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Are Moncreif's days in Indy numbered?


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as we know Moncreif's rookie contract will expire after this season and I haven't heard anything about a extension.

We all know he is talented and see flashes of it. But he really hasn't had a breakout season yet for various reasons. However he does this season, I think he will command a nice contract on the market.


The Colts are not really in Win Now mode and may not want another big long term contract for another wr. If that's the case, then maybe Ballard will try and get something for him before he is lost to FA.

They already have shown they want a Bigger, more physical WR by pursuing Jeffreys and now signing Aiken. Also, on the first day of FA, the exact time it was rumored that it was down to the Eagles or Colts to get Jeffreys JMV was perplexed that Moncreif made some tweet, possibly being angry? Maybe you guys know something about it.


Now its reported the Colts are in on WR Streeter....hmmm....


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In the immortal words of our friend, JSkinnz......


Oh!    Dear!!     God!!!!!           :facepalm:


At the risk of offending everyone here....     


At one end of the spectrum is one poster who says Moncrief is a #1 WR.       He's not.    Not even close.


At the other end of the spectrum is another poster who says he's average when he's healthy and easily replaceable.      He's not.     Not even close.


But unless he asks for too much money a year from now,  Moncrief isn't going anywhere.    Just because he's not signed yet to a new deal,  doesn't mean he won't be.       By the same logic,  Jack Mewhort should have his bags packed too.       And that's not happening now.


Guys can still get signed this calendar year,  or even before they turn free agents in March of 2018.


There's no need for anyone to worry or panic or wonder about futures yet.   I know fans get a little antsy this time of year.    Chill-ax....      Give it time.    These things have a way of working themselves out.......


Really.       Seriously.


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Better players have walked from their teams so it's definitely possible.


He has all the tools, but he seems to not play up to his abilities it seems for whatever reason. Essentially the type of guy who could dominate, but doesn't.


He also doesn't seem to have that connection with Luck like TY and Doyle did so quickly.


Hopefully Aiken being here maybe lights a fire and DM becomes the player we think he can be FULL TIME. If he's pedestrian or average this year, I can easily see us letting him walk.

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1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

as we know Moncreif's rookie contract will expire after this season and I haven't heard anything about a extension.

We all know he is talented and see flashes of it. But he really hasn't had a breakout season yet for various reasons. However he does this season, I think he will command a nice contract on the market.


The Colts are not really in Win Now mode and may not want another big long term contract for another wr. If that's the case, then maybe Ballard will try and get something for him before he is lost to FA.

They already have shown they want a Bigger, more physical WR by pursuing Jeffreys and now signing Aiken. Also, on the first day of FA, the exact time it was rumored that it was down to the Eagles or Colts to get Jeffreys JMV was perplexed that Moncreif made some tweet, possibly being angry? Maybe you guys know something about it.


Now its reported the Colts are in on WR Streeter....hmmm....



I've wondered this myself, and I like Moncrief, I think he's a good player. But if he doesn't have a legit breakout season this year, I wouldn't be surprised if Ballard moved him as opposed to giving him an extension. He has no ties to Moncrief, & it'd be cheaper to move on & just draft someone next year. 


And if we're being honest, while Moncrief has had his moments, he's not always the elite WR that some people, myself included, can make him out to be. He doesn't have elite speed or route running ability, & he's not all that big either. Sure, he's bigger than Hilton & Dorsett, but he's not the big-bodied target like Megatron, AJ Green, Jeffery, etc.


His best asset is his ability to navigate the end zone & make those really tough goal line TD catches in super tight windows, he does that better than anyone on the team. So if he can stay healthy & continue to do his thing in the redzone, I'm all about locking him down long-term. I don't think it's a certainty though.

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So long as Moncrief stays productive in the red zone, he'll keep his horseshoe. I believe he will have to battle for the number 2 receiver slot but he's sure to get Luck's attention when a tough catch is needed in the end zone. It would be nice if he could stay healthy as his availABILITY is necessary especially if he wants to really get paid.

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I think the receivers we are bringing in are definitely insurance. But not just for Moncrief, also, and maybe more importantly, for Phillip Dorsett. At least when Moncrief is healthy he shows some ability. Dorsett has shown nothing and maybe we do re-sign Moncrief if he produces this year and we cut Dorsett.


We shouldn't have expected an extention this offseason because I'm sure Donte wants to play this year out and try to make more money... and that would just turn into a comp pick for us anyway. Win win.

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If it weren't for TY and his health, I think Moncrief could become a #1.  TY isn't going anywhere of course, but if he can stay healthy, he can become a solid 2 and the Colts would be silly to let him go.  6-2 220 with 4.4 speed and he can catch the ball in traffic.  Health is the key. 

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3 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

as we know Moncreif's rookie contract will expire after this season and I haven't heard anything about a extension.

We all know he is talented and see flashes of it. But he really hasn't had a breakout season yet for various reasons. However he does this season, I think he will command a nice contract on the market.


The Colts are not really in Win Now mode and may not want another big long term contract for another wr. If that's the case, then maybe Ballard will try and get something for him before he is lost to FA.

They already have shown they want a Bigger, more physical WR by pursuing Jeffreys and now signing Aiken. Also, on the first day of FA, the exact time it was rumored that it was down to the Eagles or Colts to get Jeffreys JMV was perplexed that Moncreif made some tweet, possibly being angry? Maybe you guys know something about it.


Now its reported the Colts are in on WR Streeter....hmmm....



3 hours ago, BlueShoe said:

Moncrief isn't going anywhere.


Ballard wants to keep our own, and Donte fits us too well. 


Aiken is on a one year deal so it's likely he will only be here a year. 


3 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


Hey, I don't want to lose him. I hope he is extended tomorrow.

You know how new GM's like to clean house, I'm afraid Ballard might move him.

Ballard told Aiken specifically he's gonna compete for the #3 spot. So Hilton & Moncrief are safe. It's Dorsett if anyone who's in hot water or on thin ice. Whichever phrase works for you. 


Which makes sense. Hilton & Dorsett are the same person, Hilton is 10x better. We need tall receivers like Aiken & Moncrief to be with Hilton so we can create mismatches like putting Hilton in the slot

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2 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I've wondered this myself, and I like Moncrief, I think he's a good player. But if he doesn't have a legit breakout season this year, I wouldn't be surprised if Ballard moved him as opposed to giving him an extension. He has no ties to Moncrief, & it'd be cheaper to move on & just draft someone next year. 


And if we're being honest, while Moncrief has had his moments, he's not always the elite WR that some people, myself included, can make him out to be. He doesn't have elite speed or route running ability, & he's not all that big either. Sure, he's bigger than Hilton & Dorsett, but he's not the big-bodied target like Megatron, AJ Green, Jeffery, etc.


His best asset is his ability to navigate the end zone & make those really tough goal line TD catches in super tight windows, he does that better than anyone on the team. So if he can stay healthy & continue to do his thing in the redzone, I'm all about locking him down long-term. I don't think it's a certainty though.

It's kind of hard for Moncrief to have a breakout season when TY is targeted more than any WR in the league and leads the league in yardage. Till Luck starts getting more protection and quits force feeding Hilton he will not have what you may call a breakout season.

With that said what you said about his ability in the red zone IMO he is not going anywhere.

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13 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

It's kind of hard for Moncrief to have a breakout season when TY is targeted more than any WR in the league and leads the league in yardage. Till Luck starts getting more protection and quits force feeding Hilton he will not have what you may call a breakout season.

With that said what you said about his ability in the red zone IMO he is not going anywhere.


Dorsett, Aiken, Moncrief will all be 2nd fiddle to TY, that much is a given. But 700 yards & 10TDs would qualify as a breakout season for me, I just hope he's able to stay healthy.

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5 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Dorsett, Aiken, Moncrief will all be 2nd fiddle to TY, that much is a given. But 700 yards & 10TDs would qualify as a breakout season for me, I just hope he's able to stay healthy.

Agreed. I think he would have had those numbers had he been on the field all 16 games last season.

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I've been wondering this as well.  I like Moncrief. I see a guy who looks to have all the tools.  When he was drafted, i watched his college highlights and got very excited about the possibilities opposite TY.  I've seen him play well, then he kind of disappears. I expected more opposite of TY.  

I wonndered if him missing 8 games last year might affect his value in Balkards eyes.  But then i also think:  7 tds in 8 games isnt too shabby by ANY receiver's standards.  Is he mainly a redzone threat?  He and Dorsett had 30 and 33 receptions last year. Moncrief had about 300 yards, the forums whipping boy had almost double that with the same amount of catches really. I thought moncrief would be a big play guy but he averaged about 10 yards per catch.i imagine some of that was the way he was utilized but still i'm a lil surprised. I think hes capable of more.  Hopefully he'll play a full season and that will happen. I think i can live with 600 yards if he has 14 TDs. haha





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2 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I've wondered this myself, and I like Moncrief, I think he's a good player. But if he doesn't have a legit breakout season this year, I wouldn't be surprised if Ballard moved him as opposed to giving him an extension. He has no ties to Moncrief, & it'd be cheaper to move on & just draft someone next year. 


And if we're being honest, while Moncrief has had his moments, he's not always the elite WR that some people, myself included, can make him out to be. He doesn't have elite speed or route running ability, & he's not all that big either. Sure, he's bigger than Hilton & Dorsett, but he's not the big-bodied target like Megatron, AJ Green, Jeffery, etc.


His best asset is his ability to navigate the end zone & make those really tough goal line TD catches in super tight windows, he does that better than anyone on the team. So if he can stay healthy & continue to do his thing in the redzone, I'm all about locking him down long-term. I don't think it's a certainty though.


Donte Moncrief had one of he fastest 40 times for any WR at his combine ---- 4.40  Top 10 WR clocking.


He had one of the top Vertical Jumps for any WR ---- 39.5 inches,  top-10


He had one of the top broad jumps --- 132 inches.   That's 11 feet,  also top-10


And he did all that at 6'2" and 220.     Physically and athletically,  that makes him elite.


Donte Moncrief was also the YOUNGEST WR in his draft class.     Grigson said the day we drafted him that he was raw and unpolished and it would take time.


He played 9 games last year and had 7 TD catches.      He does not have an attitude problem.    He does not have a motivational problem as some have asserted about him over the past few weeks.


I have no idea where some of this stuff comes from?


Donte Moncreif's best football is in front of him.    Just because he hasn't been signed to a new long term contract doesn't mean Ballard hasn't offered him one.      Maybe he hasn't offered enough.     Maybe Moncrief is betting on having a big 2017 to earn a better contract.


All I know is the idea that he's easily replaceable, as was suggested in this thread is embarrassingly laughable.       Crazy talk....


He was headed toward a big year last year,  only a broken shoulder blade stopped that.........


(Sigh......)      I sure hope this thread dies a quiet death......


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8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Donte Moncrief had one of he fastest 40 times for any WR at his combine ---- 4.40  Top 10 WR clocking.


He had one of the top Vertical Jumps for any WR ---- 39.5 inches,  top-10


He had one of the top broad jumps --- 132 inches.   That's 11 feet,  also top-10


And he did all that at 6'2" and 220.     Physically and athletically,  that makes him elite.


Donte Moncrief was also the YOUNGEST WR in his draft class.     Grigson said the day we drafted him that he was raw and unpolished and it would take time.


He played 9 games last year and had 7 TD catches.      He does not have an attitude problem.    He does not have a motivational problem as some have asserted about him over the past few weeks.


I have no idea where some of this stuff comes from?


Donte Moncreif's best football is in front of him.    Just because he hasn't been signed to a new long term contract doesn't mean Ballard hasn't offered him one.      Maybe he hasn't offered enough.     Maybe Moncrief is betting on having a big 2017 to earn a better contract.


All I know is the idea that he's easily replaceable, as was suggested in this thread is embarrassingly laughable.       Crazy talk....


He was headed toward a big year last year,  only a broken shoulder blade stopped that.........


(Sigh......)      I sure hope this thread dies a quiet death......


This thread needs a quick death. :D

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14 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Donte Moncrief had one of he fastest 40 times for any WR at his combine ---- 4.40  Top 10 WR clocking.


He had one of the top Vertical Jumps for any WR ---- 39.5 inches,  top-10


He had one of the top broad jumps --- 132 inches.   That's 11 feet,  also top-10


And he did all that at 6'2" and 220.     Physically and athletically,  that makes him elite.


Donte Moncrief was also the YOUNGEST WR in his draft class.     Grigson said the day we drafted him that he was raw and unpolished and it would take time.


He played 9 games last year and had 7 TD catches.      He does not have an attitude problem.    He does not have a motivational problem as some have asserted about him over the past few weeks.


I have no idea where some of this stuff comes from?


Donte Moncreif's best football is in front of him.    Just because he hasn't been signed to a new long term contract doesn't mean Ballard hasn't offered him one.      Maybe he hasn't offered enough.     Maybe Moncrief is betting on having a big 2017 to earn a better contract.


All I know is the idea that he's easily replaceable, as was suggested in this thread is embarrassingly laughable.       Crazy talk....


He was headed toward a big year last year,  only a broken shoulder blade stopped that.........


(Sigh......)      I sure hope this thread dies a quiet death......


With all those physical attributes you stated i would expect his production (other than redzone) to be higher, especially opposite TY.

i see more there too but its time to play to those attributes.  And hopefully missing 8 games is an anomaly. Perhaps the OC could help better utilizing his skills too.

i dont think he's easily replaceable, especially the 7tds in 8 or 9 games.  33 receptions for 300 or so yards and being available for 8 games a year is.... which is what i thought the original post was getting at.  I didnt take it as Moncrief hating.  But, in some ways, his production/ injury status does resemble that of Allen.  Another player with measureables that had injury/less than adequate (debateable) Yards (somewhat due to injury but does that matter?) with a really nice redzone production. Different situations, sure, but also surprisingly similar.

much like you feel about moncrief, i felt about Allen.

and as we've seen, ANYONE is replaceable, even the GOAT of Coltland.


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19 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

With all those physical attributes you stated i would expect his production (other than redzone) to be higher, especially opposite TY.

i see more there too but its time to play to those attributes.  And hopefully missing 8 games is an anomaly. Perhaps the OC could help better utilizing his skills too.



He was headed toward a nice year last year when he got hurt and missed roughly half the season.     9 games played,  7 of them starts, and 7 TD catches.      The kid can play.


He's raw and unpolished....   he's getting better....    his best ball is in front of him....


There's no problem here except impatient fans having trouble during a frustrating off-season....


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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


He was headed toward a nice year last year when he got hurt and missed roughly half the season.     9 games played,  7 of them starts, and 7 TD catches.      The kid can play.


He's raw and unpolished....   he's getting better....    his best ball is in front of him....


There's no problem here except impatient fans have trouble during a frustrating off-season....


I agree with all you are saying.

it did cross my mind tho after the Allen trade.

he could ball too. They both can, as long as they can stay on the field which i think was part of the original question.  

I personally think his frame could handle another 10lbs or so.

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Donte Moncrief had one of he fastest 40 times for any WR at his combine ---- 4.40  Top 10 WR clocking.


He had one of the top Vertical Jumps for any WR ---- 39.5 inches,  top-10


He had one of the top broad jumps --- 132 inches.   That's 11 feet,  also top-10


And he did all that at 6'2" and 220.     Physically and athletically,  that makes him elite.


Donte Moncrief was also the YOUNGEST WR in his draft class.     Grigson said the day we drafted him that he was raw and unpolished and it would take time.


He played 9 games last year and had 7 TD catches.      He does not have an attitude problem.    He does not have a motivational problem as some have asserted about him over the past few weeks.


I have no idea where some of this stuff comes from?


Donte Moncreif's best football is in front of him.    Just because he hasn't been signed to a new long term contract doesn't mean Ballard hasn't offered him one.      Maybe he hasn't offered enough.     Maybe Moncrief is betting on having a big 2017 to earn a better contract.


All I know is the idea that he's easily replaceable, as was suggested in this thread is embarrassingly laughable.       Crazy talk....


He was headed toward a big year last year,  only a broken shoulder blade stopped that.........


(Sigh......)      I sure hope this thread dies a quiet death......



Having an elite combine doesn't always translate to being an elite WR, and as of right now, he's simply not there yet.


That doesn't mean that I don't think he can be, I actually expect him to ball out this season since it's a contract year.

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If you are looking to rebuild in a different way - through the trenches and on defense, Moncrief is one player you would consider replacing through the draft or with a cheaper free agent.  To date, he hasn't shown himself to be irreplaceable. 


Of course his health might make the decision easy for you.  Missing nearly half a season through three is not insignificant, especially heading into contract time.  If he misses more time this season, I doubt the Colts pay him.



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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


He was headed toward a nice year last year when he got hurt and missed roughly half the season.     9 games played,  7 of them starts, and 7 TD catches.      The kid can play.


He's raw and unpolished....   he's getting better....    his best ball is in front of him....


There's no problem here except impatient fans having trouble during a frustrating off-season....



My thought is how much bigger than 6'2 221lbs would you like him to be? 


Are we talking about the same guy? He wears #10. I see posts saying he doesn't have speed he is not this he is not that. It's crazy. 


He lost a year because of injuries that happens to the best of them. This is the kid who ripped the lid off the combine at 20 yrs old. He had one of the best combines ever period. Questioning his size speed athletic ability is ridiculous. 


I have not looked for sure but I bet if you go back and look at games he and Luck have started together the last 2 years he's averaging nearly a td a game. 


As fsr as the Jeffries rumor I say if a player is available that could make the team better and we aren't interested there's a problem. I don't think that has anything to do with Moncrief nor do I think signing Aiken says anything about him. We are rumored to be in the QB market 


Moncrief is only 23 years old come on his best football is still in front of him. Moncrief was not extending after the lost season he had last year. I think good teams keep their good players I expect Moncrief to get a new contract. 


Ballard looking at bringing some size at WR says that no ones job on this team is safe. There is going to be competiton at every position. Players like Moncrief will welcome competition.  Ballard wants others teams watching and signing players we cut. He has already told everyone what he's trying to do. Now he just doing it. 

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This is stupid. He wont even be 24 years old until right before the season starts. He's young, and had injuries that's held him back. He's not being traded. If he can stay healthy and play a full season, then look for him to put up some big, sexy numbers. He does have the ability to be a number 1 receiver like some other poster already said, he's not just a decent WR. Its actually pretty obvious he has number 1 potential. Hell he should be entering his 2nd or 3rd season this year, remember he came out really early. Let him play 16 games this year and see what happens. 1,000 plus yards, 7-10 TD's. His 2nd season he had 733 yards, 6 TD's. He would have built off that and took a big step this year had he been 100%. This is my opinion obviously......So bring this back up at the end of this coming season when he stays healthy, plays 15-16 games and puts up 1,000 plus yards. Because thats what I fully expect, as should everyone else. Some need to higher their expectations lol. But seriously though.

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41 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Having an elite combine doesn't always translate to being an elite WR, and as of right now, he's simply not there yet.


That doesn't mean that I don't think he can be, I actually expect him to ball out this season since it's a contract year.


I want to be clear,  I was not just responding to your post,  but a large number of other posts as well.


I don't like linking multiple post or naming names.    I'm rarely comfortable doing that.


So,  I tried to respond to a broad group of posters and not try to single anyone out.    No need for that.


Your a good Colts fan and poster, and didn't want to single you out.      Was not trying to give you a hard time.



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13 minutes ago, #12. said:

If you are looking to rebuild in a different way - through the trenches and on defense, Moncrief is one player you would consider replacing through the draft or with a cheaper free agent.  To date, he hasn't shown himself to be irreplaceable. 


Of course his health might make the decision easy for you.  Missing nearly half a season through three is not insignificant, especially heading into contract time.  If he misses more time this season, I doubt I doubt the Colts pay him.



What different direction would you want to go in at WR? He is 6'2 221lbs runs a 4.3 40. You looking for smaller slower what? 


Who are you bringing in on a cheaper deal better than Moncrief? You do realize you are talking about a 23 year old kid who's on a rookie deal right? Through the draft how high of a pick would you need to use to get a WR like Moncrief?  Does any of that make sense?  


He has not shown himself to be irreplaceable has anyone except maybe Andrew? This thread has shown itself to be replaceable. 

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Another thing that comes into play is that there is only one ball to go around. Every receiver won't have 1,000 yards and 10 TDs although it could happen with TY and Moncrief. Given his age, I think his best years are yet to come. Like someone said, staying healthy is key. I'm glad he wears the horseshoe!

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9 hours ago, BProland85 said:

Unless he has a big breakout season, I don't see him commanding more than say 7 mil per year. Indy can afford that.

If Moncrief doesn't have a break out year and stay in the field, why would anyone think he will command any more than Aiken signed for? Heck, at this point in his career, he isn't anything better than what DHB was when he was in Oakland. Big receiver with speed but unable to sustain any length of success. If Moncrief is upset over bringing in new blood at receiver, do your job and stay on the field. That's how you get paid and don't have your current team looking at multiple receivers. This is a business (both sides),  not a daycare to make you feel important. This harsh comment is coming from someone who has really hoped to see Moncrief become "the guy" but while showing flashes of what we all want, he doesn't sustain any momentum. Only gambling teams flush with cash or some team who thinks they can get out of him what we aren't, would be signing him to any type of long term big money deal. It's possible we re-sign him after the year regardless of what he does but at this point, from what we've seen, he doesn't warrant any special contract. 

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