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Dear God Lets hope this isn't true

Jackie Daytona

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If Irsay is giving him that freedom to do that then Irsay is the problem and a * to boot. Grigson need to stick with being the GM. He should have no say over coaching and what players start. The best players should start not who Grigson thinks should start. Then and only then can you lay blame on the coaching staff. Grigson needs to be reeled all the way in. I can't stand micro managing meddlers

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Not sure what to believe. I find it hard to believe Irsay will have Grigson's back if we keep losing. Andrew Luck is #1 priority and if you cant protect him then you lose your job is my take. I still think we can go 8-8 or 9-7 and win the Division. We looked pretty good in the 4th Qtr against an undefeated team with a solid QB in Cam on the road.

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Or make him reduce his role. Just be the GM that signs people and drafts. Leave the coaching to the coaches

Agree. Personally, I would lean more towards reducing Grig's role over the individual players & coaching rather than cleaning house. I still blame the poor play calling ion Pep so I'm glad he is gone.

I want to see what Chuck'Zinski can do together before it all gets blown up. It is quite possible we could be okay after all. We just must start better in the first half against Denver or it will be ugly very quickly.

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If true, the problem is Irsay, not Grigson.   I have always loved Jim Irsay as an owner but i do have my concerns with him right now and where this organization may be headed.  In regards to his daughters having a strong relationship with Grigson, i have heard that it's the complete opposite with Pagano.   So it doesn't surprise me that his job is safe while Pagano's was pretty much toast before the season even started.  And i agree about finding a good coach to come here, good luck with that if Grigson is allowed to control everything.

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I still don't understand this angle.


1) The article suggests that Irsay has deputized Grigson in this manner, so the problem would be a lot bigger than Grigson.


2) There are no specifics, and no noted sources. And this story comes on a day when a notable staff member was just fired. 


3) Speaking of Pep getting fired, wasn't the story that Pep was Grigson's guy, but Pagano wanted Chud? So now, it's the way Pagano supposedly wanted, and we're still talking about Grigson pulling strings? 


4) Pep was bad, should have been gone. This move is welcome.


Perhaps there is truth to tall this stuff, but we'll never really know. I find it strange that Irsay would get rid of Polian and then turn around and hand this kind of a control to another GM again. And if he has, then again, it doesn't matter who is pulling the strings, because Irsay remains the owner no matter what. 


I am definitely looking forward to seeing someone else call the plays, whatever path we had to take to get here. I expect the offense to be much better right away, and hopefully that continues to be the case for the rest of the season.

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Tknight, it's the part stating he is a really close friend of the Irsay's and that he acts with their complete backing that worries me, if that's the case, It'll take a lot more crapfest games to fire him, and if he is still here, no marquee coach is coming

Exactly! What top 5 coach (lack of a better phrase lol) is going to sit down and hear Irsay say...

"ok bub here's the deal...grigson signs and drafts players, he will also have 50% (slight exaggeration) say in who starts, he will call some plays. Also, he demands 10 roster spots open for rugby players, WWE wrestlers, really good dancers, and the occasional 6 fingered cattle driver...you know for that diamond in the rough."

Yea, I got a little angry and sarcastic in there but men with power want more power.

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Seems like a re-tread of the story from earlier this season.

But I also think it has legs. The whole center fiasco last year still rings to mind.

But I don't know what kind of decisions he would have been making on offense this year, unless Mewhort to tackle was his call. And since that was aborted, no harm no foul.

The only thing I can think is starting Johnson over Moncrief despite the differences in production, but with what we're paying Johnson, it's only debatable at best whether we're doing the right thing or not.

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I don't think it is. Irsay isn't a dummy and he wont tolerate losing. I know he wont because he never has and has fired guys like Mora, Polian, Caldwell, etc. when things weren't going good.


Polian and Caldwell were fired because the end of the era was there. It was apparent.


Polian fired Mora because he wouldn't fire Vic Fagio.

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Another thing, Holder calls Pep's firing "abrupt." That's a laugh.

If I had to guess, I'd say he means with the timeline of things.

I figured if any move was going to be made today it would have been done by 11:30 this morning. We're on a short week, with a tough opponent coming to town, in dire need of a win. While the difference between 11:30 AM and 6:30 PM aren't much, it was fairly significant for the coaching staff on the short week.

It's also kinda unusual for a coach to be relieved at that time a day as well, so this could be a situation where the day started and he was safe, but minds were changed between then and the final axe falling.

Everyone knew it was coming eventually. Even still, the way today played out was odd at best.

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Jim Irsay looks like he is becoming his father. If he is allowing Griggson this kind of control then the blame ultimately resides with him. He needs to get rid of Griggson and his big ego. Put down the drinks Irsay and get your friggin house in order before this franchise becomes the joke that it was when your old man owned the team. If Irsay isn't competent or coherent enough to run things then step aside and let his daughter Carly take over. She is more than just a pretty face. We need sober leadership.

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So Jim Irsay "took back his team" from the Polians but gave it to Grigson?

That has always been his MO. Jim let's the guys he's hired for that position have the power it brings. Jim isn't Jerry. I don't think Jim wants to have the decision making process that Jerry does, for whatever reason. He's given his GMs the power to run his franchise.

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Jim Irsay looks like he is becoming his father. If he is allowing Griggson this kind of control then the blame ultimately resides with him. He needs to get rid of Griggson and his big ego. Put down the drinks Irsay and get your friggin house in order before this franchise becomes the joke that it was when your old man owned the team. If Irsay isn't competent or coherent enough to run things then step aside and let his daughter Carly take over. She is more than just a pretty face. We need sober leadership.


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If I remember right but I could be wrong, before Mora was fired Polian had to have Irsay's go ahead to do so. I may be wrong on that one? I know Irsay canned Polian and Caldwell though.

I'm sure all GM's consult with ownership before firing the head coach.

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If I had to guess, I'd say he means with the timeline of things.

I figured if any move was going to be made today it would have been done by 11:30 this morning. We're on a short week, with a tough opponent coming to town, in dire need of a win. While the difference between 11:30 AM and 6:30 PM aren't much, it was fairly significant for the coaching staff on the short week.

It's also kinda unusual for a coach to be relieved at that time a day as well, so this could be a situation where the day started and he was safe, but minds were changed between then and the final axe falling.

Everyone knew it was coming eventually. Even still, the way today played out was odd at best.


Meh; it was announced late. Doesn't mean it happened late. I don't know when they flew out of Carolina or got back to Indy, but I'm sure the day was difficult for everyone. It might just be that they wanted to make sure the team knew before it was all over the Internet. Total speculation on my part, but I don't think the time in the day makes it abrupt.


I certainly don't think the time in the season makes it abrupt. It probably should have happened at halftime during the Saints game. Now THAT would be abrupt... but still justified, IMO.

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I still don't understand this angle.


1) The article suggests that Irsay has deputized Grigson in this manner, so the problem would be a lot bigger than Grigson.


2) There are no specifics, and no noted sources. And this story comes on a day when a notable staff member was just fired. 


3) Speaking of Pep getting fired, wasn't the story that Pep was Grigson's guy, but Pagano wanted Chud? So now, it's the way Pagano supposedly wanted, and we're still talking about Grigson pulling strings? 


4) Pep was bad, should have been gone. This move is welcome.


Perhaps there is truth to tall this stuff, but we'll never really know. I find it strange that Irsay would get rid of Polian and then turn around and hand this kind of a control to another GM again. And if he has, then again, it doesn't matter who is pulling the strings, because Irsay remains the owner no matter what. 


I am definitely looking forward to seeing someone else call the plays, whatever path we had to take to get here. I expect the offense to be much better right away, and hopefully that continues to be the case for the rest of the season.


Pure speculation on my part,  but I could see Pagano saying the following to both Irsay and Grigson...


"Look,  it's pretty obvious that unless things change dramatically,  I'm not coming back next year.    So, if you're letting me go the distance on the season,  then I'd like to ride it out with my guys.     Is anyone here happy with the offense?   Yeah,  me neither!     I'd like to remove Pep and replace him with Chud.     What do we have to lose by doing this?"


I can envision this conversation taking place.....

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Pure speculation on my part,  but I could see Pagano saying the following to both Irsay and Grigson...


"Look,  it's pretty obvious that unless things change dramatically,  I'm not coming back next year.    So, if you're letting me go the distance on the season,  then I'd like to ride it out with my guys.     Is anyone here happy with the offense?   Yeah,  me neither!     I'd like to remove Pep and replace him with Chud.     What do we have to lose by doing this?"


I can envision this conversation taking place.....


I could see that also, but that scenario still runs counter to the thinking that Pep is Grigson's guy, that he hired him against Pagano's will, forced him on Pagano... a week ago, there was an 'according to sources' report that Pagano might be fired at the bye and Pep would take over. And now, a week later, Pep -- Grigson's guy -- is gone? 


It just doesn't jive. Especially when we're now doubling down on the idea that Grigson is still pulling strings that he shouldn't have his hands on.


Like you say, it's all speculation. I don't know anything. Just strikes me as someone (or several people) overselling an angle. There's still no evidence presented to support anyone of this. Just 'sources.' Maybe things will clear up in the coming weeks, or at the end of the season.

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I really don't like that Irsay back everything that Grigs do. For now I like that there is a new OC, even if Pep was used as a scapegoat. Lets just hope as of now with Chuck BFF Chud as the OC, Grigs would pull back and let the coaches decide who gets to play and sit. Grigs need to let the Coaches do their job. GM should only handle office businesses. 

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Jim Irsay looks like he is becoming his father. If he is allowing Griggson this kind of control then the blame ultimately resides with him. He needs to get rid of Griggson and his big ego. Put down the drinks Irsay and get your friggin house in order before this franchise becomes the joke that it was when your old man owned the team. If Irsay isn't competent or coherent enough to run things then step aside and let his daughter Carly take over. She is more than just a pretty face. We need sober leadership.

This is just in poor taste.

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