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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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plenty of time to deflate them


yes and they also could deflate them as the game starts, the pats were not on offense in the initial drive and the first ball by the pats used was a kicking ball.  Be interesting if the NFL had reviewed game film or any security cameras in the stadium to see if they could see an employee deflating the balls.

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So now you know what the players think or how they feel?  Just because that is your opinion does not make it so.

I stopped watching 2 years ago when fans literally started booing by the thousands at the comical lack of effort being displayed. Have you not watched the PB games recently or.....?

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Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, it's extremely embarrassing for the organization and the fans. If the intent was to cheat, I am in favor of the NFL coming down hard. I just don't understand why. Maybe it's about getting every competitive advantage possible or crossing a thin line when it comes to rules. But at the same time, I'm still waiting for the full outcome. Whether it was intentional (not denying it wasn't), who was responsible, and the referees roles in this. And I'll be the first to apologize as a fan to the Colts organization and their fans. Again, I will wait until all the gritty details are released.

Heard the reports this morning and IF true I just don't understand the mindset of the Patriots organization. They do not need to do stuff like that, they are one of if not the best organizations in the NFL. SMH.

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Pretty obvious if you watch the games

They play it for fun. But that don't mean they don't want to be there. A lot of these players are friends and enjoy being around each other away from the grind of real games. This year may be a little different being it is not played in Hawaii. Why you making such a deal out of it?

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That is the Pats only saving grace in this IF the balls were submitted under pressure and the refs missed it upon inspection ... a long shot IMO.

Somebody made a good point up stream....why did it take DQ to be the one to notice the deflated ball...he only held it once.  The refs handle the ball at every snap....why didn't they notice it?


I'm starting to get cautious...not wanting to be punked.  After its over in about a week, there may be just enough information come out to establish the pats as the bad boy team this superbowl.....and that's all.

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They play it for fun. But that don't mean they don't want to be there. A lot of these players are friends and enjoy being around each other away from the grind of real games. This year may be a little different being it is not played in Hawaii. Why you making such a deal out of it?

I made one post about it. Hardly making a big deal of it

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Just saw the reports on the 11 balls. Very disgusted. The only question remaining is if the balls were under weight at inspection and the refs missed it then it would be a league issue. BUT if the balls were of weight at inspection and then 2lbs were removed after the inspection than it was done on the sidelines. Pats should be punished heavily for this if the latter is true with lost of multiple draft picks given this is the second time they have violated rules. I am very sorry to Colts fans as even though I don't believe the air pressure determined the game in any way, this is just wrong at least based on what we know now.

I am out of likes, but wanted to give you credit here. I know how hard this is for you.

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Somebody made a good point up stream....why did it take DQ to be the one to notice the deflated ball...he only held it once.  The refs handle the ball at every snap....why didn't they notice it?


I'm starting to get cautious...not wanting to be punked.  After its over in about a week, there may be just enough information come out to establish the pats as the bad boy team this superbowl.....and that's all.

Yes. The refs look ridiculous in this as the LB did notice it by handling one ball and the refs handing them on every play. And they have to prove the Pats tampered after the balls were inspected if they were even inspected. Much still to be determined ... but this looks ridiculously bad.

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yah I am still waiting for the final results. Some things have leaked out. Given the firestorm that it has started it would be in the NFL best interest to lay everything on the table, including things that help and hurt the pats in the investigation. Too often fans always talk about things that "should have been done," more often than not the fan's concerns are unfounded. Would be nice if the NFL lays everything out so that any fine that is imposed if perceived to be fair based on the evidence, or at least fans understand where the NFL is coming from in their finding.

If it's any consolation I'm sorry it's turning it this way for you guys. That's all you're going to hear us all their SB's are tainted. I'd hate that, but with this going on its hard to be mad about it.

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I am out of likes, but wanted to give you credit here. I know how hard this is for you.

Thanks Gramz. We will see what happens but this is terrible for the fans. And I do feel bad for Colts fans regardless of the outcome being a blow out. You should not have to lose a champ game under these circumstances.

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Why are you mad at Goodell?

Burned evidence in Spygate...and with this deflating business, it appears we have an easily enough exploitable flaw by leaving it in the hands of teams to supply game balls....and if they choose....to tamper with them as well.

By a league generating $10B a year?

I stopped taking baseball seriously because of juiced baseballs and juiced players that were basically winked and nodded at by MLB.

And if there is an impotent response by Goodell to a franchise that, for the second time now...that we know of....has broken rules pertaining to a specific game, regardless of its outcome, then an already less than transparent Roger Goodell, even MORE than Bud Selig, puts himself squarely among the ranks of WWE ringmaster Vince McMahon.

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I would be willing to bet money that no matter what their investigation says they will claim the official failed to inspect the balls properly.

They will fire the official and sweep it under the rug, even though logically there is no way that 11 balls were under inflated. The equipment guy who turns the balls over for inspection would have had to check then beforehand. Maybe they will fire the equipment guy and the official, but I doubt anyone takes any action against the Patriots.

They don't need to cheat to win, but its like old Bill can't help himself. He's like a shoplifter stealing packs of gum while having $2000 in cash on them. He could buy the gum, but the thrill wouldn't be there.

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As of Jan 21 eleven balls were under inflated. Question I have is how is the pressure monitored throughout the season? Who does the inspecting? When is the inspecting done? Rodgers claims he likes the ball over inflated. How many teams do this?


Further, since it almost has to be deliberate, who  makes the call to do it? Is Belichick so hung up on wining that he cheats on every open avenue? How long has this been going on? This could be looked at as it costs the Colts a bunch of Super Bowl money even though the score was not close both teams have to play by the rules.


When Belichick is up for the Hall of Fame should he be treated like Pete Rose was?

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I would be willing to bet money that no matter what their investigation says they will claim the official failed to inspect the balls properly.

They will fire the official and sweep it under the rug, even though logically there is no way that 11 balls were under inflated. The equipment guy who turns the balls over for inspection would have had to check then beforehand. Maybe they will fire the equipment guy and the official, but I doubt anyone takes any action against the Patriots.

They don't need to cheat to win, but its like old Bill can't help himself. He's like a shoplifter stealing packs of gum while having $2000 in cash on them. He could buy the gum, but the thrill wouldn't be there.

I have a tire pressure gauge they can borrow!!

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Yes. The refs look ridiculous in this as the LB did notice it by handling one ball and the refs handing them on every play. And they have to prove the Pats tampered after the balls were inspected if they were even inspected. Much still to be determined ... but this looks ridiculously bad.

I believe he's denied this. It says the Colts equipment manager that noticed.
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Crossing a thin line? Have you ever heard the word integrity? And or ethics?  While I appreciate your ability to apologize it will not change the damage done to the Patriots by them using tactics that are not only illegal but damages the integrity of the NFL. In the past most of the Patriot fans have stood behind Belichick no matter what lack of sportsmanship he chooses. Spygate? Well all teams do it. Your just jealous. Everyone just hate a winner. All the excuses except the one that matters. The lack of integrity and fair play. The Colts loss was not due to the underinflated balls for sure. How about the Ravens? There have been reports on their players saying the balls were tampered with. That game is in question as to who won and how. Had the Ravens won they would have had to come to Indy and the Patriots would be sitting at home. Maybe you think that is far fetched?  These are the types of questions that arise when your coach has no sportsmanship and no integrity.


There is nothing more important to the NFL's livelyhood then the integrity of the game that's being played.  That each team had access to equal information and where using essentially the same balls etc.  


Essentially that everything is FAIR.  


When someone violates that the league has to come down hard, if for no other reason then to convince other teams that cheating isn't worth the risk.  


This is BB's second offense. . . he needs to be out of the league.  Certainly shouldn't be in the hall of fame.  

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That's not even plausible. If so, the Colts balls would do the same.

I know. It's just for those who would like to say temperature deflates the balls.

Well they wouldn't be wrong, but to lose 2psi it would need to go from (72), room temperature, to -13 degrees. Kickoff was 50 degrees.

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Yes. The refs look ridiculous in this as the LB did notice it by handling one ball and the refs handing them on every play. And they have to prove the Pats tampered after the balls were inspected if they were even inspected. Much still to be determined ... but this looks ridiculously bad.


I don't know how bad it is on the refs. . . Here is my thinking.


If you are a player, you catch a ball, hold it and run with it. . . you are gripping that ball pretty hard because you don't want someone to take it away from you right. . . 


The refs just pick up the ball and toss it and place it back at the LOS.  Ref doesn't need to worry about fumbling the football, so their grip on the ball isn't nearly as tight.


It's hard to tell the inflation of the ball unless you squeeze it.  I've picked up basketballs in my parents garage that have been there for a while and I can't tell if they are properly inflated unless I either squeeze the ball or attempt to dribble it.  Until I do that I have no way of knowing if the ball is under inflated or properly inflated, even if I'm holding it in my hands.


The refs never really have to squeeze the ball to do their jobs.  


I appreciate Pat's fans not trying to excuse this.  This has to be the hardest on them because especially after being twice caught of playing fast and loose with the rules, it brings into question nearly every Patriots victory under Belichek.  Maybe blowouts would be hard to question, but any semi-close victory like the one the Pats had over the Ravens could easily be questioned if you won because your team was better that day or if it was because the Pats found an "edge" that the rules might not necessarily allow.

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I don't know how bad it is on the refs. . . Here is my thinking.


If you are a player, you catch a ball, hold it and run with it. . . you are gripping that ball pretty hard because you don't want someone to take it away from you right. . . 


The refs just pick up the ball and toss it and place it back at the LOS.  Ref doesn't need to worry about fumbling the football, so their grip on the ball isn't nearly as tight.


It's hard to tell the inflation of the ball unless you squeeze it.  

But the Colts felt it and reported it as flat and they only had the hands on one Pats ball. Something is not right here.

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If it's any consolation I'm sorry it's turning it this way for you guys. That's all you're going to hear us all their SB's are tainted. I'd hate that, but with this going on its hard to be mad about it.


Yah thanks for the kind words.  I tried to get the thread closed but it did not work :)  :cheer2:


I will be interested to see the NFL final findings and whether or not there are things that are added to qualify what we know now from the reports coming out of the NFL.   Is the first time the Pats have done this, have they been warned before, are there other teams complaints in regards to the pats, how much does the change in temperature from the test area to the pitch effect the pressure, is this done by other teams and team accept the NFL rule as a guide line, and so on.     Too many times we get post decision fans complaining things are not done right, I hope this is not the case with this decision.

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Still nothing about this on NFL.com even though every other media outlet is reporting on Deflategate.


I think that is smart.  Although for the most part I trust the media, I would not put a gun to my head that was is being leaked is correct.


The NFL is smart to finish their investigation and then only issue a final decision with findings of fact in one decision.

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I think that is smart.  Although for the most part I trust the media, I would not put a gun to my head that was is being leaked is correct.


The NFL is smart to finish their investigation and then only issue a final decision with findings of fact in one decision.

Maybe, I just expected some sort of acknowledgment of the investigation. They did not have to make any judgements on the investigation, but saying that an investigation is going on would be appropriate.

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But the Colts felt it and reported it as flat and they only had the hands on one Pats ball. Something is not right here.


The Colt's felt it after our interception when our player got his hands on the ball and gripped it tight in order to avoid fumbling.  


When the lower limit is 11.5 PS. . . 2 PSI is a pretty big under-inflation.  It wasn't like the ball's where under inflated by .5 PSI.  They where underinflated by 2 PSI a piece.

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So in games where the Patriots can't cheat by deflating balls( The Super Bowl), Brady's numbers are mediocre. This calls into question everything he's accomplished.


I believe they provide the balls for the SB too. . . they could theoretically cheat in every single game they play in.  Even the SB.  


It calls into question every win the Pats have ever had under BB.  Including all 3 rings which where in question anyways due to spygate.


It's not unreasonable to believe that the Patriots probably havn't legitimately won a game fair and square in over a decade.  

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Perhaps he did?

Luck does not use the NE Cheaters balls... they use their own.  The Colts footballs were inspected and 12 out of 12 were found to be in compliance.  This was reported on the Mike & Mike show.  It also gets rid of the the Pat Cheater fans saying the balls were tested indoors and they lost air in cold outside conditions.  nonsense; theirs were 2 lbs below and the Colts were fine.


Made no difference in game, no one is saying it did, but just another example of the scum that is Belichick and his team.

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Maybe, I just expected some sort of acknowledgment of the investigation. They did not have to make any judgements on the investigation, but saying that an investigation is going on would be appropriate.

A worrisome omen that this matter will be minimized by the NFL. If this happens in week 4, then it's on NFL.com and the NFLN. But....we're going into the SB, the NFL's biggest cash cow event, and 1 of their competitors have been caught cheating. They are going to minimize this and unlike the Ray Rice issue, fan backlash will be severe. 

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Maybe, I just expected some sort of acknowledgment of the investigation. They did not have to make any judgements on the investigation, but saying that an investigation is going on would be appropriate.


I hear yah, but I guess given that they have already release the to the press that the investigation is going on and the results will be coming out in a few days, stating it on NFL.com is duplicative.  

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