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Did 2013 free agency doom the Colts?


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At this time....The only bad pickup last year in my opinion was DHB.  But at the time, I was you know....He does have talent, he deserves to try to be on a winning team, you know, not with Oakland.  He had a chance, but didn't do anything with it.  But I would have 100% as a GM, given him a chance.  I would have benched him a lot sooner though also. 


None of us know what goes on behind the closed doors, who really knows the system, knows the play book, injuries they hide.  The coaches do. 


Chemistry is HUGE and while some people don't understand that you "can't just cut players loose", due to the contract....You would sink us if we had all this dead money people seem to forget about each year.


And as far as Trent goes, I agree 100% at this time, I am willing to give him until 6 to 8 games into next seasons to see where he is.  YOU ARE RIGHT, if he still isn't getting the job done, bad trade!  But if you are WRONG and he is getting the job done, good trade, but I am not willing to just give up yet.


The first few years Reggie was a Colt, I hated him!  Hated how he played, dropped passes, made mistakes, YES THAT REGGIE WAYNE NOW THAT WE LOVE!  I was 100% wrong about him.  And it made me understand, sometimes, you need time to develop!  Only a few players are studs coming into the NFL right off the bat!

Yep, DBH, we certainly dropped the ball on that one.........

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Maybe I'm wrong, but Landry has played FS a lot. Not because he is good in coverage, but because Bethea is bad. When Landry has played in-box SS, he was just fine. IMO

Well then for that sake's argument I really hope we don't resign Bethea and find a true coverage FS. We don't need two starting safeties who cant cover.

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Who are you to say we overpaid anyone? I'm so sick of "we overpaid for this person we all wanted to be signed, cut him!" It's maddening how little logic is used around here.


I think Walden, RJF, and Landry are all great pieces to the defense but "over-signed needs to be cut" is a definite for Satele and possibly Toler.

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We aren't doomed as long as we have Andrew Luck, he makes up for most of the weaknesses on the team. Grigson did make a mistake of over paying for career backups in RJF, Walden, and Toler. RJF, Walden, and Toler didn't provide much during the season, in fact i thought they did more to hurt the team then help. I think if we would have used that money on Vasquez, DRC, and Shaun Phillips we would be still playing in the playoffs. 

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I realize I may have over exaggerated my choice term of "doom." I didn't mean this franchise is doomed. I meant that with the contracts we paid out to these average players at best, are we stuck with them considering Grigson is most likely unwilling to admit he was wrong with some of them? 

The contracts that were signed were short term and will not cost the Colts too much to terminate the players that are not wanted back. The has been no clue that Grigson is unwilling to admit he missed on a pick or contract signed. There is some finger pointing with Richardson but so far that is not played out yet.

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What is wrong with our fanbase? Do people realize how much success we've had the past two years, with very little quality pieces?

Doomed is the last thing this franchise is currently.




Exactly! Have I liked every move made? No, but every GM makes a questionable signing or trade every once in a while. At least Grigson has the cajones to make a move and dabble in free agency, unlike our last GM. When I see some of the remarks made on this forum, I sometimes think I must have been transported to an alternate universe filled with all kinds of stupid.

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Who are you to say we overpaid anyone? I'm so sick of "we overpaid for this person we all wanted to be signed, cut him!" It's maddening how little logic is used around here.



No, see THAT's the problem.  Grigson DIDN'T sign the players that a lot of fans wanted.  They wanted names but Grigson went out and found players.  


Instead of Toler, people wanted Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie.

Instead of Cherilus, people wanted Jake Long

Instead of Thomas, people wanted Vasquez or Levitre

Instead of RJF, people wanted...ok I don't remember the DE/DT that was high on most people's lists

Instead of Walden, people wanted Phillips or Avril


Therefore, there are people who are going to hate our guys and say they're overpaid because they're not the "names" that were desired.  Despite the fact that these guys played well.


BTW, this thread makes me miss the dislike button.

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Grigson had a ton of money to spend in FA but didn't hit it out of the park with any of the signings(Is Cherilus really a homerun?) due in large part to injuries. If Thomas, Allen, Bradshaw, Ballard, and Wayne stay healthy maybe this team is playing Sunday. That offense could have score 45 points against New England.  If we didn't endure the injuries, we don't make the TRich trade.  Then we could well be feeling that Grigson should be the EOTY again.

Most of the 2013 contracts aren't that bad, are cap-friendly, and are, in some cases, one-year rentals,  The 2013 draft, OTOH, could turn out to be an unmitigated disaster.  The stench from the TRich trade could linger a while too.  I don't give high marks for Grigson in 2013, but he did such a great job in 2012, that we're still in a good position.  But, importantly, he has been smart about how he has managed contracts for the most part. 

I'm ecstatic that we were able to improve upon 2012.  Plus, we have #12 at QB.  We have the opportunity to upgrade players such as Satele, McGlynn, Bethea, Angerer, Brown(?) and DHB.  There could be a substantial improvement by next season, if we can address the offensive and defensive lines.  To my knowledge, those positions should be the easiest to fix. 

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what is wrong with Landry?? I think he has done fairly well for us this year. heck he even made a few key stops for us that either helped us get the ball back for a GW drive or keeping the other team from getting a new set of downs in a close game. Landry has always been a good hard hitting safety. now Satele on the other hand, that has to be the worst signing i have ever seen. but feel that was a desperation move by grigson to fill the Center hole we ended up with after Saturday left to go to green bay. I think Saturday could have helped that line and Luck in the 2012 season. 

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Grigson had a ton of money to spend in FA but didn't hit it out of the park with any of the signings(Is Cherilus really a homerun?) due in large part to injuries. If Thomas, Allen, Bradshaw, Ballard, and Wayne stay healthy maybe this team is playing Sunday. That offense could have score 45 points against New England.  If we didn't endure the injuries, we don't make the TRich trade.  Then we could well be feeling that Grigson should be the EOTY again.

Most of the 2013 contracts aren't that bad, are cap-friendly, and are, in some cases, one-year rentals,  The 2013 draft, OTOH, could turn out to be an unmitigated disaster.  The stench from the TRich trade could linger a while too.  I don't give high marks for Grigson in 2013, but he did such a great job in 2012, that we're still in a good position.  But, importantly, he has been smart about how he has managed contracts for the most part. 

I'm ecstatic that we were able to improve upon 2012.  Plus, we have #12 at QB.  We have the opportunity to upgrade players such as Satele, McGlynn, Bethea, Angerer, Brown(?) and DHB.  There could be a substantial improvement by next season, if we can address the offensive and defensive lines.  To my knowledge, those positions should be the easiest to fix. 

I dont see Bethea being on a different team next year. he is still one of our better defensive players regardless of how he played last season which wasn't bad, but wasn't his best. Richardson will be fine, he just needs a little time in camp fully grasp the offense. i also dont think the whole " power run " idea worked to well with the colts this year anyway due to the interior line not being good. only reason brown was good was because he is a speed back and not a power back. he was a first round pick as well and took him 4 years to finally break out. IMO i dont see Richardson taking as long especially if we get a new center and Thomas comes back healthy next year. 

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No, see THAT's the problem.  Grigson DIDN'T sign the players that a lot of fans wanted.  They wanted names but Grigson went out and found players.  


Instead of Toler, people wanted Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie.

Instead of Cherilus, people wanted Jake Long

Instead of Thomas, people wanted Vasquez or Levitre

Instead of RJF, people wanted...ok I don't remember the DE/DT that was high on most people's lists

Instead of Walden, people wanted Phillips or Avril


Therefore, there are people who are going to hate our guys and say they're overpaid because they're not the "names" that were desired.  Despite the fact that these guys played well.


BTW, this thread makes me miss the dislike button.

I wont deny i wanted Levitre last year. DRC wouldn't have been good for us, and Jake Long isn't good for what the colts were wanting to do anyway in power running. Avril would have been nice, but Walden got better as the year went on. but i am fine with who we got with the exception of Toler. I said when we signed him that he was and is a injury concern much like Bob Sanders was and a lot of people called me crazy. in the end a lot of these signings were not that bad. especially considering we had a lot of holes that needed fixing for a 3-4 defensive scheme. just did not have the players we needed. although i wish we would have gave freeney another shot but i doubt he wanted to stay anyway. 

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Well as much as I want to say Satele is bad and overpaid. Andrew Luck wouldn't have ever made that Superman touchdown against the Chiefs if it didn't bounce off Sateles head.

It most likely would have been a fumble for a possible Chiefs recovery for a touchdown.

We got our $5,000,000 worth for the year...

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With a lot of us questioning Grigson's decisions to overpay for players like RJF, Walden, Toler, and Landry, did Grigson doom us on these players due to his intent to back his decisions and not admit defeat on them by cutting them loose?


I feel that Grigson needs a strong 2014 offseason in both Free Agency and the draft since last year's offseason was pretty poor as far as production. Our draft class wasn't impactful either. Hopefully they prove us wrong and show up in 2014.

Honestly I don't think we are doomed, I think all the guys you listed had there moments, and played well. Injuries are part of the game who knows unless they have a track record of such. The draft I think Werner, Thornton, Hughes, have a shot to be good players, Holmes ? don't know, Rodgers, McNary, were potentially nice pickups. One thing about free agents if you want them you GOT TO PAY. Thats the realty. 

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Toler is good WHEN HEALTHY!!


I completely agree. I meant at the price for half a season. I am not one to "give up" on or claim he needs to be cut. I just thought those two players I mentioned were expendable based on their contract and quality (lack) of play this year.

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I completely agree. I meant at the price for half a season. I am not one to "give up" on or claim he needs to be cut. I just thought those two players I mentioned were expendable based on their contract and quality (lack) of play this year.

We have Tolar so its worth it to me if he is healthy. The problem is I don't think he was healthy when he was in Arizona either? He is a risk?

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No, see THAT's the problem.  Grigson DIDN'T sign the players that a lot of fans wanted.  They wanted names but Grigson went out and found players.  


Instead of Toler, people wanted Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie.

Instead of Cherilus, people wanted Jake Long

Instead of Thomas, people wanted Vasquez or Levitre

Instead of RJF, people wanted...ok I don't remember the DE/DT that was high on most people's lists

Instead of Walden, people wanted Phillips or Avril


Therefore, there are people who are going to hate our guys and say they're overpaid because they're not the "names" that were desired.  Despite the fact that these guys played well.


BTW, this thread makes me miss the dislike button.

I like your like of the dislike. 

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Well as much as I want to say Satele is bad and overpaid. Andrew Luck wouldn't have ever made that Superman touchdown against the Chiefs if it didn't bounce off Sateles head.

It most likely would have been a fumble for a possible Chiefs recovery for a touchdown.

We got our $5,000,000 worth for the year...

I know you were making a joke, but what the heck was our center doing standing straight up 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage?

Might have been the only time he was in the right place all year to make to make a game changing play.

You know, you would think that he would have been in the middle of the scrum at the goal line, epitomizes his season.


Just Saying   :facepalm:


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Imo without those key FA signings we're an 8-8 team with this schedule being a lot more difficult than last years. RJF, GC, Walden, and even Landry and Bradshaw  to a lesser extent all played solid rolls in our key victories over SF, SEA, Den, n KC(2x). Draft class is still waiting to be judged. Swear some of you people can never be pleased.

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No it did not doom us by any means. I must say though every year the goal is to win a SB. And when we fail to do so I agree with the OP to question what went wrong. I mean we didn't sign and draft all these players to make it to the playoffs and not go all the way. The contracts that was offered to guys like Toler, RJF, DHB, and Walden they are all cuttable I think that's a word lol. But I would like to see Toler, RJF, DHB, and maybe Walden gone. Brent Grimes, a true 3-4 DE, and draft a WR and we be good lol.

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Grigson had a lot of holes and tried to fill them hoping to hit a jackpot on at least some.  It appears that they are all just average (acceptable) but with a couple real stinkers mixed in (DHB, Toler health, TRich so far).  We'll see if there is improvement or regression next year with these average guys. Grigson doesn't have to admit' to anything at this point.


As far as injuries, we have them every year. More than a few of them, and we will likely continue to do so.  So does every other NFL team.  It is just football these days.  31 teams in the league can use that excuse.  Some teams are well coached, have good depth, and can maintain with injuries. The Pats (unfortunately) are typically an example of this.

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I realize I may have over exaggerated my choice term of "doom." I didn't mean this franchise is doomed. I meant that with the contracts we paid out to these average players at best, are we stuck with them considering Grigson is most likely unwilling to admit he was wrong with some of them?

You started a bad thread and then compounded its awfulness with this nugget.

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I can say this, I bet grigs admits to himself in his own mind that he messed up with a few free agents and trent. Also speaks to himself that he best make better decisions from here on out.

I have a hard enough time trying to decipher your thoughts. That challenge is doubled when you are attempting to tell the world what someone else is thinking.

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