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Is Irsay the smartest football man in the business?


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It's a legitimate question. Look at what Jim has done over the last 15 to 20 years. He was smart enough to take himself ouf of the position of being the GM. He made some very good moves by hiring Bill Tobin. yes, it didn't last long but Tobin made enough moves to put us in position to make the playoffs a couple of times and make a run at a Super Bowl.


Enter Bill Polian and the Peyton Manning Era. Say what you want about Polian but he is a smart football man and give Irsay the credit for going and getting a proven GM. They hire an authoratative Jim Mora. Make the biggest turn around in league history. Tony Dungy becomes available and the timing is impeccable. The Manning Era is nothing short of amazing and as the foundation begins to crumble Jim has to cut loose with the man who built Indianapolis football and Lucas Oil Stadium. All the while trying to sell that to the fans who love the man and survive it.


Enter Ryan Grigson. Charged with releasing one of the greatest players in NFL history and rehauling a roster that was top heavy with worn out stars. 2-14 to 11-5? How is that possible? Jim Irsay is either the luckiest owner or the smartest. yes, he has his quirks but I think the argument can be made that Jim Irsay is the smartest or one of the smartest owners in all of professional sports.

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If he is, it is because he is smart enough to realize he is not the smartest football man in the business. Irsay is smart enough to leave evaluation and personnel moves to better football minds. However, he is also smart enough to understand what decisions fall on his shoulders; and he handles them well.

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If he is, it is because he is smart enough to realize he is not the smartest football man in the business. Irsay is smart enough to leave evaluation and personnel moves to better football minds. However, he is also smart enough to understand what decisions fall on his shoulders; and he handles them well.

Totally agree. That's all part of what makes him so good.

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i think getting a qb the caliber of PM and then having Luck fall into your lap at the perfect time, is pretty lucky... i think its like they say in poker, 10% skill 90% luck. not trying to take anything away from irsay, just trying to show how truly fortunate we/he is. the guy knows how to make the tough choices tho.

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i think getting a qb the caliber of PM and then having Luck fall into your lap at the perfect time, is pretty lucky... i think its like they say in poker, 10% skill 90% luck. not trying to take anything away from irsay, just trying to show how truly fortunate we/he is. the guy knows how to make the tough choices tho.

Ya I agree. I think Polian might have to get some credit for taking Manning, unless Irsay was the final say. This is a topic for another thread but at the time the choice of Manning or Leaf was not clear cut i don't think and we could just as easlity ended up with Ryan Leaf vs Manning. But, you are correct he does know how to make tough choices.


Also, the while Edgerring James vs Ricky Williams selection is one that could be debated for fun. Yes, Polian was in charge. He made the correct selection in taking James but there are lots of other facets to that topic such as New Orleans willingness to move up and the while Marshall Faulk trade to begin with.

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If he is, it is because he is smart enough to realize he is not the smartest football man in the business. Irsay is smart enough to leave evaluation and personnel moves to better football minds. However, he is also smart enough to understand what decisions fall on his shoulders; and he handles them well.

Jim Irsay, modern day Socrates?

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I think Irsay has had 2 great QBs come back to back that have helped but he had to make those decisions so I give him a lot of credit. He pulled for Manning over Leaf and Luck over RG3 for the right reasons and I think we are all happy with the second decision so far, even though RG3 will not end up being the next Leaf, he'll still be a great QB in the league I think, as long as Mike Shanahan learns to protect his QB. 


The fact that the man released Peyton Manning and believed in Luck to lead this team is incredible. He received HUGE backlash from it, but myself and others knew it was the "right" decision for both parties. Luck is a can't miss QB and everyone knew it, but only one man could make the call. Could you guys imagine what would've happened to Peyton behind this OL? *shivers*


I think he's a good evaluator of people as I think he hires high football-IQ, personable staff. He doesn't just hire someone because they are the most known or have the biggest name. I think he puts a lot of thought into his decisions and removes emotions from it as much as he can. This new regime seems to be starting off better than expected and I give Irsay a lot of credit for the past and for the bright future this team has. 

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let's see, he was a horrible gm! he made one great decision, hiring bp. time will tell on this gm. like previously posted ,the luck thing was pure luck and i don't think he handled the manning part well.


he is not even close to being the smartest football ban in the business!!!

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i really dont get why releasing peyton was a difficult decision it made all the sense in the world if you look at the position we were in. peyton being 36 coming off 4 neck surgeries. andrew luck looked as one of the greatest qb prospects in the last 20 years. I think it had more to do with the fan base accepting the idea more then the business or football implications. to those teams that are actually "loyal" to their signal caller lets look at what their qb situation looks like. the dolphins being loyal to dan marino still no franchise qb. the broncos being loyal to john elway. still no future franchise qb. you look at teams that dumped their franchise qbs. joe montana gets dumped steve young becomes a HOFer. favre gets dumped rodgers will probably be a HOFer. this tells you holding on to your aging qb does harm to the future of the franchise.

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i think getting a qb the caliber of PM and then having Luck fall into your lap at the perfect time, is pretty lucky... i think its like they say in poker, 10% skill 90% luck. not trying to take anything away from irsay, just trying to show how truly fortunate we/he is. the guy knows how to make the tough choices tho.

That's what bad poker players say

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As an administrator/manager/foreman/shift leader you're only as good as the staff/personnel around you.


I remember one of my 1st Sarge always said, yeah I walk around with my chest out, carry a big stick and others (within the unit and within the battalion) think I'm a good 1st Sarge.  Let me repeat myself I WALK AROUND THE AREA, someone must be in the office running the unit.


If he is, it is because he is smart enough to realize he is not the smartest football man in the business. Irsay is smart enough to leave evaluation and personnel moves to better football minds. However, he is also smart enough to understand what decisions fall on his shoulders; and he handles them well.

I'm with you CJ82

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It's a legitimate question. Look at what Jim has done over the last 15 to 20 years. He was smart enough to take himself ouf of the position of being the GM. He made some very good moves by hiring Bill Tobin. yes, it didn't last long but Tobin made enough moves to put us in position to make the playoffs a couple of times and make a run at a Super Bowl.


Enter Bill Polian and the Peyton Manning Era. Say what you want about Polian but he is a smart football man and give Irsay the credit for going and getting a proven GM. They hire an authoratative Jim Mora. Make the biggest turn around in league history. Tony Dungy becomes available and the timing is impeccable. The Manning Era is nothing short of amazing and as the foundation begins to crumble Jim has to cut loose with the man who built Indianapolis football and Lucas Oil Stadium. All the while trying to sell that to the fans who love the man and survive it.


Enter Ryan Grigson. Charged with releasing one of the greatest players in NFL history and rehauling a roster that was top heavy with worn out stars. 2-14 to 11-5? How is that possible? Jim Irsay is either the luckiest owner or the smartest. yes, he has his quirks but I think the argument can be made that Jim Irsay is the smartest or one of the smartest owners in all of professional sports.


Smart maybe more Luck then anything .  Realizing he needed to step back & give someone else the reins of the Colts was like one of us getting a oil change at Mc Quiks  common sense . Until Tobin arrived the Colts were floundering .    He's a tweeter & a twit & good owner but as a GM I was not impressed .

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Smart maybe more Luck then anything .  Realizing he needed to step back & give someone else the reins of the Colts was like one of us getting a oil change at Mc Quiks  common sense . Until Tobin arrived the Colts were floundering .    He's a tweeter & a twit & good owner but as a GM I was not impressed .

Ya, like I said. He enough sense to take himself out of the GM role. The thing I have been so impressed with his hiring practices. He also was the driving force behind bringing in Tony Dungy.

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Ya, like I said. He enough sense to take himself out of the GM role. The thing I have been so impressed with his hiring practices. He also was the driving force behind bringing in Tony Dungy.


Yes he was at the time of his hiring I thought great we finally get a coach who will fix the defense - still waiting  once again when they hired Chuck Pagano I though finally the defense will catch up to the offense & Maurice Jones Drew & every other RB who gets woody every time they hear the Colt D is who they'll face . The Jags lit up the D with what 275 yards rushing in 1 game it makes you sick year after year .


2013  its about time to field a defense that won't roll over & play dead , PM put up a lot of points while a Colt in many games only to watch the D fold , In the Andrew Luck era this cannot happen .

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let's see, he was a horrible gm! he made one great decision, hiring bp. time will tell on this gm. like previously posted ,the luck thing was pure luck and i don't think he handled the manning part well.


he is not even close to being the smartest football ban in the business!!!

1. He realized he wasn't and made a good decision hiring Polian when he did.


2. He made the right decision firing Polian when many of us knew the whole thing had run its course.


Owners don't need to BE good football men....they just need to be able to recognize them. They also need to support them, and do right by the city they do business in.


Jim Irsay passes that test with an A+++

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Yes he was at the time of his hiring I thought great we finally get a coach who will fix the defense - still waiting  once again when they hired Chuck Pagano I though finally the defense will catch up to the offense & Maurice Jones Drew & every other RB who gets woody every time they hear the Colt D is who they'll face . The Jags lit up the D with what 275 yards rushing in 1 game it makes you sick year after year .


2013  its about time to field a defense that won't roll over & play dead , PM put up a lot of points while a Colt in many games only to watch the D fold , In the Andrew Luck era this cannot happen .

I agree with you for the most part. But, I remember many a playoff game where Peyton and the offense really struggled and the defense held the oppenent in check. It was a 2 way street. Sure the run defense in the Dungy era was not good. What we did have though, was a great pass rush and when Sanders was healthy we had a defense to be reckoned with.

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let's see, he was a horrible gm! he made one great decision, hiring bp. time will tell on this gm. like previously posted ,the luck thing was pure luck and i don't think he handled the manning part well.


he is not even close to being the smartest football ban in the business!!!

He isn't perfect but we could have Dan Snyder, Jerry Jones, Mike Brown...the list goes on. Irsay has made a number of smart decisions not just the one to hire BP. Read the article in the Indystar. BP wanted to trade Peyton in 2004 out of frustration over the contract negotiations and Irsay said absolutely not.


As for this GM. he's already been named Exec of the year and although 1 year does not a legacy make it was a pretty tough situation he walked into and came out smelling like a rose. He put together a very good draft and put some free agents on the team that played well when no one else gave them a chance at all to play let alone be starters.


My point is, Irsay knows good people. And the mark of any good manager to put good people around him.

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If he is, it is because he is smart enough to realize he is not the smartest football man in the business. Irsay is smart enough to leave evaluation and personnel moves to better football minds. However, he is also smart enough to understand what decisions fall on his shoulders; and he handles them well.

Exactly, unlike Jerry Jones in Dallas, Jim Irsay knows when to contribute & when to shut up, stay out of the way, & trust his coaching staff. Well said ColtJ82!  :thmup:

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As I stated before. There were plenty of games where the offense sputtered and if not for the defense we wouldnt even had been in some playoff games.


You can't fault Polian too much our 2009 defense featured 3 pro bowlers" Freeney, Mathis, Bethea. It also had Gary Brackett. It also had some talent in players such as Clint Session, Melvin Bullitt who played well that season, Kelvin Hayden etc. Let us now wander into the "what if" territory had Bob Sanders been able to stay healthy....Lots of things are just ouf of your control.

One of the best owners for sure.


But not one of the smartest, otherwise he'd have interceeded to force Polian to get a decent enough defense to win another SB.

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I would argue the fact that Irsay knows he isn't the smartest football guy in the business is one of the things that makes him the best owners in all of sports.  He's done a great job putting people who truly know football in charge of the front office and recognizing when those men had run their course and didn't hesitate to make a change if he felt it was time to go in a new direction. 


Irsay took over as owner more or less in 1995 and the Colts have only missed the playoffs four times since then.  As fans that means we have a had a high quality team year in and year out and I know people might want a few more championships but there isn't much more you could ask for from the owner. 

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I would put it into the context of the Irsay family owning the Colts as a whole. From 1972 to 2012, a span of 40 years, the Irsay family has brought home one Super Bowl Championship to the combined Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts. The Irsay legacy is certainly better than the Bidwell family, but pales in comparison to the Rooneys, Krafts, and even the deservedly mailigned Jerry Jones.


Has Jimmy done a better job than Bob Irsay, obviously. However, he lost valuable time as a bad GM, until finally hiring a good football man in Bill Polian. You can't say the Irsay's have been given bad breaks with drafting quarterbacks. Bob drafted John Elway, and despite Ernie Accorsi begging him not to trade him because he was bluffing about playing baseball, Irsay dealt him anyway. They drafted Peyton Manning, which was the right move and credit should be given, but they failed to surround him with enough good players, and got only one Championship, and another Super Bowl trip. In my opinion, Peyton Manning was the top quarterback of the decade, and top three all time. More Championships should have been won.


I will admit letting Peyton go, and drafting Luck was a bold move, and certainly it paid off this season. The book hasn't been written on this one yet, so the jury is out. Jimmy, as an owner recently, has gotten them into alot of playoffs, but only 2 Super Bowls with Peyton was a bit disappointing.


As a final epilogue, Jimmy has elevated the Colts from the bottom of ownership families under his father Bob, to a place maybe between five and ten. Based on this track record, I wouldn't say he's the smartest in the business, but he is getting smarter.

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Great Post Crow

They drafted Peyton Manning, which was the right move and credit should be given, but they failed to surround him with enough good players, and got only one Championship, and another Super Bowl trip. In my opinion, Peyton Manning was the top quarterback of the decade, and top three all time. More Championships should have been won.


All Colts fans agree with this & IMO the franchise knows it I don't look for history to repeat it self , The problem with paying so much on offense is it just don't leave enough for the defense IMO plus I don't think the defensive coaches we'v had the last decade were very good . That is why I'm pumped about Pagano I feel he can coach up talent something that prior staffs could not do .


Watching Luck in college was like watching Manning only better so similar but ahead of 18 coming into the league IMO .

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Great Post Crow

They drafted Peyton Manning, which was the right move and credit should be given, but they failed to surround him with enough good players, and got only one Championship, and another Super Bowl trip. In my opinion, Peyton Manning was the top quarterback of the decade, and top three all time. More Championships should have been won.


All Colts fans agree with this & IMO the franchise knows it I don't look for history to repeat it self , The problem with paying so much on offense is it just don't leave enough for the defense IMO plus I don't think the defensive coaches we'v had the last decade were very good . That is why I'm pumped about Pagano I feel he can coach up talent something that prior staffs could not do .


Watching Luck in college was like watching Manning only better so similar but ahead of 18 coming into the league IMO .



Everybody likes Coach Chuck. The Ravens had the opposite problem usually, with the defense costing more than the offense. With the salary cap, it's hard to be balanced on both ends of the ball. For the record, I like the Colts pick of Luck over RG3. I think this read-option with RG3, Kapernick, Wilson etc. is flawed, because it leaves your most valuably commodity , the quarterback, open to injury. Just ask RG3 after Ngata intoduced himself to him. I will take a good pocket quarterback anyday, because of the longevity in a passing league. All those guys are good quarterbacks, but the offenses they are running expose these guys to injury. Guys like Luck, Flacco, and Ryan are always good picks.

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