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Has Boom earned the right to surpass Richardson on the Depth Chart?


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Yeah, if Jim Irsay had not been so anxious to get that big name in a trade, Grigson probably may not have made this TRich trade, I feel.


The conversation probably went something like this:


Irsay: "Ryan, we need a splash... People pay to get wet..."

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Yes!!!! Boom have earn it. He deserve more carries than T-Rich. T-Rich can only can only gain like 2 yards at best. If we are lucky than 3yards. It is a waste of down to give it to T-Rich when we are trying to go down the field. Use T-Rich in more goal lines situations. He should only be use when either Boom needs a rest or in old fashion goal line plays. 

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Herron and Tipton have earned the right to start over Trent, because anyone that has played as poorly as Trent should be benched. It's not like anybody should have to earn the right to start over Trent, Trent has not earned the right to start, it was given to him and he hasn't done anything to keep it. On any other team but the colts, he would be benched or cut. There is no way Tipton could produce less than Trent.

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I think it is time to let Boom handle first and second down and transition Richardson into a third down back for now.  Richardson is a really good pass blocker and he is good in the passing game so I think he needs to be in there on third down.  


With that said I would put Boom on a short leash due to fumbles like GoColts mentioned.

I agree trent is valuable on passing downs to pass block and pass catching out of the backfield. imo he is too slow to get outside and with a better middle o-line he would be good up the middle. hard to pass judgement with this weak o-line. several times against wash they ran him to the right and nowhere to go. he may be good at lateral pass catching where he can see where to go. coaches see more than yards per carry. imo coaches will find a way to use the talent he has. I think we should have trent and boom in at the same time for a lot of plays,defenses would not know who was getting the ball and on passing downs when the receivers are covered we would have 2 safety valves, it dosent have to be either boom or trent it could be both

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Yeah, Iv'e defended Trent long enough.  I said I'd give him halfway through the season and reserved judgment for a few more weeks since he's hot and he's cold.  But at this point, there's just no defending him.  When literally every RB you have does better, in generally teh same formations and whatnot, there's no debate left to be had.  I don't know if Boom is the answer or not.  I want to get a bigger sample to look at, but clearly, Trent isn't going to be that guy going forward for us.  He has a place on the team, sure.  It's just not as a feature back.


Welcome aboard!  We've been patiently awaiting your arrival here in reality.  :)


I would remind you of the bashing you tossed toward anybody who expressed the opinion you've come to -- but I can't argue with you because your avatar is just too adorable :D

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Welcome aboard!  We've been patiently awaiting your arrival here in reality.  :)


I would remind you of the bashing you tossed toward anybody who expressed the opinion you've come to -- but I can't argue with you because your avatar is just too adorable :D

heh, I can admit I was wrong and own up to it.  I don't like doing that, but you're right...the picture does make me feel a little bit better.  :)

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Why give trich the ball in short yardage situations? Cause he has big muscles?

I think it's stupid to give Trent the rock on short yardage situations, because everybody and their grandmothers know who it's going to and the staff seems to think our inexperienced interior Offensive Line can open up a small enough hole up the middle, that Trent can't get to fast enough!


If they played to Richardson's strengths he would produce, but it's hard when he is a power back with no power in front of him!

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If Richardson would actually just take off running instead of Joseph-Addai-pitter-patter-happy-feet'ing all the time, he might actually have a shot at hitting the hole. 


I think Boom need to sleep with a football in his hands like TY did his rookie season. 



Above all else, I don't know if Luck has the authority to change the play at the line (you would think he does) but we need to audible out of the run when the Defense is stacking the box. I don't know who is making the calls, but they need to do a better job on that. 

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Anybody else here have Trent's back besides me?  Or did EVERYBODY give up on him?  I do admit he is falling on my list, but how can you put the whole blame on him, when you know darn well the offensive line is ranked 20+ in run blocking and the interior is the most inexperienced, and perhaps arguable the worst at run blocking in the league?  I get you guys' point!  Many other running backs have had a decent YPC avg with the same line.  They are quicker backs that don't always go up the middle.  Trent does get runs to the outside but he is much slower, and still has difficulty turning the corner.  Remember AFTER Edge's glory days they ran him and other backs up the middle with no excitement or momentum in the game.  Announcer: There goes James up the middle for a gain of 2 (monotoned voice)... Sound familiar?  Same circumstance, except its Trent.  Pep doesn't do a very good job being creative in his run blocking schemes with Trent handling the ball.  They will pull the guard for Bradshaw or Boom because they can get to the outside, or even bring in an extra blocker to help the push up front.  Yet its the same old boring up the middle for a gain of 2 when Trent touches the ball.  He is merely going through the motions, it seems like because the staff only runs him to "keep the defense honest"!  What kind of ish is that?  Why would you run the ball to keep the defense guessing, rather than to gain yards?  I kind of like it when they mixed it up a little with JAX and ran some read options.  Trent had a gain of over 10 on one of them.  Whey not mix up the run game to keep the defenses guessing and in return they're guessing what type of run and if they may pass it or not.  No, that's too complex.  Let's just do a regular RB Dive play up the middle or in between the G and T.  Nothing fancy.  Im sorry to say, but the Colt's hardly ever get fancy, and that's part of the reason they get beat by GREAT TEAMS!  They think they can just line up and outplay teams like the Broncos and Patriots, but in reality they're not yet the monster they've envisioned.  They do have most of the pieces in place, just not developed or working properly yet!


I'm with the rest of you, saying it needs to end.  If he can't produce get rid of him, but I'm not going to be the ignorant one and put all the blame on him!  Why would they bring him in and live by the motto COLTSTRONG power run game when they simply don't have the people up front to lead the way?  I can't remember the last time we had a true "power run" game.  Why act like we do?  We are a quick and finese football team on offense STILL.  Either live and die by that, or make a change to where we can run 5 straight times up the middle (like the Pats) and say I dare you to stop it (knowing the opposing teams cant)



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If Richardson would actually just take off running instead of Joseph-Addai-pitter-patter-happy-feet'ing all the time, he might actually have a shot at hitting the hole. 


I think Boom need to sleep with a football in his hands like TY did his rookie season. 



Above all else, I don't know if Luck has the authority to change the play at the line (you would think he does) but we need to audible out of the run when the Defense is stacking the box. I don't know who is making the calls, but they need to do a better job on that. 

If Trent just took off, then you would complain like last year and say he is running into the back of his blockers.  He would be going no where FAST! 


Luck does have the authority to change the play at the LOS.  Their was a big deal in the offseason that he has like 8 plays he can audible to if he doesn't like what he sees.  He actually audibles alot.

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If Trent just took off, then you would complain like last year and say he is running into the back of his blockers.  He would be going no where FAST! 


Luck does have the authority to change the play at the LOS.  Their was a big deal in the offseason that he has like 8 plays he can audible to if he doesn't like what he sees.  He actually audibles alot.


Well if he runs into the backs of the o-Line and not through the hole, then his vision is garbage and would warrant complaints from all Colts fans. 


There, not their. 


If that's true about Luck calling audibles out of run plays when the box is stacked, then he needs some help with that. 

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Thanks for the correction!  I know the difference, but spelled it incorrectly.  Only the coaches know if he is changing the plays, and if he is reading defenses correctly.  My guess is he is still learning that aspect of the game.  He is only in his 3rd season.  Luck is definitely capable of it, but may need more time.  The staff just opened it up to him this season, although last year he did have around 4 or 5 plays he could audible to, but it was more of him dipping his feet into the water to see if he could handle it yet.

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I think it's stupid to give Trent the rock on short yardage situations, because everybody and their grandmothers know who it's going to and the staff seems to think our inexperienced interior Offensive Line can open up a small enough hole up the middle, that Trent can't get to fast enough!


If they played to Richardson's strengths he would produce, but it's hard when he is a power back with no power in front of him!

He's not a power back

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Boom will be firmly the #1 guy when he learns to hold on to the ball.


He's fumbles too much for a guy who's not getting that many touches.


But it will happen.    Boom is the lead back.    TRich is the back-up.     Even if TRich comes out for the first play of the game....

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If TRich can just have that one break out game against the Browns, then we can put him back to 2nd string.  He's going to want to prove himself vs. the Browns but it will likely be a one game and done thing, then back to Boom or Ray Rice.  Wait, Scheffter said that Indy has already ruled out Rice.

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Yes. Herron should definitely be starting over Richardson. I've supported Richardson in the past and I want him to be a great player for us but it's just not there. It's evident that he is struggling badly while Herron gives our offense a spark with his explosive running he just needs to work on is fumbling issues.

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Pretty cutting article below from Chris Wesselling (sorry if I got his name wrong).  If I hear Pagano say "just keep swinging the ax, just keep swinging" one more time, I think I'm going to be nauseous.  The article has facts that are telling.



Averaging an embarrassing 2.0 yards per carry over his past three games, infamously sluggish running back Trent Richardson has finally inspired Indianapolis Colts fans to break out the boos and catcalls.


Although Richardson has been outplayed by every back to audition in the Colts backfield the past two years, coach Chuck Pagano is not yet prepared to waive the white flag on a young player acquired for a first-round draft pick.

"He's a professional, he understands," Pagano said Monday, via ESPN.com. "None of us can ever get away from working at our craft regardless of the circumstance, regardless of adversity, just keep grinding, just keep working, just keep swinging the ax. If he keeps swinging the ax, the tree will fall. If you put the ax down, the tree is never coming down. Just keep chopping wood, and good things will happen."

Richardson's ineffectiveness was never more apparent than Week 13, when he functioned as a drive-killer on his possessions while a more dynamic Boom Herron averaged 11.0 yards per carry.

In just his second game since entering the backfield rotation, Herron rushed for more yards (88) than Richardson ever has in a Colts uniform.


Since arriving in Indianapolis last October, Richardson has averaged a damning 3.1 yards per carry. By contrast, Herron (5.4), Donald Brown (5.3), Vick Ballard (4.8) and Ahmad Bradshaw (4.7) have excelled behind the same offensive line.

Despite that eye-opening discrepancy in production, Pagano has not yet had his hand forced. Herron has been charged with two fumbles and put the ball on the carpet a third time in the past two weeks. Richardson, meanwhile, is the backfield's best pass protector and a capable receiver.

While previously buried backs such as Herron, C.J. Anderson, Justin Forsett, Jonas Gray, Latavius Murray and Isaiah Crowell are stealing headlines, Richardson is reduced to justifying a third-down role.

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Ignore the depth chart and pay attention to the snap count...and until Herron can go a game without fumbling I don't think he will earn more carries



First off I can't believe this is a serious question.     



and secondly...   Gavin I suppose you would rather live with 10 carries for 9 yards, vs the potential of a 49 yard TD...  


Herron's sample size is NOT nearly enough to label him a liability due to butter fingers.     Trent has not exactly been stellar in that area either.   


Give me the play maker EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.        Trent is a 3rd down back, that is it.   


I simply cannot believe folks still defend playing T Rich.      When EVERY single other back who gets in the game is more productive.    The ONLY thing saving T's butt is his ability to pick up the blitz. ...   if not for that he would have been cut last season.

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First off I can't believe this is a serious question.     



and secondly...   Gavin I suppose you would rather live with 10 carries for 9 yards, vs the potential of a 49 yard TD...  


Herron's sample size is NOT nearly enough to label him a liability due to butter fingers.     Trent has not exactly been stellar in that area either.   


Give me the play maker EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.        Trent is a 3rd down back, that is it.   


I simply cannot believe folks still defend playing T Rich.      When EVERY single other back who gets in the game is more productive.    The ONLY thing saving T's butt is his ability to pick up the blitz. ...   if not for that he would have been cut last season.

Im in no way shape or form defending Richardson...If you would read my countless other posts critiquing Richardson then you would know that.......Regardless......2 games....2 fumbles by Herron....Im sure that's a concern from the staff...Is the sample size to label him a liability...Of course.....I have no idea where in the hell you would get I said that...But the FACT remains in Herrons small sample size of runs those runs include 2 fumbles on only 58 touches, I expect that to cut down however and hopefully he can keep producing

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Trent has the 4th highest drop rate in the NFL. Boom has caught 9 of 9 targets. 




Don't you think it's funny that according to whatever stats you subscribe to Trent Richardson has the 4th highest drop rate in the NFL and no one has ever talked about it?


I mean all the Trent hate here and no one talks about his constantly dropping passes?


We had no shortage of threads talking about Fleeners drops, or DHB drops or Donnie Avery drops or anyone else.


But we've had no threads on Trent.    Yet, you watch the Colts game on TV and no talks about his drops.   But they do talk about what a good receiver he is out the backfield.


I think your stats are nonsense.


I know you'll disagree.


Let's leave it at that.....

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Don't you think it's funny that according to whatever stats you subscribe to Trent Richardson has the 4th highest drop rate in the NFL and no one has ever talked about it?


I mean all the Trent hate here and no one talks about his constantly dropping passes?


We had no shortage of threads talking about Fleeners drops, or DHB drops or Donnie Avery drops or anyone else.


But we've had no threads on Trent.    Yet, you watch the Colts game on TV and no talks about his drops.   But they do talk about what a good receiver he is out the backfield.


I think your stats are nonsense.


I know you'll disagree.


Let's leave it at that.....


Just because nobody talks about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. 


And you can think they're nonsense all you want, but that doesn't make them wrong. 

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