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AFC South Champions 2013


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First off, a big CONGRATS to the Colts for winning the AFC South 2 years after cutting almost everyone on the roster and undergoing a major re-build.


Secondly, like most others have said, we ARE in the 2nd year of a re-buiild.  We are a fairly young team, have been decimated by injuries.   We have a 2nd year QB who will only continue to grow and become better.


This is only the beginning and it WILL get better from here.  We are miles ahead of where most everyone expected us to be.  Do we have work to do, of course we do !!!  Will we continue to struggle?  This year, unfortunately yes.  BUT, we have some young and up and coming players that are just now coming into their own.


I am excited as to how far we've come.  Do I wish we would be playing better, of course, we all do. This is the 1st of many steps we have taken.


Let's GOOOOOOOO Colts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :disco:  :disco:  :rock:  :rock:

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The two major words that I can say about the Colts being the AFC South champions is PATHETIC & EMBARRASSING. Anyone that wastes their hard earned money to go and watch that dumpster fire in a home playoff game deserves to lose that money. Stay at home and watch the dumpster fire, I promise that there will be no miracle comebacks or any type of a SB run here. Guess what, all of the players are saying the same thing that they have ALL season " we need to execute and play better". The interviews with the players are laughable and the players have lost all of their credibility.

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The two major words that I can say about the Colts being the AFC South champions is PATHETIC & EMBARRASSING. Anyone that wastes their hard earned money to go and watch that dumpster fire in a home playoff game deserves to lose that money. Stay at home and watch the dumpster fire, I promise that there will be no miracle comebacks or any type of a SB run here. Guess what, all of the players are saying the same thing that they have ALL season " we need to execute and play better". The interviews with the players are laughable and the players have lost all of their credibility.

Hey keyboard tough guy...why don't you walk into the Colts facility and tell the players, who have been busting their butts all season, what you just typed? I'll stand outside to see if you make it out alive. Being critical is one thing, being a flat out troll is another.

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The two major words that I can say about the Colts being the AFC South champions is PATHETIC & EMBARRASSING. Anyone that wastes their hard earned money to go and watch that dumpster fire in a home playoff game deserves to lose that money. Stay at home and watch the dumpster fire, I promise that there will be no miracle comebacks or any type of a SB run here. Guess what, all of the players are saying the same thing that they have ALL season " we need to execute and play better". The interviews with the players are laughable and the players have lost all of their credibility.


Wow if you really dislike the Colts that much, you can always go find another team !!!  Pathetic and embarassing, only 2 years after a major overhaul???  Why don't you try walking into the locker room and tell the team that, and see where it gets you.  I'm sure there are 31 other teams that might welcome you, then again maybe not.  

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Wow if you really dislike the Colts that much, you can always go find another team !!!  Pathetic and embarassing, only 2 years after a major overhaul???  Why don't you try walking into the locker room and tell the team that, and see where it gets you.  I'm sure there are 31 other teams that might welcome you, then again maybe not.  

WE have a right to ticked off. Don't like it? Go some where else and post.  Let's face it, the colts are pathetic losers. Gutless chumps.


Even though I will still cheer on my colts, they have no chance in the playoffs. Even the jags would do better.

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WE have a right to ticked off. Don't like it? Go some where else and post.  Let's face it, the colts are pathetic losers. Gutless chumps.


Even though I will still cheer on my colts, they have no chance in the playoffs. Even the jags would do better.


Wow pathetic losers and gutless chumps??????//  What has this forum come to???.  I'm embarassed reading some of these posts here :(


I am going nowehre !!!  This is MY team, whether you like it or not !!!!!!!  

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I just can't wait. Imagine.....WC weekend at home....... :yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo:


I really do love our chances for the first playoff game assuming it's on WC weekend (okay it is going to be on WC weekend barring a miracle of epic proportions lol)........



Steps are being taken.....


1) 2012: WC team

2) 2013: Division winners



I like to think we reverse last season and win at home on WC weekend instead of losing on the road on WC weekend.




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Wow pathetic losers and gutless chumps??????//  What has this forum come to???.  I'm embarassed reading some of these posts here :(


I am going nowehre !!!  This is MY team, whether you like it or not !!!!!!!  


Don't let it get you down.  Some people just enjoy wallowing in negativity.


When healthy, the Colts defeated the Seahawks and the Broncos . . . two teams that some are predicting to be in the SB.


Pretty amazing for a bunch of pathetic losers and gutless chumps.

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I'm so confused at the amount of "fans" who don't recognize what an accomplishment it is to win your division. It's what everyone hoped for when this season started, but now? "Not good enough for me."

Spoiled, over privileged, babies. Embarrassed that anyone might lump me in as the same type of fan as them.

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If I had to guess...I would guess the posters calling the Colts "pathetic" and "embarrassing" are a median age of 23....and have no recollection of what this team was in the 80s-90s. Now

THOSE were some bad teams. These kids probably grew up on Manning winning 12 every year. And it makes me at 33 feel really old.

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If I had to guess...I would guess the posters calling the Colts "pathetic" and "embarrassing" are a median age of 23....and have no recollection of what this team was in the 80s-90s. Now

THOSE were some bad teams. These kids probably grew up on Manning winning 12 every year. And it makes me at 33 feel really old.

I'm 60, I've seen a lot of baddddd Colts teams. This one isn't one of them.

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Even though we lost that game yesterday, I came away a little excited after seeing a spark at the WR position. Rodgers and Brazill both were rather impressive to me in that game yesterday. Trust me, after last week I was praying for ANYTHING to happen that might cause for less throws to DHB. I'm not saying that because we have more hopeful options at WR now means we are going to the Super Bowl, but I for one was pretty relieved to finally see that Luck may have some weapons going forward into these last 3 games and into the playoffs. 


I know it sucks we lost Wayne and that has been a big part of our struggle these past few weeks. But I honestly don't think Wayne was the ONLY reason we beat the 49ers, Seahawks, and Broncos. Watching that game yesterday our defense played great in the first half for the most part but our offense didn't show up. Then in the second half our offense came out firing but the defense was tired from being on the field too long the first half and couldn't stop the Bengals offense. This team just needs both sides to show up in the first half and play consistently. If they can figure out how to do that, call me crazy, but I think the Colts could really turn this thing around. 


I know it's no easy task that we will probably have to play the Chiefs on Wild Card weekend. But I just believe the Colts can still get hot at the right time and make a run for it. Having that game at home is going to help out a lot too. I know some will just call me a wishful thinker, but I don't know why I just really feel in my gut like it's not time to give up on the Colts just yet. 


Alright sorry my rant is over. I just love my AFC South Division Winning Colts! GO COLTS :)

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WE have a right to ticked off. Don't like it? Go some where else and post.  Let's face it, the colts are pathetic losers. Gutless chumps.


Even though I will still cheer on my colts, they have no chance in the playoffs. Even the jags would do better.


gutless chumps, they haven't lost back to back games & are dealing with tons of injuries...

It is gutless of fans to over react to a loss against a good up & coming bengals team, a team who many fans have recognized as having potential to be the next major rival for the Colts...

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The two major words that I can say about the Colts being the AFC South champions is PATHETIC & EMBARRASSING. Anyone that wastes their hard earned money to go and watch that dumpster fire in a home playoff game deserves to lose that money. Stay at home and watch the dumpster fire, I promise that there will be no miracle comebacks or any type of a SB run here. Guess what, all of the players are saying the same thing that they have ALL season " we need to execute and play better". The interviews with the players are laughable and the players have lost all of their credibility.

yea tough guy

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If I had to guess...I would guess the posters calling the Colts "pathetic" and "embarrassing" are a median age of 23....and have no recollection of what this team was in the 80s-90s. Now

THOSE were some bad teams. These kids probably grew up on Manning winning 12 every year. And it makes me at 33 feel really old.

isn't that the truth...///

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If I had to guess...I would guess the posters calling the Colts "pathetic" and "embarrassing" are a median age of 23....and have no recollection of what this team was in the 80s-90s. Now

THOSE were some bad teams. These kids probably grew up on Manning winning 12 every year. And it makes me at 33 feel really old.

It's my right to call them whatever I feel like, and no, I'm not 23, I'm 50. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

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Spoiled, over privileged, babies. Embarrassed that anyone might lump me in as the same type of fan as them.

At least I don't go around calling people spoiled and over privileged when I don't even know them. I happen to live in a crappy trailer and barely make enough money to survive. Yeah, I'm over privileged.  :36dancing:

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We won the division...three on the road. Does anyone remember that? There is so much negativity on this board, to a point it's becoming pathetic.

Its not just here. All around the internet this is the general sentiment on the Colts. This is just a reflection of what the vast majority of fans feel. Nobody is happy with the team right now, and giving them an accomplishment rings hollow to most.
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At least I don't go around calling people spoiled and over privileged when I don't even know them. I happen to live in a crappy trailer and barely make enough money to survive. Yeah, I'm over privileged. :36dancing:

Good thing I was talking about their attitudes as fans :36dancing:

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Hey keyboard tough guy...why don't you walk into the Colts facility and tell the players, who have been busting their butts all season, what you just typed? I'll stand outside to see if you make it out alive. Being critical is one thing, being a flat out troll is another.

Really, I would have zero problem doing that & I'm pretty sure the majority of them would agree that their play has been pathetic & embarrassing. I'm not personally insulting any of them, actually I think the Colts players are a very classy group & are fantastic in the community. All of them seem to have very high character. Now unfortunately the play has been horrific & basically unwatchable to this point. The run defense, well there is none. Every team is able to run right through the Colts like a hot knife through butter. The corner play is rotten, way to many big plays given up. The one bright spot is the punting of Pat McAfee. Now back to your "I'll stand outside and see if you make it out alive" comment, I wasn't challenging any of them to a fight but I would have absolutely no problem discssing my opinions, which living in America I am entitled to that as well as you are.

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isn't that the truth...///

It's my right to call them whatever I feel like, and no, I'm not 23, I'm 50. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

I agree 100%. They might be referring to me using the words pathetic & embarrassing (which they are). I'm not 23 either, actually 42, and yes I do remember the teams of the 80's & 90's. I always think its funny how some of these people posting don't respect negative posts. If the Colts were playing great I'd say so, if their playing like crap I have the right to say that as well. Fans (short for fanatic) should never become complacent to a bad product that has been put on to the field, next thing you know we will be just like Cub fans........sorry Cub fans, need to demand better. You keep filling up the stadium no matter the crap that's on the field.

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yea tough guy

Pretty much. So if its not your opinion it must be wrong? Last time I checked I still live in America and can have any opinion I want. My statements have nothing to do with being a "tough guy" or not, they are my opinions of the dumpster fire that is on the field now.

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I can't feel that posative, i think this team has done an absolutely horrible job of overpaying for poor players, wasting a 1st round pick on a running back and hiring a guy who is out of his depth as an NFL OC.


Take out Luck and this is one of the worst teams in the NFL, that's just the reality, this is just the same old soft Colts with a horrible defense who can't run the ball the coaching staff just haven't accepted it yet.


Apart from lucking into a good talent at QB most of the other decisions made in personnel and hiring of staff have been downright poor.

"Take out Luck and this is one of the worst teams in the NFL" - that sentiment is absilutely mind-numbing to me. How many freaking teams can you say that about - take away Brady, Rogers, any elite QB and of course the team would not be the same. The fact is Luck is on the Colts and they win in large part because of him.

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WE have a right to ticked off. Don't like it? Go some where else and post.  Let's face it, the colts are pathetic losers. Gutless chumps.


Even though I will still cheer on my colts, they have no chance in the playoffs. Even the jags would do better.

They allow pieces of %^&$ to win a division? Holy cow batman. That, and it's been years since I've seen officiating that bad. Sheppard should have his head removed for that 15 yd penalty. That was also a game changer.

It's my right to call them whatever I feel like, and no, I'm not 23, I'm 50. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

At least I don't go around calling people spoiled and over privileged when I don't even know them. I happen to live in a crappy trailer and barely make enough money to survive. Yeah, I'm over privileged.  :36dancing:

No hypocrisy there

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