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Angry Bears fans attacking Trestmans daughters


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It's the Internet. None of those commenters mean what they say. They're on an emotional high, and posted spur of the moment comments. If the daughter posted a cheese grater to poke fun of Packers fans, then she had to have known it was coming when you have one of the biggest rivalries in NFL history.

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It's the Internet. None of those commenters mean what they say. They're on an emotional high, and posted spur of the moment comments. If the daughter posted a cheese grater to poke fun of Packers fans, then she had to have known it was coming when you have one of the biggest rivalries in NFL history.



Post of the day.


Words are just words at the end on the internet.

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It's the Internet. None of those commenters mean what they say. They're on an emotional high, and posted spur of the moment comments. If the daughter posted a cheese grater to poke fun of Packers fans, then she had to have known it was coming when you have one of the biggest rivalries in NFL history.

The only thing that doesn't matter, is everything you just wrote.

The worst part of the Internet is the increasing amount of people saying, " It's just the Internet. They don't mean it." That mentality is equally disgusting to those who think it's appropriate to threaten, and attack, over a game. A game, I'll remind you, they had absolutely nothing to do with, outside of their father being the coach. Who cares if it's an "emotional high" act like human being for 5 seconds.

"They posted a cheese grater, they knew what was coming."

Really? How absurd can you get? It had nothing to do with them "poking fun at the packers" but it has everything to do with out of touch with reality Bears fans who got their feelings hurt over a bunch of guys wearing spandex, and throwing a ball.

"Well clearly there's no healthier solution to dealing with a loss, other than attacking the children of the coaches. Obviously this is the most logical course of action, and we don't mean it, but I'll mention raping them just because I'm upset."

I feel sorry for anyone who would remotely try to rationalize the acts of these people, and justifying them.

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I feel sorry for anyone who would remotely try to rationalize the acts of these people, and justifying them.


I don't condone what they say, but you can hear or read this garbage all the time in many online games. Just like football, these guys get on an emotional high with any form of competition, such as in Call of Duty or League of Legends. Just the other day someone said my mom should have swallowed, so I just mute/block the culprit and move on. What else can you really do? File a police report?


Unfortunately, we live in a very different world now where parents are becoming more detached to their kids due to technology. This detachment follows these kids into adulthood, and I believe we're finally seeing the effects of this detachment. I remember when I was gaming back in the days of dial-up modems. People on the Internet were (generally) so much nicer then. Then something clicked. I personally think when the Internet became more accessible, these poor uneducated people started joining in and spoiling the whole apple cart, but hey, what can you do.

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It's the Internet. None of those commenters mean what they say. They're on an emotional high, and posted spur of the moment comments. If the daughter posted a cheese grater to poke fun of Packers fans, then she had to have known it was coming when you have one of the biggest rivalries in NFL history.



Well sure, I don't think those guys would really rape her, eat her, and roll around in and drink her blood, but it's still a pretty messed up thing to say. Don't give me any of this spur of the moment, emotional high business. People say things like this on the internet all the time because of the anonymity and the fact that they don't think there will be any consequences. 

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I don't condone what they say, but you can hear or read this garbage all the time in many online games. Just like football, these guys get on an emotional high with any form of competition, such as in Call of Duty or League of Legends. Just the other day someone said my mom should have swallowed, so I just mute/block the culprit and move on. What else can you really do? File a police report?

Unfortunately, we live in a very different world now where parents are becoming more detached to their kids due to technology. This detachment follows these kids into adulthood, and I believe we're finally seeing the effects of this detachment. I remember when I was gaming back in the days of dial-up modems. People on the Internet were (generally) so much nicer then. Then something clicked. I personally think when the Internet became more accessible, these poor uneducated people started joining in and spoiling the whole apple cart, but hey, what can you do.

Hmmm. I wonder if that detachment has anything to do with zero accountability when people get "emotional highs?" Strange how those go hand in hand isn't it?

Poor uneducated people aren't the only ones ruining the Internet. "Awww shucks, what can you do" bystanders have the same effect.

Don't rationalize this crap. It's awful. Period. I don't care about your pretend video game high. I don't care that you get worked up passively watching something on tv. It's scumbags.

You suggest involving the police like its the craziest thing in the world. When people are threatening rape and saying "Better hope I don't catch you alone" is that really such an absurd notion? Accountability and repercussions would solve 99% of this "say whatever you want because its the Internet" crap.

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That is absolutely disgusting. Some truly disturbing things written there. I guess that is the down side of social media.


If you were caught abusing someone like this out on the street, there'd be a lawsuit involved. Why should it be any different just because it's on the internet?


I'd like to think that Colts fans would have a lot more class should we ever find ourselves in a sticky spot.

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I don't condone what they say, but you can hear or read this garbage all the time in many online games. Just like football, these guys get on an emotional high with any form of competition, such as in Call of Duty or League of Legends. Just the other day someone said my mom should have swallowed, so I just mute/block the culprit and move on. What else can you really do? File a police report?

Unfortunately, we live in a very different world now where parents are becoming more detached to their kids due to technology. This detachment follows these kids into adulthood, and I believe we're finally seeing the effects of this detachment. I remember when I was gaming back in the days of dial-up modems. People on the Internet were (generally) so much nicer then. Then something clicked. I personally think when the Internet became more accessible, these poor uneducated people started joining in and spoiling the whole apple cart, but hey, what can you do.

Dude, no. Huge difference there. Gamer culture is one thing, where everyone subscribes to it and expects to be flamed. These were two girls who weren't looking for this type of attention at all.

It's like joking with your bros vs some random person on the street. With your friends, you can unleash all sorts of obscenities that you wouldn't do to some random girl you just met. It's common sense, and it's sad that some people don't know the difference nowadays.

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I don't condone what they say, but you can hear or read this garbage all the time in many online games. Just like football, these guys get on an emotional high with any form of competition, such as in Call of Duty or League of Legends. Just the other day someone said my mom should have swallowed, so I just mute/block the culprit and move on. What else can you really do? File a police report?


Unfortunately, we live in a very different world now where parents are becoming more detached to their kids due to technology. This detachment follows these kids into adulthood, and I believe we're finally seeing the effects of this detachment. I remember when I was gaming back in the days of dial-up modems. People on the Internet were (generally) so much nicer then. Then something clicked. I personally think when the Internet became more accessible, these poor uneducated people started joining in and spoiling the whole apple cart, but hey, what can you do.


Just because the lowlifes (and not so lowlifes) apparently ruined online gaming doesn't mean they, or anyone, can get away with threats they 'supposedly didn't really mean'.. Anybody remember this story?




Online gaming argument, and one pops off with a crazy threat. It was reported by an outsider, and search warrant done.  Arrested the kid and set bail at $500,000 grand.  That means $50,000 to get out of jail and await trial.  Parents didn't have it so kid rots in jail awaiting trial for making threat from his PC in an online gaming argument.  Peeps aren't anonymous, nor free from violation laws of the land just because they are on a computer terminal accessing social networks.  Stories * this everywhere and people seem ignorant of it. This guy created an online personality and had that personality say crazy things.  The owner of ther personality spent time in jail-




If someone reports those tweets, some folks lives will be impacted quite negatively, and rightly so. Google is full of folks arrested for stupid comments on social media.  Folks are not anonymous (your ISP has logs on you and everywhere you go.  That can be a subpoena item.) and are culpable.

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Twitter and the internet in general is a private business.  The government can't really do much unless there is a direct threat made, or there is a pattern of stalking.  If someone posts something negative about a person on a site where the person has already placed herself, there are freedom of speech protections, even to the outrageous.


Twitter is protecting its image, trying to continue its livelihood of making money off of the people who post favorable, lemming-like, socially conscious statements...telling the world how caring they are.  Twitter has the right to close any account that it feels doesn't promote its business image...not to mention possiby getting entangled in a civil suit.


The idea that the internet is for educated culturally astute people is laughable.  If it wasn't for the ability to deliver smut into everyone's house and deliver packages without collecting sales tax, the internet wouldn't even be here.  The root of the internet is smut and corruption, so just about every business that thrives off the internet will have to deal with those elements.


And many people need to check there accounts often, and get a little emotional high from the anticipation of something good coming from that little "ding" that is heard.  Get their fix.


You could make the argument that the internet is nothing more than skoal bandits for rich, educated, socially aware people.

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Welcome to the internet.

The internets is no fun anymore. This kind of nonsense is why I gave up social networking to do more blog related stuff. It is just too easy to attack people... and the level of misogyny is off the charts at times with stuff like gamergate being a major part of that too.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 12, 2014 - baiting
Hidden by Nadine, November 12, 2014 - baiting

The internets is no fun anymore. This kind of nonsense is why I gave up social networking to do more blog related stuff. It is just too easy to attack people... and the level of misogyny is off the charts at times with stuff like gamergate being a major part of that too.



Because you'd certainly never hide behind the keyboard and make rude insulting comments right?

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It's the Internet. None of those commenters mean what they say. They're on an emotional high, and posted spur of the moment comments. If the daughter posted a cheese grater to poke fun of Packers fans, then she had to have known it was coming when you have one of the biggest rivalries in NFL history.

yeeeeeeah....I mean, I've heard of getting emotional after a game but......? "I'm going to roll around in and drink her ____ blood"? 


Are these Bears fans or undead, soulless creatures of the night? 

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The idea that the internet is for educated culturally astute people is laughable.  If it wasn't for the ability to deliver smut into everyone's house and deliver packages without collecting sales tax, the internet wouldn't even be here.  The root of the internet is smut and corruption, so just about every business that thrives off the internet will have to deal with those elements.


LOL...wow that is just....complete and utter nonsense.

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I don't condone what they say, but you can hear or read this garbage all the time in many online games. Just like football, these guys get on an emotional high with any form of competition, such as in Call of Duty or League of Legends. Just the other day someone said my mom should have swallowed, so I just mute/block the culprit and move on. What else can you really do? File a police report?


Unfortunately, we live in a very different world now where parents are becoming more detached to their kids due to technology. This detachment follows these kids into adulthood, and I believe we're finally seeing the effects of this detachment. I remember when I was gaming back in the days of dial-up modems. People on the Internet were (generally) so much nicer then. Then something clicked. I personally think when the Internet became more accessible, these poor uneducated people started joining in and spoiling the whole apple cart, but hey, what can you do.


There is a de-humanization process that occurs on the internet that is very very disturbing.  The computer screen has gotten people to where they don't connect with the idea that the person on the other end is a human being.  And the anonymous nature of it allows them to just speak in an extremely unrestrained manner especially when emotional.  It is causing people to lose their ability to control their emotions.  


It happens to just about everyone who ventures onto the internet and it's a terrible thing.  It is already causing problems not only in people being routinely threatened but also creating a political culture which harms much of our sense of national unity.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 12, 2014 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, November 12, 2014 - quoting removed post

Midwestern values rearing it's ugly head once again.


Chicago hardly has "midwestern values".  Chicago is a small pocket of a lack of midwestern values with the midwest and it's values surrounding it.


I have been there and seen people literally step over a man who had collapsed on the sidewalk before the Ambulance could get to him.  You would never see that in most of the rest of the midwest save for maybe Detroit.

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