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colts fan after peyton retires


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I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?



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I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?

Who cares :scratch:

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I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?

I'd tell him this....


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I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?

"Peyton fans" aren't coming back because they hate this organization for the perceived wrong we committed toward #18. 


The Broncos board is full of them. There are several longtime members of this board that I can name (but won't) off the top-o-my-head that defected from this team, this board, and they went over there to suddenly became "huge Broncos fans". They trash this team, this city and even the members of this board.


When Peyton retires, they will be lost in a vacuum of their own device, but they certainly won't come back here.  

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Sometimes as an outsider it is much more easier to look at things objectively.

When I was at bronco boards I tried to tell them that are inherent weaknesses in Peyton's game that are often exploited in the Playoffs, and that their special-teams and kicker are not up to snuff.

Just like us Colts fans a few years ago they just live in denial about their coaches and their quarterback :), so be it.

However, there is a difference between rooting for a player against your team versus rooting for a player when your team is not in the picture. If a person wants to worship Peyton so be it :).

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I don't get where that is a big deal. He'd fit in pretty well on this forum since the Broncos are so many's 2nd favorite team with him there.



It's sports. Not like it's really something important in the world that matters. Just something to amuse us in the process of existing.


Unfortunately you have this mindset of some parts of society that treats sports as a religion (check out college football in my state, woo, don't ever say you wish you lived here) and it interferes sadly with our friendships when it really shouldn't.

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I am not a Manning fan. I will support him in the context of when he was a Colt but not now. I never liked the Broncos and didn't all of a sudden become a Bronco fan because of Manning. I just never cared for Elway and his blackmailing of the Colts years ago. That's how long I been a Colt fan so there it is for me.

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There were a lot of Colts fans that jumped ship when Peyton was let go. Real fans stick with the team no matter what and that's who I have respect for. I still root for Peyton unless he plays against us than he is an outsider like the rest of them.

Well stated. I have been a Colt fan my whole life, even before they relocated to Indy. Peyton made Colt football a pleasure to watch again, and for that I will always be a a fan of his. But when it comes to Colts vs. Broncos, there is really no question on where my loyalties lie. Kick his rear Luck.

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I am not a Manning fan. I will support him in the context of when he was a Colt but not now. I never liked the Broncos and didn't all of a sudden become a Bronco fan because of Manning. I just never cared for Elway and his blackmailing of the Colts years ago. That's how long I been a Colt fan so there it is for me.

My hatred for Elway trumps my love for Manning. While I would like to see Manning get another ring, but not at our expense, I wish no success to Elway. Not a Bronco fan either, never have been.

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Well stated. I have been a Colt fan my whole life, even before they relocated to Indy. Peyton made Colt football a pleasure to watch again, and for that I will always be a a fan of his. But when it comes to Colts vs. Broncos, there is really no question on where my loyalties lie. Kick his rear Luck.

I'm a whole lot young than most of the fans on this forum, so I became a fan because of Peyton, Edge, Marvin, ect. I didn't wan't Peyton to leave but this is a business, as well as entertainment for the fans. I'll always be a fan of Peyton's though. At least when the organization let him go he didn't complain about it he just kept it moving. Unlike Steve Smith "Sr." acting like an ex girlfriend. 

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There were a lot of Colts fans that jumped ship when Peyton was let go. Real fans stick with the team no matter what and that's who I have respect for. I still root for Peyton unless he plays against us than he is an outsider like the rest of them.


Sheep do that.  Real fans hold their favorite organizations accountable.  When the team sucks, they withhold their support and dollars.  When a player on that team beats his wife and the team does nothing, real fans withhold their support.  The NFL is an entertainment industry and a business, I hear it all the time from the owners, the players, the coaches, and everyone directly involved with the league, so as I fan, I will not be roped into the idea that I am a lesser person because don't blindly support everything the Colts organization, Jim Irsay, Chuck Pagano, Ryan Grigson, and the rest of the NFL do and honestly, I am so sick and tired of the "real fan" argument.  

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I am not a Manning fan. I will support him in the context of when he was a Colt but not now. I never liked the Broncos and didn't all of a sudden become a Bronco fan because of Manning. I just never cared for Elway and his blackmailing of the Colts years ago. That's how long I been a Colt fan so there it is for me.

What he said.

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Sheep do that.  Real fans hold their favorite organizations accountable.  When the team sucks, they withhold their support and dollars.  When a player on that team beats his wife and the team does nothing, real fans withhold their support.  The NFL is an entertainment industry and a business, I hear it all the time from the owners, the players, the coaches, and everyone directly involved with the league, so as I fan, I will not be roped into the idea that I am a lesser person because don't blindly support everything the Colts organization, Jim Irsay, Chuck Pagano, Ryan Grigson, and the rest of the NFL do and honestly, I am so sick and tired of the "real fan" argument.  

What makes you think just because there are some who are what they call die hard fans like being called sheep any better? I am a Colt fan but not blind to the facts that not everything involved around  the Colts is peaches and cream. If you are a NFL fan with no one team you root for that's fine. But calling us sheep because we follow one team is not only narrow minded it is self centered. If you get sick over what you call the real fan argument then you are taking yourself way too serious.

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I don't really care if they came back, but if I knew you stopped rooting for the Colts for a few years until Peyton retired, it would make it a whole lot easier to play down any criticism you might have on the colts, nom atter how valid it might be.  "You think our defense played horrible last Sunday?  What does it matter, you're a fairweather fan anyway."  Done.

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Sheep do that.  Real fans hold their favorite organizations accountable.  When the team sucks, they withhold their support and dollars.  When a player on that team beats his wife and the team does nothing, real fans withhold their support.  The NFL is an entertainment industry and a business, I hear it all the time from the owners, the players, the coaches, and everyone directly involved with the league, so as I fan, I will not be roped into the idea that I am a lesser person because don't blindly support everything the Colts organization, Jim Irsay, Chuck Pagano, Ryan Grigson, and the rest of the NFL do and honestly, I am so sick and tired of the "real fan" argument.  

You're blowing one little thing I said out of proportion without even staying on the topic. The thread is about all of the fans that became Broncos fans when Peyton left Indy. But I'll respond anyway. Real fans stick with their team no matter what through thick and thin, not on some fairweather stuff. There are a lot of Ravens fans who support Ray Rice as well as the team anyway. They felt he was wrong but at the same time was personal and the suspension was a bit out of line. I said in my second post if you read it that the NFL is a business as well as entertainment. I'm not blind to the things that the Colts organization do either. They make decisions that I don't agree with as well but I'll still support the team 100 percent. If you're a fan of another team more power to you. 

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Ehh I root for my team ahead of players.  


I want to see the Colts do well more then I want to see individual players on other teams do well.  However that doesn't mean that there arn't players on other teams that I want to see do well.  But the Colt's doing well is always above that in my mind.


If a person was a Peyton fan first and foremost then I would wonder why they are rooting for the Colts again after Peyton retired?  Too many people have this idea in their head that the Colts hurt Peyton.  Letting go of an era was sad but Peyton was able to sign with any team he wanted to by us releasing him.  That's a gift since most old franchise QB's get traded away when their team moves on, not outright released like that.


The only thing I will say in terms of fandom though is that I don't think it's wrong to stop following or watching a team closely when they become consistent losers.  I wouldn't change the team that I'm a fan of, never have, but I don't spend much time watching a losing team lose.  It is entertainment after all and I'm not entertained by watching my team lose consistently.  On top of that the long suffering die hard fans of these losing teams actually unintentionally enable the team to continue to suck.  Money talks and the owners are going to be more apt to make the changes that create a winning team when the fans stop watching.

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"Peyton fans" aren't coming back because they hate this organization for the perceived wrong we committed toward #18. 


The Broncos board is full of them. There are several longtime members of this board that I can name (but won't) off the top-o-my-head that defected from this team, this board, and they went over there to suddenly became "huge Broncos fans". They trash this team, this city and even the members of this board.


When Peyton retires, they will be lost in a vacuum of their own device, but they certainly won't come back here.

Please reveal them

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I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?


Why would anyone give a damn of what team a person is a fan of or the reasons why.  This is not something that I would remotely think about and would question anyone who does. 

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"Peyton fans" aren't coming back because they hate this organization for the perceived wrong we committed toward #18. 


The Broncos board is full of them. There are several longtime members of this board that I can name (but won't) off the top-o-my-head that defected from this team, this board, and they went over there to suddenly became "huge Broncos fans". They trash this team, this city and even the members of this board.


When Peyton retires, they will be lost in a vacuum of their own device, but they certainly won't come back here.  

I am not sure who you are referring to,  nor do I care.


I have visited the Broncos Board a few times over the past few years, I rarely post, but I have seen you post numerous times.  I also have seen you defend Peyton more times than I can count.


I havn't seen anyone vaguely familiar trash this team, or this site on there, and not sure why you feel the need to :stir:


If fans have left  and choose to not come back,  that is their prerogative.


I don't know why anyone cares who someone else cheers for.  People should just worry about themselves.  

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I am not sure who you are referring to,  nor do I care.


I have visited the Broncos Board a few times over the past few years, I rarely post, but I have seen you post numerous times.  I also have seen you defend Peyton more times than I can count.


I havn't seen anyone vaguely familiar trash this team, or this site on there, and not sure why you feel the need to :stir:


If fans have left  and choose to not come back,  that is their prerogative.


I don't know why anyone cares who someone else cheers for.  People should just worry about themselves.  

Oh I enjoy being a part of the board there. A chance to talk football with fans around the league, reconnect with a team (Broncos) that I adored as a child and follow Peyton closely through his final seasons. Defending Peyton has nothing to do with this thread, not sure why you mentioned that? 


I make no bones about it. 


What I DON'T do is pretend to be an adoring, lifelong Broncos fan when I was just a Colts fan 3 years ago. That practice, I find contemptuous, small and unflattering. 


And yes, there are a few in particular whom cowardly run their mouths about our staff and members here, the team, and even the City. Names that long-time members here would instantly recognize. 


Do I care what team people root for? No, not particularly. However, I find phoney pretense to be quite worth pointing out. 


PS: If I wanted to stir the pot, I'd drop their names. 

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I am not sure who you are referring to,  nor do I care.



I wanted to be clear; I should've worded my post more carefully. I wasn't referring to "Peyton fans" in regard to people that are fans of Peyton, as I am one myself. I'm referring to people that were Colts fans and dropped this team like a hot rock because he left. 

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I don't think people understand the pull that a player like Peyton Manning has. He's not just another player. And as the world has become smaller, there are a lot of people who are fans of players rather than teams, because the regional ties aren't as important as they used to be.


That said, the way a fan chooses who or what to root for shouldn't be judged by anyone else. I've always found that to be rather snooty.

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I don't think people understand the pull that a player like Peyton Manning has. He's not just another player. And as the world has become smaller, there are a lot of people who are fans of players rather than teams, because the regional ties aren't as important as they used to be.


That said, the way a fan chooses who or what to root for shouldn't be judged by anyone else. I've always found that to be rather snooty.

I don't care what or why a person may root for a given team. What I do care about is when some punk wants to run their mouth about their former team because they can't control their emotions and they're upset about a roster move that was made.


Somebody wants to jump ship and find another boat to float, fine. But don't be a little snitch coward and run your mouth about your former team and their fans. 

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I don't care what or why a person may root for a given team. What I do care about is when some punk wants to run their mouth about their former team because they can't control their emotions and they're upset about a roster move that was made.


Somebody wants to jump ship and find another boat to float, fine. But don't be a little snitch coward and run your mouth about your former team and their fans. 


Or do. Worse things happen, to be honest. 


I get it. I find it annoying as well, and I think I know exactly what you're talking about. But people do silly stuff like this all the time. Fan is short for fanatic, so fanatical behavior doesn't surprise me.


Also, it's the Internet. People type a lot of stuff behind the comfort of their monitor that they wouldn't say in real life. 

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I don't think people understand the pull that a player like Peyton Manning has. He's not just another player. And as the world has become smaller, there are a lot of people who are fans of players rather than teams, because the regional ties aren't as important as they used to be.


That said, the way a fan chooses who or what to root for shouldn't be judged by anyone else. I've always found that to be rather snooty.

Pulling for a player rather than a team is pretty rare outside of North America. Probably driven by soccer, fanatical support of the team is king, virtually everywhere else, or at least where soccer is the main sport.

I have never heard of a soccer fan shifting his allegiances to another team because a player is transfered. Plenty follow a player (example, Beckham), but they wouldn't jump from Manchester United to Real Madrid to LA Galaxy etc.

I got into a few squabbles with FX and Mac during the whole Manning debacle, but eventually understood that fandom can be a little different in America than, say, Europe.

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Or do. Worse things happen, to be honest. 


I get it. I find it annoying as well, and I think I know exactly what you're talking about. But people do silly stuff like this all the time. Fan is short for fanatic, so fanatical behavior doesn't surprise me.


Also, it's the Internet. People type a lot of stuff behind the comfort of their monitor that they wouldn't say in real life. 

To be clear, part of of what I'm saying is in reference to a particular thread (@Broncos Forum) in which staff members here were being named personally, mentioned as bad people just for doing their particularly thankless task. I was infuriated at the nerve being bolstered, particular because it was coming from fans that used to cheer right along side us. 


Nadine specifically was a target of character assassination, and I wasn't having it, even if she does twack me with the mod stick now and then. 

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Pulling for a player rather than a team is pretty rare outside of North America. Probably driven by soccer, fanatical support of the team is king, virtually everywhere else, or at least where soccer is the main sport.

I have never heard of a soccer fan shifting his allegiances to another team because a player is transfered. Plenty follow a player (example, Beckham), but they wouldn't jump from Manchester United to Real Madrid to LA Galaxy etc.

I got into a few squabbles with FX and Mac during the whole Manning debacle, but eventually understood that fandom can be a little different in America than, say, Europe.

We are a celebrity obsessed society, as sad as they makes me to admit. I don't fit into that category, but I recognize it as true. 


As was mentioned by Superman, #18 is a bit of an exception for myself and many otehrs. He's the pinnacle of a celebrity sports figure, as he embodies everything a sports fan should desire in a player. 

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To be clear, part of of what I'm saying is in reference to a particular thread (@Broncos Forum) in which staff members here were being named personally, mentioned as bad people just for doing their particularly thankless task. I was infuriated at the nerve being bolstered, particular because it was coming from fans that used to cheer right along side us. 


Nadine specifically was a target of character assassination, and I wasn't having it, even if she does twack me with the mod stick now and then. 



I find it strange that people feel the need to talk about me at all......much less on another forum

Kind of middle school I think

it's when that gossipy mean girl (or boy) stuff turns bizarre that you are glad that nobody knows where you or your family are

We have a pretty friendly group here.  People that expect everything to be exactly the way they want it all the time though....should go someplace else.......... where they will undoubtedly blame me.

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