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What do you miss as a Colt's fan?


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Me personally it's the shoe being on prime time. Man I couldn't wait for Sunday or Monday night games!! I used to get so hyped when it came on hearing the intro theme music with the Colt's highlight reel playing in the background. Boy do I miss the Manning and Luck days when the Colts were a staple on prime time! The Thursday night games were cool but we usually played a division foe that took a beat down. Lol

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46 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

The decibel level in the Hoosier Dome. 

after SB celebrations me and my family decided to skip out on the parade out of fear of not getting into the dome. Found out later they had to turn people away at the doors. It was so loud in there you could only feel the screams leave your body. That place was rocking. 

to OP, I miss a lot of things about the Peyton era, but I’ll go with one less talked about. I miss Bob Sanders and and his effect on the defense. I miss Tony Dungy and his always punt/kick the field goal ways. 

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More Games in Germany 🤣

No, for real, the home is LOS and it's good the way it is.


What I miss are probably the playoffs. 

Nothing more thrilling than playing in must win games.


But good times come and go. Gives you strong emotions. That's why we love the game.

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One of the weirdest reasons I became a Colts fan...


I would watch football with my parents, mom was a cowboys fan so naturally I became a cowboys fan too around like 1998 when they started free-falling lol. Anyways, Watching their games was pathetic, every 3rd down just seemed inevitable that they would punt. 


When I started watching Colts games, because I had Peyton on one of my 1st fantasy teams. I remember thinking "man this team doesn't care if it's 3rd down, they just convert it and keep going"


Thats what I miss.. how easy it was for the offense to convert. Now it feels like Christmas, especially this year. 

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I miss having a potential 8 hall of fame players on the field on the same time.  Knowing that what you are watching is one of those things that only comes around for your home team once in a lifetime.

(QB Manning, RB James, WR Harrison, WR Wayne, C Saturday, DE Freeney, DE Mathis, K Vinatieri)

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11 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

The decibel level in the Hoosier Dome. 


Yeah it used to be so loud in there especially when they started stomping on the steel benches in the upper levels on 3rd down for opposing teams. Man!!! Think about it the decibel level was so high that the Colts used to be accused of piping sound through the speaker system. Lol

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11 hours ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

I miss Tony Dungy and his always punt/kick the field goal ways. 


This comment is so underrated and I'm glad someone else brought this up.  Furthermore, Tony even did that while having a great QB.  Reich and SS were overly aggressive on 4th downs and/or long FGs.  A punt to pin a team deep isn't the worse thing...even if it goes in the EZ, they only get it at the 20.  Also, there's nothing wrong with kicking a FG.  I understand if it's 4th and goal at the 1 yard line, but otherwise, kick the damn FG and escape with 3 points as our offense isn't a well-oiled machine anymore.  I've been yelling at the tv for the past 5 or 6 years when the head coach gets too aggressive in these situations.  Keep it simple stupid!

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1 hour ago, MarylandTerrapin said:


This comment is so underrated and I'm glad someone else brought this up.  Furthermore, Tony even did that while having a great QB.  Reich and SS were overly aggressive on 4th downs and/or long FGs.  A punt to pin a team deep isn't the worse thing...even if it goes in the EZ, they only get it at the 20.  Also, there's nothing wrong with kicking a FG.  I understand if it's 4th and goal at the 1 yard line, but otherwise, kick the damn FG and escape with 3 points as our offense isn't a well-oiled machine anymore.  I've been yelling at the tv for the past 5 or 6 years when the head coach gets too aggressive in these situations.  Keep it simple stupid!

yeah how many games would we have won had we kicked FGs? Too many.  

if Dungy wasn’t like that, we probably lose to the ravens in the playoffs the year we won the SB. 

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2 hours ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

yeah how many games would we have won had we kicked FGs? Too many.  

if Dungy wasn’t like that, we probably lose to the ravens in the playoffs the year we won the SB. 


Yeah...if you noticed, we've left a lot of points on the field during the Reich and SS era.  Would've made the difference in a bunch of close games.

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Coming to this Forum for Colt information but mostly have to read about how Ballard should be fired, we have no talent, we only won Sunday because the Bears are terrible and JJ only got defense player of the week because it was against the Bears and a rookie QB, etc.  


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    • Again I think you are kind of twisting what I said.  Not all..but some.    First, I laid out in very basic math and logic how much time would have been left on the clock if the Colts had run the ball out, run 3 plays, the Bears call one timeout, and then the Colts punted.  In fact I was being kind of generous in regard to how much time would have actually been left.  If you figure 5-8 seconds per play.  Refs have to spot the ball.  Restart the play clock.  Punt.   It comes out to around 10 seconds.  Every time.  I am still not sure why you do not acknowledge that?  It is like saying 1 +1 does not = 2.  Simple math.    Second my exact quote when I was questioned on it was this...   "Should he be fired over this one decision alone?  No.  But if he keeps making mistakes like this like he is starting to develop a pattern of?  Although none so far have been this blatantly bad....then yes it should be a major red flag in regards to how prepared SS has this team on a day to day, a week to week, and a year to year basis."   In other words if he keeps making these same simple in game mistakes?  He should be fired.  With this singular call being the icing on the cake.   He should not be from this single call alone, but kind of a tip of the iceberg moment IF these things keep happening.   And I will be honest, the more SS coaches the more and more I get Frank Reich vibes. 
    • A sad lot hangs here. #1 he was 100% at catching the ball. Two turnovers A+ He was right where he needed to be to make a huge play.   The difference between Leonard being All-Pro and a marginal pro bowler.  Again, let's judge him for the season, particularly in December.  Any of you whiney genius's have a clue how often Jalen Ramsey gets burned? Nooo.
    • How is Will Levis doing, the guy you wanted. 
    • Have not been a fan of CB since maybe his second year here.  I think he is kind of a narcissist. Big ego.  I hated his quote about if he gets fired for his views than so be it.  Sounded like he almost wanted to be fired tbh.  Do not like his philosophy of low skilled position players like the O line and D line being a priority, but kind of forgoing the higher end skilled position players.  The players that win games.   Especially in FA.  That being said he has drafted more towards that recently with AR, Latu, and Mitchell.   (BTW Latu...please get a haircut.....your present cut does nothing for you...nor does the color haha)   As far as Gus?  I am ambivalent.  If he has the proper players to work with his D can do......ok.   If he doesn't have the players?  His D is very very bad.  I think the Colts fit into that first category.  Nothing great.  Nothing horrible.   I would love to see him go away though.    
    • He only signed a one year deal. When they traded for Fields I think it was with the hope he would be the starter.
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