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Everything Trent Richardson [Merge]


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@KBowenColts: Pagano on Trent Richardson: “I have no level of concern with how he’s playing…some days it’s going to be like that."

....... :facepalm:

Is he serious? "Some Days"?

Pagano on Boom:

@KBowenColts: Pagano on Boom Herron and fumbles and if if impacts his playing time going forward: “We’re not there yet."


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I wish I had the time to bump all of the old threads saying how TERRIBLE the Browns offensive line is and how stupid they were for trading him. How I was a dumb homer for saying he hasn't been very good.

GOAT trade, thanks Joe Banner.

And in true Browns fashion, you managed to blow that draft pick too. In what world is, drafting a bust, trading that bust for a high pick only to draft another bust, a victory?....

Enjoy another decade of mediocrity (And I'm using that term very loosely when it comes to the Browns)

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He feels he is protecting his players by not critiquing them to the media...Nothing wrong with that considering media in general do quite regularly embellish things that are said. Just let Boom and Richardsons play do the real talking...which it did....Wondering what there offensive snap counts were this week......I wont find out till Tuesday via Football Outsiders

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He feels he is protecting his players by not critiquing them to the media...Nothing wrong with that considering media in general to quite regularly embellish things that are said. Just let Boom and Richardsons play do the real talking...which it did....Wondering what there offensive snap counts were this week......I wont find out till Tuesday via Football Outsiders

You're Welcome

@KBowenColts: Trent Richardson played 26 of 51 offensive snaps on Sunday (8 touches for 12 yards). Boom Herron played 24 snaps (10 touches for 96 yards).

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And in true Browns fashion, you managed to blow that draft pick too. In what world is, drafting a bust, trading that bust for a high pick only to draft another bust, a victory?....

Enjoy another decade of mediocrity (And I'm using that term very loosely when it comes to the Browns)



You sound very mad. 

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We're 12 games in and he hasn't hit 80 yards in a game all season. He's gone under 50 yards 9 times. This isn't his first year in a new system anymore. Ahmad Bradshaw looked better than him. Boom Herron now looks better than him. Donald Brown looked better than him last year. I wish this move worked out, but I'm finally willing to say it without putting "it's too early to tell but" before it... It looks like we got robbed by the Browns. 

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You sound very mad.

No, not really. You're a troll -- bottom line

You've been trying to rub the trade in Colts fans faces since it went down. Trent's horrible play coupled with our staff's unwillingness to admit a mistake is punishment enough. However, what you're doing is akin to somebody in crutches laughing at a world class sprinter for tripping.

At the end of the day, the guy is still a world class sprinter while you're still a gimp

The colts are still in better shape long term than the gimps... Oops, I mean the Browns

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Yeah, typical Coach Chuck...we are never going to the SB with this guy...he is a tier 2 HC at best.

We need a tier 1 HC...hopefully this off-season Irsay will see that...Irsay should start talking to some of the top guys like now.

(and not Harbaugh).


Still waiting for a post where I remotely agree with what you have to say which, if happened would make you right - for once.  This post ain't it.

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You're Welcome

@KBowenColts: Trent Richardson played 26 of 51 offensive snaps on Sunday (8 touches for 12 yards). Boom Herron played 24 snaps (10 touches for 96 yards).


So what's the problem? You want Boom to get more touches, right? Didn't that happen? If he wants even more touches, he has to stop fumbling the football.


Also, Richardson is still, by far, the better pass protector. So he's still going to get reps, even if he doesn't get carries.

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So what's the problem? You want Boom to get more touches, right? Didn't that happen? If he wants even more touches, he has to stop fumbling the football.

Also, Richardson is still, by far, the better pass protector. So he's still going to get reps, even if he doesn't get carries.

Having a back who can only block well but can't run kinda takes away the versatility factor. If we have no intention of running him out of the backfield, we could just as easily put an H-back in that role, or heck, even an extra linemen. That's essentially what he's become now anyways

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Having a back who can only block well but can't run kinda takes away the versatility factor. If we have no intention of running him out of the backfield, we could just as easily put an H-back in that role, or heck, even an extra linemen. That's essentially what he's become now anyways


There's no indication that they aren't going to give Richardson carries. 

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So what's the problem? You want Boom to get more touches, right? Didn't that happen? If he wants even more touches, he has to stop fumbling the football.


Also, Richardson is still, by far, the better pass protector. So he's still going to get reps, even if he doesn't get carriequote]

Where did this myth start that Richardson is so good at pass protection. Watch the tape, Boom was better in pass protection than Trent was Sunday. Many times when Trent needs to square up and take on a rusher, he just uses his shoulder and throws a chip block and the rusher just continues his pursuit of Luck as if nothing happened. Chip blocks are for when you are setting up a pass in the flats. He nearly got Luck killed in our own end zone yesterday throwing a damn chip block and the rusher creamed Luck. There are a couple more instances yesterday, where if Trent would square up and block instead of the chip block, Luck wouldn't have to run for his life. I have watched every play of every game and Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection.

I know this was started by the Trent lovers but, it's just not true, go back and watch the tape. Bradshaw was very good in pass protection squares up and takes the rusher head on. Boom was very good Sunday, same as Bradshaw squares up and takes the rusher head on. There are just to many times, through out the season when Trent just chips, instead of taking the rusher head on. All I can say is go back and watch the tape, if you watch the tape there is no way you can call him good in pass protection. It is way past time for this guy to be benched, he is contributing nothing to this team. I know the Trent lovers will say he's good in the passing game, and he has had a handful of catches where he has gotten good yardage , but nothing special that any of our other backs can't do. He is a liability plain and simple, adds nothing to the team. We have been winning in spite of Trent. Pagano's refusal to bench Trent is hurting our team and it will come back to bite us.

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So what's the problem? You want Boom to get more touches, right? Didn't that happen? If he wants even more touches, he has to stop fumbling the football.


Also, Richardson is still, by far, the better pass protector. So he's still going to get reps, even if he doesn't get carriequote]

Where did this myth start that Richardson is so good at pass protection. Watch the tape, Boom was better in pass protection than Trent was Sunday. Many times when Trent needs to square up and take on a rusher, he just uses his shoulder and throws a chip block and the rusher just continues his pursuit of Luck as if nothing happened. Chip blocks are for when you are setting up a pass in the flats. He nearly got Luck killed in our own end zone yesterday throwing a damn chip block and the rusher creamed Luck. There are a couple more instances yesterday, where if Trent would square up and block instead of the chip block, Luck wouldn't have to run for his life. I have watched every play of every game and Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection.

I know this was started by the Trent lovers but, it's just not true, go back and watch the tape. Bradshaw was very good in pass protection squares up and takes the rusher head on. Boom was very good Sunday, same as Bradshaw squares up and takes the rusher head on. There are just to many times, through out the season when Trent just chips, instead of taking the rusher head on. All I can say is go back and watch the tape, if you watch the tape there is no way you can call him good in pass protection. It is way past time for this guy to be benched, he is contributing nothing to this team. I know the Trent lovers will say he's good in the passing game, and he has had a handful of catches where he has gotten good yardage , but nothing special that any of our other backs can't do. He is a liability plain and simple, adds nothing to the team. We have been winning in spite of Trent. Pagano's refusal to bench Trent is hurting our team and it will come back to bite us.



I'm not sure how you can watch every play of every game and come away with the impression that Richardson isn't a good pass protector. 


Also, I'm no Trent lover. Save that for someone else. 

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I'm not sure how you can watch every play of every game and come away with the impression that Richardson isn't a good pass protector. 


Also, I'm no Trent lover. Save that for someone else.

Because I have watched every play of every game and evidently you have not, because there is no way you could call him good at pass protection if you had.

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He feels he is protecting his players by not critiquing them to the media...Nothing wrong with that considering media in general do quite regularly embellish things that are said. Just let Boom and Richardsons play do the real talking...which it did.

Yep, their production or lack there of speaks for itself. Superman is right though. TR should be used more in pass protection as opposed to Boom. 


Let Herron start a game, only use TR when Boom needs a breather, & I can't prove this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you could put TR running behind the Cowboys o-line & he still wouldn't be able to hit the hole & run toward the daylight. JMO.


People keep claiming this trade was so great...Well, I'm still waiting for decent production to rear it's head yet. It's not there. Sorry. 

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The only time a back should throw a chip block is when the play is designed for him to chip and go out for a pass. Trent (chipper) Richardson does this on half of the plays when he is asked to stay back in max protection. It is called a chip block because it is not suppose to stop the rusher, just chip him and slow him down for a split second. The fact that Richardson is called "very good" in pass protection is as big a joke as his running ability. It is as if he is afraid to square up and take the rusher head on. Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection. The biggest part of pass protection is having the heart and will to stand in there and take it head on, he has neither, that's why in about half of these situations he takes the easy way out and just throws his shoulder in there and bounces off. Watch the tape Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection.
   The sad thing is Richardson is our starting RB and has held this team back all season. the truth is there is no situation where Richardson should be on the field. He is not very good at anything and I can not understand why the coaching staff continues to let him play. I couldn't understand the Satele situation last year and here we are doing it again. Just like with Satele it is a case of addition by subtraction, this team would be better if Richardson never stepped on the field.
    Our coaching staffs inability to move on when they have made a mistake will keep us from going where we want to go. Today Pagano say she doesn't have a problem with the way Richardson is playing, now I know this is coach speak but, the sad thing is if he lets Richardson play another down, then he must believe what he's saying and that I have a problem with. The best teams quickly realize when they have made mistakes and take action to correct it, they don't try to save face, they do what's best for the team. Until our staff can make these type of decisions I don't see this team winning a Super Bowl and even though I think Pagano is a great guy, I don't see him taking this team to the top.

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The only time a back should throw a chip block is when the play is designed for him to chip and go out for a pass. Trent (chipper) Richardson does this on half of the plays when he is asked to stay back in max protection. It is called a chip block because it is not suppose to stop the rusher, just chip him and slow him down for a split second. The fact that Richardson is called "very good" in pass protection is as big a joke as his running ability. It is as if he is afraid to square up and take the rusher head on. Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection. The biggest part of pass protection is having the heart and will to stand in there and take it head on, he has neither, that's why in about half of these situations he takes the easy way out and just throws his shoulder in there and bounces off. Watch the tape Trent Richardson is not good in pass protection.

   The sad thing is Richardson is our starting RB and has held this team back all season. the truth is there is no situation where Richardson should be on the field. He is not very good at anything and I can not understand why the coaching staff continues to let him play. I couldn't understand the Satele situation last year and here we are doing it again. Just like with Satele it is a case of addition by subtraction, this team would be better if Richardson never stepped on the field.

    Our coaching staffs inability to move on when they have made a mistake will keep us from going where we want to go. Today Pagano say she doesn't have a problem with the way Richardson is playing, now I know this is coach speak but, the sad thing is if he lets Richardson play another down, then he must believe what he's saying and that I have a problem with. The best teams quickly realize when they have made mistakes and take action to correct it, they don't try to save face, they do what's best for the team. Until our staff can make these type of decisions I don't see this team winning a Super Bowl and even though I think Pagano is a great guy, I don't see him taking this team to the top.

Now you really lost me, I was going to give you that Trent is no longer the back of old but to say he is not a good pass blocker is just straight up a stupid remark. Obviously with that remark in bold you do not watch any games at all and lost all creditability with your words.

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Now you really lost me, I was going to give you that Trent is no longer the back of old but to say he is not a good pass blocker is just straight up a stupid remark. Obviously with that remark in bold you do not watch any games at all and lost all creditability with your words.



He's average at best, nothing special, nowhere near as good as Bradshaw and no better than Boom. Boom was actually better in pass protection yesterday. We don't need him for pass protection because he's no better than Boom at it. All I can tell you is watch the tape it speaks for itself, as far as credibility, not having credibility with you is a good thing,   You didn't even see the game yesterday, so what do you know about it. How many games have you seen this year? How many have you went back and watched ?  You being on here for weeks and weeks arguing how good Richardson is, tells everything about your football knowledge.  ZERO

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He's average at best, nothing special, nowhere near as good as Bradshaw and no better than Boom. Boom was actually better in pass protection yesterday. We don't need him for pass protection because he's no better than Boom at it. All I can tell you is watch the tape it speaks for itself, as far as credibility, not having credibility with you is a good thing,   You didn't even see the game yesterday, so what do you know about it. How many games have you seen this year? How many have you went back and watched ?  You being on here for weeks and weeks arguing how good Richardson is, tells everything about your football knowledge.  ZERO

Like wise with your IQ... as you see it one way then to step back and see the whole picture of the team and players. I've seen my share of games to know whats going on but obviously you need to watch more games.

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looks like its all over for Trent.  Shame as he seems like a good pro and team guy.

What's strange is that he has delivered good YPC average in quite a few games but then in others he has done nothing.

I reckon he'll get same amount of carries as Boom against the Browns and probably with a point to proof delivery some decent yardage.

Still the trade hasn't played out well in our favour and Trent himself has not delivered

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I wish I had the time to bump all of the old threads saying how TERRIBLE the Browns offensive line is and how stupid they were for trading him. How I was a dumb homer for saying he hasn't been very good.

GOAT trade, thanks Joe Banner.

yep, a bust for a bust. great trade all the way around

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If you primarily only use a back for pass protection, as they seemed to be trending toward in the 2nd half Sunday, it's pretty easy for the defense - never having to respect the run.   In the NFL, I'm not sure you can broadcast that type of tendency to opposing defenses.  There must be better ways to provide adequate pass protection while still retaining the threat of a running game.


Here's one thing I don't understand in this situation.  Richardson was essentially benched down the stretch and in the playoffs last year.  He got minimal touches.  What on earth has he done since to regain his job or playing time? 


Also, regardless of what was spent on him, is there any way Belichick would still be handing this guy the ball, hurting his team in the process?  Or, would he turn over every stone to try to find a better replacement? 

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Like wise with your IQ... as you see it one way then to step back and see the whole picture of the team and players. I've seen my share of games to know whats going on but obviously you need to watch more games.

Once again you make absolutely no sense, is there a code or something to unlock whatever it is your trying to say? Try actually watching and forming your own opinion, instead of being a follower and repeating what you've heard someone else post.

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No, not really. You're a troll -- bottom line

You've been trying to rub the trade in Colts fans faces since it went down. Trent's horrible play coupled with our staff's unwillingness to admit a mistake is punishment enough. However, what you're doing is akin to somebody in crutches laughing at a world class sprinter for tripping.

At the end of the day, the guy is still a world class sprinter while you're still a gimp

The colts are still in better shape long term than the gimps... Oops, I mean the Browns



Name calling. Yeah you're mad. 

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Cool, fighting over who knows everything and who knows nothing! That's the best, especially on the internet. 


But I do have a question related to Trent's pass protection, for those who *know*. Wouldn't you need to know that actual play call/play design to know for fact if he's doing his job on passing downs? 


I don't follow what Trent is doing all that often when Luck is dropping back, but I see him often enough making some contact with defenders. 

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Trent has already played in more games than johnny ever will



I un blocked you for one post because I saw it, but just be reminded, you're on ignore. 



Also, Johnny was more productive on one drive than Richardson will ever be.



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Remember the tale of Jerry Hughes. I remember coming on here and the pounding he took was like what Richardson takes.  A bust, only playing because Polian drafted him, won't admit mistakes, blah...blah...blah. How does he look now?


Richardson hasn't looked good.  But at the same time, if he was running behind the Patriots OLine against us, he would have had 4 TDs.   I agree he hesitates too much when he should just attack the line of scrimmage. But look at our loses and NONE of our running backs have done anything.  We still need better run blocking.  And Richardson has to be more decisive.  But lets not forget he is a very talented YOUNG player.  Don't want to throw him to the dumpster yet.  I get a feeling he will emerge somewhere else and be quite good.

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