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Upset With Irsay [Merge]


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I read a comment earier where someone said they didnt want to know all the details, Im on the opposite end of that thinking I would love to know all the details so that I could place blame where it is due. To be able to see it black and white as you have said, but I concur things are almost always gray. That doesn't make this any less disappointing.


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I think you should be more mad at the fact that the Bengals got a 1st and 2nd round pick for a retired Carson Palmer and the Colts get a nice emotional press conference for a healthy Peyton

That hurts, too..We get nothing. Andrew Luck doesn't get any help and no backup...

We have no No.1s other than him.

Seems like a blueprint for disaster

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That hurts, too..We get nothing. Andrew Luck doesn't get any help and no backup...

We have no No.1s other than him.

Seems like a blueprint for disaster

Andrew will get his help and back up. We have the first pick in every round and unless we miraculously make the playoffs next year we will have solid picks next year as well.

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Yes.... the PR battle wasn't fun. I'm just chalking it up to the general uncertainty and uncharted waters Irsay and Manning were in.

I can understand sadness on the part of Colts fans.... I'm not enjoying this. But I can't understand bitterness and attacks on Jim Irsay. Under ideal circumstances this day is still 3-4 years off.... and 12 months ago Jim Irsay happily put another 90M on the line hoping for that, and included a colossal roster bonus which amounted to a no-trade clause.

That tells me that money was never an issue.... but was rather thrust into consideration by Manning's health, which also triggered a lousy season and the inevitable Andrew Luck discussion.

And IMO.... that is why the OP is completely wrong saying that Irsay lied.

Unfortunately, under these crappy circumstances, Jim Irsay has had to conclude that the next 10-12 years are a higher priority than the next 2-3 years.

And I agree with his decision.... with no disrespect to Peyton or Colts fans having a tough time today.

oh dont get me wrong, i dont hate Jim. I think this was a good move for both specially for manning, he deserves another title shot and he wont have that here. just a move i didnt like. im a fan lol :)

im not supposed to think for the better of the franchise tahts jim and griggson job.

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Andrew will get his help and back up. We have the first pick in every round and unless we miraculously make the playoffs next year we will have solid picks next year as well.

Actually, we have the first pick in odd rounds, and second pick in even rounds... but maybe that is nitpicky.

I hope the team spends the money saved by cutting Manning on the OLine (immediately). I guarantee Luck won't last long in the league if he is on his back like Carr was.

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Agree, they did not look like they hated each other on the plane ride this morning. Irsay and Peyton make a joint decision and suddenly, because some fans want Manning to stay no matter what, Irsay is Satan.

Do you mean they made a decision while splitting a joint? I doubt if it was a joint decision. Irsay told Manning that he's rebuilding the team with a new QB and Manning really had nothing to say about it but "OK."

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Jim Irsay has said over and over again that if Peyton is healthy he will be a Colt. Then he said money was not a factor. Then he says its up to Peyton if he wants to play.

This afternoon, we will see the real Jim Irsay. Letting go of the soon to be HOF QB even though Peyton said he wanted to come back.

Although I can understand why this happened. I can not stand the fact that he stood in front of camera's, talked to media, and even tweeted about how much he wanted Peyton back. But, in the end, it sounds like he knew all along he was getting rid of him. It is reported that Irsay says its not about money, or health, or Peyton wanting to come back. It is that he wants to rebuild the team. So, he should have been a man and said that from the beginning.

I respected Jim, now I think its fair to say we are all just *s in his opinion. He can lie to us, and we will all just accept it. And, us loyal Colts fan will. Its just a sad sad situation.

How about waiting till after the official press conference before jumping to this conclusion. You know after we have had a chance to actually hear from both Mr. Irsay and Peyton Manning on how they reached this decision. You may very well be proven correct but right now this is premature.

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oh dont get me wrong, i dont hate Jim. I think this was a good move for both specially for manning, he deserves another title shot and he wont have that here. just a move i didnt like. im a fan lol :)

im not supposed to think for the better of the franchise tahts jim and griggson job.

Oh I know you don't hate him.... but man is he ever taking alot of fire on and off the Forum today.

Hopefully we show promise with a solid rebound in 2012/13 and beyond.... and Colts fans will recharge and rally around the new-look Colts. :)

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Oh I know you don't hate him.... but man is he ever taking alot of fire on and off the Forum today. Hopefully we show promise with a solid rebound in 2012/13 and beyond.... and Colts fans will recharge and rally around the new-look Colts. :)

yea I cant Imagine his twitter account man

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One of these days, either Jim or Peyton will write his autobiography, and we might know all the details. Until then, I wish Peyton all of the success he deserves, I hope Andrew Luck is as good as advertised, and I hope Jim Irsay doesn't read the forum until 2013.

Today should be about celebrating the last 14 years, and looking toward the future, not calling people liars or pointing blame.

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make me.

what's the point of participating in a forum where you hate everything about the subject? everyone is gonna put you on ignore and no one will respond to your posts, cause they won't see them! you will be posting for yourself!

a good way to spend your time and energy? logical? lol

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First, if anyone should be vilified by Baltimore fans over the Colts move to Indy in '84, it should be the City of Baltimore. It seems like Bob was kind of a jackanape, so it's easy to blame the whole thing on him, but the City was hours away from claiming the team by eminent domain. Moving was the only way the Irsays could keep what they rightfully owned.

Second, I am unbelievable sick of all the fanboy this and irsay lied about that... It's ALL B.S.

The truth is the situation here is far more complicated that most of you seem to be aware or willing to accept. You want black and white because it makes your world easier to comprehend. The reality is an enormous field of shades of gray.

I think Irsay has been telling the truth that, in an ideal world, he wants Manning to stay and retire here. I think he meant it when he said money was not the issue. Unfortunately, the uncertainty over Manning's neck, coupled with the enormous impact Manning's contract would have on the Colts ability to field anything resembling a decent team around him, negated whatever Irsay would have hoped to do here.

I'm also amused that some of you think Manning deuces roses. If you want to hang Irsay for 'lying', how is it you imagine Manning gets off scott free? Contracts are negotiations. Not Irsay making a decision and Manning agreeing to it. If Manning said he wanted to retire as a Colt, why didn't he make more effort to see that it happened, even if he had to play for the vet minimum?

Probably because the whole situation is far more complicated than our limited perspective allows us to see...

Stop looking for someone to hang. Move on if Manning means more to you than the team, but you don't have to create a villain where there isn't one, just to justify yourselves.

This is so true and often glossed over. People don't even think before they throw the Irsay family under the bus for what happened in Baltimore, but taking over a team that you've helped to build would have been a huge injustice and it's never mentioned. Also, as painful as this is for all of us, the fact of the matter is that it's in the best interest of the Colts and Peyton. This team needs to rebuild, and Peyton doesn't have time for that. He needs to go to a team that can win now. The Colts need the cap space and a chance to start over. Irsay is doing the brave thing here and he will be crucified for it. In the long run though...I think it's the right decision given the information he has now. Even if Luck doesn't become "The Next Peyton Manning" (which he can't) Irsay is making the right choice now.

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what's the point of participating in a forum where you hate everything about the subject? everyone is gonna put you on ignore and no one will respond to your posts, cause they won't see them! you will be posting for yourself!

a good way to spend your time and energy? logical? lol

and you seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters. look around. not everyone feels the way you do.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults
Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults

and you seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters. look around. not everyone feels the way you do.

then you can all take a hike. this is a team forum. ill start a peyton forum just for you guys! sound fun?

take your hateful garbage and lack of solidarity and head to the dolphins board. they would love you.

you are of the opinion that this is a "sinking ship". why stay? leave.

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Disagree. I think Irsay has been as transparent as we could expect in this process and he did NOT make any unqualified promises, particularly since Mannings surgeries.

He is not a liar, he does not think fans are anything less than great.

He's a leader and will take heat for this decision but, this is an unfair characterization

Unqualified promises... you mean like "If Peyton's healthy he will be a Colt next year"?? "If Peyton wants to stay, he can"?

Don't know how much more "unqualified" you want. Either the statement is true or it's not. No political doublespeak crap. Don't defend the undefensible. He lied. He misled. He backed out. He "changed his mind". He told us that he wanted to keep Manning, it wasn't about the money, etc, etc.

Call it whatever you will, but don't try to say that he never made promises- He did, and didn't keep them.

Colts fan absolutely, Irsay fan h ll no!

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then you can all take a hike. this is a team forum. ill start a peyton forum just for you guys! sound fun?

take your hateful garbage and lack of solidarity and head to the dolphins board. they would love you.

you are of the opinion that this is a "sinking ship". why stay? leave.

says who? you? so folks that like particular players arent welcome huh? I'd say your crappy attitude towards fans of players isnt welcome. get a grip.

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Do you mean they made a decision while splitting a joint? I doubt if it was a joint decision. Irsay told Manning that he's rebuilding the team with a new QB and Manning really had nothing to say about it but "OK."

That would be funny, but I doubt it. As far as your second point, how do you know? If Manning was willing to stay in Indy for a reduced salary and for only a year or two, would Irsay say no way to that? Maybe. I do not think that would make much sense for Manning stay for that period. It would be great for the Colts.

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I don't lie... So speak for yourself!!! If luck don't work out and I'm not going to crucify him but I will hate Irsay.

Ah so you've never once told a lie in your entire life whether it's a big lie or a small lie?? That's great to know we have a Buddhist Monk on the forum.

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well, if people are going to be ignorant and say things like that, I think it is only fair they be put back in there place for calling out people who like Manning more than the Colts owner. Just sayin.

I know but it's best to just let it go. Today is emotional for everyone

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults
Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults

says who? you? so folks that like particular players arent welcome huh? I'd say your crappy attitude towards fans of players isnt welcome. get a grip.

you get a grip. your crappy attitude towards the team isn't welcome ON THE TEAM FORUM

understand now? I'll start a stupid Peyton forum just for you guys. since your player isn't on the team roster anymore, why would you stay?

were all gonna miss P money. i cried it out over a month ago. its gonna take some time for this shock to your system to subside. i get it. but calling the team "a sinking ship" doesnt help.

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You don't want it to be complicated, but it isn't as simple as you wish it was.

If not money, what it is? How about the need to field a team. How about the need to field a decent product to keep fans entertained, not just this next season, but 5 years from now, and 10 years from now, and on into the future. How about fears of being the team that rushed Manning onto the field again, only to see something truly tragic happen to him.

I am a fan of taking people at their word, and despite the vitriol on this site, I haven't seen anything to suggest Irsay hasn't been sincere.

I loved my ex-wife. I promised her I would love and honor her until death do us part, and I sincerely meant it. Only things changed. She changed. I changed. Our circumstances changed. She filed for divorce, and I chose not to fight it. That didn't negate the sincerity of my promise to her. I decided I could best love and honor her by moving on.

Guys - All i am saying is, dont make any promises upfront, if you have even a slightest doubt of that not happening. Thats all.

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Hopefully we show promise with a solid rebound in 2012/13 and beyond.... and Colts fans will recharge and rally around the new-look Colts. :)

Rebound in 2012/13 - Whats considered Rebound, i am assuming back to winning ways. With this current team, new coaches, new QB in 2012/13?.

Time will tell my friend

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Guys - All i am saying is, dont make any promises upfront, if you have even a slightest doubt of that not happening. Thats all.

So how is saying it isn't about the money or that the hope is that Manning retires as a Colt suddenly a promise? I hope to make millions of dollars in my current business, and would love to retire next year, but saying as much isn't a promise that it will happen.

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you get a grip. your crappy attitude towards the team isn't welcome ON THE TEAM FORUM

understand now? I'll start a stupid Peyton forum just for you guys. since your player isn't on the team roster anymore, why would you stay?

were all gonna miss P money. i cried it out over a month ago. its gonna take some time for this shock to your system to subside. i get it. but calling the team "a sinking ship" doesnt help.


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Im kinda angry at Irsay rightnow

Irsay needs to explain today why the situation changed from " it's Peyton's decision " to " were changing QBs as part of the restructuring ".

Then he needs to disappear for awhile.

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Listening to Irsay at press conference...

I hear Irsay speaking, but this is what I heard...

"Everything I said up until this point has been complete <cowpaties>.... It really was about the money... Yes, Peyton can still play, Yes, he still wanted to be a Colt... but I am full of <cowpaties> and lied through my teeth to everyone, including Peyton.I know he has made me a ton of money, beacuse of him being here I have a brand new stadium... but I really am just a selfish son o a b."

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Listening to Irsay at press conference...

I hear Irsay speaking, but this is what I heard...

"Everything I said up until this point has been complete <cowpaties>.... It really was about the money... Yes, Peyton can still play, Yes, he still wanted to be a Colt... but I am full of <cowpaties> and lied through my teeth to everyone, including Peyton.I know he has made me a ton of money, beacuse of him being here I have a brand new stadium... but I really am just a selfish son o a b."

Really, because I heard what he actually said and what Peyton said.

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Im kinda angry at Irsay rightnow

Irsay needs to explain today why the situation changed from " it's Peyton's decision " to " were changing QBs as part of the restructuring ".

Then he needs to disappear for awhile.

I'm not angry because it was clear that this was coming

Very sad is what I am

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Well, thank you Mr Irsay for completely destroying your football franchise in a final display of insanity that tore down what shreds of respect, loyalty and even continuity I thought that the Colts organization had left. Yes, let's kick loose the player that more than anyone else has carried this football franchise to success, and has in many ways brought new vigor to the franchises home Indianapolis. Yes, let's tell that man to leave so that we can completely rebuild of the basis of luck - not Luck, I mean luck. No one knows whether this rookie QB will have the beans for the NFL, there is no continuity on the team at all. The Offense and Defense are being rebuilt from the ground up, the coaching staff is completely different, and I've never heard of one of the fron office or coachins staff before. So now we have a team of unknowns with unknown players and an unknown quantity at QB. Yay us, we are the new Detroit Lions. I'll remember the sheer insanity of this time when in 30 years the Colts will *still* be introduced as the "Rebuilding since 2012 Indianapolis Colts".

To be honest though I am completely disgusted with the franchise and much of the fan base that has no problem tossing aside Peyton manning. after what that single player has meant to the city and franchise. There are a lot of people that ought to be utterly ashamed of themselves right now, but are not. The Colts organization is first and foremost among that, I have no respect for you at all now. I do not understand your thinking or decision making at all.

For years now people have seen a sea of blue at home games, number 18 jerseys outnumbering everything else by a wide margin. But in a single stroke that era is gone. No more #18, no more #63, no more #44, no #86, no #93, for that matter no #88 or #21. What's left? Just a horseshoe. I guess someone really does believe that horseshoes are lucky. I don't believe in luck, nor for that matter do I believe in Luck. I do believe in respect, loyalty and some semblence of continuity, here we have none.

One final thought, how many football franchises have successfully rebuilt themselves after removing every fan favorite player from the roster along with the recognized names in the front office and coaching staff? Yeah, not many huh? Forget the performance on the field for a moment, we're're talking about players that are great fan favorites, and in the case of Peyton Manning, we're talking about a player that in many ways is *the* fan favorite. Now the team has nothing. Scorched earth.

I don't know how to describe how I feel; angry, disappointed, confused, worried, these are all words that might cover some of it. But I think I mostly feel completely let down by the franchise that I chose to love.

I don't know what the future holds for the Colts, and sadly, I don't really care right now. It's not about being a fan of Peyton, it's about the franchise and the way that franchise behaves and deals with things. Peyton talked yesterday about doing things the right way. At least *someone* knows how to do that. It seems that the folks in charge of the Colts forgot how to do that sometime during the last 8 months.

Can I continue being a Colts Fan? I don't know. right now, they are not the team I thought they were, and that is a huge disappointment.


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Really, because I heard what he actually said and what Peyton said.

You're iceskating uphill fighting that battle.

People are mad and acting irrationally. I heard on the radio Irsay is getting death threats on his twitter account and for what? Trying to do what he thinks is in the team's best interests?

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One final thought, how many football franchises have successfully rebuilt themselves after removing every fan favorite player from the roster ...

The circumstances usually aren't right for it to happen but a few come to mind...

Montana to Young

Favre to Rodgers

Manning to Luck ;)

I really hate to see this happen and I too thought Manning would finish out his career as a Colt, but it wasn't meant to be so we have to pick up the pieces and look to the future. We can't change the past and dwelling on it won't make us feel any better about it... As fans lets just hope it turns out the best for all involved - including us. :)

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You're iceskating uphill fighting that battle.

People are mad and acting irrationally. I heard on the radio Irsay is getting death threats on his twitter account and for what? Trying to do what he thinks is in the team's best interests?

lmao at death threats. Rodgers got a few too when Favre left.

Why are fans sometimes so.....nuts?

Guys. This hurts. I know it hurts. I almost lost a dear family member not long ago and I didn't thank God but it put a lot of this in perspective to me.

It's football.

We will move on.

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