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In a strange, warped way..one of our greatest wins


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Right throw them to the side because we are bathing being realistic. I'm conversing with you because I need someone with sound logic to give me hope that things will change lol.

I agree we shuffled 3 spots and it was a big change. But because of all of the noise outside of the org who actually made this change? Because this change really didn't make much sense either. These are the issues I'm speaking of.

This imo was the worst game by the oline against weaker talent and mainly because of the change. So my worries going forward have everything to do with the direction of the team and the future. I'm not panicking about Luck. At least not yet. He can get out of a funk but I just don't want to see him do it alone. I want the OC to do something to alleviate his troubles. ..

I've got a ton of worry for this team


To the bolded, I don't see why it matters. I disagree with the thinking that this change didn't make sense and that the issues were because of the change. I haven't rewatched the game, and there was a lot of pressure, but I thought the worst OL was Castonzo. He got beat several times by several players, including a complete whiff early in the game.

I should say, aside from Thornton. His penalties were killer, but it's not like we didn't have those same killer penalties the first two weeks, right? So again, how did the changes hurt the line play?

I saw the team completely fail to run screen plays (I don't get why we can't run screen plays, honestly), and then scrap them in favor of Y Banana, and then they ran that three times at least. You want to see the OC do something to help Luck, that's it. He also stuck with the ground game. Lots more he can do, and there are still some really glaring issues with the offensive approach, especially in short yardage. I don't know why this coaching staff is so afraid of running a read option, when they're letting Luck get piled on by multiple 300 pounders. Third and 3, press coverage, inside blitz? Attack the edge, and if you can do it with misdirection, even better.

Getting back to the bolded, I think the media smells blood in the water, all based on the lack of an extension for Pagano. I think they're recycling the same bits of information (like today's 'report' that Pagano can't make changes to his staff, which is at least partially based on incorrect information). I don't have a lot to say about that angle, aside from pointing out that the staff benched two of the supposed 'Grigson favorites' today. Herremans and Louis were the worst linemen on the field last week, and they got shut down. We wanted to see adjustments, and that's a big one. I don't get why we'd nitpick over who actually called for the change, especially when all the nitpicking is entirely based on speculation.

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well atleast we avoided total disaster. Hopefully they'll become more consistent but to me it's still a big TBD on what this team can be. Beating Jacksonville (unless we crush them like NE) probably won't tell us much. Hopefully they're atleast more consistent next week.

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Lack of any pass rush whatsoever is just destroying this team. Our depleted secondary is ask to work overtime on just about every play. Still major difficulties on the offense line- now castonzo isn't even playing well. It's like a different guy every week..they make some new tweak and then a new problem surfaces...The run blocking has really improved, that is about the most I can say

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To all the haters like the negative Colts fans still down playing this win and to Skip Bayless keep Trolling while I stay positive as the journey continues. We are going steamroll Jacks next week. Just like I predicted, I said this one would be close and we wouldn't roll until next week. I expected a close one today so no bigge.

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I definitely think that our lack of pass rush is what's hurting us the most.  Our banged up secondary can't cover starting NFL receivers all day.  At least Luck can play small ball if he had to, but there's no fix for pass rush.  You either have it or you don't....and we don't.

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I care, along with a lot of other Colts fans. I realize we have problems, but the bottom line is we won. I'll take it and move on. If you want to be negative Nancy, that's OK. Geez, why can't we just celebrate a victory without being so negative? I would hate to be around you on a daily basis. Seeing the glass as half full isn't a bad thing.

Whoopdy doo

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To all you people who think we are being "negative Nancy's", yes we got a win, barely! We were suppose to be super bowl favorites. We should be 3-0 Ok we beat the Titans! La-Dee-freakin da. We gave up over 425 yards total offense! Luck is a turnover machine and our o-line is baddddd, castonzo is even dissapointing. I'll be more optimistic when we beat a team that's good (pats,Broncos,etc).

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To all you people who think we are being "negative Nancy's", yes we got a win, barely! We were suppose to be super bowl favorites. We should be 3-0 Ok we beat the Titans! La-Dee-freakin da. We gave up over 425 yards total offense! Luck is a turnover machine and our o-line is baddddd, castonzo is even dissapointing. I'll be more optimistic when we beat a team that's good (pats,Broncos,etc).

LOL. I could only imagine what you would've Posted had we lost. haha

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This game reminds me of the game against Miami years ago when the offense only had the ball for 15 minutes and still won.




This game. I remember watching, the early 80 yarder to Clark and then the game winning 50 yarder to Garcon on a screen. Great road win. Time of possession 14:53.

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This one stung, since we should have put you guys away on the 1 yard line.  We only got a field goal and that set the stage for the comeback.


Everybody in Nashville understands that the team that has Andrew Luck can come back at any time, as the 98 yard drive showed.  But we also are pretty confident in our man Mariota for being able to do the same thing.


Enjoy the victory.  See you guys in Indy.

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Lets start a trend and always win on Harvest Moons, Super Moons, Blood Moons, & Full Lunar Eclipses.  Since today all of the aforementioned happened, I like our chances.


Oh, and if you're still up at this hour and didn't go outside to check out this very cool event, here is a link to watch in the comfort of your bed at home, live.



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That's a completely different feeling than openly rooting for your team to lose.


Every offensive play, I was bracing for a penalty or a turnover. Luck's two picks were awful. The penalties were demoralizing, and came close to completely derailing the team. The defense started coming apart after they had been on the field forever. I thought Luck was hurt (and he might be). Etc., etc. There's no candy drops and unicorns from me.


But I am NOT openly bemoaning a win because I want to see the staff fired and get a good draft pick. In Week 3.


Outside of the 3 hours during the game in 2011, I hoped the Colts would lose, but that is completely different, I think.  


This was supposed to be a SB contender.  Still could be.  Can't stand people giving up already.

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To all the haters like the negative Colts fans still down playing this win and to Skip Bayless keep Trolling while I stay positive as the journey continues. We are going steamroll Jacks next week. Just like I predicted, I said this one would be close and we wouldn't roll until next week. I expected a close one today so no bigge.

What will you say of the H8ers in 2 weeks if we get our tushies torn open as per usual?

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What will you say of the H8ers in 2 weeks if we get our tushies torn open as per usual?

LOL, you think Jacks is going to beat us? Good LUCK with that. I just don't get all the negativity from some so-called Colts fans because we win a close game on the road against an improved Titans team. We have been struggling so it was expected this would be close. The Colts have given us 3 straight 11 win seasons and a Final 4 in the Luck era and all some people want to do is complain. Oh well, it would be boring if everyone was positive.

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In the modern world, people feel entitled, and the world owes them something. I just feel privileged to be a Colts fan and not complain. But that's just me. There's more important things in life to care about. 


I care about a lot of things, in a lot of different ways and to different degrees. The Colts (and other sports teams) are in that mix.


There's nothing wrong with caring, being upset when your team isn't playing well, disappointed when they aren't getting better, complaining, etc. It's part of being a fan. 


But you're right about the sense of entitlement. No question.

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We just need to get out of our own way period! I felt like the The Titans were inferior the whole time. With everything that happened I still did not feel like the game was close because we are now on their level. Game was close because we stay in our own way almost the entire game offensively and that disfunction trickles over to effect what is actually a good defense. The Bills and Jets are more talented than Tennesse but honestly the story was the same in those games too. Lets get out of our own way and these outcomes will be much different.

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We just need to get out of our own way period! I felt like the The Titans were inferior the whole time. With everything that happened I still did not feel like the game was close because we are now on their level. Game was close because we stay in our own way almost the entire game offensively and that disfunction trickles over to effect what is actually a good defense. The Bills and Jets are more talented than Tennesse but honestly the story was the same in those games too. Lets get out of our own way and these outcomes will be much different.


Bad turnovers and bad penalties were the only reason the Titans were up in the first place. And that's with a slew of career backups at corner, a revamped OL, and a DL starting two rookies. 


Credit to them for capitalizing, but it's not like they were just dominant and we couldn't hang. We insist on shooting ourselves in the foot. 

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Bad turnovers and bad penalties were the only reason the Titans were up in the first place. And that's with a slew of career backups at corner, a revamped OL, and a DL starting two rookies. 


Credit to them for capitalizing, but it's not like they were just dominant and we couldn't hang. We insist on shooting ourselves in the foot. 

Exactly. We are killing ourselves with dumb penalties. That has to stop.

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LOL, you think Jacks is going to beat us? Good LUCK with that. I just don't get all the negativity from some so-called Colts fans because we win a close game on the road against an improved Titans team. We have been struggling so it was expected this would be close. The Colts have given us 3 straight 11 win seasons and a Final 4 in the Luck era and all some people want to do is complain. Oh well, it would be boring if everyone was positive.

I meant 3 weeks. Completely forgot Jville is next week and not Houston.

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I wish this team had better fans.


There are some astoundingly stupid and ignorant posts in this thread.    And you know who you are.


Some of you wouldn't know what you're watching if Bill Bellichick was sitting next to you on your couch and explaining it as it was happening!


But hey!    You're entitled to your opinion,  no matter how ignorant it is............   


Dear, dear God!               :facepalm:


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This weekend, I decided to listen to the radio instead of watching the game, and it was hilarious. Some many ups and downs: The first half with the pick-six and all the jubilation, then the dread of the 3rd quarter, and finally the collective sighs of relief to finish the game.


I look forward to our future match-ups with Mariota. He's got a no-quit attitude about him (kind of like another QB I know!)

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Lack of any pass rush whatsoever is just destroying this team.

This...... So much this....


I know they are slowly reintroducing Mathis and being careful, but we had next to zero pass rush the whole game until he came in... We need him starting, otherwise Bortles is gonna look like Tom Brady against us...

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This one stung, since we should have put you guys away on the 1 yard line.  We only got a field goal and that set the stage for the comeback.


Everybody in Nashville understands that the team that has Andrew Luck can come back at any time, as the 98 yard drive showed.  But we also are pretty confident in our man Mariota for being able to do the same thing.


Enjoy the victory.  See you guys in Indy.

and I have to say mariota is the guy as well loved him all through his career

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So we beat a team that was 2-14 last year and also was whipped by Johnny Manziel and the Cleveland Browns the week before.  Let's not pat ourselves too much on the back just yet.  Lots of mistakes consistently being made. 


I think we need to see significant improvement on reducing penalties and pass protection before it's fair to say the season is saved.

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