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Jim Irsay ill

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24 minutes ago, DougDew said:

You seem to be encouraging us to build a perceived sense of self-importance,  that because we are on a Colts forum, we are somehow closer to the Irsay's and need to express some sort of sensitivity.  We're not close to him and his family, and we are not like circling vultures trying to decide who will get the lamp and who gets the washer and dryer.


I'm a fan and I care about the future of the Colts.  To me, ownership simply is a function of that.  

You’re entitled to whatever view you want, but some of us (most of us?) realize there are no good teams without good ownership.  It starts at the top.  And for the last 25 years the Colts are the 4th winningest franchise.  That’s not an accident.  Irsay hired Polian, Grigson and Ballard.   Great leadership starts at the top.  

And fans appreciate all that Irsay has done for the greater Indianapolis community.  Not all owners are as involved as Irsay is. 

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1 hour ago, IrsaysArmy said:

You’re probably right. He’s hurting a lot of people with his actions though. He has unlimited resources to get help since addiction is treatable, yet he chooses not to.

Exactly, if Jim Irsay didn’t fall * backwards into Peyton Manning, he’d be known as a complete diaster of an owner. 

Why is your name is IrsaysArmy? That would lead one to think that you are supportive of Irsay. Your comments here and afterwards are not indicative of that at all.






I will say, if the team is using the respiratory issues as an excuse to cover for the OD, it wouldn't be a surprise to me, nor the 1st time it was used.


Artist spoke of his own struggles and this excuse being used for him when he OD'd.



See, me and you, we almost had the same outcome, Heath(ledger)(OD'd)

'Cause that Christmas, you know the whole pneumonia thing?

It was bologna, was it the methadone, ya think?

Or the hydrocodone you hide inside your por***?

Your VCR tape cases, with your Ambien CR

Great places to hide 'em, ain't it? So you can lie to Hailie

I'm going beddy-bye, Whitney, baby, good night, Alaina

Go in the room and shut the bedroom door

And wake up in an ambulance

They said they found me on the bathroom floor



38 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Here’s the thing, it may not have been an actual OD. We don’t know. But there’s evidence that mixing certain drugs can have the same effect as an OD even if he was taking them as prescribed. Problem is, there’s not many studies out that that show how drugs can interact with each other inside the body. So while it’s most likely a self inflicted issue, it’s plausible it might not be. 

Good post, mixed drug cocktails(prescription, not even illegal drugs)/ addiction, have taken so many people. 



Also, something else is once you build up a tolerance, you need to take more and more just for them to work. I had a bad hydrocodone problem in the late 90's. My mom had access too hundreds(multiple) of them and it was easy access for me. Got to a point I was taking 7-10 750mg Vicodin at a time.


Shortly after that, I had to quit cold turkey, I knew I was on a bad path(luckily for me, I was able to stop). I don't even take Tylenol or Ibuprofen very often(maybe 5 a year at most).(now, as I sit here revisiting the past, I feel as I need to call up an old friend and apologize, as I now feel that my access to them, was what got him on the road to where he ended up being later in life(addiction/prescription fraud), to the point I only send birthday regards)



Be careful everyone, just because something is prescribed by a doctor, doesn't mean it can't kill you.


In fact a lot of prescription drugs warn of that very consequence, but people think they are OK, because they are prescribed it. 


It definitely is better than the illegal kind, where you don't know what is in it. 




Get well soon Irsay. Respiratory or Rehab, it doesn't matter(none of our business), just take care of yourself and we'll see you soon.




Side Bar: I wish the media outlets would get their story straight, some say he was found in bed, some say bathroom?

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14 minutes ago, w87r said:

Why is your name is IrsaysArmy? That would lead one to think that you are supportive of Irsay. Your comments here and afterwards are not indicative of that at all.






I will say, if the team is using the respiratory issues as an excuse to cover for the OD, it wouldn't be a surprise to me, nor the 1st time it was used.


Artist spoke of his own struggles and this excuse being used for him when he OD'd.




Good post, mixed drug cocktails(prescription, not even illegal drugs)/ addiction, have taken so many people. 



Also, something else is once you build up a tolerance, you need to take more and more just for them to work. I had a bad hydrocodone problem in the late 90's. My mom had access too hundreds(multiple) of them and it was easy access for me. Got to a point I was taking 7-10 750mg Vicodin at a time.


Shortly after that, I had to quit cold turkey, I knew I was on a bad path(luckily for me, I was able to stop). I don't even take Tylenol or Ibuprofen very often(maybe 5 a year at most).(now, as I sit here revisiting the past, I feel as I need to call up an old friend and apologize, as I now feel that my access to them, was what got him on the road to where he ended up being later in life(addiction/prescription fraud), to the point I only send birthday regards)



Be careful everyone, just because something is prescribed by a doctor, doesn't mean it can't kill you.


In fact a lot of prescription drugs warn of that very consequence, but people think they are OK, because they are prescribed it. 


It definitely is better than the illegal kind, where you don't know what is in it. 




Get well soon Irsay. Respiratory or Rehab, it doesn't matter(none of our business), just take care of yourself and we'll see you soon.




Side Bar: I wish the media outlets would get their story straight, some say he was found in bed, some say bathroom?

The police report is public and says found in bathroom but moved to bed. Which makes no sense

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

People have no idea what they are talking about so let them have it. SMH. Did anyone watch the Steelers game? They showed him there walking around.


Its too bad he's not dating Kelce or they would have showed him a dozen times..:funny:

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1 hour ago, husker61 said:

Should close this thread, nothing good is going to come from debating addictions. 

, hear it goes.


Its comical to read some of the responses, both harsh towards Irsay and kind.  I have been friends with many addiction doctors and nurses who work in clinics.... in Indy.  20 years of conversation here...from an unemotional clinical perspective. Not from a class room.....which tend to follow a narrative and is smattered with agendas.   Not from maybe the biased perspective of a one-time addict.

  • Your expression of sympathy towards the addict does nothing.  If anything, it just makes him sadder that he's hurting your feelings, and sadness doesn't help the addict, who is already ashamed of his problem.  Expressing sympathy merely helps YOU feel good, emotional decompression after hearing bad news.   Unsympathy, with a threat to kick his * would be a more effective response.
  • When a long time addict tells you he's clean, 100% assume he's lying through his teeth, right in front of your face.  Coming from a press release or an interview doesn't make it more truthful.
  • The rehab process and medical detox's only go so far.  Most of the long time addicts enter rehab because they know their body is on the edge of breaking down.  They know its time.  They get the chemicals administered.  They get time away from access.  Then they go right back to taking the substances when they leave.
  • They think they can manage their addiction themselves, by managing their substances.  Especially administering the "detox's" (to mimic what they saw at the clinic).   They oftentimes get into trouble when they manage their situation poorly.
  • Clinics, the addict's money, and YOUR money won't fix the addict.  He needs to fix it himself, at its root.  Usually its a life-changing event that does it.  Some women get clean when they get pregnant, for example, out of new obligations that are bigger than themselves;  Your sympathy, sadness, and tears are not life changing events for the addict and provide little motivation.  Neither is kicking them out, or divorce...for many.
  • And the clinics and rehab process is very helpful for people like that.  Those institutions are wonderful assets for our society.  So please donate to these institutions if you can.  But don't for a minute think they do much for the life long addict like Irsay, who is rich enough to be isolated from direct obligations to others.  He's got plenty of people to run his business and his life, so he only has to focus on his personal motivations.

Other things to say, but those are the points relevant to the discussion.

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4 hours ago, csmopar said:

I’ll say this caveat though. While the drugs themselves can’t cause respiratory illnesses, they can lower ones immune system thus making the person more vulnerable to such infections.


that said, it’s none of our business and we just need to keep Irsay and his family in our thoughts and prayers. 


Being a chronic drug user for decades certainly contributes to declining health and ability to fight off illnesses. 

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32 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

You’re entitled to whatever view you want, but some of us (most of us?) realize there are no good teams without good ownership.  It starts at the top.  And for the last 25 years the Colts are the 4th winningest franchise.  That’s not an accident.  Irsay hired Polian, Grigson and Ballard.   Great leadership starts at the top.  

And fans appreciate all that Irsay has done for the greater Indianapolis community.  Not all owners are as involved as Irsay is. 

I get that.  Did I express negativity towards his business activities, other than his occasional meddling being unhelpful?  If he did all of that stuff without floating out little tweets, I would have nothing to say about Irsay, and a haven't ever really talked negatively about him other than in that context.

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42 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

You’re entitled to whatever view you want, but some of us (most of us?) realize there are no good teams without good ownership.  It starts at the top.  And for the last 25 years the Colts are the 4th winningest franchise.  That’s not an accident.  Irsay hired Polian, Grigson and Ballard.   Great leadership starts at the top.  

And fans appreciate all that Irsay has done for the greater Indianapolis community.  Not all owners are as involved as Irsay is. 


As a owner, he's tough to beat. And not just NFL, but all sports owners!

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44 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


I don't know what that even means. Is that a warning, as if he's going to come eat me? 

Lions deserve to be in the jungle and at zoos for educational purposes. Not on a Colts forum trashing the owner of (checks notes) THE COLTS.

Just look at the way he’s conducted himself in this thread alone, and then think about the other people who say % like that. That should tell you what you need to know about who you’re dealing with. 


40 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Can we leave the political dog whistles out of this?

Not political in the slightest. People on both sides of the aisle use this ridiculous phrase, and none of them are people you would consult for any kind of meaningful advice in life. 

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I had an uncle that drink a 5th of Vodka straight almost every day for 40 years. He couldn't function without it. I have seen it first-hand. I have no idea how he drink that crap straight, it burns and taste like crap lmao . He drink it like water. 

My old roommate would pass out every night drinking a bottle of vodka, then wake up in the morning and resume that same bottle. Didn’t hit me until a while down the road that he was in fact, an alcoholic. I say this because we were in our early 20’s then, and we both drank/partied. It didn’t register with me until started passing out midday or leaving work so he could come home to drink. Thankfully he got the help he needed after going through a divorce, losing his home and being forced to move back in with his parents. Got a big wake up call from it. 

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1 hour ago, w87r said:

Why is your name is IrsaysArmy? That would lead one to think that you are supportive of Irsay. Your comments here and afterwards are not indicative of that at all.






I will say, if the team is using the respiratory issues as an excuse to cover for the OD, it wouldn't be a surprise to me, nor the 1st time it was used.


Artist spoke of his own struggles and this excuse being used for him when he OD'd.




Good post, mixed drug cocktails(prescription, not even illegal drugs)/ addiction, have taken so many people. 



Also, something else is once you build up a tolerance, you need to take more and more just for them to work. I had a bad hydrocodone problem in the late 90's. My mom had access too hundreds(multiple) of them and it was easy access for me. Got to a point I was taking 7-10 750mg Vicodin at a time.


Shortly after that, I had to quit cold turkey, I knew I was on a bad path(luckily for me, I was able to stop). I don't even take Tylenol or Ibuprofen very often(maybe 5 a year at most).(now, as I sit here revisiting the past, I feel as I need to call up an old friend and apologize, as I now feel that my access to them, was what got him on the road to where he ended up being later in life(addiction/prescription fraud), to the point I only send birthday regards)



Be careful everyone, just because something is prescribed by a doctor, doesn't mean it can't kill you.


In fact a lot of prescription drugs warn of that very consequence, but people think they are OK, because they are prescribed it. 


It definitely is better than the illegal kind, where you don't know what is in it. 




Get well soon Irsay. Respiratory or Rehab, it doesn't matter(none of our business), just take care of yourself and we'll see you soon.




Side Bar: I wish the media outlets would get their story straight, some say he was found in bed, some say bathroom?

I’m 100% supportive of Irsay and I hope he gets better. History tells me otherwise. , Jim Irsays drug issues aren’t going to affect my life. I just hope he’s not making any important decisions 

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Alright, that's enough of the back and forth(few post hidden), that has nothing to do with Irsay.


Back to Irsay discussion, please. Good or bad.


Less talk about what animals, us humans are, thanks. 


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Irsay is a complete mess in his personal life, but he may be the best owner in football. I do believe he loves this team, the city of Indianapolis, and wants to win every year. Please get your life on track Jim! You are going down a dangerous road. Hoping you'll get the help you need, but nothing is going to matter unless he wants help. The offseason is here. Take 90 days and get well. Let your daughters take over until then.

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3 minutes ago, Boondoggle said:

Whether he rebounds or not I suspect this will mark the team moving into his daughter's control.  I wish Jim the best in his recovery.  But it feels like it is time for someone else to hold the reins.

I highly doubt he gives up control for good.  If he is in a rehabilitation center, I'm sure the day to day is being handled by his girls.   When he is out though,  he will still be the boss 

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1 minute ago, Myles said:

I am an alcoholic.   I drank about a 5th of rum or vodka a day for many years.  I quit a few months ago.   It will always be a struggle but you have to have a goal.  Mine is my family and the next marker on the calendar.  100 days is creeping up.

Congrats.   It's no easy feat.  

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17 minutes ago, Zoltan said:

After reading the report that went out on TMZ through ESPN, it sounds like they are making some assumptions that it was drug related. It’s pretty common these days that Narcan is given with all people found unresponsive because it works or it doesn’t do anything, I have seen multiple people come into the hospital with the call of OD but it was actually a cardiac arrest or respiratory failure of a different origin. 

It’s RSV and flu season right now which half my hospital unit is full of people 60+ with one or the other coming in with respiratory failure and are oxygen dependent. So I hope the best for Jim Irsay and would say don’t let a report from TMZ vilify a great owner by making assumptions based on his past. 

Perfectly said.

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If irsay has fallen off the wagon I hope he gets the help he needs to get back on the wagon.


He'll need a strong support system from his daughters or family.


Is he married? Perhaps a wife would make him feel better.


I also recommend he gives up the rock n roll life style. A bunch of rock n roll people are the last people a reformed alcoholic needs to hang out with.

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1 hour ago, IrsaysArmy said:

I’m 100% supportive of Irsay and I hope he gets better. History tells me otherwise. , Jim Irsays drug issues aren’t going to affect my life. I just hope he’s not making any important decisions 

that is the only issue that matters to me. As an active owner, he is making contract decisions and probably some input in player decisions. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that a addict doesn’t always make good decisions.

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Just now, PRnum1 said:

If irsay has fallen off the wagon I hope he gets the help he needs to get back on the wagon.


He'll need a strong support system from his daughters or family.


Is he married? Perhaps a wife would make him feel better.


I also recommend he gives up the rock n roll life style. A bunch of rock n roll people are the last people a reformed alcoholic needs to hang out with.

So many experts on a situation that has no real details.  

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1 minute ago, husker61 said:

that is the only issue that matters to me. As an active owner, he is making contract decisions and probably some input in player decisions. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that a addict doesn’t always make good decisions.

My goodness

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40 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

So many experts on a situation that has no real details.  

I always say the same thing.


Once a man finds a good woman and God, the rest will fall into place...

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7 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:


It was just reported on our local Fox 59 news this morning that Irsay was found unresponsive, blue and barely breathing when paramedics arrived. It is believed to be some type of overdose. I personally don't know if that story is true or not but it was breaking news.

That is what was said on CBS Sports this morning. What does "unresponsive" mean? 

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52 minutes ago, husker61 said:

that is the only issue that matters to me. As an active owner, he is making contract decisions and probably some input in player decisions. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that a addict doesn’t always make good decisions.

Then there must be nearly 30 owners that get high. 

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1 hour ago, Zoltan said:

After reading the report that went out on TMZ through ESPN, it sounds like they are making some assumptions that it was drug related. It’s pretty common these days that Narcan is given with all people found unresponsive because it works or it doesn’t do anything, I have seen multiple people come into the hospital with the call of OD but it was actually a cardiac arrest or respiratory failure of a different origin. 

It’s RSV and flu season right now which half my hospital unit is full of people 60+ with one or the other coming in with respiratory failure and are oxygen dependent. So I hope the best for Jim Irsay and would say don’t let a report from TMZ vilify a great owner by making assumptions based on his past. 


Voice of reason here ^^^.  :scoregood:

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2 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

I highly doubt he gives up control for good.  If he is in a rehabilitation center, I'm sure the day to day is being handled by his girls.   When he is out though,  he will still be the boss 

It would not surprise me if Jim doesn't agree with my assessment.

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When the laws on advertising booze on TV changed permitting it I was *. Why was it done? Who benefits from it?  The NFL is good friends with alcohol. My next door neighbor when I was growing up was a chronic alcoholic because of the action he saw in WWII fighting the Japanese. There were many stories of his bravery and when he was sober there was not a better man anywhere. My brother died an alcoholic, and he showed me what he had to his name when he opened a cigar box with one nickel in it. Sadly, he found it to be funny. Booze is a horrible addiction because it does not kill quickly like heroin. Instead, it keeps one alive long enough to destroy all the good things in life like family and friends. Throw in drugs and one's chance of beating both are as tough as it gets. You have to pull for Irsay.

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15 hours ago, PRnum1 said:

If irsay has fallen off the wagon I hope he gets the help he needs to get back on the wagon.


He'll need a strong support system from his daughters or family.


Is he married? Perhaps a wife would make him feel better.


I also recommend he gives up the rock n roll life style. A bunch of rock n roll people are the last people a reformed alcoholic needs to hang out with.


I agree to some extent. Having strong social supports is helpful in recovery. That could mean having a significant other, his children, other family, sponsors, good friends, etc. 


It does seem like many in the music industry seem to battle those kinds of issues. Music is often used as a coping mechanism.

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Some of these comments are :facepalm:.


Many here are so judgmental. I am sure they all have their own demons that they will not share on the Internet; yet they beat someone when he is down. Why?


To me it says a lot about their character. 


All the best to those in recovery of any kind. 

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23 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


I agree to some extent. Having strong social supports is helpful in recovery. That could mean having a significant other, his children, other family, sponsors, good friends, etc. 


It does seem like many in the music industry seem to battle those kinds of issues.

Having obligations that are bigger than yourself helps folks stay on target.  Rich people can farm-out those obligations to others.  



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4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Having obligations that are bigger than yourself helps folks stay on target.  Rich people can farm-out those obligations to others.  


Music is a very solitary/introverted endeavor actually.  Writing music and practicing.  They seem less inclined to form strong and lasting bonds with others or have interdependence with the same people for a long time.

This is one of your most nonsensical takes.  Music is actually a very bonding experience.   Playing music for fun or money make life long bonds.  You obviously aren't a musician.   If you don't believe me ask @Gramz.   Why do you always speak from an authority on subjects you have zero clue about?

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14 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

Some of these comments are :facepalm:.


Many here are so judgmental. I am sure they all have their own demons that they will not share on the Internet; yet they beat someone when he is down. Why?


To me it says a lot about their character. 


All the best to those in recovery of any kind. 

Many more are genuinely concerned as well. There are also plenty of us like myself that really don’t have an opinion on it. I see a bunch of back and forth about nothing bc no one really knows what is fully going on. 

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13 minutes ago, AwesomeAustin said:

Many more are genuinely concerned as well. There are also plenty of us like myself that really don’t have an opinion on it. I see a bunch of back and forth about nothing bc no one really knows what is fully going on. 


Yes, I see those that are concerned. I was referring to those who are bashing the man while he is at a low point. I don't understand why folks need to disparage someone for a personal failing. If he killed someone, I would understand. This is a personal problem. What is wrong with just wishing that he is okay?


Or, perhaps they should not say anything at all, especially if this does not interest them.

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