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My Mind Is Changing.


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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

This is a NO LOSE situation...

Keep Manning and trade pick for the world...

Draft Luck and release Manning and have the "next" Manning on the roster...

or... Draft Luck and keep Manning....

This team was cursed for years now they are blessed.

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People really need to relax. With or without Manning, 14-2 or 2-14... this is still just the game of Football. I cheer for the Colts because I love the team, the horseshoe! I will always be a Colts fan regardless of who starts at QB... be happy that we have the privlidge to watch our Indy Colts play each Sunday.... Win or Lose > Life could be a lot worse.

Resign Manning or draft Luck or both.. whatever... GO COLTS!!

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Change their logo and unis?

Now I've heard everything.

The logo and the unis ARE the team. NOT ANY individual.

THAT is MY opinion.

Why are some people losing their minds over this?

I also think we've picked up some "excess baggage" (fan-wise) because of our recent success. We can afford to "shed some weight".

When times are the worst, people's "true colors" seem to come out, don't they? Obviously they do. Some rise to the occasion, some "cave" under the strain.

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I'd like to see Peyton stay for a couple more years. I know the Colts will probably pick up Luck, but we've seen star college QBs flounder their first couple of years in the NFL. Pro is a totally different game. It would really help Luck to have a mentor like Manning for a year or two.

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I'd like to see Peyton stay for a couple more years. I know the Colts will probably pick up Luck, but we've seen star college QBs flounder their first couple of years in the NFL. Pro is a totally different game. It would really help Luck to have a mentor like Manning for a year or two.

I get where you are coming from and respect your opinion.

However, at this point, Luck looks like less of a risk to the team's future than Peyton.

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I know. You're right. I've been a hard-core Manning fan since he played for Tennessee. I was really hoping he'd be able to stay till retirement. But, with a husband who is a coach (high school), I understand that team success must come ahead of individual goals.

I'm not trying to be right nor do I need to be.

My heart is breaking over this.

Before peyton came here, he was just another "college guy" to me.

He has, however, become my FAVORITE Colt of all time.

I'm hoping several "miracles" can happen and he can play here for another 10 years.

But, alas, things change.

I think I'll put my #18 jersey on and crawl up in the fetal position and cry for a while.

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Yeah...my heart is hurting, too. I was born and raised in Indy (southside - Greenwood). When I was growing up, we didn't have an NFL team. When the midnight acquistion of the Colts occurred, I was ecstatic. They didn't play great, but we finally had a team and I was satisfied. Then, 14 years later we picked up Manning. He was the best thing that ever happened to the Colts. It is definitely hard to let go. If Irsay trades or releases Peyton, I'll still be a Colts fan...but I'll be right there with you going through boxes of Kleenex.

Need to head to bed. Morning always comes too soon. :-)

Nice talking to you, Magnet.

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This is a NO LOSE situation...

Keep Manning and trade pick for the world...

Draft Luck and release Manning and have the "next" Manning on the roster...

or... Draft Luck and keep Manning....

This team was cursed for years now they are blessed.

There is one way we can >>> this up but I don't think it's likely.

Keep Peyton have him not be able to play again and in the process have Luck say oh you kept Peyton I don't want to go to Indy. I know Luck has said all the right things so far about coming here but if you listen to him when he talks he always leaves the door open to forcing a trade. I think he's being smart and letting the Peyton situation play out before he fully tips his hand.

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There is one way we can >>> this up but I don't think it's likely.

Keep Peyton have him not be able to play again and in the process have Luck say oh you kept Peyton I don't want to go to Indy. I know Luck has said all the right things so far about coming here but if you listen to him when he talks he always leaves the door open to forcing a trade. I think he's being smart and letting the Peyton situation play out before he fully tips his hand.

Well IMO .... all the "talk" from Irsay and Manning is just that .......... "talk"..

Manning will be released and Luck will be under center in 2012.


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I'm not trying to be right nor do I need to be.

My heart is breaking over this.

Before peyton came here, he was just another "college guy" to me.

He has, however, become my FAVORITE Colt of all time.

I'm hoping several "miracles" can happen and he can play here for another 10 years.

But, alas, things change.

I think I'll put my #18 jersey on and crawl up in the fetal position and cry for a while.

Ive been threw this my all time favorite colt was Jim harbaugh I hated seeing him traded. Life does go one though.
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I really can't understand fans who now want to jump ship when times get hard, or when things don't go according to plans (or their plans should I say). My 'soccer' club which I've been supporting for around 30 years are now in dire financial trouble, with a possibility of going out of business. They are a huge institution within Scotland, and were formed in 1873. Am I disgusted with how they have been managed over the last 15 years? Yes. Am I going to walk away? No. I actually feel more passion for them now, than I did when all was rosy. They have won more national championships than any other club in the world, and now we could just fold.

When your team is faced with hard times, or when things don't pan out the way you would like, you stand behind them rather than retreat like a coward. Sure, if the product they sell is not to your liking, you can keep your cash in your bank account, or spend it on some other past time, but you should NEVER just walk away.

I've only been following 'American Football' (chuckle) and therefore the Colts since 2005, but they are now in my blood and I shall never lose that.

Painter or Manning or Luck....

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Reality in the here-and-now is all anyone ever has. No disrespect intended, but if the circumstances cause a small percentage of folks to fall away as fans here and elsewhere that's their decision. As pointed out in another thread there's a 9,000 person waiting list in Indy for season tickets. I for one would be glad to see some prominent blind homers for the old ways here (not you) go by the wayside. A few folks opting out of their season tickets won't hurt Lucas attendance any more than a few living in the past blind homers for the old ways leaving here would hurt this board.

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Selfishly, I'd love to see Peyton play for the Colts and then retire a Colt, but realistically, professional football is a business and at the end of the day, Irsay is going to do what is best for the Colts organization. But regardless of what decision is made for next season, I'm still gonna wear my #18 jersey and watch Colts football! Been a Colts fan for 40+ years - not giving up on 'em any time soon! GO COLTS!!

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Let's look at other NFL teams to compare to the Colts: Browns-losers, disbanded went to Baltimore, reformed in Cleveland and still losers. AZ Cardinals; Chicago Cardinals St. Louis Cardinals, Phoenix Cardinals, AZ Cardinals and loser Cardinals. Add here the hideous Rams after the days of Merlin Olsen. How bout dem Lions ?! What a success story they are. Tampa Bay Bucs- you ever look up their first fourteen years in the league? Ah yes, the Saints formerly the Saints; what other fans are noted for wearing bags over their heads? How long did it take the Steelers to finally become a team? After Montana and Young departed how did the 49ers fare? Name the championships the Jets have been successful in since Super Bowl III. How many Super Bowls have the Chargers and Chiefs won since their hay days. Oh yeah the Raiders, now there's a success story!

I'll take the Colts over the past 60 years as a team that had it's up and downs like all teams but barring some years they were alwyas in the hunt. As far as QB's go-Unitas, Morrell, Jones, Harbaugh and Manning tell me they can go head to head with any team in that position with Luck coming upover the horizon. We will be fine you just wait and see.

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Why in the world should the Colts change their logo and uniforms at this point?

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I really can't understand fans who now want to jump ship when times get hard, or when things don't go according to plans (or their plans should I say). My 'soccer' club which I've been supporting for around 30 years are now in dire financial trouble, with a possibility of going out of business. They are a huge institution within Scotland, and were formed in 1873. Am I disgusted with how they have been managed over the last 15 years? Yes. Am I going to walk away? No. I actually feel more passion for them now, than I did when all was rosy. They have won more national championships than any other club in the world, and now we could just fold. When your team is faced with hard times, or when things don't pan out the way you would like, you stand behind them rather than retreat like a coward. Sure, if the product they sell is not to your liking, you can keep your cash in your bank account, or spend it on some other past time, but you should NEVER just walk away. I've only been following 'American Football' (chuckle) and therefore the Colts since 2005, but they are now in my blood and I shall never lose that. Painter or Manning or Luck....

In Norway we have a “soccer” team from the capital who were in the top division (No. 1) and played on the national stadium, which went bankrupt and was moved down to the lowest division (No. 7). When they last year were in division No. 5 and played at a small venue, they had more spectators than they had in the top division.

There are fans that follow their team through ups and downs!

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Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

It's just a football game, dude. Being a fan is a lot funner when you keep your perspective. Even if things do get bad for a while here, at least it makes you appreciate the good times, aye? thumbs-up.gif

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Things were bad enough last season, and we made it. With Manning or no Manning we might just turn this thing right around with Luck.

This is what I'm hoping too.

There is a reason there are so many Steeler fans in the world. People love a winner.

I'd love to see a study done of how many Colt fans there were before and and after Manning joined the Colts. I'm sure it would boggle our minds.

Now, when manning does finally retire or "leave", we will obviously lose some of those fans off "the wagon".

This is fine with me, the rest of us will be able to "stretch our legs" then.

I know in my area (Pennsylvania), before manning I would never see other Colts fans around. However, in the last 5 or so years, now i see many Manning and Harrison jerseys along with other "horseshoe" lovers. I'll be interested to see how many of them go back to being Eagle fans. haha

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Why change the uniforms and logo? Just for the sake of change. The NY yankees have the same uniforms they had 70 years ago. They have not changed because there is no reason for it. I do not but the Colts in that class but I think their uniforms and logo look good and are simple and classy. Sometimes teams change and wind up with something hideous looking.
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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

I hear you dude,but YES THE HORSE SHOE RULES! If I was to not be a Colt fan it would have been when they moved from Baltimore to INDY. Thought about it but same uniforms. My hope is we keep Peyton & draft Luck.This team is not NEAR AS BAB AS THERE RECORD INDICATES. Irsays posturing is starting to annoy me though.

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Change their logo and unis?

Now I've heard everything.

The logo and the unis ARE the team. NOT ANY individual.

THAT is MY opinion.

Why are some people losing their minds over this?

Definitely this. Thank you Wool! Peyton is not the beginning and end of all things Colts folks. The franchise did not change the uni and logo after Unitas was traded away so they darn sure won't for Peyton either. Some people really need to get a grip. If Peyton leaves us, the sun will come up the next day and the team playing in Indianapolis will still be sporting blue horseshoes on their helmets and calling themselves the Colts. Also Coltsman1788 and many others will still be rooting them on.

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?


The fact that you been around long enough to see the changes this team has gone through, says alot about the loyalty you've had for this organization. Your comments also expose the type of fan(team-supporter) that you've been over the years. We've all gone through transitional periods in our life, much like the team that we love so much. Stay the course, don't do anymore damage to your colts-fan legacy, and transform into a "Social Media Bandwagon-Jumper"....

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I hear you dude,but YES THE HORSE SHOE RULES! If I was to not be a Colt fan it would have been when they moved from Baltimore to INDY. Thought about it but same uniforms. My hope is we keep Peyton & draft Luck.This team is not NEAR AS BAB AS THERE RECORD INDICATES. Irsays posturing is starting to annoy me though.

Instead of this team making decisions and doing it, they him haw around. I hate drama and speculation. Cut the man or pay him or change the contract, but just do it. They will drag this out till training camp. As far as the uniforms, some teams have changed in the past for one reason or another. People here have wanted to go with a blue helmet and white horseshoe, Blue pants. Personally I think it would look crappy. The old days were easier I think when You had no idea who was on the roster until week 3 or 4 when they played the Dolphins in the AFC east. No internet, no NFL network. We did not have cable tv until 85.
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The fact that you been around long enough to see the changes this team has gone through, says alot about the loyalty you've had for this organization. Your comments also expose the type of fan(team-supporter) that you've been over the years. We've all gone through transitional periods in our life, much like the team that we love so much. Stay the course, don't do anymore damage to your colts-fan legacy, and transform into a "Social Media Bandwagon-Jumper"....

You know the last game I watched in Memorial Stadium was in 81 or 82 not sure which, had to move back to florida. Bob irsay was jacking around with Bert Jones with his contract. Jones was traded. Went to the game. I was 1 out of 7,650 people who showed up. The city loved the Colts, hated the management and the drama.

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This is what I'm hoping too.

There is a reason there are so many Steeler fans in the world. People love a winner.

I'd love to see a study done of how many Colt fans there were before and and after Manning joined the Colts. I'm sure it would boggle our minds.

Now, when manning does finally retire or "leave", we will obviously lose some of those fans off "the wagon".

This is fine with me, the rest of us will be able to "stretch our legs" then.

I know in my area (Pennsylvania), before manning I would never see other Colts fans around. However, in the last 5 or so years, now i see many Manning and Harrison jerseys along with other "horseshoe" lovers. I'll be interested to see how many of them go back to being Eagle fans. haha

there is a big difference between a Colts fan and a Manning fan. i agree we have picked up a lot of manning fans, and rightfully so. those fans are the ones in here with the anti luck comments and such, and who don't care whats best for the horseshoe. i will be happy when they are gone. GO Colts

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I seriously do not understand what is with these new threads about should I be a fan, should I stick around, yada, yada. Just because I am married doesn't mean that I know if you should stick it out with your wife. Just because I work for a boss, doesn't mean I know if you should stay at your job. In keeping that theme, just because I am a Colt fan does not mean that I know if you should remain a fan. Seriously, folks, what in the Hades is all this about?

Look, we all come to talk about the team we love for the experience of sharing that appreciation with others. However, if the experience you seek from being an NFL fan has a framework such as numbers of wins, types of players drafted, or coaching style prerequisites that MUST be achieved or you will not enjoy yourself.......you will likely be miserable most of the time. That is because NO team, NO coach, or NO system will match what any fan wants over time. It all changes. Then, it changes again.

I am going to call out the elephant in the room. Fans of this team (this is a general statement so put down your hatchet if this doesn't fit you) have become seriously spoiled by having been fans of the winningest franchise in one decade in the history of the NFL. Nearly every teams fans would have loved to experience what we have enjoyed. We had a period of 5 or 6 years of incredible stability that few teams have ever experienced. We had the same stars, the same coaches, and so on. A lot of teams have turnover, new systems and coaches nearly every year. You know why? To make an attempt to compete with but kicking teams like us! Now...we have some adversity....media uses this emotion to toss around fans like naive rag dolls, and people are figuratively jumping off of bridges.

Get a freakinhold of yourselves, people. Its a game. A game that is a blast to watch, and even more fun to root for. But in the end, anyone can enjoy the wins while not dying over the turmoil. It takes looking in the mirror and putting your priorities straight. Enjoys the good times, and discuss it here with all of us. But when things aren't going right, then love your wife, hug your son, teach your daughter, volunteer, appreciate someone and tell them, or just work in your garden. Separate yourself from the game when it threatens to shake your soul. Only you can make that choice. Peace.

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I seriously do not understand what is with these new threads about should I be a fan, should I stick around, yada, yada. Just because I am married doesn't mean that I know if you should stick it out with your wife. Just because I work for a boss, doesn't mean I know if you should stay at your job. In keeping that theme, just because I am a Colt fan does not mean that I know if you should remain a fan. Seriously, folks, what in the Hades is all this about?

Look, we all come to talk about the team we love for the experience of sharing that appreciation with others. However, if the experience you seek from being an NFL fan has a framework such as numbers of wins, types of players drafted, or coaching style prerequisites that MUST be achieved or you will not enjoy yourself.......you will likely be miserable most of the time. That is because NO team, NO coach, or NO system will match what any fan wants over time. It all changes. Then, it changes again.

I am going to call out the elephant in the room. Fans of this team (this is a general statement so put down your hatchet if this doesn't fit you) have become seriously spoiled by having been fans of the winningest franchise in one decade in the history of the NFL. Nearly every teams fans would have loved to experience what we have enjoyed. We had a period of 5 or 6 years of incredible stability that few teams have ever experienced. We had the same stars, the same coaches, and so on. A lot of teams have turnover, new systems and coaches nearly every year. You know why? To make an attempt to compete with but kicking teams like us! Now...we have some adversity....media uses this emotion to toss around fans like naive rag dolls, and people are figuratively jumping off of bridges.

Get a freakinhold of yourselves, people. Its a game. A game that is a blast to watch, and even more fun to root for. But in the end, anyone can enjoy the wins while not dying over the turmoil. It takes looking in the mirror and putting your priorities straight. Enjoys the good times, and discuss it here with all of us. But when things aren't going right, then love your wife, hug your son, teach your daughter, volunteer, appreciate someone and tell them, or just work in your garden. Separate yourself from the game when it threatens to shake your soul. Only you can make that choice. Peace.

I agree warhorse.

Some of us are spoiled from the last decade or so.

You'd think we'd remember the "lean" years which far outnumbered the good years.

Its kinda like when you lose a pet or a loved one. Do you dwell on the loss, or are you thankful for the time you had and cherish the fond memories?

This leads me to believe there is an inverse relationship between "new" Colt fans (those becoming fans because of Manning and our recent success)

And the "longer term" Colt fans who were around for many "bad" years.

I would venture to say that those complaining most and feeling that its the "end of the world" as far as the franchise goes include MORE of the more recent fans who migrated here when manning arrived and the "success' started. this could also include many of those who say they won't be Colt fans if and when manning is gone.

I don't believe its a stretch to say that longer-term Colt fans are more adaptive to change and what it could bring for the future of the franchise while still remaining "loyal" to the horseshoe.

Of course this isn't all inclusive but I would think that statistics very well could prove this out if there were a way to analyze this.

Now I'm NOT saying longer-term Colt fans are the "true" Colt fans, not at all. I'm merely stating that those of us that were fans from the Baltimore days have been thru so much MORE with the team leaving baltimore and suffering thru VERY lack-lustre seasons thru the eighties and early nineties.

Its just common sense, imo.

Its really no different than elderly people who witnessed the depression versus younger people who only saw the excessive lifestyle of the eighties and now have to deal with this economic environment and debt. The "older" people have saw far worse and are more "programmed" to deal with stresses and strains on their lives. (statistically speaking)

Any thoughts?

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I agree warhorse.

Some of us are spoiled from the last decade or so.

You'd think we'd remember the "lean" years which far outnumbered the good years.

Its kinda like when you lose a pet or a loved one. Do you dwell on the loss, or are you thankful for the time you had and cherish the fond memories?

This leads me to believe there is an inverse relationship between "new" Colt fans (those becoming fans because of Manning and our recent success)

And the "longer term" Colt fans who were around for many "bad" years.

I would venture to say that those complaining most and feeling that its the "end of the world" as far as the franchise goes include MORE of the more recent fans who migrated here when manning arrived and the "success' started. this could also include many of those who say they won't be Colt fans if and when manning is gone.

I don't believe its a stretch to say that longer-term Colt fans are more adaptive to change and what it could bring for the future of the franchise while still remaining "loyal" to the horseshoe.

Of course this isn't all inclusive but I would think that statistics very well could prove this out if there were a way to analyze this.

Now I'm NOT saying longer-term Colt fans are the "true" Colt fans, not at all. I'm merely stating that those of us that were fans from the Baltimore days have been thru so much MORE with the team leaving baltimore and suffering thru VERY lack-lustre seasons thru the eighties and early nineties.

Its just common sense, imo.

Its really no different than elderly people who witnessed the depression versus younger people who only saw the excessive lifestyle of the eighties and now have to deal with this economic environment and debt. The "older" people have saw far worse and are more "programmed" to deal with stresses and strains on their lives. (statistically speaking)

Any thoughts?

I know where you are coming from, but don't agree. People who have become fans of the COLTS, during the Manning years (and I'm one) are just the same. It's those that label themselves Manning fans first, and Colts fans second that are causing all the drama. But again, not exclusively.

FANatics do not generally ditch their team when times get hard. Whether a one year fan, or a forty year fan.

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I know where you are coming from, but don't agree. People who have become fans of the COLTS, during the Manning years (and I'm one) are just the same. It's those that label themselves Manning fans first, and Colts fans second that are causing all the drama. But again, not exclusively.

FANatics do not generally ditch their team when times get hard. Whether a one year fan, or a forty year fan.

Don't take offense, braveheart. I clearly stated it wasn't all inclusive and i was sure to state that long-term Colt fans are no better.

But there is merit to my statements, imo. A large percentage of those who "came on board" for manning would certainly feel this way. Its common sense in my view.

I stand by my thoughts.

And FANatics , described in the dictionary as..."unreasonably enthusiastic, overly zealous"... clearly fit that mold. "Unreasonably" is the key word and fits perfectly in this situation.

I'd also argue that the dynamics involved in a "european" becoming a fan of "American football" is slightly different than those in the states. Similarly to those in the states becoming fans of what we call soccer. There are differences. Once again, not all inclusive, but clearly different. In the states, for most, soccer takes a far backseat to footbal, baseball, basketball, etc. While in other parts of the world, especially England, soccer, as we call it, is clearly #1. For most, by far.

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Hang in there.... you've seen this movie before.

Unless you're sick and tired of football in general, or the completely different dynamics of pro sports between the Baltimore days and now and the bazillion dollars now surrounding it, in which case you're probably not gonna be happy with any NFL team.

But from a team standpoint.... hang in there because we will be great again.

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Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

Come on , with a tag like MCurtis32, you HAVE to hang in there. What would Mike himself think?

It will get better.

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Don't take offense, braveheart. I clearly stated it wasn't all inclusive and i was sure to state that long-term Colt fans are no better.

But there is merit to my statements, imo. A large percentage of those who "came on board" for manning would certainly feel this way. Its common sense in my view.

I stand by my thoughts.

And FANatics , described in the dictionary as..."unreasonably enthusiastic, overly zealous"... clearly fit that mold. "Unreasonably" is the key word and fits perfectly in this situation.

I'd also argue that the dynamics involved in a "european" becoming a fan of "American football" is slightly different than those in the states. Similarly to those in the states becoming fans of what we call soccer. There are differences. Once again, not all inclusive, but clearly different. In the states, for most, soccer takes a far backseat to footbal, baseball, basketball, etc. While in other parts of the world, especially England, soccer, as we call it, is clearly #1. For most, by far.

No offense taken, and I certainly took note of your caveats. Regarding the dynamics, I have a very close friend from NYC, who is a long time Giants fan, as are his family and friends, and there are NO real differences between our interest and passion for our respective teams. But again, I note your 'not all inclusive' comment!

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No offense taken, and I certainly took note of your caveats. Regarding the dynamics, I have a very close friend from NYC, who is a long time Giants fan, as are his family and friends, and there are NO real differences between our interest and passion for our respective teams. But again, I note your 'not all inclusive' comment!


I know in this country there is NO WHERE near the interest in soccer like in Europe. They've been trying to "grow" the interest for years, with arguably little success as is evident by how infrequently it is on tv. Part of that is due to its relatively "young life" in youth programs such as schools. for example, when i was in school, the scchools in my area didn't even have soccer teams.

I would argue its the same for "American football" in Europe. it just doesn't have the interest as is evident by only 1 game a year in 1 city. Also, the NFL tried the NFL Europe thing a few years back and it just didn't work.

I am in no way arguing your interest or commitment to the sport, but I believe you are in the minority.

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Come on , with a tag like MCurtis32, you HAVE to hang in there. What would Mike himself think?

It will get better.

If Mike Curtis read the OP and saw the use of his name attached, he would probably flat out clothesline the guy. Just like that epic fan tackle back in the day. Keep your head on a swivel my MCurtis32! :D


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