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Starting to hate TD celebrations


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  Is anybody else getting tired of the TD celebrations? Hide and seek? I guess I’m getting old but it just seems so juvenile to me. And I’m starting to see coregraphed celebrations on non - TD plays.

   Saw a piece on Barry Sanders and one on Fitzgerald. They hand(ed) the ball to the ref. Imagine that. Marvin Harrison did the same thing. 

   I love the athleticism, artistry and the chess match involved with pro football. But it seems you have to weed through the egos and nonsense involved with the game today.

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I agree.  I like celebrations, but these super choreographed ones aren't for me.  It's just want too excessive and unnecessary.  I like when a guy uses his own creativity to do something, like what TO and Ocho would do.  Proposing to a cheerleader, pulling a Sharpie out of your sock, doing the riverdance, I think those are great.  But hide and seek or potato sack races, I'm not liking them

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Problem is they have to be juvenile, because the NFL has a stick up their butt about anything mature. Can't make a gun pointing gesture! Can't do too many hip thrusts! Still can't dunk over the goal post, even though we've been doing it for years!

A part of me wonders if the athletes are doing these super juvenile things on purpose to show how ridiculous the league is on what it allows. Certainly the rookies have to do it this way, because their wallets aren't as big to afford a fine yet.

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3 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I agree.  I like celebrations, but these super choreographed ones aren't for me.  It's just want too excessive and unnecessary.  I like when a guy uses his own creativity to do something, like what TO and Ocho would do.  Proposing to a cheerleader, pulling a Sharpie out of your sock, doing the riverdance, I think those are great.  But hide and seek or potato sack races, I'm not liking them

I'm with you, let the players "dunk" on the goal post and eat fans popcorn. The choreographed is silly, I'm not going to complain I just want it to be more.. genuine I guess

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25 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I'm with you, let the players "dunk" on the goal post and eat fans popcorn. The choreographed is silly, I'm not going to complain I just want it to be more.. genuine I guess

Yeah, that's a good way to put it.  Dunking and eating popcorn are due to a player's genuine excitement, I think.  But a choreographed dance or whatever is over the top.  I like the spontaneity of it

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8 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I agree.  I like celebrations, but these super choreographed ones aren't for me.  It's just want too excessive and unnecessary.  I like when a guy uses his own creativity to do something, like what TO and Ocho would do.  Proposing to a cheerleader, pulling a Sharpie out of your sock, doing the riverdance, I think those are great.  But hide and seek or potato sack races, I'm not liking them


Back when Owens and Ocho Cinco were doing their celebrations, they were sharply criticized by fans and the media just as the OP is criticizing the new type of celebrations. Fans get used to the celebrations. Ten years from now, you probably won't have an issue with the choreographed celebrations. It will be something else that people are complaining about. 


I prefer if players would just hand the ball to the officials after scoring, but my dislike for celebrations is not great enough to let it bother me. 

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10 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


Back when Owens and Ocho Cinco were doing their celebrations, they were sharply criticized by fans and the media just as the OP is criticizing the new type of celebrations. Fans get used to the celebrations. Ten years from now, you probably won't have an issue with the choreographed celebrations. It will be something else that people are complaining about. 


I prefer if players would just hand the ball to the officials after scoring, but my dislike for celebrations is not great enough to let it bother me. 

If I scored I would spike it over the goal post and do this :billiejean:

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I agree it is becoming a bit "much."

it's "look at me" rather than team oriented.

it might be a generational thing too.

unless its a game-winning td, which requires a spike, the coolest celebration is when they hand the ball to the ref and jog to the sideline.  Maybe some low fives to the field goal team as they pass.

if you are really that good or "cool", you really dont need to show it...people know.

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9 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I'm with you, let the players "dunk" on the goal post and eat fans popcorn. The choreographed is silly, I'm not going to complain I just want it to be more.. genuine I guess

No dunking the goal post. It delays the game too much when the groundskeepers have to come out and measure and reset the post.

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27 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

I agree it is becoming a bit "much."

it's "look at me" rather than team oriented.

it might be a generational thing too.

unless its a game-winning td, which requires a spike, the coolest celebration is when they hand the ball to the ref and jog to the sideline.  Maybe some low fives to the field goal team as they pass.

if you are really that good or "cool", you really dont need to show it...people know.

I agree. Tom Landry didn't allow his player to celebrate. He said act like you been there before.

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Recently some media people were discussing the Giants team and how to fix it. One comment stood out in that it was said, to paraphrase, "these players are rich, media stars and they are not going to be bullied by anybody." That pretty much nailed it. Recall when colleges passed a rule they players could not remove their helmets after scoring? I always thought was nothing more than the player saying "everyone look at me, me, me."  I guarantee the post season NFL talk shows will contain segments called "The Best Celebrations of 2017." Celebrations now being a part of the game is one of many reasons the ratings and revenues are down. Even the pregame shows now include useless sideshows that are hard to watch. Young, spoiled rich kids are not the players I grew up watching but times change but not always for the best. 

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I have to say, I really like it.  For the "look at me" argument, there are few that are not team-oriented (excluding OBJ), and I love that a team gets on well enough to work on these things and have fun in what they are doing.  I also like to see who it is that is involved (or not) like when it was Bell and Juju for Steelers and AB had no idea what they were doing! haha


Don't get me wrong, I am all for the Larry Fitz/Barry Sanders "act like you have been there before" mentality, but that doesn't fit everyone in the league and, if guys want to do something to express themselves, and its funny, then more power to them.


Up with fun! :cheer:

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11 hours ago, NFLfan said:


Back when Owens and Ocho Cinco were doing their celebrations, they were sharply criticized by fans and the media just as the OP is criticizing the new type of celebrations. Fans get used to the celebrations. Ten years from now, you probably won't have an issue with the choreographed celebrations. It will be something else that people are complaining about. 


I prefer if players would just hand the ball to the officials after scoring, but my dislike for celebrations is not great enough to let it bother me. 

I think my problem is that with how choreographed they are, it just seems fake, like "let's come up with a celebration just because".  When Ocho and TO did it, it was spontaneous and creative.  Things that come naturally, even in the game today (like the Gronk spike, guys dunking the ball on the goalpost, or Antonio Brown's pelvic thrusts) are fine with me because they are genuine celebrations of excitement.  A potato sack race or hide and seek just seems like too much choreography for my liking.  With that said, I'd rather the players be given more freedom to celebrate than for them to be fined and penalized for celebrating, so I suppose this is better than the alternative.

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5 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I think my problem is that with how choreographed they are, it just seems fake, like "let's come up with a celebration just because".  When Ocho and TO did it, it was spontaneous and creative.  Things that come naturally, even in the game today (like the Gronk spike, guys dunking the ball on the goalpost, or Antonio Brown's pelvic thrusts) are fine with me because they are genuine celebrations of excitement.  A potato sack race or hide and seek just seems like too much choreography for my liking.  With that said, I'd rather the players be given more freedom to celebrate than for them to be fined and penalized for celebrating, so I suppose this is better than the alternative.


I hear you. The spontaneous celebrations are more acceptable.The Vikings are doing these ridiculous celebrations -- Duck, Duck, Goose and players hopping on each other. Most of the fans think they are great. I don't like those celebrations but I won't let them affect my enjoyment of the game.


Interestingly, those choreographed ones were not penalized, but Diggs got a flag for spontaneously hugging the goal post.

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On 11/12/2017 at 12:56 PM, coltsfeva said:

Saw a piece on Barry Sanders and one on Fitzgerald. They hand(ed) the ball to the ref. Imagine that. Marvin Harrison did the same thing. 


As a mature adult, I admire guys like Barry and Larry for that, and Marv is in the top-3 for my all-time-favorite Colts, in part because of his stoic demeanor.  I respect the older players for "acting like they've been there before".  For those guys to remain so professional and calm while experiencing what has to be one of the most exciting jobs on Earth... ice-water in the veins.


But when I was a kid... I loved guys like Primetime and the Playmaker.  I remember seeing players go crazy celebrating big plays and it made me fall in love with football because it looked like so much fun.  And the reason most people love Favre is because he played and celebrated LIKE A KID.  We need to remember that these guys are all playing a kids' game, and some of them are young enough that they still feel like kids playing a kids' game.  Little kids aren't falling in love with the play-calling of BB, they're falling in love with the play-making and celebrations of Aaron Rodgers, Odell Beckham and Gronk.


I think it's important that we have both.  Yes, it is a profession, and there is no place for disrespectful behavior, but this is supposed to be fun, right?  How many kids and casual fans will keep tuning in if all the players are just "doing their job" and it doesn't seem like anyone is having any fun?

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On 11/13/2017 at 9:48 AM, 21isSuperman said:

I think my problem is that with how choreographed they are, it just seems fake, like "let's come up with a celebration just because".  When Ocho and TO did it, it was spontaneous and creative.  Things that come naturally, even in the game today (like the Gronk spike, guys dunking the ball on the goalpost, or Antonio Brown's pelvic thrusts) are fine with me because they are genuine celebrations of excitement.  A potato sack race or hide and seek just seems like too much choreography for my liking.  With that said, I'd rather the players be given more freedom to celebrate than for them to be fined and penalized for celebrating, so I suppose this is better than the alternative.


I agree with you here.  I really like the team celebrations mostly because the team scored, not the individual.  No RB ever broke or evaded 11 tacklers on his way to the endzone for example.  Receivers don't magically draw the ball to themselves etc etc.  It's a team game and in order to succeed you need everyone on the team to do well.  


But I think the choreography is way over the top.  


The perfect team celebrations to me looking at the past are things like "The Dirty Bird" or the Bronco's salute from way back when they won the SB in the 90's.  Or further back I think the Vikings used to have all the players on the field jump at once and high 5 one another.  


Simple team celebrations to me are the best.  Something that stands out specifically for your team, but not something that you know these guys spent an hour working on.  


I see some of the recent celebrations and I just think "You guys seriously wasted your time working on that celebration?"  

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On 11/12/2017 at 10:15 PM, NFLfan said:

I prefer if players would just hand the ball to the officials after scoring, but my dislike for celebrations is not great enough to let it bother me. 


I wholeheartedly concur with this sentiment. Most of the time they are a vague amusement, but sometimes I find them absolutely hilarious


I still smile every time I think about Golden Tate dancing with the cheerleaders




I thought Chad Ocho-Cinco was a clown, but I couldn't help laugh at some of his antics

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On 11/15/2017 at 10:00 AM, Lucky Colts Fan said:


And the reason most people love Favre is because he played and celebrated LIKE A KID.

Favre celebrated like a kid....with his teammates.

Some of these guys today make an effort to RUN AWAY from their teammates, who are trying to celebrate with them, so they can be all alone in the spotlight.

Why high-five the line that just blocked for you when you can say "look at me....I'm awesome!"

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I don't like it at all.  In fact, when my wife seen it the other day, I was embarrassed.  She doesn't watch football.  It made it seem like WWE or another wrestling kind of show. 

I may be in the minority, but I liked when they called it the No Fun League.  

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On 11/20/2017 at 3:46 AM, LockeDown said:

I like the Lambeau Leap and giving a kid the ball , both of which includes the fans.  I prefer Barry, Marvin approach because their playing was so spectacular, it didn't need a celebration. 

Actually I love when Cam scores.. he's all joy and smiles. Then looks for a child in the stands wearing Panthers gear. And he gets his teamsmate to do the same thing lol

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31 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

Actually I love when Cam scores.. he's all joy and smiles. Then looks for a child in the stands wearing Panthers gear. And he gets his teamsmate to do the same thing lol


There's a double standard with QB's. More is expected from them. A wideout could get away with the superman routine, but it's a bad look for a franchise QB. Fair or unfair... life isn't always fair

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