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DHB gets Eyes Tested


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That could be entirely about depth perception. Might be why he prefers to let the ball get in on his body where he can use his arms to hug it.


Seems like a convenient excuse for a player who is really struggling with routine throws. Would be awesome if he gets contacts and it fixes his drops issue, but I highly doubt it happens that way.

One can always hope.

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I want him to start playing good. What could it hurt? Very clever by the way.

Trust me, I want him to start playing better too, it does my blood pressure no favors when the ball hits him in the hands and then hits the ground.


If it is something as simple as his vision that is hurting him then I hope that he gets hooked up with some glasses or contacts and plays lights out for the remainder of the season.  We need him to produce badly!

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Other things for him to get checked out while he's at it:


1) hands - perhaps a dead-nerve in there (the Indianapolis Hand Clinic is one of the best in the U.S.)

2) hands - if you're hands aren't large enough, get some larger ones. or at least wear some larger gloves.

3) courage - reference the Lion in Wizard of Oz. (The great and powerful)

4) dexterity - http://www.themotorstory.com/The_Motor_Story/Improving_Dexterity.html

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It wouldnt be unheard of. If hes a bit nearsighted, the ball could look fuzzy in the air coming to him giving him problems in where to position his hands. If that is his issue, he could turn in to a huge playmaker down the stretch.


I want to make a joke about this thread, but my serious thoughts agreeing with you took over haha. I played baseball as a kid n couldn't hit the ball worth a crap due to poor vision(40/70 with 3 stigmatisms). Got glasses and whaddya know started playing highschool ball n hit everything thrown in my comfort zone.

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That could be entirely about depth perception. Might be why he prefers to let the ball get in on his body where he can use his arms to hug it.


Seems like a convenient excuse for a player who is really struggling with routine throws. Would be awesome if he gets contacts and it fixes his drops issue, but I highly doubt it happens that way.

Are you positive that DHB can even see something as tiny as contacts when he can't secure something as big as a football? Interesting theory about depth perception though Superman. You could be onto something there in all seriousness. 


I only say that because growing up with a disability & being in several casts & braces most of my life made learning to drive with hand controls & drivers ed a major hurdle for me because sports like throwing a football were out of the question for me meaning that I was way behind the 8 ball when it came to judging distance when learning to safely operate a motor vehicle safely. A loss of awareness regarding depth perception is huge & diminished eyesight & comprehending long range distance accurately could easily contribute to that problem. 


An excellent point Superman!  :worthy:

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I do understand INDY fans frustrations though. When does patience blur into charity leading to a decision to cut DHB loose? Jim Irsay, Ryan Grigson, & Chuck Pagano are not the Red Cross. How much of a window does DHB deserve or should it now be slammed tightly shut? 


What is their criteria or measurement of progress? What strides of advancement do they need to see exactly? Remember, a football throwing machine is a stationary target that doesn't move like a QB rountinely does. 


I don't see DHB in a blue uniform next season, but my predictions are usually far from perfect either so who knows...

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He can absolutely not track the ball through the air whih is why he drops almost anything thrown over his shoulder.

I wouldn't be suprised to find out there is something wrong with his sight.



It wouldnt be unheard of. If hes a bit nearsighted, the ball could look fuzzy in the air coming to him giving him problems in where to position his hands. If that is his issue, he could turn in to a huge playmaker down the stretch.



That could be entirely about depth perception. Might be why he prefers to let the ball get in on his body where he can use his arms to hug it.


Seems like a convenient excuse for a player who is really struggling with routine throws. Would be awesome if he gets contacts and it fixes his drops issue, but I highly doubt it happens that way.




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Ha, I am sure, because guys in there 20's & 30's cant wait to go to the optometrist...

Cute comeback there Buck. LOL! I'd rather go to the eye doctor than the dentist though. No eye guy drills around the retina for a routine checkup/cleaning.  ;) Water, rinse, spit...That darn mint flavor. Yuck! And that blinding white light in the dental chair. Either I am being abducted by little green aliens or having a near death experience...Walk toward the light? Oh crap, here comes the floss... :P

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There can be more wrong with a person's eyes than near or far sightedness.  My wife just found out in the past couple of weeks that her peripheral vision has been pretty severely compromised by the early stages of glaucoma.  She didn't even realize it until she was tested for it.  She now needs eyedrops for the rest of her life to control the glaucoma.  If DHB has something like that going on it could really affect his ability to see the ball coming from certain angles.  The unfortunate thing is they can't reverse this.  They can only try to prevent it from getting worse.

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Having thought about it,  it would not surprise me if DHB had his eyes tested when he was with Oakland.


He maybe having them checked because the coaches have asked him to.


Just thinking out loud here...   but it's hard for me to believe that a guy in the league this long, and who got let go in Oakland because (in part) he had a hands issue,  it's hard to believe this is the first time that the idea of having your eyes checked has come up.


Just my hunch....   nothing more....

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