? I don't doubt reitz could do ok in an emergency lt spot against some teams but let's be real here he's not going to hold on the rest of the game if castonozo got hurt early in a regular season game. Would have to adjust protection and which could effect multiple parts of the offense.


I think Reitz would do fine as a starter too.


His technique was real good, allowing Andrew to step in several times by pushing the pass rusher away from Andrew if the rusher went outside or locking him if the pass rusher tried to go inside.


If Castanzo comes back, it better be in game 1. Otherwise, Cameron Wake in game 2 and Aldon Smith in game 3 would not be a way to knock rust off, IMO. :)


I have seen Castanzo enough to know that the lighter and quicker pass rushers like a Cameron Wake or Aldon Smith will give him issues. The first time I saw Castanzo in the Senior Bowl, Brooks Reed, the 2nd round pick of the Texans got him beat badly on an inside move that started with a quick fake outside. The quick fake outside but hard inside move from lighter and quicker OLBs is what I want to see Castanzo improve against.

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Has Ijalana played any at LT this preseason?  Wonder why the Colts haven't tried him at RG?


I just watched the second and third quarter again and I can tell u we have no issues at RG if Thornton stay´s healty - he´ll be the starter rather sooner than later. Love this kid.

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