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Hasselbeck expected to start per Ian Rappoport (Merge)


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I don't think that its Luck that has not figured it out...I think he has just been stubborn with it. I think its Luck simply wants to make plays every single play and keep plays alive and that type of mentality will work (Just ask Brett Favre) but it will also cost you big at times(Again just ask Brett Favre). Also lets not forget Peyton is a veteran and Luck is not quite through his 4th year.


Take those things into account and also that Peps scheme has some major flaws in it. The biggest flaw being lack of receiver routes that compliment each other, Most of the routes just rely on receivers beating there man, If they don't then nobody gets open, Luck then has to hang onto the ball and then gets sacked...sometimes he hangs onto the ball longer then he should however regardless....also to many long developing routes.


Then you have a recipe for a very hit or miss offense, When its on and receivers are able to run free then it works, If receivers are challenged and officials allow for a little more physicality then usual and Luck is off his game then you have what we have had this year....An offense that's not working


Multiple factors on why the offense has struggled

Yep. Right on the mark. Spread the ball around/mixing the run/dump offs/screens/quick slants/side-outs/ etc. and keep the Ds honest and guessing.

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I do have to agree that the line has not been good since he got here.  As I said before, it is even more tough to draft OL than ever before.


I would start drafting hard nosed centers who can run block and pass block....convert them to guards.  I would not mind seeing what Harrison can do for us at guard.


I had to edit this...it was awful.... :)


I agree, and knowing this means you may have to be a little less picky and take some chances ... Incognito was sitting out there for peanuts ... knowing the shape of our OL ... to not even bring him in and kick the tires blows my mind. 

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I expect Houton to take this game by a comfortable margin. Even if Luck plays, this is a tough matchup. The Colts are still finding an identity on offense and struggling everywhere but on the defensive line. And, should Anderson or Vontae not be active or limited, that is just going to put more stress on us. I wouldn't count on the Colts putting up more than 10-13 points. We struggled with Jacksonville, I don't expect us to light up the scoreboard in Houston. I really pray Luck will be back to or near 90 or 100% for the NE game...

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I will go with the win, but I will not be surprised by a loss.  These guys know we are headed into the bye.  There will be a sense of urgency.    Hoyer will probably come in and give us a hard time.  Good point. :thmup:

True Brent, but after Texans HC Bill O'Brian when on a post game press conference rant about how poor his coaching was last week, Houston is more urgent than INDY is IMHO. Maybe this game will be good because we just barely beat the Jags & the Texans have nothing to lose by playing angry tonight. Desperation on both squads = must see TV. 

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Me too, Jules.   I look for Gore to have a good night too, so hopefully people will get off his case.


Actually our starting QB is still better then anyone on the Texans.


Not sure people realize that.


Both our QBs are better then the Texans QBs.

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I just listened to the Texans beat writer on the Colts pre game show. He ripped apart the Texans. So while I still think the Texans will win I am not going to be shocked if the Colts do either. This is not a good football team they are playing. Both teams are struggling and it will probably come down to which team can get their offense going a little bit and avoid mistakes.

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I'm more worried about if Vontae and Henry are out tonight. Those would be huge blows to our defense

True. Texans are missing a couple of receivers too, though. And we know how Arian Foster likes to turn it up when playing the Colts, so I'm sure Anderson missing would be huge.
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in all the talk about Luck this has been forgotten they could be missing a few key players tonight.

Yeah, I think we could beat them with Luck or Hasselbeck. But a missing Vontae could be all that Mallet needs to have a good game (lord knows our secondary is garbage usually without him) and I think Foster is back tonight and would hurt not having our best run stopper available tonight.

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True. Texans are missing a couple of receivers too, though. And we know how Arian Foster likes to turn it up when playing the Colts, so I'm sure Anderson missing would be huge.

Foster reminds me of MJD. Could stink the rest (not that they do or did obviously) of the year but when they play us they always seem to get 100+ yards.

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Foster reminds me of MJD. Could stink the rest (not that they do or did obviously) of the year but when they play us they always seem to get 100+ yards.

Yeah, he's always ready to play the Colts. But what back isn't right :P We'll see if he's up to the task tonight in only his second game though.

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You know what fans? I've been watching and reading as much as I possibly can about our beloved Colts the last couple of days, especially today, with all the media outlets how they're predicting we're dead in the water. If ever there was a time to shove all of this rhetoric right down the throats of our adversaries, it's tonight and the next 5 games.

Negate the media. I hear nothing, I say nothing. Put your entire us v. the world hats on, and go out and prove your salt. It just may be the recipe for withstanding all of this who-ha-ha for the rest of the season.


Are you talking to us or the Colt players? Just saying we have zero impact on this game tonight. Whether I sit in my lucky spot or not or I am cheering at the tv or complaining the outcome will be no different. That said I do think what your saying is somewhat true...a lot of people need to take a chill pill and relax and even more spend way way way too much time listening to tv pundits and radio analysts. Whatever will be will be and nothing the media says will control that and nothing we say on these boards will. Its fun to discuss football and what we are seeing but getting worked up is senseless. We were a popular pick before the season and all that bragging about us goes to show those people aren't that smart....and the truth is we aren't as bad as they are saying now (at least a lot of its fixable). In the end it will come down to the team and how they respond....now hopefully they respond like you want US to respond and come out swinging..but time will tell....and how we respond hopefully will mirror how our coach did against cancer. If not...well we may see some changes all over to get the response and changes we need. I'd like to see this team come out with a mean streak...a little more physical across the board...battle at all positions a little harder and see if we can build some momentum going forward.

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If the O-line can pass protect like they did against the Jags, we can win this game with Hasselbeck, maybe, barely.


I think the line will revert to its usual craptastic self because:

1: It was the Jags, and they looked decent. (Which, for us, is amazing.)

2: The O-line always has one or two decent showings a year, then craps themselves for another 5-6 games in a row.


I hope those legs can still move, Matt. I'd hate to see our line Kerry Collins you in to retirement.


I'm surprised it took this many seasons for it to catch up with Luck. I didn't think he'd make it past his sophomore year before the sieve got him crushed. He made it all the way to year four, though. He's a tough guy.

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Are you talking to us or the Colt players? Just saying we have zero impact on this game tonight. Whether I sit in my lucky spot or not or I am cheering at the tv or complaining the outcome will be no different. That said I do think what your saying is somewhat true...a lot of people need to take a chill pill and relax and even more spend way way way too much time listening to tv pundits and radio analysts. Whatever will be will be and nothing the media says will control that and nothing we say on these boards will. Its fun to discuss football and what we are seeing but getting worked up is senseless. We were a popular pick before the season and all that bragging about us goes to show those people aren't that smart....and the truth is we aren't as bad as they are saying now (at least a lot of its fixable). In the end it will come down to the team and how they respond....now hopefully they respond like you want US to respond and come out swinging..but time will tell....and how we respond hopefully will mirror how our coach did against cancer. If not...well we may see some changes all over to get the response and changes we need. I'd like to see this team come out with a mean streak...a little more physical across the board...battle at all positions a little harder and see if we can build some momentum going forward.

To be quite honest and true, both. I realize pep-talks are not always in the cards. But, tonight is a little different. It's going to take an entire team effort with virtually zero mistakes. That's a lot to ask given the last 4 games. Sometimes when venting, people go into the "Knute Rockne" speech. I am just as guilty of this as anyone. That being said, I agree with all of your post, dgambill. Especially the last sentence. Yeah, especially that last spaced sentence.


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My only concern.......ONLY concern is if we need a big comeback. Thats Luck's bag. Not sure Hasselbeck can do it. If he can then he is one feisty 40 year old......


But, then again I am not really all that worried. I am going to enjoy the game and enjoy watching Matt the Great do his thang.


I love both our QBs. 

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I am calling a win for the Colts among the doom and gloom crowd here.


Yeah it is the Houston Texans we are talking about here.  Not really a great team, I know that the Colts aren't as well but the Texans are highly beatable.  I think the Colts will win but I have a feeling it's going to be an ugly, ugly game.   

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I think it's legitimate to question Grigson's understanding of the relative importance of the OL, because if it's not a lack of understanding than it is complete incompetence on his part.  He has made terrible decisions, had a poorly thought out strategy, horrible (or no) plan B, he has made a colossal mess of the OL ...  If it does get him fired its totally deserved. 


There are 32 NFL GM's.


I don't think there's ONE that doesn't understand the importance of the offensive line.


And considering Grigson is a former offensive lineman himself,  the very idea that he doesn't know the importance of the OL is completely laughable.     A fan's perspective.


And like I said,  it may just cost him his job.


There's a difference between not doing a good enough job and not understanding how important an OL is to an offense.   Frankly, it's a huge difference.     I'm sorry,  but it's just not a credible observation.

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To be quite honest and true, both. I realize pep-talks are not always in the cards. But, tonight is a little different. It's going to take an entire team effort with virtually zero mistakes. That's a lot to ask given the last 4 games. Sometimes when venting, people go into the "Knute Rockne" speech. I am just as guilty of this as anyone. That being said, I agree with all of your post, dgambill. Especially the last sentence. Yeah, especially that last spaced sentence.


I agree...whether its our OL getting a push....our defensive backs fighting to get to a ball thrown...or especially our wrs fighting to get off coverage and the line and get some sepearation...we all need to win our battles...Luck will only carry us so far...everyone has to take ownership of their own play....as for us fans....ehhh...if we are at the game we make noise...otherwise it matters not if someone says bad things or good...the players decide games...we just watch them.

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I am calling a win for the Colts among the doom and gloom crowd here.


Actually our starting QB is still better then anyone on the Texans.


Not sure people realize that.


Both our QBs are better then the Texans QBs.



As I was saying.......



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Wow.  The Bruce Arians offense is doing pretty well in Arizona..just sayin.  Pep knows the same things.  We saw it last week in the 4th Quarter.


I think a whole lot of the 'younger crowd ' should stop firing people.  I had to fire people in my job for 22 tears.  It is not fun.  Families are left hanging.  Don't get me wrong there were those who needed firing ASAP, but not a coach Luck has made poor decisions.


I cannot wait to watch this game tonight.  I think we win, and an exhausted Hasselback is once again a hero.  Frank Gore will get the running game going and will NOT fumble.


Time for the big  :chillpill: for a lot of folks that count us out against the Texans.  It will be fun, and then we can get everyone healthy for the Patriots. :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!


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True Brent, but after Texans HC Bill O'Brian when on a post game press conference rant about how poor his coaching was last week, Houston is more urgent than INDY is IMHO. Maybe this game will be good because we just barely beat the Jags & the Texans have nothing to lose by playing angry tonight. Desperation on both squads = must see TV. 

I am proud of my prediction.  3-2...bye...Patriots game at home...must see TV.  :)

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What? No trumpets, a town cryer, & a royal proclamation foreshadowing the train wreck tonight? I kid; I kid Corgi. I burst out laughing when I read your line man.  haha

Touche AC17. This season will be both a brutal & trying one...


Ah huh OPC. JJ just place Matthew down nice & easy when you sack him tonight okay. Like you're setting down a baby gently in their crib. Thanks. Good luck Hasselbeck. You're gonna need it man. 

WOW SW1...........brutal comment.  AND....You know I like the Badgers too!!

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I agree, and knowing this means you may have to be a little less picky and take some chances ... Incognito was sitting out there for peanuts ... knowing the shape of our OL ... to not even bring him in and kick the tires blows my mind. 

Great point, but I remain incognito...:)

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I'll fully admit I was completely wrong.  The Texans are in a worse state then the Jags in my opinion.  Hasselbeck played amazing, so did Andre and Frank.  The whole team did really.  I just didn't like the pass defense when Hoyer came in, that's got to improve.  Props to the O-line too.  My question to Texans fans are, how do you expect to win this weak division if you can't even beat the Colts at home without their starting QB?  They had a golden oppportunity to get a quality win and be in first place.  I am glad the Colts came out with a win. 16 straight division wins and counting!

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