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Ahmad Bradshaw visiting Colts/Colts now in 'heavy negotiations' with Bradshaw again. (merge)


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Reading thru all these posts one thing has become clear.........there are A LOT of folks out there that have lost touch with reality!


Professional athletes are no different than you or I.........we all want to be compensated for our work to the maximum extent! 


Before saying "he needs to take less money to play with us because of XYZ....." think about the last time you looked for employment.....


Did you steel for less than you thought you were worth?  Did you take less money to work for XYZ Company simply because the hiring authority sold you on a better atmosphere, family environment, etc., etc.


NO.....chances are you took the job offer with the most compensation! Period. End of story!


So before passing judgment on Bradshaw or any other athlete about what you think is best for his career, put yourself in his shoes, look at his family............you have NO IDEA what his story is!

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Reading thru all these posts one thing has become clear.........there are A LOT of folks out there that have lost touch with reality!


Professional athletes are no different than you or I.........we all want to be compensated for our work to the maximum extent! 


Before saying "he needs to take less money to play with us because of XYZ....." think about the last time you looked for employment.....


Did you steel for less than you thought you were worth?  Did you take less money to work for XYZ Company simply because the hiring authority sold you on a better atmosphere, family environment, etc., etc.


NO.....chances are you took the job offer with the most compensation! Period. End of story!


So before passing judgment on Bradshaw or any other athlete about what you think is best for his career, put yourself in his shoes, look at his family............you have NO IDEA what his story is!

You're correct.  However, I can't help but think that most of us work just to make ends meat.  A lot of these pro athletes have stopped worrying about making ends meat long ago.  They're concerned with buying their fifth sports car or whether they're going to the Caribbean or the Mediterranean on their next vacation (which happens more than once a year).  I would think (I could be wrong) that once you get to that point, you tend to look at other things besides what's the pay going to be.

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You're correct.  However, I can't help but think that most of us work just to make ends meat.  A lot of these pro athletes have stopped worrying about making ends meat long ago.  They're concerned with buying their fifth sports car or whether they're going to the Caribbean or the Mediterranean on their next vacation (which happens more than once a year).  I would think (I could be wrong) that once you get to that point, you tend to look at other things besides what's the pay going to be.

Perhaps because of this they should look for the highest pay?  Seriously, most NFL players should take as much as they can get, because only a precious few get significant endorsements.  Figure high tax rate, subtract agent's fee, subtract loans for house and usually a family member's loan as well, subtract even just a few bad decisions (by a 20 year old), subtract potential losses to scam investors, subtract a car commensurate with one's perceived status, and that's not much saved.  Multiply by 3 years on the average career, and you still have very little saved.


Next, they're young, poor, and have no skill set and no useful knees, what should they do next?  I feel a little bad for the non-superstar NFL athlete.  We as the fans will always have the next round of fresh players to enjoy watching, but they're pretty much all done.


They nearly all go broke, so they sincerely should take their highest paycheck times the safest long-term career.  It's the second part of that equation that is so difficult to predict...



But at least your paragraph makes me start thinking about meat... mmmmm. 

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You're correct.  However, I can't help but think that most of us work just to make ends meat.  A lot of these pro athletes have stopped worrying about making ends meat long ago.  They're concerned with buying their fifth sports car or whether they're going to the Caribbean or the Mediterranean on their next vacation (which happens more than once a year).  I would think (I could be wrong) that once you get to that point, you tend to look at other things besides what's the pay going to be.


There's a resentment from us so-called regular people to these athletes that get rich playing sports, and I get it. Especially when they start complaining or disputing over money.


But that doesn't change the fact that this is their job. They ought to maximize their earning potential while they still can, just like any other professional does. Maybe more, because a professional athlete has a shorter career peak than a professional "anything else." I don't think an NFL player should play for less than the market will bear him just to make us fans feel good. I know that if I were an NFL player, I'd be trying to get as much as I could, not out of greed, but because it would enable me to set myself up for a successful life after sports.

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Reading thru all these posts one thing has become clear.........there are A LOT of folks out there that have lost touch with reality!


Professional athletes are no different than you or I.........we all want to be compensated for our work to the maximum extent! 


Before saying "he needs to take less money to play with us because of XYZ....." think about the last time you looked for employment.....


Did you steel for less than you thought you were worth?  Did you take less money to work for XYZ Company simply because the hiring authority sold you on a better atmosphere, family environment, etc., etc.


NO.....chances are you took the job offer with the most compensation! Period. End of story!


So before passing judgment on Bradshaw or any other athlete about what you think is best for his career, put yourself in his shoes, look at his family............you have NO IDEA what his story is!

The difference is.  His one deal he already had he wouldn't have to work the rest of his life.  Where most of us work for paycheck to paycheck.  Quit comparing athletes to regular people. Now do I think he should take less just to be with the colts.  No.  But do I think his contract request maybe out of ideal.  Well Pittsburgh past on him too.  So he must be asking to much.

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Well this thread has bounced around a few topics! 


I understand the argument levied by athletes that they on average only have fleeting careers with less remuneration than you'd expect (talking on average here), which is exacerbated in the US with the NCAA amateur rules. But like all walks in a life a minorities behavior will tar the majority in the public's eye. As for Bradshaw specifically, you could argue he's got the rings, made some decent money etc. but he's been pretty dinged up and this is going to be his last paycheck more than likely so I don't blame him at all for trying to max his returns. On the flip side this is a business decision for the Colts, they value his input to the team as so much and will do their best to pay that price and like all good salesmen they will pitch using fanciful language and terms to garner an emotional response (family ball club, chasing one more ring, free swimming lessons with Pat.) Neither side IMO should be condemned for their stance, it's just the way the game is played.


As for his playing talent, I think he can bring something to the table for us certainly, though there are other options out there and no doubt there will be more after the first round of cuts. 

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There's a resentment from us so-called regular people to these athletes that get rich playing sports, and I get it. Especially when they start complaining or disputing over money.


But that doesn't change the fact that this is their job. They ought to maximize their earning potential while they still can, just like any other professional does. Maybe more, because a professional athlete has a shorter career peak than a professional "anything else." I don't think an NFL player should play for less than the market will bear him just to make us fans feel good. I know that if I were an NFL player, I'd be trying to get as much as I could, not out of greed, but because it would enable me to set myself up for a successful life after sports.


Agreed 100%. And also... if you're getting a $200,000 after-tax cheque at the end of every month, you're not living in a bungalow and driving a Toyota. People live within their means, it's just a natural sociological mindset. When those cheques stop coming, you do not want to say 'It was good while it lasted' and downgrade your lifestyle. These guys have certain financial commitments and payments that will go on long after their careers, some invest wisely, others don't, but none plan to live life after football in squalor.

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Hearing all of this makes me want to start a charity for athlete's after they're through playing.  It's up to us average Joe's to make sure that 30 year old so'n'so can still make his payments on his Lambo and his million dollar bungalow.  I can't finish.....I'm getting too teared up................ :Cry:  :Cry:

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Hearing all of this makes me want to start a charity for athlete's after they're through playing.  It's up to us average Joe's to make sure that 30 year old so'n'so can still make his payments on his Lambo and his million dollar bungalow.  I can't finish.....I'm getting too teared up................ :Cry:  :Cry:


No one said anything about feeling sorry for them.

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This. Just because you take an understanding approach to players maximizing their potential earnings, doesn't mean your making them out to be martyrs.

I agree....and I'm all for someone earning the most $$$ they can command.


But it's just too bad that so many NFL players have not only squandered their NFL earnings, but in many cases failed to maximize their free ride through college as well.

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I feel sorry for DB......this has to be driving him crazy as the rest of us.  I would feel much more comfortable knowing AB is spelling VB or would it be VB spelling AB?


I would say Ballard spelling Bradshaw. Regardless, it's a win-win situation

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Do you say so because AB is a better back or because AB has more knicks on that veteran body?  Just curious who everyone believes would be the #1 back if AB signs.


 I think it's a combination of both. AB is a better back when he is fresh/healthy. It's my belief that limiting his carries is key to keeping him effective. Ballard proved a lot last year and I look for him to continue to grow this year, but Bradshaw is the better all around back.

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speaking of mini camp we finally get to see landry

Hopefully that'll get the forum off his back now. If he doesn't show up, this forum may explode and I'm just not ready to give up my membership due to a website having a spontaneous combustion. I can't go back to watching NFL Network for our news. I just can't do it!!!

*sits in corner balled up rocking back & forth*

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Hopefully that'll get the forum off his back now. If he doesn't show up, this forum may explode and I'm just not ready to give up my membership due to a website having a spontaneous combustion. I can't go back to watching NFL Network for our news. I just can't do it!!!

*sits in corner balled up rocking back & forth*


Have you had your apple juice checked for arsenic lately? :woah:


I'm ready to see dirty 30 on the field

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Hopefully that'll get the forum off his back now. If he doesn't show up, this forum may explode and I'm just not ready to give up my membership due to a website having a spontaneous combustion. I can't go back to watching NFL Network for our news. I just can't do it!!!

*sits in corner balled up rocking back & forth*


its ok tk breathe in out in out. here sip your apple juice. if he doesnt show up hes gonna get fined. mini camp is mandatory

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