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Former Saints Dc Williams Faces "bounty" Punishment (((((Merge)))))


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Im seeing many blind side hits by the sins on ESPN. When some of them are sacking the QB they grab the inside of the QBs collar and slamming them straight to the ground, like he's trying to dislocate his shoulder. When I watch Freeney or Mathis sack the QB they are going for the fumble, stripping the ball or dragging the QB down with a wrap up tackle. Im seeing some double teams where 1 goes for the knee with low shoulder tackles. It makes me wonder what the bounty hunter Bubba Fatt is coaching to his mercenaries.

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This sob is partly responsible for PMs injury, he should be suspended indefinitely, now. So far we just get rhetoric from Goodell so far, at least he seems angry about the participants lack of integrity, disregard for the bounty rule, and common sportsmanship. If Coach Payton was involved give him atleast a multiple game suspension but Williams should be banned but for the time being suspend him immediately.

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let me clear what ive been saying. in no way do i agree with what the saints are doing, but the point im trying to make is that other teams do it as well theres just no proof, but you see it during the game.

I know you don't agree with it 91.

And pardon my zeal, in addition to being disgusted over these findings I also happen to dislike the Saints and that toilet of a city they play in.

But we see nasty hits during the game.... not the bounties, if any, arranged by coaches or players throughout the rest of the NFL.

It doesn't matter..... this investigation found what it found. Benson and Williams have pretty much copped to all of it.

So not only should the Saints should be crushed with fines, suspensions and forfeited draft picks, but the CBA and league rules should be stiffened to assess an 1-year suspension without pay to players and coaches who participate in this... and the team should be fined 1M bucks in case any owner or GM feels like condoning what amounts to unprofessional ghetto horse^chiz^.

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If you want to make sure this never happens again you do the following:

The Saints lose all their draft picks in the 2012 draft as well as their first round pick in 2013 (they have already traded their 2012 first round pick and you can't punish the Pats for this although I am sure it wouldn't break some people's hearts here to see that be the case.)

You boot Williams out of the league

Payton is suspended for the season since he knew about it and turned a blind eye to it. The GM is suspedned for two years because the owner told him to stop and he did not.

You find the largest team fine issued in the history of the NFL and you triple it.

You suspended the players that did it for a year.

I know that's harsh but that's the point to make sure it's NEVER done again.

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If you want to make sure this never happens again you do the following:

The Saints lose all their draft picks in the 2012 draft as well as their first round pick in 2013 (they have already traded their 2012 first round pick and you can't punish the Pats for this although I am sure it wouldn't break some people's hearts here to see that be the case.)

You boot Williams out of the league

Payton is suspended for the season since he knew about it and turned a blind eye to it. The GM is suspedned for two years because the owner told him to stop and he did not.

You find the largest team fine issued in the history of the NFL and you triple it.

You suspended the players that did it for a year.

I know that's harsh but that's the point to make sure it's NEVER done again.

That would prevent it. I'd love to see Goodell set the tone like that.

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I hear you. When it first happened I remember thinking that was quite excessive and downright dirty. Didn't know it would eventually haunt Peyton many years later. Colts need some kind of compensation for this.

The Colts need compensation? The Colts get the 1st round draft pick this year as a result of this situation, which will most likely be Luck. What does Peyton get? He suffered through horrible pain for years, never missed a game until he physically could not take it anymore, had surgery and it is most likely getting dumped like trash after everything he has done for the team and the city. I would like to see Peyton get something out of this, after all it was his career that was put in jeopardy. One missed season and everyone turns on him. I would imagine the lasting effects on Peyton from that hit are far greater than anything the Colts have suffered.

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All players involved hold out their hands, slaps to all of you.

Now go and sin no more.

This will create a storm like the Pats and the video taping, then it will go away.

No one gets punished, no one gets compensated.

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All players involved hold out their hands, slaps to all of you.

Now go and sin no more.

This will create a storm like the Pats and the video taping, then it will go away.

No one gets punished, no one gets compensated.

I am not betting on that one...

I watched three different football shows today and they all said Goodell is talking the players union and players rep first but punishment is coming and it's going to be worse than spygate.

If he let's these guys off without punishment it really hurts him the next time he tries to punish a player for player safety and union can cry foul saying he let this go rather than hammering the Saints for it and saying Goodell is only out to get players.

It wont be rushed but there will be punishment. I would agree though he's going to try to make this go away much like he did with spygate.

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That would prevent it. I'd love to see Goodell set the tone like that.

I would love it too but I don't think Goodell is going to hit them that hard but I would be for it if he did. I am not sure if he would be able to get all that past the player's union or the owners either.

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I am not betting on that one...

I watched three different football shows today and they all said Goodell is talking the players union and players rep first but punishment is coming and it's going to be worse than spygate.

If he let's these guys off without punishment it really hurts him the next time he tries to punish a player for player safety and union can cry foul saying he let this go rather than hammering the Saints for it and saying Goodell is only out to get players.

It wont be rushed but there will be punishment. I would agree though he's going to try to make this go away much like he did with spygate.

I hope you're right, player safety is what they're after.
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I would love it too but I don't think Goodell is going to hit them that hard but I would be for it if he did. I am not sure if he would be able to get all that past the player's union or the owners either.

I think the most severe it could be would be to ban Williams, and that would depend upon what is dug up elsewhere(Ten,Jax,Wash,Buf) If a lot of proof comes out there then he might get banned.

Payton, Loomis, & the Saints will all take home a hefty fine and I doubt they suspend Payton. Draft picks? maybe. Some players might take home a fine or a small suspension, but I think Williams will be hit the hardest.

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Boo, bad boy Saints. Punishment:

a) Fire Payton and make Caldwell their head coach for a min of 5 years.

b) Fire Brees and make Painter their QB for a min of 5 years.

c) Employ all of the Polian family as their entire Front Office.

d) Take the SB off them and give it to the Patriots. Well, they haven't won one for ages, have they.....

e) Interview Archie and let him rip into the team, the city, the players and the coaches.....

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And Peyton's, apparently.

Well if I remember correctly Warner got destroyed by a Saints guy way after he threw the ball, which knocked him out of what was his last career game.

Then, the following week in the NFCCG they injured Favre's ankle which IMO is the reason the Vike's lost.

Now we hear the Redskins and Titans had bounties on Peyton, the Redskins may have actually ended Peyton's career now. 3 HoF QB's...

I say kick Williams out of any NFL event for life, Saints forfeit all draft picks this year and a 1st next year, Super Bowl moved out of NO next year, and they have to return their Lombardi Trophy to the NFL. HEAVY fines too.

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Well..... this mess could be headed for more twists and turns if more details and comments come out from former Gregg Williams-coached players or anyone with first hand knowledge.

Darren Sharper, for one, sounded like a lawyered-up, lying gangster on NFLN Total Access last night, pleading complete ignorance to these league findings and claiming the cash bonuses were tied to fumble recoveries and interceptions...YET finishing his comments by stopping short of putting a bounty on whoever revealed all this but also saying he'd like to lay a helmet on whoever helped bring it to light. Hey Pinocchio.... the NFL already knows about the "intent to injure" feature of this so-called performance pay program.... and you didn't? You're either a liar or an uneducated mongoloid.

And I'll also say this.... IF any confirmed findings or new revelations of this crap reach back to Williams' days with the Titans, and there's a decent chance it could, then my respect for all-around good guy and Mr. Competition Committee himself.....Jeff Fisher.... my personal favorite for our HC spot before the Rams hired him, goes down the toilet for putting this dirt bag and Buddy Ryan protege back to work as the new Rams DC.

As it is... do the Rams and their fans deserve the hit they're about to take a hit for this?

No they don't.... but it looks like Jeff Fisher might. And like I said....IF this stems back to something verifiable during Williams days as a Titans coach, then Fisher should immediately resign from the Competition Committee as well. At the very least he already has rotten, stinking egg dripping from his face for hooking his good friend Williams up with another DC job. IMO.

We'll see where it all goes and what else comes out.... and depending on his action, or inaction, Roger Goodell could be in for another "warm welcome" at the Draft Day podium.

Don't go Barney Fife on us Roger.

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And like I said....IF this stems back to something verifiable during Williams days as a Titans coach, then Fisher should immediately resign from the Competition Committee as well. At the very least he already has rotten, stinking egg dripping from his face for hooking his good friend Williams up with another DC job. IMO.

Two names - Rodney Harrison and Shawne Merriman will both testify that the Titans took them out with dirty hits. But both of them were 2006 or later, Gregg Williams was with the Redskins then, Jeff Fisher was still the constant with the Titans.

Rodney Harrison was taken out by a TE chop block to the knee that took him out of the 2006 playoffs (Peyton never won a game vs the Pats where Rodney Harrison played the entire game, he was injured in the middle of the 2005 game, and out of the 2006 regular season game, then came back to be injured again and out of the playoffs).

Shawne Merriman, the hit seemed like a bounty hit by the Titans, it literally ended his career, his quickness off the edge was never the same again after those knee surgeries.

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Well if I remember correctly Warner got destroyed by a Saints guy way after he threw the ball, which knocked him out of what was his last career game.

Then, the following week in the NFCCG they injured Favre's ankle which IMO is the reason the Vike's lost.

Now we hear the Redskins and Titans had bounties on Peyton, the Redskins may have actually ended Peyton's career now. 3 HoF QB's...

I say kick Williams out of any NFL event for life, Saints forfeit all draft picks this year and a 1st next year, Super Bowl moved out of NO next year, and they have to return their Lombardi Trophy to the NFL. HEAVY fines too.

Warner has said it was a legal hit. The ball had been intercepted and he was trying to make a play, so he was fair game.

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now its open season on saints fans and their undeserving super bowl win.

THIS is what I don't like. As despicable as this whole thing may be, how did they not deserve to win the Superbowl? Why should it be 'open season' on their fans? I know people are upset and emotional about this, but let's still be realistic. They still went out and played football and won the Superbowl...this thread is taking on the perception that the Colts were directly >>>ed and should be compensated for it...it's not about the Colts it's about a bigger issue....one that they will be punished severely for, and we'll all move on from it afterwards.

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THIS is what I don't like. As despicable as this whole thing may be, how did they not deserve to win the Superbowl? Why should it be 'open season' on their fans? I know people are upset and emotional about this, but let's still be realistic. They still went out and played football and won the Superbowl...this thread is taking on the perception that the Colts were directly >>>ed and should be compensated for it...it's not about the Colts it's about a bigger issue....one that they will be punished severely for, and we'll all move on from it afterwards.

I demand that we be awarded OGs Jahri Evans and Carl Nicks with 5-year salary cap exemptions!!! :hissy:

Seriously.... you're right about where the punishment should be leveled and that the Colts or any other team are highly unlikely to receive any compensation.

Now....individual player lawsuits against the Saints and/or Williams by players around the NFL? That's another story.

But I don't want their filthyass Lombardi Trophy, I just wanna see them get thoroughly clobbered by Goodell for this.

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There's no way that other teams can be compensated for this, if you're expecting anything of the sort then you're gonna be pretty upset when it doesn't happen. The Saints will be punished and punished strongly for this. You have a commish that has made player safety his priority and this story comes out and slaps him in the face. IMO the spygate penalties for the Pats will be at least doubled for the Saints.

Speaking of spygate and sweeping it under the rug. The NFL couldn't burn those tapes fast enough, and while the penalties were deemed harsh by some, to others it wasn't enough. They very easily could have stripped titles or at the very least put an * next to them, like baseball does with it's tainted stats. The NFL didn't want a permanent black eye over it so they tried to move it along as quickly as possible and down play the importance of the tapes. The only people that think spygate was no big deal is the Pats fans.

I agree with you the league will be extremly hard on the Saints and will also punish the Skins as well (although significantly less)

As for spygate, only Pats Fans, Former coaches, former players and rather anyone who isnt just a fan acknowledges it was not as big a deal as fans made it. Especially as video taping isnt illegal but rather where they taped from. But Spygate is NOTHING compared to this, spygate did not end anyones career or hurt any player and doing this "bounty def caused.

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Article addressing it


Former player under Gregg Williams with the Washington Redskins:

Prices were set on Saturday nights in the team hotel.

In a makeshift meeting room, with the whisper of evening traffic pouring in from the Beltway, we laid our bounties on opposing players. We targeted big names, our sights set on taking them out of the game.

Price tags started low during the regular season — a couple hundred bucks for going after the quarterback hard or taking a running back out below the knees. Chop him down and give a quick smile when you got back to the huddle. You just got a bonus.

It's hard not to, not when you're playing for a coach like Gregg Williams, my defensive coordinator while I was with the Washington Redskins.

Goodell needs to rid the NFL of Williams. Each team he's worked for needs to be investigated and fined and some draft picks stripped.

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THIS is what I don't like. As despicable as this whole thing may be, how did they not deserve to win the Superbowl? Why should it be 'open season' on their fans? I know people are upset and emotional about this, but let's still be realistic. They still went out and played football and won the Superbowl...this thread is taking on the perception that the Colts were directly >>>ed and should be compensated for it...it's not about the Colts it's about a bigger issue....one that they will be punished severely for, and we'll all move on from it afterwards.

I can't speak for the rest of the fans, but I only say it in a joking manner. I would not want to change history.

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I can't speak for the rest of the fans, but I only say it in a joking manner. I would not want to change history.

Oh I know, I'm not talking about anyone changing history...I'm talking more about this unfair perception that the fans deserve ridicule...that because of this horrible situation it should be 'open season' on the fans and they somehow didn't deserve their championship. I don't like that thought process, and as a fan I trust the NFL will deal with it as they have with other unfortunate situations and i hope we can all move on without the need to call anything tainted or undeserved and just go back to watching and enjoying football

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Oh I know, I'm not talking about anyone changing history...I'm talking more about this unfair perception that the fans deserve ridicule...that because of this horrible situation it should be 'open season' on the fans and they somehow didn't deserve their championship. I don't like that thought process, and as a fan I trust the NFL will deal with it as they have with other unfortunate situations and i hope we can all move on without the need to call anything tainted or undeserved and just go back to watching and enjoying football

My mistake I thought you were talking about something else. I guess as a Pats fan, you know all about personal shots at fans for liking such a controversial team. I don't know how much a role the bounties have played, because it's like Kurt Warner said, these guys are going out there and hitting each other as hard as they can. There's no place in football for easing up on your opponents. I just don't like the fact that they would pay for messing with someone's livelyhood.

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My mistake I thought you were talking about something else. I guess as a Pats fan, you know all about personal shots at fans for liking such a controversial team. I don't know how much a role the bounties have played, because it's like Kurt Warner said, these guys are going out there and hitting each other as hard as they can. There's no place in football for easing up on your opponents. I just don't like the fact that they would pay for messing with someone's livelyhood.

I don't like it either, and I don't at all want to make it sound like I'm defending any part of this situation. I'm just saying that the fans don't deserve any of the backlash that is sure to come...the only thing they are guilty of is rooting for the team they love. They will be embarrassed by this and they will now be forced to justify their fanbood whenever someone wants to chirp, but nothing will take away the feeling they had when they won their title and it's unfair to say they didn't deserve it or that it's somehow tainted.

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Well if I remember correctly Warner got destroyed by a Saints guy way after he threw the ball, which knocked him out of what was his last career game.

Then, the following week in the NFCCG they injured Favre's ankle which IMO is the reason the Vike's lost.

Now we hear the Redskins and Titans had bounties on Peyton, the Redskins may have actually ended Peyton's career now. 3 HoF QB's...

I say kick Williams out of any NFL event for life, Saints forfeit all draft picks this year and a 1st next year, Super Bowl moved out of NO next year, and they have to return their Lombardi Trophy to the NFL. HEAVY fines too.

Warmer u r correct was way after the throw, it was considered legal as he threw an IT and so as he went forward it was considered he was after the guy who did the IT, but what a blindside strike from behind launching in with Saints Players shoulder

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Warmer u r correct was way after the throw, it was considered legal as he threw an IT and so as he went forward it was considered he was after the guy who did the IT, but what a blindside strike from behind launching in with Saints Players shoulder

It was technically legal, but totally unnecessary. Here is the video for anyone who doesn't remember it.

That looks like it was on purpose IMO

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Jay Glazer@JayGlazer

On the news side, was just told the Saints have placed the franchise tag on QB Drew Brees.

Retweeted by Jason La Canfora

Don't know if this scandal has anything to do with them having a hard time signing Brees?

No that seems to do have to do with like most of these things in sports Brees wants more money than the Saints are wanting to pay for him.

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