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Bayless is off the deep-end


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You are doing exactly what he wants you to.  He says crazy stuff to ruffle your feathers and here you are posting about it and trying to drive traffic to ESPN.com. 


He does the same crap guys like Limbaugh do.  Say crazy stuff that they know will rile up their base and increase attention.

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Let me simplify this equation.

Skip hates Irsay.

Irsay owns the Colts.

Andrew is the Colts QB.

Skip hates Andrew.

Throw in a little RG3 competition, and his gimmick is more than a little transparent.


What's the history between Bayless and Irsay?

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Skips article wasn't as bad as that dan guy from b globe. All he said is he isn't ready to annoint luck yet. Luck has a lot more to prove. Time to crush ne.


I'll get ripped as well possibly, but I did watch him and Stephen A this past week (sorry, but I was channel surfing and they had the Colts logo on the screen!).  I couldn't disagree with him much as he said Luck is not ready to be mentioned with the likes of Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Brees yet.  I didn't read that article (yes, don't want to give him more clicks), but if he just said the same thing, then eh....

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Skip goes out of his way to look like a *. Of course he took Grigson's " Jordan " comment out of context, then Pagano's " HoF" quote too. He even complained that Luck has no " star-appeal", that he looks like a Olineman with a bad beard. Then goes on to complain about nothing in his game is spectacular. And of course he made a number of excuses for the Chiefs. Oh and yes, he mentions Tim Tebow.

Then almost 99% of the Facebook comments are slamming Skip Bayless. LoL.

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Skips article wasn't as bad as that dan guy from b globe. All he said is he isn't ready to annoint luck yet. Luck has a lot more to prove. Time to crush ne.

It wasn't is worst work ( or best work??? ). He did end that the future could prove him wrong about Andrew Luck. My biggest problem with his article is how he takes everything out of context, in order to synthesize an argument for himself and how he makes excuses for The Chiefs. The injury bug bites everyone, the Colts have been bitten all season long and Skip wants to complain about all the Chiefs that were getting hurt during the game.

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The article is mostly what you'd expect from Bayless....


But in this particular case,  I'll defend old Skipper........ to a point.


This whole article was inspired by the comments of Grigson and Pagano after the KC game.


Grigson compares Andrew to Michael Jordan....   and Pagano says he may go down as the Greatest of All Time.


There was no reason -- none -- for either man to make either comment at that time.     You can say lots of very nice, very complimentary things about your quarterback without comparing Luck to Jordan or saying he maybe the GOAT.


That was a mistake and that's what led to the Bayless article.


The article is filled with lots and lots and lots of Skip's nonsense.    I can rip it apart without any problem. 


But the point is....  it was inspired by the Grigson/Pagano quotes....  Skip himself points to those comments high up in the story.  


This was entirely predictable.    We brought it on ourselves.    So, for that reason,  I'll give Skip a pass.   The * was just doing what *s do.

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not even going to post a link.  just go to ESPN's home page right now.  Nuff-said.


ok, here's the link,,,, espn's home page changes like the weather in Indiana




nice article thanks for posting . . . I like Skip . . . I think he is just trying to bring a little prospective to the people who surround Luck . . . I do think Luck is a keeper and should do very well in the NFL . . . but he does have an Eli quality about him, Jekyll and Hyde, where he can throw three picks and loose 49-10 or be clean win and win 31-17 or do both like last week . . .


I think all Skip is doing is what some might want to do with some of Luck's supporters and do their best Dennis Green  and say "Luck is who we think he is (great QB with great potential in the NFL) and if you want to crown his behind (GOAT) then crown him, but Luck is who we think he is and KC let him off the hook (great players can come from behind but at times needs help from opponent after getting too far in a hole)"


time will tell and there is a world of a career ahead of Luck and he is already off to a fast start, I just think Skip wants to see a few more results in the book before we crown him . . . very likely Luck has the most potential of any young QB . . . but as we all know teammates, injuries, bad bounces, can fort a good season . . .

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I think some of his personality has to do with his upbringing. I read an article about him in GQ/Esquire (can't remember which) and he talked about his very dysfunctional childhood. His parents were alcoholics and he had it pretty rough growing up. I am not apologizing for him...I think he is a clown. But I think he possesses a degree of bitterness from that terrible childhood

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The article is mostly what you'd expect from Bayless....

But in this particular case, I'll defend old Skipper........ to a point.

This whole article was inspired by the comments of Grigson and Pagano after the KC game.

Grigson compares Andrew to Michael Jordan.... and Pagano says he may go down as the Greatest of All Time.

There was no reason -- none -- for either man to make either comment at that time. You can say lots of very nice, very complimentary things about your quarterback without comparing Luck to Jordan or saying he maybe the GOAT.

That was a mistake and that's what led to the Bayless article.

The article is filled with lots and lots and lots of Skip's nonsense. I can rip it apart without any problem.

But the point is.... it was inspired by the Grigson/Pagano quotes.... Skip himself points to those comments high up in the story.

This was entirely predictable. We brought it on ourselves. So, for that reason, I'll give Skip a pass. The * was just doing what *s do.

Grigs didn't say "Luck is as good as MJ" however, and that's the story ESPN continues to run with. Grigs just said Andrew wants the ball late just like MJ. He has that mentality. Nothing crazy about that.

If they think he's going to be one of the greatest ever. Why shouldn't they say it?

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lmao! Skip is dumb. Take one line said and turn it into the biggest non issue on the planet. " his coach said he could go down as one of the best ever to play if not the best"... ok,,, So have some of the players in the league skip what about those guys that said that. Or the MJ line... taken way out of context no one wants to say what Grigs actually said... because he was referring to wanting the ball late in games. but whatever.


When he said "his" Patriots i  quit listening.. two years ago his boys were the Broncos... Until they cut his boy. I am very surprised to be honest that Skip has not had physical harm done.

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nice article thanks for posting . . . I like Skip . . . I think he is just trying to bring a little prospective to the people who surround Luck . . . I do think Luck is a keeper and should do very well in the NFL . . . but he does have an Eli quality about him, Jekyll and Hyde, where he can throw three picks and loose 49-10 or be clean win and win 31-17 or do both like last week . . .

I think all Skip is doing is what some might want to do with some of Luck's supporters and do their best Dennis Green and say "Luck is who we think he is (great QB with great potential in the NFL) and if you want to crown his behind (GOAT) then crown him, but Luck is who we think he is and KC let him off the hook (great players can come from behind but at times needs help from opponent after getting too far in a hole)"

time will tell and there is a world of a career ahead of Luck and he is already off to a fast start, I just think Skip wants to see a few more results in the book before we crown him . . . very likely Luck has the most potential of any young QB . . . but as we all know teammates, injuries, bad bounces, can fort a good season . . .

Skip crowned Tebow after one mediocre season. He just doesn't like to publicity support "favorites."

Going against the grain leave more room for "I told you so" later on. That's all Skip wants.

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I think Grigs and Pagano were just excited and let those quotes slip out.  Besides opening Luck up to haters (especially if he has bad games), it also just puts needless pressure on him.  I think they'd take back those comments if they could.  No matter the context, just keep things like "Jordon" and "GOAT" out of it.

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nice article thanks for posting . . . I like Skip . . . I think he is just trying to bring a little prospective to the people who surround Luck . . . I do think Luck is a keeper and should do very well in the NFL . . . but he does have an Eli quality about him, Jekyll and Hyde, where he can throw three picks and loose 49-10 or be clean win and win 31-17 or do both like last week . . .


I think all Skip is doing is what some might want to do with some of Luck's supporters and do their best Dennis Green  and say "Luck is who we think he is (great QB with great potential in the NFL) and if you want to crown his behind (GOAT) then crown him, but Luck is who we think he is and KC let him off the hook (great players can come from behind but at times needs help from opponent after getting too far in a hole)"


time will tell and there is a world of a career ahead of Luck and he is already off to a fast start, I just think Skip wants to see a few more results in the book before we crown him . . . very likely Luck has the most potential of any young QB . . . but as we all know teammates, injuries, bad bounces, can fort a good season . . .


I take exception with the bolded, on several levels.


1) All great quarterbacks have bad games. I'll be cliche and run right to Manning and Brady, who have both had terrible games and were the major factor in their team losing. It happens, and it's not even remotely surprising for a second year QB to play poorly. (And if we're comparing him to Robert Griffin, which is Bayless' sole mission in life, we have more than a handful of terrible games from Griffin this season alone.)


2) What Andrew Luck and the Colts did last week has only been done by two other teams in the history of the NFL playoffs. Eli has never done it. Robert Griffin has certainly never done it. As a matter of fact, NO ONE has done it aside from Jim Kelly and the Bills, and they needed overtime. Jeff Garcia led the Niners back from 24 points against the Giants in 2003, but no one is comparing Luck to Jeff Garcia.


What Skip Bayless is doing is what he's done since before the Colts drafted Andrew Luck, and that's undermine Luck's qualities and abilities, for no reason other than to be controversial. It has nothing to do with Grigson's comments (which are far less glowing than the nonsense Bayless wrote about Brady a few weeks ago) or Pagano's comments, because GMs and coaches speaking glowingly of their own players all the time. Jim Harbaugh just declared Michael Crabtree the best pass catcher EVER. This is Bayless being the same wild-eyed troll he always is about everything. He spent several years proclaiming that LeBron James was overrated and would never win a title, and the day after Miami won their first championship, he did nothing but double down on his stupid and indefensible point of view. He is a troll of the greatest order, and no one should ever take him seriously or even give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't deserve it.

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You are doing exactly what he wants you to.  He says crazy stuff to ruffle your feathers and here you are posting about it and trying to drive traffic to ESPN.com. 


He does the same crap guys like Limbaugh do.  Say crazy stuff that they know will rile up their base and increase attention.

Dont click his links, and dont use his name.


From now on, I move that we use a different name for Skippy that we will all know who we are referring to. 



"The *". 

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I think Grigs and Pagano were just excited and let those quotes slip out.  Besides opening Luck up to haters (especially if he has bad games), it also just puts needless pressure on him.  I think they'd take back those comments if they could.  No matter the context, just keep things like "Jordon" and "GOAT" out of it.


There's no reason to take their comments back. If you read or listen to what they actually said, rather than listening to the sensationalized versions that are being promoted by the media, it's clear that there's nothing controversial about them, nothing that would put pressure on Luck beyond what he already has to deal with.

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