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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Ah thanks for the Colts history lesson. I'm still a relatively young guy so haven't really learn that deep about the Colts. I must know this to become a die hard Colts fan.  


Also, Denise DeBartolo York was the owner of the 49ers until transferring that to her son Jed.  But she stays out of the headlines, her husband and son are the two in front of cameras, her son in the big chair in the corner office. 

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Irsay is a beneficiary of someone else's wealth.  He inherited his team.A capitalist puts up his own money.  There's little difference between the "work" he had to do for his ownership of the Colts and the "work" Elizabeth had to do to become queen. He's not a "capitalist", he's a spoiled scion of money.

My thoughts on the matter had nothing to do with how Irsay came into his wealth or his ownership stake in the team. It is not my place to pass judgment there. If my dad left me an NFL franchise I would run with it as well. I was simply pointing out that in a capitalistic society, such as ours, business owners typically face few repercussions when making choices in their personal lives. As a teacher, I could lose my job for taking a silly picture and putting it online. Donald Trump could run a human trafficking ring and still run his businesses from his prison cell. Obviously Irsay doesn't have nearly that much latitude, as his ownership stake is only 1 of 32 franchises, and he is subject to league personal conduct policies; however, our capitalistic culture will make people very reluctant to take his business from him, against his will, as a result of a first legal, nonviolent offense. 

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My thoughts on the matter had nothing to do with how Irsay came into his wealth or his ownership stake in the team. It is not my place to pass judgment there. If my dad left me an NFL franchise I would run with it as well. I was simply pointing out that in a capitalistic society, such as ours, business owners typically face few repercussions when making choices in their personal lives. As a teacher, I could lose my job for taking a silly picture and putting it online. Donald Trump could run a human trafficking ring and still run his businesses from his prison cell. Obviously Irsay doesn't have nearly that much latitude, as his ownership stake is only 1 of 32 franchises, and he is subject to league personal conduct policies; however, our capitalistic culture will make people very reluctant to take his business from him, against his will, as a result of a first legal, nonviolent offense. 

I agree with what you're saying, I'm just correcting you that you are describing a society that protects individual property rights.  Capitalism is a whole other thing.  The US is a society that (used to) respect the property rights of others. 

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It's easy for all of you to sit behind a computer screen & say what you would've done

But until you're in a situation yourself, you won't know what you'd do. That goes for any situation.

I just hope Irsay's daughter or family or Colts organization can convince him to get some help. If he has to do what Aldon Smith did and take a break from the NFL that's fine. Let his daughter run the Colts as a interim owner or Mr. Grigson can be both GM & Interim owner.

But I just want the man to get some help & get cleaned up


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I agree with what you're saying, I'm just correcting you that you are describing a society that protects individual property rights.  Capitalism is a whole other thing.  The US is a society that (used to) respect the property rights of others. 

You have a very fair point. We have more than our fair share of issues in this country at this point in time. Capitalism isn't necessarily the best descriptor I could have used. 

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I don't get why rich people would ever drink and drive


It is a disease and illness... Making the choice to drink and drive has NOTHING to do with money!

Impaired will = impaired judgment = bad choices.

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Irsay is a beneficiary of someone else's wealth.  He inherited his team.A capitalist puts up his own money.  There's little difference between the "work" he had to do for his ownership of the Colts and the "work" Elizabeth had to do to become queen. He's not a "capitalist", he's a spoiled scion of money.


I didn't want to bring this up, but this is part of the reason Irsay is the way he is. He isn't any different than those rich teenagers who get in trouble for these kinds of things. And his maturity level is equal to those teenagers also.


 Kids who are just given things don't have an understanding and are careless. Irsay has never had hard work in his life. Graduates college and is a GM of an NFL franchise. And not to mention he was a broadcast journalism major. Hardly the credentials to run an NFL team.

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It's not easy to hear about this story.

Jim needs everyone support. It's going to be a long phase for him.

Yes, it is one thing to have an addiction, and trying to kick it, privately.


To have the whole World know, and watching, and giving opinions is tough.


Maybe he'll now get the help he needs to overcome these demons.

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I have not read through this entire thread, nor do I care to because I am sure that many people have jumped to their own conclusions.


But, I have read enough to know that some of the conclusions that have been made are wrong.  According to the IndyStar:


1.  Alcohol was NOT involved.


2.  Irsay was arrested at 11:41pm . . . not at 3am.  He was booked at 3:07am.


3.  Irsay was not driving like some maniac.  The article that I am linking said that he was driving at a very low rate of speed and failed to signal a turn. 


4.  The drugs in his possession that were not associated with any prescription bottles were Schedule IV prescription drugs which may have been prescribed. 


However, he still failed to pass several roadside sobriety tests according to the arresting officer.



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Guys, just a FYI based on current reports. HE WAS NOT DRUNK. HE WAS HIGH ON PILLS! 


I guess if you've lived a clean life 100% the distinction might not be important or easy to understand, but it is different. 

We have been discussing this revelation. Many on here are heavily in favor of him seeking help. I'm sure he will be compelled to get treatment from the league, but even if he isn't, we all wish him help for his longevity and quality of life. 

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It is a disease and illness... Making the choice to drink and drive has NOTHING to do with money!

Impaired will = impaired judgment = bad choices.

That is exactly correct. I wouldn't care if he got loaded and decided to swim naked in the canal but it is different story when he gets behind the wheel. I am all for getting him help for his addictions just like everyone else. I am also for seeing him prosecuted to the full extent of the law for endangering others with his reckless behavior.

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That is exactly correct. I wouldn't care if he got loaded and decided to swim naked in the canal but it is different story when he gets behind the wheel. I am all for getting him help for his addictions just like everyone else. I am also for seeing him prosecuted to the full extent of the law for endangering others with his reckless behavior.

guess what, the penalty for a first dui is probation

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Robert Irsay.  Besides being his father and suffering from addiction himself, they are nothing alike. 


Indiana communities far and wide have benefitted from Jim's presence because he is truly a peoples person.


For those of you who complain that he inherited it all, and has never had to work for nothing, well you're just jealous.  You cannot paint him as an aristocratic byproduct of his father.  To act like his father is the sole architect is quite wrong, and I'd be willing to wager that the Irsay family has gained more wealth since Jim began running the Colts.  If it's all about being a good businessman, then why is Jerry Jones a subpar owner, and Irsay a very good one?


I know Colts fans will support him through this ordeal. 

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but it is different story when he gets behind the wheel.   I am also for seeing him prosecuted to the full extent of the law for endangering others with his reckless behavior.


Well, he was going all of 10.  :) 


The neighborhood kid passed him on his bike. 

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That is exactly correct. I wouldn't care if he got loaded and decided to swim naked in the canal but it is different story when he gets behind the wheel. I am all for getting him help for his addictions just like everyone else. I am also for seeing him prosecuted to the full extent of the law for endangering others with his reckless behavior.

What has he done pal? So you know? yes? You are judge, jury and executioner already? Get a grip on your pathetic little posts.

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guess what, the penalty for a first dui is probation


Irsay has the 2002 incident to deal with too.  There was a federal prescription fraud investigation and Irsay was directly involved with that.  His doctor was sanctioned.  The potential issue with this criminally speaking, is this might not be considered a 'first offense'.  How many and what kinds of pills were found might not make this a simple plea deal.  And all of that doesn't get into the real issue, which is health and well being, his ability to defeat addiction. 

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I speak from experience when I say prescription drug addiction is a huge problem. It ruined my life. When I was 12, My dad owned 2 businesses, was making 6 figures, then he hurt his back and got prescribed OxyContin. Fast forward 9 years, and my dad is in prison and I spent 6 years in foster care/ adoption. It is a huge problem. The stuff is practically man-made heroine. But yet doctors pass them out like candy.

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Irsay has the 2002 incident to deal with too. There was a federal prescription fraud investigation and Irsay was directly involved with that. His doctor was sanctioned. The potential issue with this criminally speaking, is this might not be considered a 'first offense'. How many and what kinds of pills were found might not make this a simple plea deal. And all of that doesn't get into the real issue, which is health and well being, his ability to defeat addiction.

an incident twelve years ago will have zero bearing on this

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Robert Irsay.  Besides being his father and suffering from addiction himself, they are nothing alike. 


Indiana communities far and wide have benefitted from Jim's presence because he is truly a peoples person.


For those of you who complain that he inherited it all, and has never had to work for nothing, well you're just jealous.  You cannot paint him as an aristocratic byproduct of his father.  To act like his father is the sole architect is quite wrong, and I'd be willing to wager that the Irsay family has gained more wealth since Jim began running the Colts.  If it's all about being a good businessman, then why is Jerry Jones a subpar owner, and Irsay a very good one?


I know Colts fans will support him through this ordeal. 

If it is all about making money then Jerry Jones is a very good owner.

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an incident twelve years ago will have zero bearing on this


A history of possession of excessive amounts of prescription pills in unlabeled bottles, in volumes which might be sufficient to consider it for sale, will have 100% bearing on this. The least of Irsay's legal issues is the DUI charge pending. 

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What has he done pal? So you know? yes? You are judge, jury and executioner already? Get a grip on your pathetic little posts.

You may think they are pathetic but I want to see criminals in jail no matter how much money they have. He got away with driving without killing someone but that is just lucky. I am sympathy for the addiction but no sympathy for the DUI. Will you have to see a bunch of children killed before you see the light? I think anyone who wants to see him skate on the DUI is more than pathetic.

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I speak from experience when I say prescription drug addiction is a huge problem. It ruined my life. When I was 12, My dad owned 2 businesses, was making 6 figures, then he hurt his back and got prescribed OxyContin. Fast forward 9 years, and my dad is in prison and I spent 6 years in foster care/ adoption. It is a huge problem. The stuff is practically man-made heroine. But yet doctors pass them out like candy.

This story is precisely what I was talking about regarding OxyContin.

So sorry to hear about all this.

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A history of possession of excessive amounts of prescription pills in unlabeled bottles, in volumes which might be sufficient to consider it for sale, will have 100% bearing on this. The least of Irsay's legal issues is the DUI charge pending.

no it won't. It was twelve years ago. This will be treated like a first offense. I have several friends and family members who have had trouble with the law in this state. He won't be seeing any jail time outside of the last two days

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You may think they are pathetic but I want to see criminals in jail no matter how much money they have. He got away with driving without killing someone but that is just lucky. I am sympathy for the addiction but no sympathy for the DUI. Will you have to see a bunch of children killed before you see the light? I think anyone who wants to see him skate on the DUI is more than pathetic.

First offense does not lead to jail time for a DUI.
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You may think they are pathetic but I want to see criminals in jail no matter how much money they have. He got away with driving without killing someone but that is just lucky. I am sympathy for the addiction but no sympathy for the DUI. Will you have to see a bunch of children killed before you see the light? I think anyone who wants to see him skate on the DUI is more than pathetic.

apparently you missed the post where i told you first time dui charges will get him probation

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This is sad on so many levels. From a team perspective, I'm not sure how you can effectively discipline players like Brazill, now.


Really? How so?  Unless Jim gets off free and clear, is he not already paying a price as a consequence for his actions? And there is more to come?  Should not players also have to pay a price commiserate with their own infractions? Nobody is immune. Jim Irsay is proof.

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apparently you missed the post where i told you first time dui charges will get him probation

I saw it and I think that is pathetic. People who endanger other people should be locked away for a good long time. I can hope that the other charges will make up for that and buy this fool some serious jail time. The NFL is going to hammer him hard.

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I saw it and I think that is pathetic. People who endanger other people should be locked away for a good long time. I can hope that the other charges will make up for that and buy this fool some serious jail time. The NFL is going to hammer him hard.

he isn't going to jail.

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