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What Players do you think were a bust that Grigs brought in?


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I think of busted Grigs free agents I think of...








Probably TRich but still not totally sure yet on him. 


I know I'm leaving some out like some on the DL. But I'll let everybody else give there opinion that. 


I think the verdict is still out on Grigson I don't a opinion on him yet. 


What players make your lists?






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I don't think Walden was a bust. Walden was a fairly decent pickup for the most part.

I also don't think Landry was a bust either.  I think we could have gotten more out of

him in coverage, but he certainly was an upgrade over Tom Zibikowski that's for sure.



As far as busts are concerned I think DHB was a complete bust along with Satele and Mcglynn.

Those are the consensus BUSTS.  Toler is not one of my favorites either, and I wouldn't cry if

he we replaced him but I'd be willing to give him another shot if we do keep him



TRich may turn into a MEGA BUST but we won't have that answer until the new season starts.

I certainly haven't seen much in his running style and awareness that makes me feel positive.

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Toler- Wouldn't call him a bust. He's only been here one season and was hurt most of it. Interception in the first game. There were many people this year and in years past that have gotten hurt as FA signings.


Landry- I need to see him next year. Hopefully our defense can adjust enough for Landry to be the primary SS and then grabbing a coverage safety via FA or the draft.


Satele- No argument here. At least we can get rid of him fairly easily.


Sheppard- Not a bust. If he doesn't work out then we traded Hughes for him, another player who didn't work out here.


Walden- I'm on the fence. He played well this year. His pass rush is not there so this all depends on his run D and the development of Werner.


DHB- A real bust of Grigsons. Brought in to be a starter and at the end of the season was on special teams.


McGlynn- Another bust, but remember Grigs didn't have a lot of money the season he signed him. 


Grigson's contributions to the Colts- Andrew Luck, Dwayne Allen, Coby Fleener, T.Y. Hilton, Jerrell Freeman, Vontae Davis, Darius Butler, Vick Ballard. Getting Reggie to stay!!


Question marks that can improve (or worsen) Grigson's GM moves- Trent Richardson, Lavon Brazill, Griff Whalen, Da'Rick Rogers, Josh Chapman, Montori Hughes


Grigson shouldn't be on the hot seat until the Colts have a losing season.

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Toler - If he can't stay healthy, then it was a bad signing.  He looked okay when healthy though.

Landry- I expected more out of this signing at that price.  He was supposed to be the crown jewel in Grig's FA jewelry box.  He's been non-descript, nothing remarkable

Satele- Weak link. Grigs needs to cut meat and rid himself of this mistake.  The longer he stays, the more people are going to question if Grig's knows what he is doing.

Sheppard- I didn't expect anything out of him anyway. 


DHB- One-year cheap rental, but an unmitigated bust, nonetheless.  

McGlynn- Okay as a backup center.  Nothing more than a stop-gap measure until Grigs can get this roster filled out.

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I don't think Walden was a bust. Walden was a fairly decent pickup for the most part.

I also don't think Landry was a bust either.  I think we could have gotten more out of

him in coverage, but he certainly was an upgrade over Tom Zibikowski that's for sure.



As far as busts are concerned I think DHB was a complete bust along with Satele and Mcglynn.

Those are the consensus BUSTS.  Toler is not one of my favorites either, and I wouldn't cry if

he we replaced him but I'd be willing to give him another shot if we do keep him



TRich may turn into a MEGA BUST but we won't have that answer until the new season starts.

I certainly haven't seen much in his running style and awareness that makes me feel positive.

Yeah I forgot about DHB I guess it was because he's so obvious.  

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I don't think Walden was a bust. Walden was a fairly decent pickup for the most part.

I also don't think Landry was a bust either.  I think we could have gotten more out of

him in coverage, but he certainly was an upgrade over Tom Zibikowski that's for sure.



As far as busts are concerned I think DHB was a complete bust along with Satele and Mcglynn.

Those are the consensus BUSTS.  Toler is not one of my favorites either, and I wouldn't cry if

he we replaced him but I'd be willing to give him another shot if we do keep him



TRich may turn into a MEGA BUST but we won't have that answer until the new season starts.

I certainly haven't seen much in his running style and awareness that makes me feel positive.

Okay maybe Landry isn't a bust that may be a strong word on him. But I expected so much more a lot more. 

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In fairness to Grigson regarding the subject of DHB, we did try very hard to reel in the "WHOPPER" whoever the heck that was before we had to settle on DHB.  By the time we decided on DHB there was really no one left that would be a better choice over him for the most part.

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IMO, the following are busts:

DHB- Grigson brought  Bey in knowing his hand were not that good.

Toler- History of injuries and IMO, this injuries will continue and Toler stated this past season , that he can not play if not 100%..

Satele- I understand Grigson thought that Satele was the best he could get in the FA, but Grigson did not  let Satele go, even after McGlynn proved to be a better Center.


These last 2 is based on where they were drafted verses impact on team:

Fleener- If Coach Pagano was really going power running, Drafting Fleener in the 2nd round was a reach, as Fleener is a Pass receiver not a blocker.

Warner- This is Grigson's fault not Warner's.  You do not draft a project player in the first round, unless you are set at all positions on the team.  I am not saying that Warner will be bad or a true bust, but for where he was drafted he is, as he is not a impact player or starter.

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I don't think Walden was a bust. Walden was a fairly decent pickup for the most part.

I also don't think Landry was a bust either.  I think we could have gotten more out of

him in coverage, but he certainly was an upgrade over Tom Zibikowski that's for sure.



As far as busts are concerned I think DHB was a complete bust along with Satele and Mcglynn.

Those are the consensus BUSTS.  Toler is not one of my favorites either, and I wouldn't cry if

he we replaced him but I'd be willing to give him another shot if we do keep him



TRich may turn into a MEGA BUST but we won't have that answer until the new season starts.

I certainly haven't seen much in his running style and awareness that makes me feel positive.

Yes I agree with you on TRich.

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Toler, DHB, and Satele have been busts. Trading for Sheppard was a bad trade. You cant call RJF, Walden, or even Landry a bust though. I know Landry missed some tackles (Maybe due to injury), but when we bring in a true FS who is good in coverage Landry will excel. JMO.

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I'll just note that I can't stand the rampant overuse of the word "bust."


That's all. Carry on.


I'll not only agree with your view there,  but I'd add that I hate the constant drum beat of....


"This guy sucks!    That guy sucks!"


If I had a dollar for every time someone here used Bust and Sucks, I could retire tomorrow!!

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I think of busted Grigs free agents I think of...








Probably TRich but still not totally sure yet on him. 


I know I'm leaving some out like some on the DL. But I'll let everybody else give there opinion that. 


I think the verdict is still out on Grigson I don't a opinion on him yet. 


What players make your lists?




23 wins in his first two seasons and you don't have an opinion on him yet?     :facepalm:


You think it's all Andrew Luck?!?


Wow.    You're a tough grader!

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I think of busted Grigs free agents I think of...








Probably TRich but still not totally sure yet on him. 


I know I'm leaving some out like some on the DL. But I'll let everybody else give there opinion that. 


I think the verdict is still out on Grigson I don't a opinion on him yet. 


What players make your lists?

Landry wasn't that bad but the rest sucked.

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Satele-bust.  Looks confused.  Defenders go right around him and he stands there looking left and right.

McGlynn-backup quality center. 

Landry-hard hitter.  Decent on the run but not on the pass.

Toler-injured too much like Bob Sanders.  Good when he's in, but...

Walden was adequate.

Richardson-jury is still out.  I'd like to see what happens with an improved o-line and experience in training camp. He was thrown to the wolves.  I realize that's part of the game but TC might help him. 

DHB-I had high hopes (I hate that new Springsteen song) for DHB but it didn't work. I'd hoped he'd step up when Reggie got hurt.  He's made a few good plays but that's about it.  He's fast but no hands.  I liked him on special teams, though. 

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Hard to call DHB a bust on his one year, prove it to me contract (he didn't). I file him under "nothing ventured, nothing gained". And he did contribute, just not as the WR we all hoped he'd be for the Colts.

Hard to call McGlynn a bust as everyone knew he was a career backup brought here to start out of necessity.

Hard to call most of the others y'all have listed busts because they haven't been here long enough to know.

Satele, on the other hand, stands out for not playing well enough to merit his salary in his time here, IMO.

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Toler, DHB, and Satele have been busts. Trading for Sheppard was a bad trade. You cant call RJF, Walden, or even Landry a bust though. I know Landry missed some tackles (Maybe due to injury), but when we bring in a true FS who is good in coverage Landry will excel. JMO.


I thought so, too, about Sheppard. He's been mediocre at best.  If I remember correctly, we traded Jerry Hughes for him.  I always thought that Hughes didn't fit in the 4-3 system as a DE but he would have been better at OLB in a 3-4, which we now run.  I think we should have given him time.  Of course, I wasn't considering his contract, salary, etc. 

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I'm going to go with the players I felt offered nothing for what they were brought in to do:


Landry-A glorified LB playing safety. He can hit. But he can't offer you anything in coverage. Also had injury issues


DHB-He might have been the worst receiver we've ever had on the Colts. Even Blair White (Remember him lol) offered more. In terms of people who were high profile draft picks, he could be one of the worst WR's ever. All speed, no ability to do anything else


Walden-He offered nothing in pass rush. Nothing. Werner wasn't fantastic either but he was a rookie learning a new position. I lost all respect for him when he head-butted Delanie Walker when he didn't have his helmet on.

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I'm going to go with the players I felt offered nothing for what they were brought in to do:


Landry-A glorified LB playing safety. He can hit. But he can't offer you anything in coverage. Also had injury issues


DHB-He might have been the worst receiver we've ever had on the Colts. Even Blair White (Remember him lol) offered more. In terms of people who were high profile draft picks, he could be one of the worst WR's ever. All speed, no ability to do anything else


Walden-He offered nothing in pass rush. Nothing. Werner wasn't fantastic either but he was a rookie learning a new position. I lost all respect for him when he head-butted Delanie Walker when he didn't have his helmet on.

Wasnt Walden brought in to set the edge???

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Toler- For some reason a lot of people like him on here. Everyone knew he was a injury prone player who we basically traded for Powers (and paid more), and somehow he got injured more than Powers did. We need to get someone in FA, and/or draft and call it quits on Toler. Especially since Gordy played just as well (maybe a tad better) as he did, for a lot less money. 


Landry- Maybe if we pair him with a better safety (that has range) he wouldn't get burnt so much...? Idk. He has great speed, but I was pretty disappointed with his play this year. If he could be taught to tackle without leaving his feet, I'll be happier with him.


Satele- If he's on the Colts roster this year, I will vomit profusely. Satele is a joke plain and simple. Man up Grigson, just say you made a mistake and MOVE ON. 


Sheppard- He needs cut, like yesterday. Buffalo got the waaaaaaay better end of that deal. He's meh against the run, and not very good in coverage. Plus, he plays slow. That's 3 strikes. 


Walden- Overpaid a little? Sure. But for the most part he did play well and did what he was supposed to. 


DHB- I like his attitude after being demoted, but sorry bud, time to hit the streets. I'd be interested in seeing a team take the time to teach him the CB position. 


McGlynn- Bust at Guard. Decent at Center. If he's a backup Center, I'd be ok with it. If he's put in at Guard, I'll go bananas, because that was something the coaching staff and/or Grigson failed to realize the guy in a turn style at guard. 

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Wasnt Walden brought in to set the edge???

I thought he was brought in to be OLB that COULD set the edge. We knew Werner wasn't going to be able to set the edge, which is why he wasn't  a starter. But I think we still expected Walden to be a pass rusher. I don't think the gameplan was to have Mathis be the only person on the D-line that OC's had to account for.

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