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Wow! Kornheiser and PTI


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That is the best sports talk show on TV.  However, you can't really take what they say all that seriously.  It's meant to be funny (love them uranus jokes) and maybe a tiny bit thought provoking, but really, hard to get offended by anything they say (IMO).

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What Kornheiser said was that Irsay owes Peyton a lot, including a brand new stadium, yet he couldn't wait to crow about making the "right" choice.

He's a straight shooter. He gets asked this stuff constantly and he's going to tell you what he thinks. Anyone that thinks for one second that Irsay is ungrateful is a fool. I for one have no problem with him reminding people he knows what he's doing amidst the popular perception that he's a bumbling drunk.

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What Kornheiser said was that Irsay owes Peyton a lot, including a brand new stadium, yet he couldn't wait to crow about making the "right" choice.

If that is what Kornheiser said then it would be nice if he actually researched a topic before he spouted off about it. I know that is probably asking too much from someone that considers himself a journalist.

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That is the best sports talk show on TV.  However, you can't really take what they say all that seriously.  It's meant to be funny (love them uranus jokes) and maybe a tiny bit thought provoking, but really, hard to get offended by anything they say (IMO).

That's how I feel. I watch it every day. It's the only sports show I watch every day, but I don't take them seriously. I just smiled when Tony K said that. He's never been a fan of the Mad tweeter(Irsay) as he calls him.

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That's how I feel. I watch it every day. It's the only sports show I watch every day, but I don't take them seriously. I just smiled when Tony K said that. He's never been a fan of the Mad tweeter(Irsay) as he calls him.


"The Mad Tweeter" is one of his better ones.  Also love "The Angel of Stern."  LOL.  They don't take themselves seriously either.  I remember they once referred to themselves as two fat, old, bald guys who yell a lot.  I think they're funny.

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Seems many in the media suddenly dislike Jim Irsay....which I don't really get. Mort and the other guys on that craptastic "Insiders" were taking shots at Irsay for saying Peyton went to a talented bronco team. Somehow they perceived that as a shot at Manning.

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Seems many in the media suddenly dislike Jim Irsay....which I don't really get. Mort and the other guys on that craptastic "Insiders" were taking shots at Irsay for saying Peyton went to a talented bronco team. Somehow they perceived that as a shot at Manning.

I wouldn't say suddenly dislike Irsay, it's been on going for a while.  They want to take shots at him every chance they get.  Yeah, he has substance abuse issues, but I bet most of the media and other owners aren't perfect.  But he does kind of ask for it with his tweeting and being so outspoken. 

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I wouldn't say suddenly dislike Irsay, it's been on going for a while.  They want to take shots at him every chance they get.  Yeah, he has substance abuse issues, but I bet most of the media and other owners aren't perfect.  But he does kind of ask for it with his tweeting and being so outspoken.

Oh no....tweeting!!!

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For those of you not old enough to know, back in the 70's when we had Bert Jones and dominated for 3 years until Bert got cheap shotted in the preseason game in '78 and was never the same, the media jacks spent hours attacking Bob Irsay instead of giving the Colts fair and unbiased coverage. And guess what, the Colts of the 70's were never good either, what a coincidence.

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For those of you not old enough to know, back in the 70's when we had Bert Jones and dominated for 3 years until Bert got cheap shotted in the preseason game in '78 and was never the same, the media jacks spent hours attacking Bob Irsay instead of giving the Colts fair and unbiased coverage. And guess what, the Colts of the 70's were never good either, what a coincidence.

I don't think the media had much to do with it back then, and before anyone says anything, Kornheiser is a Washington Redskins guy.

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I don't care! The thing is the Colts are one of the best NFL franchises. Since 2002 they only missed the playoffs one time and that was the famous suck for luck year. after a complete overhaul three years ago reaching the playoffs with a rookie qb in the first year, then going into the divisonal playoffs in the second and now in the third year only one win away from another Super Bowl is outstanding especially for a small market team like the Colts. So the so called experts and journalists can rage like they want it's not changing the fact that the Colts are a great organization! 

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