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Has Luck Been Traumatized?? And is it too late?


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I can't find any statistics. But I remember the year he suffered "Friggin INTERNAL BLEEDING", he was getting hit an ungodly number.


Now, the reason I ask if hes traumatized, its because this dude has Manning's happy feet times 3.


Have you seen him this year. The dude is terrified.


Now I'm not saying that Luck is Scared, but when you have broken ribs and a torn organ, I'd be on my toes too.


I think this is and by far, what has kept Luck from being great.


He simply just hasn't played many games where the game plan went like it was supposed to. He looks like he has a hard time getting comfortable back there.






Before we drafted him...I DID SAY, not to say I told you so.....That this dude is terrible at going through progressions.


So I can't really blame the O-line for him missing open receivers and staring down TY like he tryna see what he doing for dinner later. But he plays pretty go despite this flaw in his game.


But that flaw is magnified greatly by the last 2 years. Great going coaches BTW.


Do you think Luck will be more comfortable next year.

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5 minutes ago, Freeupfreeney said:

Why the facepalm. This is a serious question. The dude never really gets a lot of good plants before he releases the ball. Even with the O-line playing way better this years. You can see how physically nervous he is. Or do you think I'm wrong.

I have no reason to think he is nervous about injury.  He still takes of and runs 


The kid had a Heck of a year.   He and Hilton are the only reason we won 8 games.    I think Luck will be fine.   Like many have stated,  I wish we ran a WCO instead of the air coryell style.   I don't see that changing unless the gm and hc and staff are replaced.  

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4 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

I have no reason to think he is nervous about injury.  He still takes of and runs 


The kid had a Heck of a year.   He and Hilton are the only reason we won 8 games.    I think Luck will be fine.   Like many have stated,  I wish we ran a WCO instead of the air coryell style.   I don't see that changing unless the gm and hc and staff are replaced.  

Gruden will make the magic happen...Handclappers days are numbered it looks like..

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5 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

I have no reason to think he is nervous about injury.  He still takes of and runs 


The kid had a Heck of a year.   He and Hilton are the only reason we won 8 games.    I think Luck will be fine.   Like many have stated,  I wish we ran a WCO instead of the air coryell style.   I don't see that changing unless the gm and hc and staff are replaced.  

Not 1 thing this season showed me he was timid. He didn't run as much but I think that was by coaches design. He still ran though without looking scared and he had a Very Good season statistically.

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7 hours ago, Freeupfreeney said:

I can't find any statistics. But I remember the year he suffered "Friggin INTERNAL BLEEDING", he was getting hit an ungodly number.


Now, the reason I ask if hes traumatized, its because this dude has Manning's happy feet times 3.


Have you seen him this year. The dude is terrified.


Now I'm not saying that Luck is Scared, but when you have broken ribs and a torn organ, I'd be on my toes too.


I think this is and by far, what has kept Luck from being great.


He simply just hasn't played many games where the game plan went like it was supposed to. He looks like he has a hard time getting comfortable back there.






Before we drafted him...I DID SAY, not to say I told you so.....That this dude is terrible at going through progressions.


So I can't really blame the O-line for him missing open receivers and staring down TY like he tryna see what he doing for dinner later. But he plays pretty go despite this flaw in his game.


But that flaw is magnified greatly by the last 2 years. Great going coaches BTW.


Do you think Luck will be more comfortable next year.



Oh, Dear God.....


When Luck came out scouts were saying he's one of the most advanced at going through his progressions.


In one sentence you say "the Dude is terrified"...  and the very next sentence you write "now I'm not saying Luck is scared..."


At this rate,  it's going to be a long, Long, LONG off-season......            :facepalm:

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7 hours ago, Freeupfreeney said:

Why the facepalm. This is a serious question. The dude never really gets a lot of good plants before he releases the ball. Even with the O-line playing way better this years. You can see how physically nervous he is. Or do you think I'm wrong.

Dude isn't traumatized...... poor choice of words....... he's a hundred million dollar man..... he isn't traumatized, and could walk away any time he sees fit.....

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I'm not traumatized, ( and i can't stand the cancer is an excuse for Pagano *s) because i had bone cancer and had a leg amputated above the knee the day after my 10th birthday......   and I'm not traumatized because i've ever been fired......... or gotten a DUI.......   Luck is fine, Chuck is more than fine..... Frigging TRAUMATIZED?    LMAO...... lets leave that at the door......  neither has been traumatized.

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I personally haven't noticed but after watching Manning do it for years this is my belief.  One it is related to their internal clock, I have to get this ball out. Secondly, it is easier to create motion while you remain in motion.  

Luck does miss on reads sometimes and they are most often short sideline options from running backs.  We can easily see these things as we have overhead views.  Luck on the other hand is ground level with players blocking his vision and motion distracting everywhere.  Its easy to be a coach QB.

Edited by Shepman
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14 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

I have no reason to think he is nervous about injury.  He still takes of and runs 


The kid had a Heck of a year.   He and Hilton are the only reason we won 8 games.    I think Luck will be fine.   Like many have stated,  I wish we ran a WCO instead of the air coryell style.   I don't see that changing unless the gm and hc and staff are replaced.  

First of all, the style of offense they run is not up to the GM. Why do you assume we won't see a little more of the short passing game, like we did at the end of the year? Add the occasional downfield pass and improved run game and you have one of the more multifaceted offenses in the league (provided the line keeps getting better). There's no need to fire anybody just yet. 

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Luck could learn better "sight pictures" (similar to those found in shooting sports) - developing an instant accurate awareness of conditions without conscious thought. It seems it takes him longer to mentally go through his progressions using discrete route reads. This is a coaching "thing". Football progresses too fast for thinking.

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15 hours ago, Freeupfreeney said:

I can't find any statistics. But I remember the year he suffered "Friggin INTERNAL BLEEDING", he was getting hit an ungodly number.


Now, the reason I ask if hes traumatized, its because this dude has Manning's happy feet times 3.


Have you seen him this year. The dude is terrified.


Now I'm not saying that Luck is Scared, but when you have broken ribs and a torn organ, I'd be on my toes too.


I think this is and by far, what has kept Luck from being great.


He simply just hasn't played many games where the game plan went like it was supposed to. He looks like he has a hard time getting comfortable back there.






Before we drafted him...I DID SAY, not to say I told you so.....That this dude is terrible at going through progressions.


So I can't really blame the O-line for him missing open receivers and staring down TY like he tryna see what he doing for dinner later. But he plays pretty go despite this flaw in his game.


But that flaw is magnified greatly by the last 2 years. Great going coaches BTW.


Do you think Luck will be more comfortable next year.

Image result for traumatized gif

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8 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

Dear Moderators. Can we please update the Board Rules to include bans for Stupid and/or Repetitive threads please. 


Thank you in advance.


Yours Sincererly,


From here on in, only threads that use Brian Bondus as a source will be allowed

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Dude, it really isn't my fault you guys can't understand what I'm saying.


I'm saying he is sub-consciously, always thinking about getting destroyed in the backfield playing QB.


I can tell he is thinking about it, because of his nervous twitching and feet scattering he has developed over the last 2 years.


The way he moves his feet and body, is like his uncouncious mind telling him, hurry up and don't get hit, hurry up and don't get hit.


I think the Abuse he took the last few years has made him unable to be as good as I think he can be. Because I can see that he body motions are way different from his first 3 years in the league.


Peyton Manning had happy feet too when our O-Line was struggling a bit. And it affected his game TREMENDOUSLY.


Especially against teams like the Patriots and Steelers and Chargers who had great pass rush. Hence, his historically bad stats against those teams.


I'll take my apology now.

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Oh and BTW, without video or pictures like superman made...it's hard to vocalize or express exactly what I think this teams problem with Luck is.


Part of it, is I think it's our delusion of grandeur, from the High Praise he got as a Rookie and Sophmore Quarterback.


Luck is Good, but he can be better. when the o-line steps up and the coaches get it together...BUT.


My only Evidence is Supermans Last Post where he took pictures. If you go back and look at it, other than the bad play calls by the coach...Luck made some pretty bad decisions, but Superman only acknowledge them slightly.


Luck misses open receiver a lot. He never looks their way often. He forces a lot of throws...but LOL he get's it in there. But he rarely, in pressure situations, can convert an important third down pass. Why....because he locks eyes on his first target too long.


He did it at Stanford, He did it as a Rookie, he still does it. Does that make him a bad QB, NO. Obviously. But that is a major flaw in his game. Otherwise...he'd definitely would be 1 of the BEST QB hands down Right?

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Also, the reason I used the Word Traumatized...is because the Line has played much better the first part of the year...And luck has basically doubled the aviailble time he gets to throw in the back field, (from like 1.5 seconds to 3 lol)


But even with this extra time, The last half of the season, he still had Happy Feet. For no Reason.


Even in that game when he didn't get sacked or hit much, he had happy feet.


That's Why I used the word Traumatized. And believe me, Troy Aikman, Junior Seau and Poor Poor Austin Collie...they wont say it...But yeah they are traumatized...but they are tough so they played through it.


But obviously, it affected them. These guys aren't robots they Human.

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11 minutes ago, Freeupfreeney said:

Dude, it really isn't my fault you guys can't understand what I'm saying.


I'm saying he is sub-consciously, always thinking about getting destroyed in the backfield playing QB.


I can tell he is thinking about it, because of his nervous twitching and feet scattering he has developed over the last 2 years.


The way he moves his feet and body, is like his uncouncious mind telling him, hurry up and don't get hit, hurry up and don't get hit.


I think the Abuse he took the last few years has made him unable to be as good as I think he can be. Because I can see that he body motions are way different from his first 3 years in the league.


Peyton Manning had happy feet too when our O-Line was struggling a bit. And it affected his game TREMENDOUSLY.


Especially against teams like the Patriots and Steelers and Chargers who had great pass rush. Hence, his historically bad stats against those teams.


I'll take my apology now.

Look up Manning's stats against those teams and explain to me how they are historically bad.


If your point is that Luck's internal clock is accelerated due to being under pressure so often then yes, I think that is correct. Manning also corrected this in his career, I'm sure Luck can too; so I think the answer here is no.

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3 minutes ago, VocableLoki said:

Look up Manning's stats against those teams and explain to me how they are historically bad.


If your point is that Luck's internal clock is accelerated due to being under pressure so often then yes, I think that is correct. Manning also corrected this in his career, I'm sure Luck can too; so I think the answer here is no.

I don't have to look em up. I watched all the Interceptions he threw against those teams. Mostly because they were 3-4 and we had problems defending against blitzes from that formation. If you really wanted an explanation, there you go. I think in some sites you can actually look at situational stats from just those teams. I guarantee you they are horrendous in comparison to he play against the rest of the league.

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1 minute ago, Freeupfreeney said:

I don't have to look em up. I watched all the Interceptions he threw against those teams. Mostly because they were 3-4 and we had problems defending against blitzes from that formation. If you really wanted an explanation, there you go. I think in some sites you can actually look at situational stats from just those teams. I guarantee you they are horrendous in comparison to he play against the rest of the league.

I am looking at them now and they are not horrendous at all. 

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17 hours ago, Freeupfreeney said:

I can't find any statistics. But I remember the year he suffered "Friggin INTERNAL BLEEDING", he was getting hit an ungodly number.


Now, the reason I ask if hes traumatized, its because this dude has Manning's happy feet times 3.


Have you seen him this year. The dude is terrified.


Now I'm not saying that Luck is Scared, but when you have broken ribs and a torn organ, I'd be on my toes too.


I think this is and by far, what has kept Luck from being great.


He simply just hasn't played many games where the game plan went like it was supposed to. He looks like he has a hard time getting comfortable back there.






Before we drafted him...I DID SAY, not to say I told you so.....That this dude is terrible at going through progressions.


So I can't really blame the O-line for him missing open receivers and staring down TY like he tryna see what he doing for dinner later. But he plays pretty go despite this flaw in his game.


But that flaw is magnified greatly by the last 2 years. Great going coaches BTW.


Do you think Luck will be more comfortable next year.

Yep...soooo traumatized...sooo traumatized that he had probably his best year so far.

I wish I was just as traumatized!

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