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Defensive expectation for Indy in 2016

Lawrence Owen

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I can see Indy being in the top 1/2 of defensive stats overall.  I think we'll probably be in the top5 for TFL's, but possibly also top 5 for allowing big plays (20+ yards).

Just looking at our players and coaching staff kind of shows me a few things:

1: Our D-line will get more penetration than our LB'ers.  Which means TFL's 'should' be abundant.  And that is alright if the LB'ers hold to their assignments and not over-persue.  IF they do, then look for a lot of long runs by medeocre RB's as well.

2: Our D Co-ordinater has already said he's plans to be agressive, attacking.  Again this play's into my #1.  

3: I think the pass defense will be more effected on what the front 7 does this year than in years past.  Before a lot of our sacks were coverage sacks.  This year i beleive it is more likely to be our pass defense will be more effected by the pass rush.  


So basicly, our D-line's skill set of being able to get get behind the line of scrimmage, plus the agressive play calling will put our team in a 'feast or famine' scenario. Some of which we will win,..some we will inevitably loose.   Question is this: Which one will happen more often, Feasting on them?...or them feasting on us?  I think our defence will suprise this year.


***P.S.  This entire spat is predicated on Jones, Anderson, Langford, Parry, and Ridgeway being healthy and playing the majority of the season.

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To your number 2.....


Manusky always said the exact same thing.    So did Pagano.     We've always tried to be an attacking defense.


We just haven't succeeded to the degree we'd want....


I think we'll end up roughly in the middle of the pack on defense.     Somewhere between 15--20.


Could we end up higher?      Sure,  it's possible.     But I don't think it's likely.      Hopefully in 2017.


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The Colts still need more talent on defense I think. Give it a year or two and it may be top 10 in some good categories. Wouldn't expect a great year from them but a solid one maybe!


Worried about our CB's a little. Robinson should be an upgrade over Toler but I have heard he can't cover the outside worth anything and neither can Butler.


The pass rush will have to help the CB's this year to be a successful season for the defense.


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20-30th range. I expect our #2 Corner situation to be a liability to often though I expect he will also make a few plays. Also we need an upgrade at NT, Parry is not and wont be the answer. Also questions about the pass rush will remain likely all season long. The defenses best friend will have to be the run game. That has to be good..Not great...But good enough so the defense is not gassed come late in the season (or earlier with some players)

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2 hours ago, Lawrence Owen said:


2: Our D Co-ordinater has already said he's plans to be agressive, attacking.  Again this play's into my #1.  



Just a quick question on this. 


How many new coordinators come in and say anything different? 


"My system is all about being really passive and defensive. We want the opposition to keep us on the back foot but I envisage that we can cling on to games by our fingernails and maybe a couple of big plays will fall into our laps." Said no defensive coordinator ever.

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1 hour ago, ClaytonColt said:


Just a quick question on this. 


How many new coordinators come in and say anything different? 


"My system is all about being really passive and defensive. We want the opposition to keep us on the back foot but I envisage that we can cling on to games by our fingernails and maybe a couple of big plays will fall into our laps." Said no defensive coordinator ever.

Many co-ordinaters believe in just sending 4..and getting pressure that way.


3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


To your number 2.....


Manusky always said the exact same thing.    So did Pagano.     We've always tried to be an attacking defense.


We just haven't succeeded to the degree we'd want....


I think we'll end up roughly in the middle of the pack on defense.     Somewhere between 15--20.


Could we end up higher?      Sure,  it's possible.     But I don't think it's likely.      Hopefully in 2017.


I agree Manusky attempted alot of blitzes at times as well to generate pressure.  But our new coach is a linebacker focused guy. Like Pagano is DB's.  He should be able to pull a drop or two of blood from what seems to be a turnip at LB.

And overal, yes middle of the pack i agree..i just tend towards the better part of middle...12's-15-ish.  There were times in the first 5-6 games last year our d-line was just flat out dominate. and our Lb's let us down on plays that made the stat sheet look average at best.  Hopefully Ted can fix some of those.

2 hours ago, Gavin said:

20-30th range. I expect our #2 Corner situation to be a liability to often though I expect he will also make a few plays. Also we need an upgrade at NT, Parry is not and wont be the answer. Also questions about the pass rush will remain likely all season long. The defenses best friend will have to be the run game. That has to be good..Not great...But good enough so the defense is not gassed come late in the season (or earlier with some players)

Agree'd on the run game, but disagree on Parry.   I thought he played very well in the first 1/2 of games, but just played too many snaps/ game.  and got gassed himself.  i truley think a tandem of him and Ridgeway to compliment each other and keep each other fresh could be another big key.

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Chud should help the D with play calling and an understanding of field position and time of possesion. I think we see Luck take better care of the ball. We know Pat can flip the field. We know the the questions. 


Can we get consistent pressure on the QB? I'm buying the coach speak. I think we get better schemes and better play.


The DL will do it's part. I think McGill continues to develop and Ridgeway should help. Anderson will be back. I think Simmons could surprise. Hopefully Jones finally gives us something. If Perry gets some help the DL should be smoking.


Mathis will be back to what he's going to be. It won't be 19 sacks but I think he gets more consistent pressure and hits double digit sacks this season. 


We need someone else to step up. Okine  Bates Thompson maybe we see Sio or Junior get a look. I'm not as confident in Maggitt's health as some but he could help.


The back end is the biggest question mark for me. We have Davis, Adams and the other guys. I'm not ready to call Robinson the answer on the other side. Can Smith unseat Butler and maybe push Robinson? Brown wasballing in camp and the preseason. It didn't carry over to the regular season maybe injuries he's hit the IR week 4. Can Brown help after another off season with Chuck? Did we hit the lottery with our end of the season signings or our UDFA's?


I'm not sure how we roll at S after Adams and Geathers. We have some freakish athletes in  Green and Southward can they carry it to the field?


Pagano has said he'd be an assistant DB coach this season. It looks like there's talent but Chuck & company have their work cut out for them. What we get out of the back end could very well determine how good the D is and ultimately how dangerous our team can be.


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I think better even though they lost Freeman.  I know the pass rush is a weak spot and LB's as a whole but only because they don't have that one elite guy.  However, I feel they DO have about 5 guys who could get say 5-6 sacks or so.  That would be a fair amount to start with.  Then they will have 2-3 more guys who get a few here or there.  I think with the added presence on the DL, and with guys like Jones and Anderson coming back healthy, there will be many guys teams will have to account for who can get to the QB. I'd almost rather have it that way than one guy who can go for 20 but gets hurt and you are screwed.  They have voiced they will be aggressive under Monachino so I would say look for a high-risk, high-reward type thing.  They may get there often but they may also be susceptible to the big play now and then.  

I also think they will be fairly stout against the run.  We saw this tide start to turn in their favor last year before Anderson went down and that was with Jones already out.  Langford is already solid there as well.  Given relative health I think they will continue to improve in this area.  Holding opponents under 3.8 ypc should be attainable IMHO.  I do see the trend of few turnovers continuing however as we don't really have a lot of super-athletic, ball-hawking freaks on D yet.  Just solid guys that will make you work for yards.  So I think turnover margin will bear watching.  I could see them squarely in the middle of the pack in overall defensive rankings, somewhere between 12 to 18.

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6 hours ago, ClaytonColt said:


Just a quick question on this. 


How many new coordinators come in and say anything different? 


"My system is all about being really passive and defensive. We want the opposition to keep us on the back foot but I envisage that we can cling on to games by our fingernails and maybe a couple of big plays will fall into our laps." Said no defensive coordinator ever.

Bend but don't break comes to mind .

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The D can be really good if:

1. Art Jones can have a healthy season.

2. Henry Anderson can have a healthy season.

3. D-Juan Smith can progress.

4. Nate Irving and Sio Moore are healthy.

5. The rookies learn the system quickly.

I guess it is pretty easy to see the recurring theme among the players mentioned that are not rookies.



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2 hours ago, LockeDown said:


I think your first paragraph will be the biggest factor.


I wish pagano had hired a proven DC.  It's a big step going from LB coach to DC and none of us know how this new guy will perform.

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1 hour ago, akcolt said:

Chud should help the D with play calling and an understanding of field position and time of possesion. I think we see Luck take better care of the ball. We know Pat can flip the field. We know the the questions. 


Can we get consistent pressure on the QB? I'm buying the coach speak. I think we get better schemes and better play.


The DL will do it's part. I think McGill continues to develop and Ridgeway should help. Anderson will be back. I think Simmons could surprise. Hopefully Jones finally gives us something. If Perry gets some help the DL should be smoking.


Mathis will be back to what he's going to be. It won't be 19 sacks but I think he gets more consistent pressure and hits double digit sacks this season. 


We need someone else to step up. Okine  Bates Thompson maybe we see Sio or Junior get a look. I'm not as confident in Maggitt's health as some but he could help.


The back end is the biggest question mark for me. We have Davis, Adams and the other guys. I'm not ready to call Robinson the answer on the other side. Can Smith unseat Butler and maybe push Robinson? Brown wasballing in camp and the preseason. It didn't carry over to the regular season maybe injuries he's hit the IR week 4. Can Brown help after another off season with Chuck? Did we hit the lottery with our end of the season signings or our UDFA's?


I'm not sure how we roll at S after Adams and Geathers. We have some freakish athletes in  Green and Southward can they carry it to the field?


Pagano has said he'd be an assistant DB coach this season. It looks like there's talent but Chuck & company have their work cut out for them. What we get out of the back end could very well determine how good the D is and ultimately how dangerous our team can be.


I think your first paragraph will be the biggest factor.


 I wish pagano had hired a proven DC.  It's a big step going from LB coach to DC and none of us know how this new guy will perform.

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Langford plays solid every week.
Vontae is good most of the time.
Mathis competed very well against some weak teams later in the season.
DQ Jackson also played his best Colts fb later in the season.
  We really are a huge guessing game After these guys.
 So speculation on what we will be able to do is worth the paper this is written on.
  Controlling the clock on Offense will do the most for our D.
 And rushing with 4 men comes next.
 I will be rooting for McGill & Kerr so our GM will probably cut them!

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4 hours ago, LockeDown said:

It depends on our offense.  If it takes off and starts to give us leads early, I think this defense will play inspired and will be in the top half.

I agree because last year this def could've been too 15 if the offense ever decided to play 

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In the secondary I don't see us giving up many big plays unless it's on Geathers  were not sure how good he is in coverage till this year..Adams is a pick machine VONTAE is healthy and butler Robinson should be able to limit big plays unless we have no pass rush lol

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The offense should - in theory - be able to run the football better. That will help the defense too. We're not going to be dominant. But we do have a pretty good defensive line and I think on the strength of that we might be able to do better than some think.

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The Colts D will go as far as the interior D-Line takes them. We can't count on the pass rush or LB core because there isn't an elite guy there. Anderson coming back healthy and how quickly Ridgeway can contribute is key. We need the interior guys to push the pocket and make it easy for the OLBs to clean up .

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16 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

The Colts D will go as far as the interior D-Line takes them. We can't count on the pass rush or LB core because there isn't an elite guy there. Anderson coming back healthy and how quickly Ridgeway can contribute is key. We need the interior guys to push the pocket and make it easy for the OLBs to clean up .

We should try to do what San Francisco did a couple of years ago. Use our talented D-Line to try and help our pass rushers with getting to the QB.

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10 hours ago, ClaytonColt said:


Just a quick question on this. 


How many new coordinators come in and say anything different? 


"My system is all about being really passive and defensive. We want the opposition to keep us on the back foot but I envisage that we can cling on to games by our fingernails and maybe a couple of big plays will fall into our laps." Said no defensive coordinator ever.

I read fingernails as fingermails and got really confused

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3 hours ago, Solon said:

We should try to do what San Francisco did a couple of years ago. Use our talented D-Line to try and help our pass rushers with getting to the QB.

Precisely. That's why I want to see what Ridgeway can do at NT. If he could take his ability to move people in college and bring it to the next level, he can really help the OLBs.

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6 hours ago, will426 said:

I agree because last year this def could've been too 15 if the offense ever decided to play 

I doubt that.  I get the offense wasn't good, but this blaming of it's woes on the offense is getting out of hand.  When you can't pressure the QB and can't create turnovers it's going to be difficult no matter the offense.

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34 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

I know you're all talking over all D, but consider the match ups.


I think we'll match up pretty well against Detroit and Denver.


Actually, do we even face a strong offense until GB?  

With Whisenhut back in SD I would be concerned about them.  And the Jags, who dropped 50 on the colts....

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4 hours ago, BOTT said:

I doubt that.  I get the offense wasn't good, but this blaming of it's woes on the offense is getting out of hand.  When you can't pressure the QB and can't create turnovers it's going to be difficult no matter the offense.

Eh no it kinda went that way.... how many games did we have with the defense playing lights out from qtr1-3 then gas out in the 4th all thanks to the offense? The offense didn't even start playing till the 4th qtrs of games that made our defense look worse than ranked 

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4 hours ago, will426 said:

Eh no it kinda went that way.... how many games did we have with the defense playing lights out from qtr1-3 then gas out in the 4th all thanks to the offense? The offense didn't even start playing till the 4th qtrs of games that made our defense look worse than ranked 

They played lights out against whom?  Crap offenses with crap quarterbacks.

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5 hours ago, BOTT said:

They played lights out against whom?  Crap offenses with crap quarterbacks.

You're saying this when our offense didn't play one complete game other than Denver every win was damn near won in the 4th qtr. Our defense kept us in every game for a short time  I'll give you one game where they got dismantled and it was the jags game other than that there's no way you can truly think our offense didn't severely hurt the position of our defense with or without pass rush we got some turnovers and the offense would give it right back even multiple times a game  defense led this team last year and everyone knows it.

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

I guess Denver and Carolina had some pretty crappy offenses with a couple of crappy QBs.

Some still discredit the defense even when the offense was abysmal  every game but Denver  I get we don't have the talent to be top 15 or "didn't have" but I think we would've reached it if the offense participated when the game was in reach and not the last 6 min of games lol

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2 hours ago, will426 said:

You're saying this when our offense didn't play one complete game other than Denver every win was damn near won in the 4th qtr. Our defense kept us in every game for a short time  I'll give you one game where they got dismantled and it was the jags game other than that there's no way you can truly think our offense didn't severely hurt the position of our defense with or without pass rush we got some turnovers and the offense would give it right back even multiple times a game  defense led this team last year and everyone knows it.

I'm not saying the offense didn't hurt the defense, but people acting like it would have been really good if not for the offense need to stop.  Sure they have games here and there where they play really well, then they are hot garbage two weeks later.  And that's been a theme for a few years now.

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3 hours ago, BOTT said:

I'm not saying the offense didn't hurt the defense, but people acting like it would have been really good if not for the offense need to stop.  Sure they have games here and there where they play really well, then they are hot garbage two weeks later.  And that's been a theme for a few years now.

That has been the theme but last year was actually different the offense put us in a foot load of **** it would've been top 15 I believe  we played good defense 1-3 qtrs every game besides jags when we lost every qtr lol when  the offense  holds their own for at least 3 qtrs  then we can believe that they didn't hold us back...we were 1 game from playoffs because of the Def  and our defense held their own against the top teams  who made the playoffs  it's the offense who costed us the season 

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On May 27, 2016 at 11:50 PM, bravo4460 said:

The Colts still need more talent on defense I think. Give it a year or two and it may be top 10 in some good categories. Wouldn't expect a great year from them but a solid one maybe!


Worried about our CB's a little. Robinson should be an upgrade over Toler but I have heard he can't cover the outside worth anything and neither can Butler.


The pass rush will have to help the CB's this year to be a successful season for the defense.


When it was rumored that the Colts were going to sign Robinson, I remember reading that he's given up the lowest amount of receiving yards of all CBs over the past 5 years. I wanna say it was a PFF article, but I can't remember for sure. I have somewhat high expectations for him, but I'm also realistic. At bear minimum he'll be a significant upgrade over Toler.

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