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RG3 has a partial tore ACL and LCL


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Took a peak at the Skins forums and nobody seems to really know what the true story is yet.....


Right now they're probably all denying that anything even happened to RGIII...just a bad dream. However, once the results are released I'm sure they'll move to anger (and probably run Shanahan out of town). After he's gone they'll start praying to their respective deities and then they'll get depressed once they realize RGIII will never been the same. Finally, they'll accept their fate towards the back of the line in the NFC again. 


Let's hope I'm wrong.

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Right now they're probably all denying that anything even happened to RGIII...just a bad dream. However, once the results are released I'm sure they'll move to anger (and probably run Shanahan out of town). After he's gone they'll start praying to their respective deities and then they'll get depressed once they realize RGIII will never been the same. Finally, they'll accept their fate towards the back of the line in the NFC again. 


Let's hope I'm wrong.


way to go through the five stages of death haha

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It's really hard to estimate a time table for return because of the diversity of modern medicine. Back in the 1990s it was uncommon to use a cadaver tendon for a graft, and considering that its initial purpose IS as a tendon, it is a much more effective surgery. They also didn't have the same types of rehabilitation programs and technology that they do today, and certainly not stem cell therapy, which was part of AP's rehab.

If I had to guess he'll be back by June-July.

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Right now they're probably all denying that anything even happened to RGIII...just a bad dream. However, once the results are released I'm sure they'll move to anger (and probably run Shanahan out of town). After he's gone they'll start praying to their respective deities and then they'll get depressed once they realize RGIII will never been the same. Finally, they'll accept their fate towards the back of the line in the NFC again. 


Let's hope I'm wrong.


They started at anger, there was no denial.

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Hoping he didn't also hurt the mcl!

Tendon tears and injuries vary SO much depending on every little thing, its almost impossible to predict. It is obviously not an itty bitty tear more than likely since they are quickly operating. Often times they first try rehab before jumping the ship.

If his ACL is torn, that cannot be good. Isn't that what he hurt in college? If it is, and same knee, it's obviously an area that is very weak compared to most.

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i wish him well and a speedy recovery . . . maybe this setback will be a blessing in disguise, maybe the team and RGIII will curtail his running and have him stay in the pocket more and just be a threat at just key moments in the game/year . . .

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i wish him well and a speedy recovery . . . maybe this setback will be a blessing in disguise, maybe the team and RGIII will curtail his running and have him stay in the pocket more and just be a threat at just key moments in the game/year . . .

aka steve grogan;-)


I'll still take Luck or a good pocket passer over RG anyday.


Only one running QB has survived a full ordeal...Randall Cunningham.

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Maybe it will cause them to plummet to 2-14 leading to a cleaning of house and the number 1 pick in 2014 drafting another quarterback and releasing him. Do I need to say sarcasm?


no the rams would be the first pick if that would happen

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Back in the 1990s it was uncommon to use a cadaver tendon for a graft, and considering that its initial purpose IS as a tendon, it is a much more effective surgery.

Dr. Andrews actually used a graph from Peterson's patellar tendon when he did the surgery. The patellar tendon is a lot stronger than the existing internal knee ligaments which is why more and more they're going this route. Assuming the surgery goes well, the major aspect of recovery is typically mental.

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The ACL is indeed torn according to Chris Mortensen. They are telling him he will be ready for the opener next year. Seems very optimistic to me.


Yeah read it is a torn ACL/LCL.


Best of luck to him in his recovery this offseason. Ouch.

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This is tough Luck. That said, you sometimes reap what you sow. There is no way the boy should have being playing in the second half, and potentially the game. He was no where near 100% when he came back after his game out. The fact that they could stop him returning to the game where he he first got his knee injured tells us they do not have a clue. If they weren't sure about him being on the field they should have called a time out and brought him off and checked him over.


He is too valuable to his franchise to be playing on one leg. Shame on you Redskins.


I hope he makes a full recovery...the game is better with him in it.


I really don't think this is hindsight. They were desperate.

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Read on twitter he'll be out six to eight months.  If it's of any comfort to Redskin fans I would bet on the six months.  RG3 seems like the kind of guy who will do whatever he has to get back as soon as he can.  I hate to see any player get hurt so I hope he comes back as good as he was before he went down. 

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Read on twitter he'll be out six to eight months.  If it's of any comfort to Redskin fans I would bet on the six months.  RG3 seems like the kind of guy who will do whatever he has to get back as soon as he can.  I hate to see any player get hurt so I hope he comes back as good as he was before he went down. 

I have no doubt in my mind RGIII and RGII will be going at it 24/7 in order to recover as fast as possible.

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Robert Griffin III has torn ACL, LCL; will undergo surgery on Wednesday

There is a video report & more to story Re rehab etc than i noted, though I had no time to view video



This is after the consultaion with Andrews in Florida


Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III will undergo surgery on Wednesday for a torn anterior cruciate ligament and torn lateral collateral ligamentaccording to ESPN.com's Chris Mortensen.


The diagnosis was made late Tuesday of a complete tear of the patella graft used to repair his torn ACL that occurred in 2009 at Baylor, according to Mortensen.


Griffin will undergo a total reconstruction of the right knee

and is expected to

need six-to-eight months of recovery, barring any setbacksaccording to Mortensen.


Griffin's recovery time, if on the long end, would put his availability for the Redskins' 2013 training camp into question, although Mortensen reports that sources told him that Griffin should "be ready to open the season in September."



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Unfortunate that he got injured. I hope he's ready for the opener like Mortensen says. Its really kind of strange because the kid is really a victim of his own freakish athleticism and determination. He has all the skills to be a prolific passer, but if he was only a tad slower, his coaches might not have been so willing to give him a license to scramble at will. I still think, given the right targets, RGIII can post big numbers from the pocket... hopefully the Skins alter their gameplan... they did practically sell the farm to get this kid.

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This is the second time he's tore the same knee up and needed reconstructive surgery. Certainly does not bode well for his future on that knee. They will need to get rid of the read option and the pistol to ensure that this kid has any kind of of future in the league, the only thing about that is, they take that out of their offense and they become just any other offense and RG3 is just any other QB.

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He is still in surgery at this moment so until the doctors come out and say exactly what was done I still take all pre-surgery speculation with a major grain of salt!       What has been reported that it would be "total" knee reconstruction.    THAT very well could be career ending!  Time will tell....


Personally had complete tears of both ACL and LCL 9 years ago and still to this day have plenty of issues with my knee - course I didn't have the best of the best doing the surgery just some small town hack.

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This is very disappointing news. Even though he wears a different uniform he is just entertaining to watch and seems like a great guy. I hope it was worth making the playoffs to Shanahan to possibly lose RG3 for the entire season. RG3 had no business being out there in the second half and probably should have been resting leading up to the playoffs.

If it is any consolation to the Redskins fans RG3 seems to be the type of guy that will bust his butt and will come back even stronger.

The Shanahans will have to work this offseason to figure out a way to minimize the hits on him and use the doctors instead of listening to the player when it comes to injuries.

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He is still in surgery at this moment so until the doctors come out and say exactly what was done I still take all pre-surgery speculation with a major grain of salt!       What has been reported that it would be "total" knee reconstruction.    THAT very well could be career ending!  Time will tell....


Personally had complete tears of both ACL and LCL 9 years ago and still to this day have plenty of issues with my knee - course I didn't have the best of the best doing the surgery just some small town hack.


sorry to hear about your knee, I can tell u indeed much depends on the surgeons hands, I bought a surgical practice on the cheap as I knew the Dr had to leave town and needed someone of my ability and Guts to do , that is fix all his mistakes risking if a suit occurred i would be dragged in,. luckily all worked quite well, Put it this way , my first week in practice had 5 ankles of his to redo, thats unheard of for a starting surgeon without any associates


Unfortunately i only worked 6 years till i became totally disabled


Best of Luck to u

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This is the second time he's tore the same knee up and needed reconstructive surgery. Certainly does not bode well for his future on that knee. They will need to get rid of the read option and the pistol to ensure that this kid has any kind of of future in the league, the only thing about that is, they take that out of their offense and they become just any other offense and RG3 is just any other QB.


I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to point this out to you guys but we could run the pistol successfully with Drew Bledsoe or Byron Leftwich in at QB.  QB mobility has nothing to do with running that formation.


I should also probably point out for the billionth time that every time Griffin has been hurt it was on passing plays, not off of the zone read.  You don't have to worry about the playcall as much as you do Griffin being smarter about when it's time to go down.

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I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to point this out to you guys but we could run the pistol successfully with Drew Bledsoe or Byron Leftwich in at QB.  QB mobility has nothing to do with running that formation.


I should also probably point out for the billionth time that every time Griffin has been hurt it was on passing plays, not off of the zone read.  You don't have to worry about the playcall as much as you do Griffin being smarter about when it's time to go down.




Well, I guess were just going to have to continue to disagree. Sure they could run the pistol with any ole' QB, but it's obvious its much more successful with a running mobile QB.



 All I'm saying, is that it would be a cosmically stupid idea to continue to run the same style offense when RG3 comes back. They can say all they want to about the health of RG3's knee in the future, but this is the 2nd time his knee has had to have reconstructive surgery and there is just absolutely no way that knee will ever be the same.

BTW, when he initially hurt his knee, it was when he was running, Don't know if it was a designed passing play or not, but the fact remains that he took off running and got tattoo'd in the knee. If he or the skins think, he's going to be able to come back and make the cuts and run as fast as he ever did after the 2nd reconstructive surgery in 3 yrs., they are sorely mistaken. This is going to force him to become a pocket passer that only runs when it is absolutely necessary. 
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