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Texans @ Patriots Thursday Night Football Game Thread


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18 minutes ago, MacDee1975 said:


"Hang in there kid"?


What does this mean?  Is his life negatively altered because an entity he has no attachment to whatsoever except that he cheers for them in a football game, lost?  He actually needs strangers on a message board to cheer him up?  If so, that is beyond pathetic.  He literally should not give a crap about the outcome of this game no more than 5 minutes after it ended, else it's time for some serious introspection.  So save your self-righteous sympathy for someone who actually needs it, like those who are sick, lost loved ones, lost their job, etc.

Looks like overreaction Monday came four days early. 

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20 minutes ago, MacDee1975 said:


"Hang in there kid"?


What does this mean?  Is his life negatively altered because an entity he has no attachment to whatsoever except that he cheers for them in a football game, lost?  He actually needs strangers on a message board to cheer him up?  If so, that is beyond pathetic.  He literally should not give a crap about the outcome of this game no more than 5 minutes after it ended, else it's time for some serious introspection.  So save your self-righteous sympathy for someone who actually needs it, like those who are sick, lost loved ones, lost their job, etc.


Oh for crying out loud, I just said one statement and you go off on it like this is a therapists office. I have talked to Q before as well and stuff.




This forum at times. SMH.

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Is Elway a genuis or what? He let Brock walk, didn't want to spend the Money his agent was asking for and let a player (QB) start the first game of the regular season who only got one snap or something in 2015. Result 2-0.

That's smart, maybe you can throw some of that intelligence in the colt org.

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35 minutes ago, MacDee1975 said:


Are you responding to me?  I never said this.  I said that there are numerous teams, that are actually good, that could've beaten NE tonite.  Their victory tonite has much more to do with how bad Houston is rather than how good NE is


Yes, I was responding to you; I know what you said, but your answer had nothing to do with what I stated or the question I posed; because in an earlier post I specifically said "shutting out" an average team with a very good defense while starting a 3rd string QB .... and posed the question what other team could do this?  And you replied "numerous teams could've beaten NE tonight" which in no way is the same thing as how many teams could have shut out the Texans with their 3rd string QB.  


Of course there are teams that could have beaten NE tonight ... but that wasn't the point. 


I don't know if you are always so hostile over a non-Colts game, but you need to relax.



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2 hours ago, James Harden said:

Josh McDaniel or Matt Patricia will be head coaches next season. I hope Irsay is watching this game tonight and put those 2 on his list in case the Colts have a losing season this year. 


I think Patricia is heir to the Patriot Throne.  He's not going anywhere.

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2 hours ago, Jules said:


Would be funny though if Rex put everything he had this year into just beating the Pats......once. And without Brady too.


Rex puts everything he has into beating the Patriots every time they play.  It's never enough.  I'm sure he threw up in his mouth watching this game and will not sleep for the next ten days.

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46 minutes ago, gacoop1 said:

Is Elway a genuis or what? He let Brock walk, didn't want to spend the Money his agent was asking for and let a player (QB) start the first game of the regular season who only got one snap or something in 2015. Result 2-0.

That's smart, maybe you can throw some of that intelligence in the colt org.


He's a genius in a lot of ways, but Elway did offer Osweiler $16mil/yr, $30mil guaranteed. Make no mistake, he drafted that kid, groomed him behind Manning, and wanted him to take over in Denver. Osweiler decided to follow the money instead.

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29 minutes ago, wizwor said:


Rex puts everything he has into beating the Patriots every time they play.  It's never enough.  I'm sure he threw up in his mouth watching this game and will not sleep for the next ten days.


I can't see the Pats losing to Buffalo either.


If there are 3 games the Pats "potentially" could lose it's in Denver, to the Jets (always one tough game a year vs. those guys) and sometimes in Miami they lose but I can't see Brady losing there two years in a row maybe.


Not sold yet on Pittsburgh or Seattle beating NE.


Broncos and Jets will be the toughest games.

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1 hour ago, gacoop1 said:

It's one thing to win a division, and it's another to lose to the Patriots, over, and over and over.


Oh wait!! We'll hang a runner up banner on the roof of Lucas Oil....

Your Mother must be very proud.

you've gotta be a middle child.

whats the matter, not enuff attention growing up?  Or perhaps too much attention?

is this you Bill?

should be dapoop1

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2 hours ago, gacoop1 said:

Is Elway a genuis or what? He let Brock walk, didn't want to spend the Money his agent was asking for and let a player (QB) start the first game of the regular season who only got one snap or something in 2015. Result 2-0.

That's smart, maybe you can throw some of that intelligence in the colt org.

This I agree with you on because Brock isn't that good which I have said a thousand times on here. I can name 20 starters that are better than him but the Texans have always had mediocre QB's so they couldn't do any worse by signing him.

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12 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

So early in the season I can see Colts fans cheering for either team, as there will be 13 games left in the season there is plenty of time to make up the ground against the team that wins.  


If you think the Pats are going to win the AFC East and you think the Colts can catch Pats for seeding, then one might lean towards the Pats losing and cheering for Houston.   Also, if you think the Colts can beat the Texans both games then you can take care of your own division with those two wins and put the extra loss in the Pats column as opposed to Houston. 


On the other hand if you think it might be a dog fight in the AFC South with Houston some will lean towards wanting Houston to loose.  Take care of winning the division first then worried about seeding later. 


With the Colts not playing the Pats this year, the Colts can not hand the Pats a loss and gain a tie breaker against the Pats.


But yah i can seed points on both sides of the coin.


I for one will be cheering for the Pats. :)



Congrats on the win, BB should just go to HOF now. some cool playss called caught them of guard 


Didnt expect total domination


Bissset played with poise and showcased himself 

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Well we will quit hanging runner up banners when the Patriots quit cheating.

Good luck with the 2nd part of that happening.

did you see when "Brisket" handed the ball to Billy after his td? Were u wondering what he said to Billy boy?  I was told by an credible source he said " have them take another pound and a half out of this one".

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5 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


He only threw the ball a handful of times, Texans fumbled kickoffs like 3 different occasions, NE defense is stacked, & Blount had a huge night. I'm not sure the 'system QB' thing applies, they're just deep & insanely well coached, & I think they're gonna throttle the league when Brady gets back with a healthy Gronk.


I'm so glad we don't play them this year.

If we don't play them this year, its a bad year for us.  (Playoffs)

i know the playoffs look a lil bleak right now , but a guy can dream can't he?  And if you're gonna dream, why make it a nightmare. haha

my dream is gonna involve us at 17-2 with a trophy at season's end.

and maybe a couple blondes and a brunette mowing my lawn, bringing me drinks, "and stuff."  Maybe even a redhead or two thrown in for "special team" plays.  Do i have to wake up?

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7 hours ago, MacDee1975 said:


"Hang in there kid"?


What does this mean?  Is his life negatively altered because an entity he has no attachment to whatsoever except that he cheers for them in a football game, lost?  He actually needs strangers on a message board to cheer him up?  If so, that is beyond pathetic.  He literally should not give a crap about the outcome of this game no more than 5 minutes after it ended, else it's time for some serious introspection.  So save your self-righteous sympathy for someone who actually needs it, like those who are sick, lost loved ones, lost their job, etc.

... are you serious? Everyone that just read your post probably lost like 7 and a half brain cells.

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haha Whoa, it seems like it got a little goofy here last night after I logged off.  Not sure why people lose their minds over a football game, but whatever.


Everyone knows how hard it is to win against NE,   in NE,  and apparently having a 3rd string QB in didn't change that.   Belichick is brilliant.   But on the flipside...  NE  always manages to lose one of those "fluke" games every year  that no-one sees coming.      Maybe it will be Brady's first game back against the Browns..     haha      


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10 minutes ago, Gramz said:

haha Whoa, it seems like it got a little goofy here last night after I logged off.  Not sure why people lose their minds over a football game, but whatever.


Ain't that truth! I didn't even watch the game, but the way this thread has played out, I could've sworn the Colts were the ones losing in Foxborough last night! 

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Did you catch the stat during the game showing the Pats were 76-0 when leading at halftime at home? They are now 77-0.

Halftime: 20-0 Time to change channels. 

The Texans cut their own rope with the first fumble. You rarely beat Hoody when playing flawless ball much less making mistakes against him.

The Texans had to put Brissett in third and longs but instead the Pats did it to Osweiller.

The NE punter nailed it every time.

The turnover rate of 3:0 was suicide as the Pats are 43 - 6 with that ratio.

JJ Watts: zero sacks / Osweiller sacked three times and hurried a bunch. In the five games Watts has played against the Pats he has 1/2 sack.

Hoody is 6 for 6 starting rookie QBs.

One tweet last night read "If Obrien and Belichick traded players the Pats would still have won", 

Hard to digest Hoody is 100+ games behind Shula in total victories. You remember Shula he was a coach the Baltimore Colts let go.

Recall the game a few years ago when the Texans got to Gillette Stadium wearing high school letter jackets and got humiliated then like last night.

Funny Note: In the documentary about Belichick he stated he has had his new vehicle for a few months and still could not figure out how to reset the clock after the one hour seasonal time change.

The question of "Quarterback or coach" was answered last night once and for all was it not!?


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5 hours ago, bayone said:


Congrats on the win, BB should just go to HOF now. some cool playss called caught them of guard 


Didnt expect total domination


Bissset played with poise and showcased himself 


Honestly seeing what I did of the game it makes me wonder if Brady is really that good or if he just happened to land on the team coached by Belichek.  


Seems like he can send anyone out there at QB and come out a winner.  


Think about it.  Belichek since 2002 is now 13 - 5 in games where Tom Brady didn't even play.  

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47 minutes ago, CR91 said:

Im officially convinced BB can win with anyone.

I've been telling/trolling my Pats fan friend for 2 weeks that Brady is as good as trade bait. When you can beat a SB favorite on the road without your top QB or TE, or beat a very good defense at home with a rookie QB, that's when you trade Brady and set yourself up for the next 10 years. Manning went from greatest season ever to average (partly due to injury) to god awful from 2013 to 2015 so it would be insane for BB to not get all he can for Brady right now before the decline hits him. Anybody thinking BB wouldn't trade Brady is in denial.

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5 minutes ago, bababooey said:

I've been telling/trolling my Pats fan friend for 2 weeks that Brady is as good as trade bait. When you can beat a SB favorite on the road without your top QB or TE, or beat a very good defense at home with a rookie QB, that's when you trade Brady and set yourself up for the next 10 years. Manning went from greatest season ever to average (partly due to injury) to god awful from 2013 to 2015 so it would be insane for BB to not get all he can for Brady right now before the decline hits him. Anybody thinking BB wouldn't trade Brady is in denial.


BB does have a history of getting rid of good players when hes used them up. asante samuel, randy moss, wes welker, mike varbel, vince wilfork, richard seymour. Im sure ive missed a few more

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1 minute ago, CR91 said:


BB does have a history of getting rid of good players when hes used them up. asante samuel, randy moss, wes welker, mike varbel, vince wilfork. Im sure ive missed a few more

I believe Kraft will have final say, and he loves Brady.   Just sayin'

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10 minutes ago, CR91 said:


BB does have a history of getting rid of good players when hes used them up. asante samuel, randy moss, wes welker, mike varbel, vince wilfork, richard seymour. Im sure ive missed a few more

Boston in general does this and that's why they are so dominant. Look outside of football. KG, Garnett, Rondo, Ramirez, Youkilis, Damon, Pedro, Lucic. That's how they always win. Then they bring back those guys for their day and it's no hard feelings because they brought championships to them.


Brady is a steering wheel, Manning was the engine.

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Houston will probably beat Tennessee, but I think they'll probably walk out of that Minnesota game the following week with another loss.  Minnesota has really good personnel on defense and they can play a very similar style game on defense that the Patriots played against Houston.  That game will be played in Minnesota.

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5 hours ago, bayone said:


Congrats on the win, BB should just go to HOF now. some cool playss called caught them of guard 


Didnt expect total domination


Bissset played with poise and showcased himself 


Thanks Bayone.  It was a solid win, good to see the pats are 3-0 and especially beating Houston who might be a competitor in the AFC and we now have a tiebreaker against them.


Brissett did well and that is comforting.  He may be the long term back up here in NE. 


Given we were down to our 3rd string QB, we needed to pull out a few plays out of the box to keep Houston honest. 

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59 minutes ago, bababooey said:

I've been telling/trolling my Pats fan friend for 2 weeks that Brady is as good as trade bait. When you can beat a SB favorite on the road without your top QB or TE, or beat a very good defense at home with a rookie QB, that's when you trade Brady and set yourself up for the next 10 years. Manning went from greatest season ever to average (partly due to injury) to god awful from 2013 to 2015 so it would be insane for BB to not get all he can for Brady right now before the decline hits him. Anybody thinking BB wouldn't trade Brady is in denial.


If you are in the trade Brady before the end of his career camp, I would not do so until after the 2017 season.   Keep Brady on this team for this year and next and you still got two years left on his contract after 2017 season (tradeable asset).  Plus Jimmy G is still under contract till the end of 2017 and he ain't going nowhere.  You can resign him after the 2017 season.   

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1 hour ago, Valpo2004 said:


Honestly seeing what I did of the game it makes me wonder if Brady is really that good or if he just happened to land on the team coached by Belichek.  


Seems like he can send anyone out there at QB and come out a winner.  


Think about it.  Belichek since 2002 is now 13 - 5 in games where Tom Brady didn't even play.  


Yes it is always tough to separate great players from great coaches and try to fine tune how much does one gets from the other and vice versa.  I have always maintain it is a little bit of both. 


And to be accurate . . . BB is 19-17 (0.527) as the Pats coach without Brady and 171-52 (0.767) with Brady.  So a full 200 percentage points higher on the win scale with Brady under center.  As a note these records do not include week 2 in 2001 (loss) and week 1 in 2008 (win) when Bledsoe and Brady were injured and only played part of the game, but does include some week 17 games the Pats lost and were resting starters.  

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Solid win by the Pats, nice to see them at 3-0 and beat a potential AFC rival.   Houston seems to struggle with prime time games, i am not sure how many prime time games the Texans have won in their history.   


Nice to see Brissett hold the fort and get a win and have all three phases of the team step up and play.  ST played great last night, great punting and two turnovers on kickoffs, something that is rare, but we needed it last night. 

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34 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Godsey managed to outdo Pep Hamilton's worse game ever. The play calling was atrocious.

I think somehow they called themselves trying to mimick whatever that game plan was the Broncos used when Osweiler beat the Pats last year, but clearly it just didn't work the way the thought it would.  The game plan was indeed bad.

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It's going to depend on what Bill really thinks of Jimmy G. If you want to make the claim that Brady's success is more system than individual talent, then you have to use that same logic when you are assessing Jimmy G (to date). I.e, if Brady is a system QB, then so is Jimmy. Meanwhile, they will likely get more for Jimmy in a trade (due to his age) than Brady at this point. So if it's the system, then why not trade Jimmy, get the draft pick haul, get the remaining useful life out of Brady, then just plug in the next system guy?

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19 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

On the other hand if you think it might be a dog fight in the AFC South with Houston some will lean towards wanting Houston to loose.  Take care of winning the division first then worried about seeding later. 


Yes, that is the first goal and it is on the agenda to beat the Texans twice this year, as well as the Titans and Jaguars if possible.  It is not a given, so if those teams lose outside the division, all the better.  I had a feeling BB would scheme well (for Brissett and vs. Osweiler)  and that Jimmy G. would suit up but not play unless forced.  So I expected a NE win.


I see some hole (or more for many) of some type for every contending team, except maybe the Pats.  Even under an early season suspension/injury session as well. The Bills game is one I'm more concerned about, but is very winnable for Pats as well.

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13 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Why would the Texans run the ball on 3rd and 8? That happened earlier but what an awful call!


Osweiler threw 6 interceptions in his very last 4 games last year.  Avoiding the pick ( 6 ) it seemed to me. Brock is not a seasoned vet yet, still learning even after a few years behind Manning.

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