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Props to Donnie Avery


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Avery stepped up big sunday as well as last week but, against the Vikings he was huge. He seems to be open all the time. I think we will get some long touchdowns from him as he seems to be real good at getting past the defense downfield as he and Luck get better timing we should be getting some long TD'S. I was also suprised by how tough he seems to be he has taken some pretty good shots the last two weeks and bounced right back up.Another good off season signing by Grigson. Avery, Redding and Freeman all seem to be working out well for the COLTS.

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Avery stepped up big sunday as well as last week but, against the Vikings he was huge. He seems to be open all the time. I think we will get some long touchdowns from him as he seems to be real good at getting past the defense downfield as he and Luck get better timing we should be getting some long TD'S. I was also suprised by how tough he seems to be he has taken some pretty good shots the last two weeks and bounced right back up.Another good off season signing by Grigson. Avery, Redding and Freeman all seem to be working out well for the COLTS.

Good call JACK....

He grabbed everything...ran from scrimmage..would've had a TD if Luck hand underthrown a long one...

Avery is a solid speedy threat and if we ever get Collie back with Reggie.....we can slice up the D with veteran hands and fast feet

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I think some of the better educated on the game will have some input here, but from my modest position, I think Wayne actually gave Avery the ability to get open. If I am not mistaken, Reggie kept Windfield busy most of the day. I think that took their #1 corner away and left Avery to get open against the weaker defender. At least that is how I am seeing it. I could be very wrong, anyone????? Buehler.......Buehler?????? LOL

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We do have a lot of weapons...it stinks that the whole receiving corps can't be utilized due to a faltering O-Line...but this is what I believe, the OLine will get their stuff together and when they do, its going to be amazing...I can see Allen and Fleener making big plays along with Reggie, Donnie, TY and Adams....We are the youngest team in the league...I think we will look better later on in the season

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I think some of the better educated on the game will have some input here, but from my modest position, I think Wayne actually gave Avery the ability to get open. If I am not mistaken, Reggie kept Windfield busy most of the day. I think that took their #1 corner away and left Avery to get open against the weaker defender. At least that is how I am seeing it. I could be very wrong, anyone????? Buehler.......Buehler?????? LOL

I agree, the Vikings dont have a very strong secondary, so if you have only one solid guy that will happen...the same will happen in Jacksonville. Luck should be able to exploit the middle with the TE's and Avery should have another good game...

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Hopefully this here kills all the thoughts of wanting to bring in another WR in the offseason whether it be FA or draftee. They may be small but I think we are seeing our own version of what the Steelers are using right now. SPEED! Sure it would be great to have a freak like AJ, Bowe, or Megatron, but we are getting great production out of these guys now without the huge contract. These guys can play and as has been said once Luck gets a little more time in the pocket these guys are going to take off.

I like our Smurfs :td:

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I think some of the better educated on the game will have some input here, but from my modest position, I think Wayne actually gave Avery the ability to get open. If I am not mistaken, Reggie kept Windfield busy most of the day. I think that took their #1 corner away and left Avery to get open against the weaker defender. At least that is how I am seeing it. I could be very wrong, anyone????? Buehler.......Buehler?????? LOL

No doubt that's true..... technically......I'm sure the Vikes watched the week one tape and said we better get on Regghie and Coby

......but Reggie didnt catch the ball for Avery...nine times..and run twice for 7 yards

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No doubt that's true..... technically......I'm sure the Vikes watched the week one tape and said we better get on Regghie and Coby

......but Reggie didnt catch the ball for Avery...nine times..and run twice for 7 yards

Please do not mistake my comment. Avery played very well and I am very happy to have him. I was just stating the fact, Reggie didn't have many catches and I believe his primary role in this game was to keep Winfield busy. That is all. You are absolutely correct, Avery made a great play on the reverse, and got himself open, and made the catches. Yes, Avery deserves the credit for these things and i am very excited to have him on the team. I was excited when we signed him, I was just reflecting that Reggie didn't have a big "catches" game, and the reason why I believe he didn't. :D

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I do not feel that the long ball to Avery was under thrown. Avery is just so freaky fast that he out ran it. The timeing between he and Luck will come with practice. That same ball to Reggie or Austin would have landed in outstreched palms for a TD :)

I agree with this. Once Luck gets a feel for Avery's speed he will know where he needs to throw it and how far he needs to lead him. A lot of people seem to forget that these guys still don't have a lot of time together. The practice time they have together is different from the game speed so it will take time for them to learn each others nuance's in gametime speed.

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...if we ever get Collie back with Reggie.....we can slice up the D with veteran hands and fast feet

I hate that it is this way but people are eventually going to have to let go of the Collie dream. He will get hurt again. We cannot build around/expect/depend on His presence. It is a very unfortunate situation because he is such a good receiver.

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Avery was getting open in the Bears game too but one underthrown ball led to an INT and the rest of the time, people were in Luck's face that he could not see beyond the short routes. :) This game, he had relatively better protection that he could connect deep a little more with Avery down the field.

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i think he can be a huge part of our offense, kind of like a Collie. Collie is a massive part of the Colts offense and so I think Avery will be but he will have up and down games depending on who is all over his behind and things like that. certain corners are VERY problematic for him and when Luck picks up on that, he will shut him out (Black ball hime) of the offense game plan.

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I gotta say I was definitely surprised by Avery, I knew nothing about him before this season except that the word was he was injury prone. Nice to see someone besides Wayne stepping up!

"Word" that he is injury prone is just patently wrong. One MAJOR injury, then getting dinged up in preseason and held out of a couple meaningless preseason games as a precaution is by no means evidence that a player is injury prone. It took him 2 seasons to get fully back from his one injury. This is essentially his 3rd fully healthy season in the NFL... Breakout time!!!

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i think he can be a huge part of our offense, kind of like a Collie. Collie is a massive part of the Colts offense and so I think Avery will be but he will have up and down games depending on who is all over his behind and things like that. certain corners are VERY problematic for him and when Luck picks up on that, he will shut him out (Black ball hime) of the offense game plan.

What are you trying to say?

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"Word" that he is injury prone is just patently wrong. One MAJOR injury, then getting dinged up in preseason and held out of a couple meaningless preseason games as a precaution is by no means evidence that a player is injury prone. It took him 2 seasons to get fully back from his one injury. This is essentially his 3rd fully healthy season in the NFL... Breakout time!!!

Who was that saying Avery was injury prone? Begins with G and ends in............oh never mind......I do not want to be punushed again.

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Who was that saying Avery was injury prone? Begins with G and ends in............oh never mind......I do not want to be punushed again.

And I got on G - oh never mind's case about it several times over the summer... But sometimes it helps to wait for things to unfold and start to prove your point. In fairness, Avery could possibly get injured at some point, and "prove" G's point, too. I hope not!

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For all the talk from G- um, people, about Avery being injury prone, I started to believe it a bit, but he's taken some big hits this season and jumped straight back up. He is, however, very injury prone on Madden which is a pain in the bum.

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And I got on G - oh never mind's case about it several times over the summer... But sometimes it helps to wait for things to unfold and start to prove your point. In fairness, Avery could possibly get injured at some point, and "prove" G's point, too. I hope not!

Avery could be injured but from what I have seen he is a tuff SOB.

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Avery was good because Wayne took a lot of pressure off him, just like Garcon was good because Reggie took pressure off him.

Avery had a great day and it shows to a lot of people that he still has a lot of talent to bring to the table. And it shows to him that he can come back from a serious injury

People used to say that about Wayne when he played on the other side of Marvin. Once Reggie lost Marvin people finally started to figure out Reggie is just good. I am not saying Avery is going to be as good as Reggie Wayne is but the man did have two 100 yard catch seasons with the Rams before he ever got to Indianapolis. He got let go because of injuries not because it was a question of talent, like you said he has a lot of talent. He's a good player if he can stay healthy and if he does him and Redding are going to be two major signings by Grigson this off-season.
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People used to say that about Wayne when he played on the other side of Marvin. Once Reggie lost Marvin people finally started to figure out Reggie is just good. I am not saying Avery is going to be as good as Reggie Wayne is but the man did have two 100 yard catch seasons with the Rams before he ever got to Indianapolis. He got let go because of injuries not because it was a question of talent, like you said he has a lot of talent. He's a good player if he can stay healthy and if he does him and Redding are going to be two major signings by Grigson this off-season.

Grigson is starting to look like a genius with these two signings, even if it is early in the year. If both those guys keep it up along with Freeman. And Tommy, Vontae, Justice, Satele, and McGlynn can come together. Grigs should get GM of the year

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