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[Merge] Colts free agency complaints and overreaction thread


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8 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I disagree with the bolded. The U.S. is mostly still a capitalism country where everyone isn't equal. The people who work hard, go to college, and make something out of their life are better than others who are high school dropouts and work at McDonalds. I have a lot more respect for a doctor than I do a McDonalds worker. They offer a much more valuable service, and they worked much harder to get there as well as make more money. They are a much more valuable person to society.


Yes sir! :) 

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Well, since Dion Lewis just got signed, maybe I'll sign a contract for the Colts to play RB at league minimum. I'm 30 years old, but haven't lost any tread on the tires. I could split carries with Marlon Mack, and I have 4"5 speed still, so I'm always a threat to break a long td. I can also catch the ball as well. Telling you I'm a bargain!

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4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I disagree with the bolded. The U.S. is mostly still a capitalism country where everyone isn't equal. The people who work hard, go to college, and make something out of their life are better than others who are high school dropouts and work at McDonalds. I have a lot more respect for a doctor than I do a McDonalds worker. They offer a much more valuable service, and they worked much harder to get there as well as make more money. They are a much more valuable person to society.


We all know consuming food at McDonald's on a regular basis is UNHEALTHY. Long-term affects can make you sick and seek medical attention. So without those McDonald's workers serving their food some doctors would be out of a job. 



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30 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


I am not disagreeing. But it’s too early to make that call for the entire offseason. We haven’t spent any of our money or used a single draft pick yet. 


Long ways to go before we can even predict 2018 yet. 

Well we better get somebody worth a crap soon or this team wont be worth watching in 2018 fact.

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I think Chris has gone to bed for the night.  All the lights are out at the Colts offices. Time for all of us to get a goods night sleep and wake up to see who else is off the board.  The entire fan base thanks you Chris for being so financially prudent.  Don't worry we all know FA hasn't started yet.  We are behind you Chris.  We know you have a plan.  Can't wait to see you in action tomorrow.  Pleasant dreams. 

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1 minute ago, jameszeigler834 said:

Well we better get somebody worth a crap soon or this team wont be worth watching in 2018 fact.


Understood. If we haven’t signed anyone by this weekend then I will be scratching my head. I don’t think that will happen though. 


I think Ballard is maturing in his role and learning how to keep things more confidential. 

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20 minutes ago, Myles said:

What name calling.   I just asked a question.   With the horrible O-line we have had the past few years, to even suggest that they could be middle of the pack without changes is crazy.  

NOrwell would have been nice, but they can sign others, which they need to do.  The O-line is still the biggest need for the Colts.   

While I agree that the line could use an upgrade......however, there are BIGGER holes to plug. Such as:


A starting WR opposite TY


A starting DE opposite Sheard unless you're running with Basham


A starting MIKE unless you're running with Walker


A starting WILL unless you're running with Grace


A starting CB unless you're running with Moore


We currently have 70 million in cap space and I would be frugal and spread that amongst those 5 notable holes AND THEN use the draft to find the young talent to continue building the foundation upon - including a lineman or two.

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2 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

While I agree that the line could use an upgrade......however, there are BIGGER holes to plug. Such as:


A starting WR opposite TY


A starting DE opposite Sheard unless you're running with Basham


A starting MIKE unless you're running with Walker


A starting WILL unless you're running with Grace


A starting CB unlezz you're running with Moore


We currently have 70 million in cap space and I would be frugal and spread that amongst those 5 notable holes AND THEN use the draft to find the young talent to continue building the foundation upon - including a lineman or two.

There is no bigger hole than the offensive line.  

I agree the team  has lots of holes though.   Protecting Luck is number one.  

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2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


Offering a different opinion should be widely accepted. I like it when people have a different opinion as long as it’s respectful. Problem is, too many people (here) want to ridicule opposing views and opinions without providing anything but sass.


In the real world, identifying this mentality helps to separate the adults who work at McDonalds from those making real, and meaningful decisions in the workforce. 

I agree about people who complain without offering anything (your analogy may be a bit of a stretch though)...


However, in this instance, what constructive criticism is being offered? It seems that Colts fans are complaining that Ballard isn't making an effort to sign anyone in FA. This feels like a considerable over reaction (also not constructive) especially without knowing any specifics, & even more so, considering that FA hasn't even officially  opened...


Fans are free to express discontent, as many are, however, when it is happening in every thread, coupled with multiple threads created solely to make the same complaints, it begins to feel like table banging & yelling (which brings the respectable thing into question).


Anyways, with those considetations why is anyone surprised at some negative or sarcastic blowback???


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9 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:

I agree about people who complain without offering anything (your analogy may be a bit of a stretch though)...


However, in this instance, what constructive criticism is being offered? It seems that Colts fans are complaining that Ballard isn't making an effort to sign anyone in FA. This feels like a considerable over reaction (also not constructive) especially without knowing any specifics, & even more so, considering that FA hasn't even officially  opened...


Fans are free to express discontent, as many are, however, when it is happening in every thread, coupled with multiple threads created solely to make the same complaints, it begins to feel like table banging & yelling (which brings the respectable thing into question).


Anyways, with those considetations why is anyone surprised at some negative or sarcastic blowback???



Some people are getting a little anxious. Not all of us are though. I have no problem with either reaction. 


IF a lot players are being signed that some members wanted the Colts to sign then it’s a conversation they might want to have. 


I don’t care either way, because I skim over and or skip posts I am not interested in. Some might think it's an art, but it’s actually quite simple. I can usually tell by the title whether or not I want in. 


For example, this newly merged and renamed thread..... I wouldn’t have touched it had I not engaged in conversation while it was in its original form. And once people stop replying to me in this thread then it will be dead to me. 

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3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Some people are getting a little anxious. Not all of us are though. I have no problem with either reaction. 


IF a lot players are being signed that some members wanted the Colts to sign then it’s a conversation they might want to have. 


I don’t care either way, because I skim over and or skip posts I am not interested in. Some might think it's an art, but it’s actually quite simple. I can usually tell by the title whether or not I want in. 

Even more reason to merge the complaint threads or keep them organized within a thread specifically discussing a specific player...


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3 hours ago, Myles said:

I hadn't heard that.  Did Norwell say he didn't want to play for the Colts.


Oh I haven’t read that anywhere, I’m totally speculating, & basing it more on who his options were, & who he ultimately ended up choosing. It kind of felt like his agent used the Colts as leverage.

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10 hours ago, Buck Showalter said:

Even more reason to merge the complaint threads or keep them organized within a thread specifically discussing a specific player...





All of the complaints are not equal. Many are separate lines of thoughts. I don’t think the idea of putting all the complaints in one place is a good idea. I believe it suppressed people’s opinions.


Probably even makes people think twice before creating another topic. It’s plausible that it hinders conversation. 


I say this, even though I don't even agree with the complaints I have read. 


There are hundreds of free agents and probably about 20-30 that Colts fans are actually interested in (at this time). Why should we care if there was a thread on each player?


I visited a board the other day where everything was consolidated. Had about 1000 reply’s per thread. I am not reading through all of that. Someone’s attempt to be organized has made them the most unorganized person managing a message board. 

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8 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

I want to be QB and backup Brisset & Luck. I can come in on wild cat packages at the Goaline


The last person we gave that title to retired and went on a comedy tour. 


We want to keep you around a while. 


I think we messed his mind up when we lined up in a weird goal line formation to punt. Every now and then he looks to his left and asks Mother to be quiet. 

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4 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:




All of the complaints are not equal. Many are separate lines of thoughts. I don’t think the idea of putting all the complaints in one place is a good idea. I believe it suppressed people’s opinions.


Probably even makes people think twice before creating another topic. It’s plausible that it hinders conversation. 


I don't even agree with the complaints I have read. 


There are hundreds of free agents and probably about 20-30 Colts fans are actually interested in (at this time). Why should we care if there was a thread on each player?


I visited a board the other day where everything was consolidated. Had about 1000 reply’s per thread. I am not reading through all of that. Someone’s attempt to be organized has made them the most unorganized person managing a message board. 


Yes a thread dedicated to each individual player as FA develops is logical...

Half a dozen threads all complaining about losing out on Norwell, etc. is not as logical...

& yes a happy medium between a thousand page thread or a half dozen threads discussing the same thing would be ideal...

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1 minute ago, Buck Showalter said:


Yes a thread dedicated to each individual player as FA develops is logical...

Half a dozen threads all complaining about losing out on Norwell, etc. is not as logical...

& yes a happy medium between a thousand page thread or a half dozen threads discussing the same thing would be ideal...


I think we agree :) 

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5 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I doubt that their window is short.  Jax has drafted well for years.  Their defense is stocked with young, drafted talent.  Now they are augmenting good drafting with some key free agent acquisitions.  They are way ahead of the Colts at this point.  At the rate we are going, it will be years before the Colts catch up with those guys.  Jacksonville looks primed to run the AFC South for awhile.

They have poured so much money into FA, with having the most or second most cap space the past like 3-4 years and getting huge names to huge contracts they will blow up in a couple years.

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

Probably even makes people think twice before creating another topic.


That's partly the point. Not everything is thread worthy. 


I don't want to stifle [good] conversation, but I don't think merging a bunch of threads that are all saying the same basic thing will do that. 

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5 hours ago, Superman said:


That's partly the point. Not everything is thread worthy. 


I don't want to stifle [good] conversation, but I don't think merging a bunch of threads that are all saying the same basic thing will do that. 


I would say that I think you totally nailed the Thread Title! haha

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Let me see if I have the gist of this thread title,


"Where's my Giraffe? Ballard promised me he would sign me a Giraffe in the off season no matter what the cost? How are we going to protect Luck without one? The locker room will be in shambles without his presence...........Fire Grigson!!!!!!!!! errr I mean Ballard! The season is over, we will never win again, I cant believe we have all that money and Ballard won't buy me a giraffe! "

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12 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Jags are going crazy .... signing norwell and now going to sign moncrief. 


Only mistake they did was extend bortles. If they go out and get cousins or foles they would be favorties 

Jags will sign Suh next!! Smh..This is pathetic...All these other teams, many which are well run franchises don't have a problem paying MARKET value...These guys aren't getting Overpaid! The market sets the value and with the cap rising every year salaries are increasing...We look bad, penny pinching when we have 3rd most cap in NFL makes us look less desirable to players as well...If we think we can solely rebuild through draft we will not be good until it's time for Luck to retire after we literally wasted his whole career...We aren't just passing on top level impact players, we are missing out on 3rd, and 4th tier guys...There will be a reason the guys we eventually sign come cheaper and haven't been picked up, they aren't still available for no reason...Just saying...

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12 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I doubt that their window is short.  Jax has drafted well for years.  Their defense is stocked with young, drafted talent.  Now they are augmenting good drafting with some key free agent acquisitions.  They are way ahead of the Colts at this point.  At the rate we are going, it will be years before the Colts catch up with those guys.  Jacksonville looks primed to run the AFC South for awhile.

Tom Coughlin is turning Jacksonville into a freaking Juggernaut...Meanwhile in Indianapolis we can't even resign our own good players or players with potential...So far this offseason we have done absolutely nothing to get better, but instead are too tight to even pay our own free agents...It looks bad..

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10 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

Yep....the same reponses AND THEN the same responses to the responses.

We must build through the draft! Don't overspend, good players will come here cheap! Don't draft a RB before the 4th round..Build the trenches..We are in a long term rebuild it will take 3 or 4 years..Lets continue to suck until Luck hits retirement age and Irsay can pocket 50 million he could have spent to make us better...

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Ppl keep talking about the Jags possible contract issues, to make themselves feel better. Fact is nobody knows the structure of those deals. I understand you have to do whatever to make yourself think happy thoughts but the truth is the Jags have things in place to be run this division for a nice stretch. They see that and aren’t just sitting there worrying about “overpaying,” they are improving their team

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8 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

While I hate negativity, it is kind of disappointing we haven't made 1 move while having 60 Mill in Cap Space. Then teams like the Jags, Titans, and Texans are making all kinds of moves to get better which makes it worse. So I can see why people are complaining. I am not complaining but a bit concerned.

I agree that's where I'm at too the other 3 teams in our division were already better then us before FA now they get even more help plus sure there is the draft but those 3 get picks too plus the 5 top FA they got


I really hope Irsay gives Ballard time if he only really wants to build through the draft then it will honestly take quite a bit of time for this rebuild and I like how Ballard drafts just hope his slow approach doesn't get him canned early 

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The NFL is just a game played by over paid grown men. Making yourself miserable over all of this is a total waist of time.

Calling yourself a fan does not mean you have to carry it to the point of being a fanatic.

Turning this forum into a big whine fest is boring. Geez, get a life.

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5 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:


The NFL is just a game played by over paid grown men. Making yourself miserable over all of this is a total waist of time.

Calling yourself a fan does not mean you have to carry it to the point of being a fanatic.

Turning this forum into a big whine fest is boring. Geez, get a life.


I keep telling myself to ignore the noise on the forum, and then I get dragged back in by someone saying "Ballard has failed in free agency" or something like that.


Luckily, time zones mean that most of the nonsense is posted while I am asleep! haha

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1 minute ago, DaveA1102 said:


I keep telling myself to ignore the noise on the forum, and then I get dragged back in by someone saying "Ballard has failed in free agency" or something like that.


Luckily, time zones mean that most of the nonsense is posted while I am asleep! haha

Irsay is counting on the fan base having that mentality...

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50 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

Tom Coughlin is turning Jacksonville into a freaking Juggernaut...Meanwhile in Indianapolis we can't even resign our own good players or players with potential...So far this offseason we have done absolutely nothing to get better, but instead are too tight to even pay our own free agents...It looks bad..

Even the Browns and Jets made moves to improve with the Jest getting a top CB. Colts are the sports media laughingstock that is for sure.

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9 hours ago, richard pallo said:

I think Chris has gone to bed for the night.  All the lights are out at the Colts offices. Time for all of us to get a goods night sleep and wake up to see who else is off the board.  The entire fan base thanks you Chris for being so financially prudent.  Don't worry we all know FA hasn't started yet.  We are behind you Chris.  We know you have a plan.  Can't wait to see you in action tomorrow.  Pleasant dreams. 

no, "chris" never goes to sleep.  thanks for being behind me, the count-down has begun, T-minus 8h22m47s :thmup:

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