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Brissett is terrible


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Too many posts saying Brissett holds the ball too long.....  guess what so does Luck.  That is one reason he is IR'd right now....  what is the common denominator?    Chud ....   he doesn't design plays to allow a QB to release the ball quickly....   need to pick up 4 yards?   let's run plays. 15-30 yards down field behind a  bad Oline that has a history of not being able to protect a QB for 3 seconds let alone 4-6 seconds for these stupid plays to develop 

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Brissett gets major credit from me. He's been put in a tough position and done an admiral job. Solid game today.


And don't jump on me calling him great our anything. I mean for a backup, he's so much better then we've had in a LONG time. 


I like that he's at least passionate and using this as an audition for himself by putting the time in learning and shows a little passion with his teammates on the sidelines.


He at least is doing the things you hope a franchise QB does and looking around the league there are some crap backups.


Just trying to be a little positive about a terrible season so far.

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3 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

Too many posts saying Brissett holds the ball too long.....  guess what so does Luck.  That is one reason he is IR'd right now....  what is the common denominator?    Chud ....   he doesn't design plays to allow a QB to release the ball quickly....   need to pick up 4 yards?   let's run plays. 15-30 yards down field behind a  bad Oline that has a history of not being able to protect a QB for 3 seconds let alone 4-6 seconds for these stupid plays to develop 

How Mack didn't have one dumpoff screen (at least as far as I remember today) is criminal by Chud.

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Jacoby has played great for what little he has to work with around him here.

Going into 2018 we have a great backup who we know can win us games, or if someone is willing to give up a pretty draft pick down the road then perhaps we could trade Jacoby down the stretch.

I rather keep him here as insurance behind Luck. At least we all know this kid gives us a pretty decent shot at winning if his number is called.

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7 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Brissett isn't terrible, he is just a Great backup QB and nothing more - not really a starter for 90% of the teams. Ok maybe he could start for 3 or 4 teams but that is about it. He's better than Savage but that isn't saying much.

Brissett played pretty well against the Texans and just showed teams that he is a possible starter.  Getting more comfortable with a system allows the play to look better and more fluid.  He showed some solid progression in areas yesterday.  Does he still hold the ball too long...yes!  Does he still have slowness through progressions...yes!  These are things that will hopefully only get better each week.  This guy knows he has the remainder of the year to play so hopefully he continues to improve each week.  And if he does... I hope he is a solid backup for the colts again next year!

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12 hours ago, azcolt said:

Can I rename this thread I started as Moncrief is the terriblest of all?

I'm not going to put the blame entirely on Moncrief for his production or the other receivers .   Brissett does hold the ball like Luck but Luck makes the correct throws most of the time whereas Brissett does not IMO.  I have seen enough replays now especially with the wide lens where receivers are getting open but he is either failing to see them or anticipate the break or he's staring down a receiver he's focused on.  I think his decision making needs work and his anticipation skills also.  He can certainly make all the throws and he has one heck of an arm.  He's used to the short passing game in NE.  Night and day here.   Some of his better throws are the shorter routes he's used to but he also has a nice deep throw as well.  I think the receivers are paying the price while they are trying to succeed with a new QB learning an entirely different system than he's used to.  All of our receivers numbers would be better with Luck.  Hopefully Brissett continues to improve on his decision making.  

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10 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

Jacoby has played great for what little he has to work with around him here.

Going into 2018 we have a great backup who we know can win us games, or if someone is willing to give up a pretty draft pick down the road then perhaps we could trade Jacoby down the stretch.

I rather keep him here as insurance behind Luck. At least we all know this kid gives us a pretty decent shot at winning if his number is called.


Im sorry but I have bad news.....


No more trades down the stretch.    The trade deadline was this past Tuesday,  so we can't trade anyone anymore.


We can cut players, but we can't get compensation from the team who claims the player.


We can also sign free agents off the street...


At this point we are mostly stuck with what we have....    

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Why is everyone hating on Moncrief? His route-running still leaves a lot to be desired, but I don't think it's all on him.


Chud's offense is basically short passes to Doyle, deep passes to Hilton and HB dives. Moncrief's just not involved in this offense...probably intentionally. And aside from being a big target for Luck in the red zone, he's been an afterthought. 


FIrst 8 games of 2015 (with Pep): ~8 targets/game

Past 26 games (with Chud): ~4 targets/game


It hasn't worked out with Moncrief...and he's gone after this season. But I am not convinced it's all on him. The talent is obviously there. I don't think it's any coincidence that the Colts haven't really developed any WR talent, outside of Hilton (who had Wayne as a mentor and predated Chud and his WR coaches).  


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7 hours ago, richard pallo said:

I'm not going to put the blame entirely on Moncrief for his production or the other receivers .   Brissett does hold the ball like Luck but Luck makes the correct throws most of the time whereas Brissett does not IMO.  I have seen enough replays now especially with the wide lens where receivers are getting open but he is either failing to see them or anticipate the break or he's staring down a receiver he's focused on.  I think his decision making needs work and his anticipation skills also.  He can certainly make all the throws and he has one heck of an arm.  He's used to the short passing game in NE.  Night and day here.   Some of his better throws are the shorter routes he's used to but he also has a nice deep throw as well.  I think the receivers are paying the price while they are trying to succeed with a new QB learning an entirely different system than he's used to.  All of our receivers numbers would be better with Luck.  Hopefully Brissett continues to improve on his decision making.  

Wondering if that is the way it is designed for him as a newbie.   Cut the field in half. Look at your 1st read if not open run Or throw it away.  Much like the stealers did with Ben when he came onto the league.   Limit the amount of thinking he has to do until he learns the system.



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On 11/5/2017 at 10:54 PM, Coltfreak said:

Too many posts saying Brissett holds the ball too long.....  guess what so does Luck.  That is one reason he is IR'd right now....  what is the common denominator?    Chud ....   he doesn't design plays to allow a QB to release the ball quickly....   need to pick up 4 yards?   let's run plays. 15-30 yards down field behind a  bad Oline that has a history of not being able to protect a QB for 3 seconds let alone 4-6 seconds for these stupid plays to develop 

i concur

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

Yeah. This thread needs to die already.


I think Jacoby's performance speaks for itself. He's had a couple of bad days, but overall he is a solid quarterback.

he needs to learn to throw soft on short passes, but this can be fixed, i think we can win with him as he gains experience, he was a steal from bb that dont happen often, way to go ballard

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This may initially sound crazy, but think about it.  JB has functioned admirably having been thrown into a sad situation and bad oLine.  I think the OC needs to go also.  With Luck becoming an unknown quantity, and he and Irsay seem not to be on the same page, how about this?  Gulp!


We trade Luc to Cleveland for 2 #1's and a #2!  That would give us 3 #1's and 2 #2's.  With that scenario we culd really rebuild this team!  JB gets to grow into the starting QB job.


I know, I must be crazy!  JMO


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12 minutes ago, Doctor Mad said:

This may initially sound crazy, but think about it.  JB has functioned admirably having been thrown into a sad situation and bad oLine.  I think the OC needs to go also.  With Luck becoming an unknown quantity, and he and Irsay seem not to be on the same page, how about this?  Gulp!


We trade Luc to Cleveland for 2 #1's and a #2!  That would give us 3 #1's and 2 #2's.  With that scenario we culd really rebuild this team!  JB gets to grow into the starting QB job.


I know, I must be crazy!  JMO


with experience and good coaching jb could take us all the way if we can put a team around him

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On 11/6/2017 at 6:14 PM, CanuckColt said:

We need to give the guy a break...he just went 20/30, 300+ yds and 2 TDs along with a "W". He is going to be solid (maybe already is) after he spends a few more games in this system.



We traded a WR that has caught 4 balls in 8 games to obtain him. I'd say he's done just fine.

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Anyone who read the original post in this thread should have figured out my target really was the receiver who threw his teammates under the bus. Yet this thread is mostly about Brissett’s alleged limitations.


I think Brissett has as much talent as anyone on offense and could be a decent full time qb when Luck retires next Fall. If he had a tight end who didnt’t get the dropsies and two wr’s who showed up in big games, he would already be a league average qb. And he’s still essentially a rookie.


Hopefully this thread can now die. I’ll try to be more direct next time. Like I did in the Doyle is terrible thread.

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