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Luck will not be throwing at minicamp


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3 hours ago, deedub75 said:


They can be as positive as they want. They were all positive that he was going to play last year. Even Luck himself said he was absolutely going to play last year. 


Ballard saying he traded down because he’s positive that Luck is going to play sounds like a draft smokescreen to me. The only way they were going QB at 3 was if Luck retired or he suddenly needed another surgery. Outside of that they are going to wait for his return. He traded down because he thinks the guy he wants will still be there at 6. 


That Tom House video is great but we don’t even know if Luck has even progressed to that level. 


I think they definitely have a date in mind that they’d like to see him throw but I think they are waiting on his body to tell them that he’s ready to throw. 

Thank you for such a positive uplifting response.

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48 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Yes, there's time. OTOH, I'd like to point out to all once again (like last year), it will take 3 months throwing (real NFL grade) footballs before we know if he can/will be ready to go under center.  And even if he is, there will be a lot of rust to shake off in the beginning.


Does the 3 months remain if Luck has been throwing weighted balls like it was reported he was throwing earier?

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2 hours ago, masterlock said:

I'd put the odds of him returning at 50/50. Ballard's confidence doesn't really affect the outcome one way or another. Luck is now nearly 16 month into a recovery that should have taken just 6-9 months AND he's still not throwing a football. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think the biceps tendon was injured, and as soon as Luck is exposed to the physical demands of the NFL, inflammation will return, and the Colts will ultimately decide surgery is required. I hope I'm wrong. I don't want to be right. But there is still scant evidence to support all the hopeful, confident-sounding predictions. What we have right now is a bunch of hot air.


I'd be willing to bet a lot of your money that Luck is behind center in September.

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This thread is so similar to last season.  


Nothing is surprising after they announce it weeks before.  


If they said Luck wouldn't be throwing at mini camp 6 months ago then that would be surprising.  


I think it's perfectly fine if fans are worried that he's still not throwing footballs.   


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5 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:



Why would he still be on the roster then? The Colts wouldn't be wasting their time parading him around and saying that he's fine, and trading out of a premium QB draft slot if they had any reason to believe that he's no longer able to play. If there was any indication that he was finished, he'd be released, and Irsay would cut him a check for the remainder of his guaranteed money, and that would be that.


There's still time.

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4 hours ago, Cynjin said:


And go 2-14?  Why would you want that?


Best QB available.  He'll be a stud wherever he lands.  Hopefully, Colts read the tea leaves and draft him.  (But, he won't be around when the Colts pick 12th.)

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8 hours ago, Smonroe said:

Is this thread from last year around this time?


Deja who?


7 hours ago, jskinnz said:


It is not worrisome.


The tea leaves are all positive.

*  Ballard has been emphatic on his return.  He was less so last year.  That has to mean something

*  Ballard said clear evidence in their belief he will be ready was the trade from 3 to 6.  That has to mean something.

*  If you saw the Tom House video, clearly that while not throwing a football, he is approximating the throwing motion and has done so enough that they feel he will be back.

*  Clearly they have a date in mind for when Luck will start throwing again and be ready for the grind of camp and games.


Luck is fine.  I get it - until you see him wing it like an NFL QB, there will be questions.  But I think the worry in 2018 is much ado about nothing.

My 2 favorite responses in this thread. 1 funny & 1 logical & reassuring. Thanks fellas. :hat:

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Too many people here are reading the wrong things into the news that shouldn't be all that surprising.....


People are reacting this way because they think Luck won't be ready by Week 1,  so they think he's done.


My reaction is.....     Big Deal!    Who cares?


Look,  this was never going to be a winning season this year....    we don't want another 4-12,  but 7-9,  8-8 would be nice.     So, with that in mind,  what difference does it make if Luck starts week 1 or not?     What about week 4?    What about week 9,  the bye week.      That's when I think Luck will return.


I think Jacoby Brissett starts the first half of the season,  and then Luck gets the job at the bye week and has two weeks to prepare for the second half of the season.   


All I care about this year is returning Luck to top physical health.    If that happens,  this season is a big win no matter what our final record is...      Honestly.     Seriously.


Don't over-react and take your eye off the ball.    It doesn't matter if Luck starts week 1 or not.    It only matters that he returns during this season and plays his way back into top form...


Everything else about Luck is unimportant.......      Really.


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Luck not being ready for mini camp, and I don't care what anyone says, HAS to be worrisome for the Powers that Be at Colts command.  Back in January, I don't think there was anyone who thought he would not be ready by mini camp.  Now all of a sudden it was expected?  No.  


Fact is he is now about double the time that it takes to normally recover from this type of surgery.  And yes, he looks better, acts better, seems to be working out better.  But to not being able to throw a football today, in late April, and expecting him to then be able to throw countless balls in August and throughout the regular season, all the while taking hits in the shoulder?  I'm telling you that is NOT good.  


At this point he needs to be at the stage where he is throwing a normal football to wr's running normal routes.  No way he could go from not really throwing for almost 2 years at the beginning of August to being competitive in early Sept.  Now is the time to get the timing and normal pains from the wear and tear out of the way.  The fact that he can't do this yet is imo the same as what the Colts brass were saying last year.  It is always "next week or next month".  Pretty soon next week will be August.

Then what?


If I am the Colts I draft a Qb with the 6th pick.  No questions asked.  



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5 hours ago, threeflight said:

Luck not being ready for mini camp, and I don't care what anyone says, HAS to be worrisome for the Powers that Be at Colts command.  Back in January, I don't think there was anyone who thought he would not be ready by mini camp.  Now all of a sudden it was expected?  No.  






Apparently, you don't care what Ballard and Luck have been saying, you know the people who actually have significant knowledge of the situation.  They have not said that Luck would be throwing at mini-camp, Ballard has said quite the opposite.

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13 hours ago, JColts72 said:

He has been fine since jimmy said so himself in 2017. Are some Colt fans that naive here. Luck cannot throw a nerf. Wait for tc, wait for wk 1, wait until mid season. Waiting is over.

Although part of me agrees with you, BUT a lot of people said the same thing about Drew Brees a few years ago as well. Or even Peyton Manning. and both went on to win a super bowl. Heck Drew Brees is still a top 5 or 10 QB in the NFL right now....... but yes, part of me agrees with you, I think squandering a 3rd pick in which you could get someone like Rosen or Allen was a bad idea. BUT at the same time, its better to build now, worry about a QB later. because either way I do not see the colts winning but maybe 6 or 7 games this year, and throwing a rookie QB behind that line would be risking hurting that QB also. Build the line, Build the defense, go get a replacement QB in a year or two. But I have also said, it would have been a good idea to entertain a trade with Cleveland ....Luck and a 2nd rounder and next years first rounder  for both of their first rounders in this years draft. Just to see if Cleveland would do it. That way the colts could go get Barkley/Chubb and Nelson plus get Rosen, Darnold or Allen. 

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7 hours ago, threeflight said:



If I am the Colts I draft a Qb with the 6th pick.  No questions asked.  




I'm glad you're not the Colts. 


Seriously though, let's say it's worst case scenario - does anyone really think any of those rookie QBs are better than Brissett?  We have a guy that we know can play, QB is NOT a need in this draft.

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9 hours ago, threeflight said:

Luck not being ready for mini camp, and I don't care what anyone says, HAS to be worrisome for the Powers that Be at Colts command.  Back in January, I don't think there was anyone who thought he would not be ready by mini camp.  Now all of a sudden it was expected?  No.  





I had often quoted alleged experts that said his throwing regimen would take him past the draft, before it is known whether there were any setbacks or not.  Ergo, based on what I heard and what I posted here at these forums, I and many others absolutely said he would not be throwing at mini camp.  Thus, you are wrong in your assertion.

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Unfortunately, no news and Luck news are synonymous. I am pretty indifferent at this point..and I could see this playing out in a number of ways...none would really surprise me.


But I will say this...Ballard referencing his trade back as evidence of his confidence in Luck...is such a contrived talking point. And I am actually disappointed that Ballard said it. It makes for a fine media talking point...but I thought Ballard was above that. And it insults my intelligence (and should most of the fanbase) to hear him peddle that nonsense. 


I don't think QB was ever going to be an option at #3. Ballard made it clear early on that the team isn't about one player...that he is building a strong, balanced roster that doesn't require one player (an elite QB) to make it work. He has also made it clear that he wants to stack drafts (preferably with early picks). So for him to abandon that philosophy to take a QB out of need (who is not BPA) OR to reject a lucrative trade down option flies in the face of everything he is (and has said he will be) doing. 


Not only that, it would have been a PR disaster...and it would have painted them in a very bad light. The Colts are not prepared for that % storm and would not willingly bring it upon themselves.


It also would have meant that they knew or at the very least have/had little confidence he could get back. And that can't happen...especially after some things that have been said and done. 


IF Luck can't get back, it will be because of a "setback" in practice (likely in TC)...an inevitable and unfortunate event that they couldn't avoid. They took every precaution and measure they could, but it was ultimately out of their control. That's how it happens.


Just like it happened with Manning. He couldn't even throw a football, yet he was activated from the PUP and given the OK to practice. Not even two weeks later he is having a neck fusion and is done for the season. Why? Because of a "setback."

So we just have to see how this plays out. My bold prediction is that if Foles doesn't get hurt this season, I think there is a non-zero chance that he is the starting QB for the Colts going forward. And while I want Luck to be back above all, the prospect of having Foles (a fellow Wildcat) brought in to lead a much stronger Colts roster that has been fortified with draft picks...is not a terrible consolation. I think the Colts will be fine.

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4 hours ago, Cynjin said:


Apparently, you don't care what Ballard and Luck have been saying, you know the people who actually have significant knowledge of the situation.  They have not said that Luck would be throwing at mini-camp, Ballard has said quite the opposite.


Correct.  The only thing I have in my head is Luck "Hopes" to have no governor (restrictions) on at training camp, but he also will not shortcut the process.


This combined with the assumption he will have to go through a static throwing therapy/rehab process. Once that is complete, he will have to practice in full (11 on 11) and do all the things QB's have to do under pressure; throw on run, at odd arm angles, feet not set, off back foot, etc.  When he has completed these things, he will be deemed starter ready.  But I'm sure there will be some rust, and butterflies until he gets back into his groove. And survives a few hits (which ALL teams QB's get, some less than others though...)

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7 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

Until people see him actually throwing the full size football with zip and accuracy there will always be that doubt.

For me, it's more like, since Irsay deceived the fans last year to sell tickets, I will always believe he is lying until proven otherwise. I called last year he wouldn't play along with a few others on here at the beginning of the season. This year, I'm starting to believe the same. The only reason I'm not 100% sure yet is because we traded down, and that takes us out of reach of the top QB's. Also, next year's QB class is much worse, so Ballard probably wouldn't sabotage the team just to push the ticket initiative again. However, Irsay is a business man, and it's about the bottom line, so I get it from a business perspective. We won't know for 3 months, the only mystery is, does Irsay already know? 

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

For me, it's more like, since Irsay deceived the fans last year to sell tickets, I will always believe he is lying until proven otherwise. I called last year he wouldn't play along with a few others on here at the beginning of the season, this year, I'm starting to believe the same. The only reason I'm not 100% sure yet is because we traded down, and that takes us out of reach of the top QB's. Also, next year's QB class is much worse, so Ballard probably wouldn't sabotage the team just to push the ticket initiative again. However, Irsay is a business man, and it's about the bottom line, so I get it from a business perspective. We won't know for 3 months, the only mystery is, does Irsay already know? 


I sort of agree with this too.  Team and Irsay have no credibility when it comes QB injuries.  Between what happened with Peyton and Luck they always pretend like they are going to play that season when they aught to know better.

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10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Too many people here are reading the wrong things into the news that shouldn't be all that surprising.....


People are reacting this way because they think Luck won't be ready by Week 1,  so they think he's done.


My reaction is.....     Big Deal!    Who cares?


Look,  this was never going to be a winning season this year....    we don't want another 4-12,  but 7-9,  8-8 would be nice.     So, with that in mind,  what difference does it make if Luck starts week 1 or not?     What about week 4?    What about week 9,  the bye week.      That's when I think Luck will return.


I think Jacoby Brissett starts the first half of the season,  and then Luck gets the job at the bye week and has two weeks to prepare for the second half of the season.   


All I care about this year is returning Luck to top physical health.    If that happens,  this season is a big win no matter what our final record is...      Honestly.     Seriously.


Don't over-react and take your eye off the ball.    It doesn't matter if Luck starts week 1 or not.    It only matters that he returns during this season and plays his way back into top form...


Everything else about Luck is unimportant.......      Really.



I'm not concerned that he's not throwing in voluntary offseason workouts since that was the plan that was laid out all along, but if the regular season comes around, and he's not ready to roll, then it's probably safe to assume he's finished.

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This is smart for his recovery.


Weren't there reports last offseason that Luck threw the ball like 40 yards at the Colts complex, so he should be good to go for the season? 






Maybe those throws were part of his setback?


Maybe he SHOULDN'T be throwing the Duke yet...





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Supposedly from today's presser with Frank Reich, speaking on Luck ...


"Frank Reich says Andrew Luck participating in every part of the #Colts minicamp this week save throwing. Offense installation, running huddles, footwork, fundamentals, ect. "Everything is going so well," w/ Luck's rehab, which is in the final stages, Reich said."



Doesn't sound like a guy that won't be playing in 2018.  My optimism remains.

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1 hour ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I'm not concerned that he's not throwing in voluntary offseason workouts since that was the plan that was laid out all along, but if the regular season comes around, and he's not ready to roll, then it's probably safe to assume he's finished.




He could easily be making great progress, but because he's not ready week one THAT makes him finished?!?    Huh?   Why?


Its just week one.    He might be ready week 3 or 6 or 9....   whatever...    there's no magic formula that says week one he's fine and week 2 or later and he's finished....


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4 hours ago, shastamasta said:

Unfortunately, no news and Luck news are synonymous. I am pretty indifferent at this point..and I could see this playing out in a number of ways...none would really surprise me.


But I will say this...Ballard referencing his trade back as evidence of his confidence in Luck...is such a contrived talking point. And I am actually disappointed that Ballard said it. It makes for a fine media talking point...but I thought Ballard was above that. And it insults my intelligence (and should most of the fanbase) to hear him peddle that nonsense. 


I don't think QB was ever going to be an option at #3. Ballard made it clear early on that the team isn't about one player...that he is building a strong, balanced roster that doesn't require one player (an elite QB) to make it work. He has also made it clear that he wants to stack drafts (preferably with early picks). So for him to abandon that philosophy to take a QB out of need (who is not BPA) OR to reject a lucrative trade down option flies in the face of everything he is (and has said he will be) doing. 


Not only that, it would have been a PR disaster...and it would have painted them in a very bad light. The Colts are not prepared for that % storm and would not willingly bring it upon themselves.


It also would have meant that they knew or at the very least have/had little confidence he could get back. And that can't happen...especially after some things that have been said and done. 


IF Luck can't get back, it will be because of a "setback" in practice (likely in TC)...an inevitable and unfortunate event that they couldn't avoid. They took every precaution and measure they could, but it was ultimately out of their control. That's how it happens.


Just like it happened with Manning. He couldn't even throw a football, yet he was activated from the PUP and given the OK to practice. Not even two weeks later he is having a neck fusion and is done for the season. Why? Because of a "setback."

So we just have to see how this plays out. My bold prediction is that if Foles doesn't get hurt this season, I think there is a non-zero chance that he is the starting QB for the Colts going forward. And while I want Luck to be back above all, the prospect of having Foles (a fellow Wildcat) brought in to lead a much stronger Colts roster that has been fortified with draft picks...is not a terrible consolation. I think the Colts will be fine.

If Foles ends up here as the starter and this roster isn't considerably different and far better, the Colts will not be fine, they'll be bad. I generally agree with the rest of that.

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2 hours ago, Jaric said:

Those of you freaking out do know your anguish won't make impact the way this resolved right?


I think this is another way of saying why worry about things you can't control, which are great words to live by.


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15 minutes ago, The Fish said:

If Foles ends up here as the starter and this roster isn't considerably different and far better, the Colts will not be fine, they'll be bad. I generally agree with the rest of that.


Foles re-did his contract with Philliy.  He can make up to 14 million with the incentives, which include extra pay for each game started...  He is Eagles insurance policy for Wentz.  And will not come cheap in a trade either.

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5 hours ago, shastamasta said:

Unfortunately, no news and Luck news are synonymous. I am pretty indifferent at this point..and I could see this playing out in a number of ways...none would really surprise me.


But I will say this...Ballard referencing his trade back as evidence of his confidence in Luck...is such a contrived talking point. And I am actually disappointed that Ballard said it. It makes for a fine media talking point...but I thought Ballard was above that. And it insults my intelligence (and should most of the fanbase) to hear him peddle that nonsense. 


I don't think QB was ever going to be an option at #3. Ballard made it clear early on that the team isn't about one player...that he is building a strong, balanced roster that doesn't require one player (an elite QB) to make it work. He has also made it clear that he wants to stack drafts (preferably with early picks). So for him to abandon that philosophy to take a QB out of need (who is not BPA) OR to reject a lucrative trade down option flies in the face of everything he is (and has said he will be) doing. 


Not only that, it would have been a PR disaster...and it would have painted them in a very bad light. The Colts are not prepared for that % storm and would not willingly bring it upon themselves.


It also would have meant that they knew or at the very least have/had little confidence he could get back. And that can't happen...especially after some things that have been said and done. 


IF Luck can't get back, it will be because of a "setback" in practice (likely in TC)...an inevitable and unfortunate event that they couldn't avoid. They took every precaution and measure they could, but it was ultimately out of their control. That's how it happens.


Just like it happened with Manning. He couldn't even throw a football, yet he was activated from the PUP and given the OK to practice. Not even two weeks later he is having a neck fusion and is done for the season. Why? Because of a "setback."

So we just have to see how this plays out. My bold prediction is that if Foles doesn't get hurt this season, I think there is a non-zero chance that he is the starting QB for the Colts going forward. And while I want Luck to be back above all, the prospect of having Foles (a fellow Wildcat) brought in to lead a much stronger Colts roster that has been fortified with draft picks...is not a terrible consolation. I think the Colts will be fine.


This Sun Devil thinks that is a bunch of hooey.


I don't understand for a second why Ballard telling us the trade from 3 to 6 means Luck will be ready is insulting.  I've always thought it was a pretty telling sign of Luck's health.  Nor do I think it goes against what he said about building a complete roster.  Of course he wants a deep roster but I am sure that he recognizes that having an elite level QB is the most important cog on an NFL team.  


And how could you possibly know where he has QB's rated?  It is possible that Darnold or Allen is among the top of his board.  But QB's are different and in a class to themselves - if you have the opportunity and need to get one, it does not matter that where they are rated compared to every other player.  You draft the QB.  I would be dollars to donuts that Barkley is the overall # 1 prospect on the Browns' board but I would be shocked if he went # 1 over a QB.  


Forks up

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12 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


I think this is another way of saying why worry about things you can't control, which are great words to live by.


That's all well and good, but it wouldn't make the forum any fun.


Beyond the amateur life coach stuff, what's really going on is exhaustion from the drama. There's really nothing to say, but lot's "feeling" to fuel the speculation. And good reason for those feelings if you're a fan and we all are. It's the paradox of being a fan that exists in this arrangement, we don't control any aspect of this- at all.

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