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Offical Trent Richardson discussion/thoughts/opinions thread.


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I'm not a Trent Richardson apologist, and I've been very hard on Donald Brown for his career with the Colts, however I believe the issues with the interior of the offensive line are becoming too much for Richardson to deal with. Obviously, it's going to be hard to gain any yards when you are supposed to run behind the guard, and Satele/McGlynn are both sitting on the ground after the ball is snapped. 


I think the issue is not his vision, not his skill set and definitely not his work ethic but simply his size getting in the way. Why is Donald Brown gaining so many yards? He's small. Even with two-three bum linemen, he can initially get lost behind the line and squeak through the smaller spaces that TRich has no ability to get through. In the second half, when the Offensive line started playing better, TRich was getting 4,5,6, and 7 yard carries however his average had already been wrecked by the three or four -1 yard carries he had in the first half. 


The interior of the line issues are also affecting Luck's ability to scramble, on one of the Colts drives into the redzone, we faced a 3rd and 5. Luck didn't have any options downfield, so he began to scramble behind Hugh Thornton who then inexplicably peeled off from blocking a linebacker and turned 180 to hit the guy that Castonzo had locked up behind Andrew Luck. Luck was tackled for no gain.


Treat TRich like Marshawn Lynch, give him some time to get acclimated. There were experts (which you are not) that believed Lynch's career was headed for mediocrity before he made that playoff run against the Saints. Next year, I can guarantee you there will be improvement in the issues with the Indianapolis Colts, but it takes 3 years from drafting to accurately gauge a player's worth.

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I would 100% do the trade again. T-Rich is  a beast.. He will be worth the trade, just be patient..


I remember when people on here wanted D. Brown gone...


At least with DB he has shown glimpses of being a beast.  TRich is the farthest thing from being a beast right now.  


We just need to go with Donald now and make TRich a change of pace back until he gets his head out of his butt.  


If he does not step it up near the end of this season and next season this trade could be devastating for are rebuilding project.  We have holes at WR and offensive line that a first could really help fix.  The problem Polian ran into was he started really missing on his first round picks and we cannot afford to miss this early.


I hope he gets right because we need a good running game, but I think it is time to go with the guy who is performing and that is Donald.  I cannot believe I am saying that, but we are a playoff team and cannot waste time getting TRich right.  

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In the end he is 23 years old... a young cat that will grow into his own in due time. If Edge is working with him hopefully that process will begin a lot sooner then in the off season. Trent hasn't shown he is worthy of a pick, but then again the line has been horrendus too. Donald Brown knows their tendencies, Trent doesn't. If things don't work out you lose a pick, but at least he isn't making huge money like young guys in the past.

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This will be Tents night, along with the offensive line that will protect Luck all game and we bounce back with a commanding victory.


34-10 Colts


Andrew Luck

22/30. 2 TDS


Trent Richardson

20 carries for 205 yards and 2 TDS


Time to make our statement that the AFC South is won.



Are you freaking serious? LOL

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I honestly believe that Trich will develop into a beast but that could be 1-2 years away. He has speed and strength but lacks vision and explosiveness. When you see Trich get the ball he always tries to cut before he starts running and he misses open holes. Brown no longer has that issue, Trich will get there too. However, giving up a first rounder for someone who still has a lot of developing to do isn't helping when we have more pressing needs at 3-4 other positions.

Next year or the year after we will be happy to have Trich. He just still has a long way to go to really be a feature back.

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Trent is showing improvement.  Its pretty evident that he will need more time to get comfortable within the system.  Not to mention our OL needs upgrading.  But he's just progressing pretty slow right now.  Would like to see how he does with an offseason.  I can see the talent and potential is there.  But there's a substantial distance from point A to point B.

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Damn right I/we would!! 

1.People Trent is not yet totally aclimated or comfortable  with the offense.

2.We just might have to give the man a full camp & season working the offense before he does what he can do.

3.The Browns have already paid most of his salary.

4.We didnt give a 3rd overall, a 4th rd, 5th rd, and 7th rd for Trent THE BROWNS DID

5.We will only end up only giving no more a 24th overall

6.Look at BIG PICTURE..For the next 4plus years we have in our back field Ballard, Richarson, Brown (and maybe) Bradshaw!!

Cmon Colt Nation dont let "The Factory of Sadness" decieve you...WE WON THIS DEAL EASY!!



hahaha It's almost hard to believe if I hadn't already seen this sort of blind optimism when he was a Brown. He wasn't good then and everyone made posts like this, he's not good now and it continues. 


Forget the trade. Forget the first round draft pick. If this was a guy off the street would you even care if he got cut? Most likely not. 

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Are you freaking serious? LOL

Well you can't blame the guy for being optimistic? lol  If we call it enough times, maybe it will happen.  I don't see it happening this year.  I think Colts staff still think they have a good player on their hands, but right now, Browns outperforming Trent by a large margin #1.  #2, I think that Trent just isn't progressing as quickly as they hoped.  Or maybe he is, but they didn't expect Brown to be doing as well as he has.  Donald hasn't played like this for us since we've had him.  I guess soemone told him it was a contract year, lol

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Well you can't blame the guy for being optimistic? lol  If we call it enough times, maybe it will happen.  I don't see it happening this year.  I think Colts staff still think they have a good player on their hands, but right now, Browns outperforming Trent by a large margin #1.  #2, I think that Trent just isn't progressing as quickly as they hoped.  Or maybe he is, but they didn't expect Brown to be doing as well as he has.  Donald hasn't played like this for us since we've had him.  I guess soemone told him it was a contract year, lol


I sincerely hope for your guys playoffs sake that Brown stays healthy. He's making Richardson look like he should be on the practice squad. You need Brown right now.

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I am concerned a bit, about chemistry.  On some of the sideline shots during last night's game, TR seemed to be sitting by himself - in exile.  Reminded me of Jeff George, when he would sit alone on the end of the bench  Not that TR is pouting but, that he seems a bit of an outsider, still.



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hahaha It's almost hard to believe if I hadn't already seen this sort of blind optimism when he was a Brown. He wasn't good then and everyone made posts like this, he's not good now and it continues. 


Forget the trade. Forget the first round draft pick. If this was a guy off the street would you even care if he got cut? Most likely not. 



'Blind optimism' and 'Brown's fan' are synonymous 

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I don't think Trent is gonna work out here just because you can see the coaching staff is already losing faith in him (and with good reason). I think he's one of those backs that needs a full game of carries to get going. I wasn't a fan of the trade or Trent in general, but I do think he could run his way out of this rut. He'd have to have a feature role though where he's literally getting every carry. I don't see that happening now though because every other back we've had on this roster has outperformed him every week.

If you have to have a perfect storm in order for him to be even marginal, he's not worth the pick. Way to go Grigson. You've blown almost every move you've made this year. Time to go sit down and re-evaluate your vision and tactics to getting to that vision

I wouldn't say he's blown every move.  Thomas was good when he was with us.  Bradshaw, great until the injury.  Ever since Toler went out of the Denver game, our pass coverage has plummeted - and he's the only guy missing starter.  Walden has been fantastic since about the 4th or 5th week of the season.  Landry...you can't even say that was a blown acquisition.  Offensively, different story.

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I wouldn't say he's blown every move.  Thomas was good when he was with us.  Bradshaw, great until the injury.  Ever since Toler went out of the Denver game, our pass coverage has plummeted - and he's the only guy missing starter.  Walden has been fantastic since about the 4th or 5th week of the season. 


I'm sorry, I should've clarified that I meant "every trade." At least the ones that were significant. Richardson was brought in to be an instant upgrade and now is looking like a long term project (we can only hope), and Sheppard is an absolute mess while Hughes is tearing it up in Buffalo. I'd say he needs to put down the Madden and stop pulling the trigger for awhile

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Right, so I know it when I see it. 



Oh, I agree that some of our fans are delusional about Trent right now, I just don't much see the point in you sticking around here trolling our boards when your team isn't even good. Like, yeah, you won the trade...but you still suck

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At least with DB he has shown glimpses of being a beast.  TRich is the farthest thing from being a beast right now.  


We just need to go with Donald now and make TRich a change of pace back until he gets his head out of his butt.  


If he does not step it up near the end of this season and next season this trade could be devastating for are rebuilding project.  We have holes at WR and offensive line that a first could really help fix.  The problem Polian ran into was he started really missing on his first round picks and we cannot afford to miss this early.


I hope he gets right because we need a good running game, but I think it is time to go with the guy who is performing and that is Donald.  I cannot believe I am saying that, but we are a playoff team and cannot waste time getting TRich right.  

I like the rotation the Colts are using with Brown and Richardson. I just laugh at all the T-Rich hate talk when there was hate talk about Brown a few years ago.

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In the end he is 23 years old... a young cat that will grow into his own in due time. If Edge is working with him hopefully that process will begin a lot sooner then in the off season. Trent hasn't shown he is worthy of a pick, but then again the line has been horrendus too. Donald Brown knows their tendencies, Trent doesn't. If things don't work out you lose a pick, but at least he isn't making huge money like young guys in the past.

I don't agree with the "he doesn't know the line's tendencies" remark. When I watch I see Donald Brown taking the handoff and he's rolling when he hits the line of scrimmage. He either sees the crease and goes or he makes one slight move and he's up field. With Richardson I see a guy taking the handoff and looking like he wants to make a cut immediately. He looks like he's lost. He looks slow out of the gate and he doesn't look like he has much burst after he makes the cuts. One of the plays that exemplifies this from last night's game is the play were the Tennessee NT tripped over his own guy and fell to the ground in the hole. There was a huge hole there and Richardson ran right to the fallen player and got tackled for a 1 yard gain. They showed it in slow motion and it just looked pathetic. The hole was there Richardson looked like he didn't know what to do with it and actually cut back right into the fallen defensive player. Too much pitty pat with the feet, take the hand off and go for christs sake

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I'm sorry, I should've clarified that I meant "every trade." At least the ones that were significant. Richardson was brought in to be an instant upgrade and now is looking like a long term project (we can only hope), and Sheppard is an absolute mess while Hughes is tearing it up in Buffalo. I'd say he needs to put down the Madden and stop pulling the trigger for awhile

Yeah...trading draft picks is one thing, but picks for players, it can go either way.  And thus far, it looks like we're on the wrong side of at least those two.

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I sincerely hope for your guys playoffs sake that Brown stays healthy. He's making Richardson look like he should be on the practice squad. You need Brown right now.

Yes, you are exactly right. If anyone had questions, they had to be answered last night. TRich has only done what he did in Cleveland and has not progressed at all. He is an average RB. Even if this is a one year thing for DB, we have to ride him this year.

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Good to hear that Edge is coaching Richardson.

Hopefully with a offseason and some words of wisdom from a Colt great like Edge, will turn his career around in Indy.


I think slowly, Richardson is finding his niche in the offense. We are seeing it with screen passes and some runs. Brown is just doing a better job of exploding when he has the ball.

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Trent looks like he's not there mentally. Not sure why it what the issues are but he's not playing up to speed or his potential. Let's just hope it doesn't take as long as it did for Brown to start clicking. They both made mistakes on blocks, they both made good blocks. I liked how they were throwing Trent the ball. Brown just seems to have the hot hand might as well ride it. Trent on the sidelines just looks like his confidence isn't there.

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Good to hear that Edge is coaching Richardson.

Hopefully with a offseason and some words of wisdom from a Colt great like Edge, will turn his career around in Indy.

I think slowly, Richardson is finding his niche in the offense. We are seeing it with screen passes and some runs. Brown is just doing a better job of exploding when he has the ball.

Brown was showing great patience waiting for the hole to develop. Was hitting his creases real nice. I think he's just in the zone were Trent still looks like his head is spinning.

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Brown was showing great patience waiting for the hole to develop. Was hitting his creases real nice. I think he's just in the zone were Trent still looks like his head is spinning.


I will take Edge's words that Richardson needs a offseason to fully develop with this offense.


Brown has really been hitting his stride since he has been given a chance with Bradshaw and Ballard gone. 


Brown deserves to be the starting RB while Richardson is still adjusting.

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I will take Edge's words that Richardson needs a offseason to fully develop with this offense.

Brown has really been hitting his stride since he has been given a chance with Bradshaw and Ballard gone.

Brown deserves to be the starting RB while Richardson is still adjusting.

Yeah I agree with everything. And I'm a strong supporter of Trent. The talent is there. Just looks like his head isn't ATM. May help to start Brown so less pressure on Trent. Or just split carries and go with the hot hand. But people calling him a bust and throwing him under the bus is just premature and stupid.

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If it's any consolation there is pretty much no chance of that happening.


God I would love Evans...

I think Evans and Mathews are the two best receivers in college, but for whatever reason, some "experts" aren't sold on Evans being a high first.

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I am concerned a bit, about chemistry. On some of the sideline shots during last night's game, TR seemed to be sitting by himself - in exile. Reminded me of Jeff George, when he would sit alone on the end of the bench Not that TR is pouting but, that he seems a bit of an outsider, still.


I saw and noticed the same thing. I didn't know if was more Trent not being there mentally and fitting in like he should.

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I feel for Colts fans.  You guys are seeing the same thing we saw here.  We defended TR left and right, saying it was the OL's fault, or the fact that we didn't have a QB that scared anyone, to open up the running game.  We also said "give TR a full training camp" because his first camp here, he was hurt.  Then his second camp here, he had a full training camp, but barely played for whatever reason.  But honestly, we expected much more.   


The bottom line is, he's too slow and he has poor RB vision.  LB's are faster than he is, so they get to him quickly.       

I could not agree more.  I see him out there and he is so slow its not even funny.  I honestly think you could plug in "Boom" Herron and not do any worse then Trent is doing.  He is so not worth a first rounder from what i have seen.

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Last night's running stats:

DB - 14 carries 80 yards 2td

Trich - 8 carries 22 yards

Stats don't tell the whole story. Trich is clearly the better pass protector, but its clear from a production standpoint.

Trich will get it going eventually but for now DB gives us the best chance to win.

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