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Andy Reid - Would We Want Him?


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So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

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Reid would be good for a team looking to totally rebuild maybe, but that's it. He is not a great decision maker, is bad with clock management, bad with challenges, and if given total control over the roster, will neglect certain positions. It can be WRs for a few years, or a fullback another year, or having a punt returner one year, or finding linebackers forever. I've said many times, that Reid's strengths are a big reason why the team had the success they did have the last 12 years, but his weaknesses are a big reason why they never achieved the ultimate success.

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As an O Cord. yes.

Coaching in Phillys gotta be hard, so I imagine coming to an Indy market would help Reid, but frankly Im just not a large fan of his brand of ball outside the WCO. As a poster mentioned before he's a pretty darn good coach, but for the same reasons hes good, he's bad. With him as an O cord however, we could bring in a real strong def minded HC, which I feel would be the best of both worlds.

With all that being said, its not happenin.

Edited by IndyTrav
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No, we already have an * coach. reid is the most overrated coach quite possibly in NFL history.

The man has NO idea how to make adjustments. When something isn't working, he just keeps doing it like somehow it's magically going to start working at some point in time, and when it doesn't the eagles lose in embarrassing fashion.

How is that a step up from what we already have?

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No, we already have an * coach. reid is the most overrated coach quite possibly in NFL history.

The man has NO idea how to make adjustments. When something isn't working, he just keeps doing it like somehow it's magically going to start working at some point in time, and when it doesn't the eagles lose in embarrassing fashion.

How is that a step up from what we already have?

Pretty much sums it up. Like someone on our board says, if something doesn't work, Reid will keep doing it until it doesn't work some more.

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Can Andy Reid bring Michael Vick with him?.......next week??? :eagles:

I utterly detest Michael Vick. If he played for the Colts I couldn't root for them. The only "Colts" effort I would expend would be in incessantly complaining to Irsay and the front office.

And that's just on the basis of his being a sociopath. I don't like him as a football player either. THE most over-rated excuse for a running back attempting to run an offense that I have ever seen in my life. Painter can read a defense better NOW.

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I utterly detest Michael Vick. If he played for the Colts I couldn't root for them. The only "Colts" effort I would expend would be in incessantly complaining to Irsay and the front office.

And that's just on the basis of his being a sociopath. I don't like him as a football player either. THE most over-rated excuse for a running back attempting to run an offense that I have ever seen in my life. Painter can read a defense better NOW.

We finally agree 100% on something. I don't think he deserves to be in the league and couldn't pull for the Colts with him on the roster either.

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Thanks for starting this topic, because it's the perfect opportunity to point out to all the Caldwell haters out there that a large percentage of the fans in many (if not most) cities hate their head coach as confidently as you do.

I've listened to Philly sports radio several times per week while commuting for more than 10 years. You can't go 10 minutes during football season (perhaps 30 minutes other times of the year) without somebody expressing their utter disgust and displeasure with Reid. Often times it's the HOSTS who say it. In general, THEY HATE HIM and beg for him to be ridden out of town on a rail. And this is a guy who has taken the team to how many NFC title games? It's obviously left some people here with a positive perception of him.

Some portion of every fan base always over-reacts, and the grass always seems greener. Unfortunately it rarely is.

Personally I wouldn't want Reid because he - much like Belichick - is responsible for all personnel decisions as well as being a coach. And arguably that's his strength, because most of the complaints levied about him are about his game management, and about what he says during press conferences. I'm sure that many don't like the way he looks or what he says on the sidelines either. Sound familiar? The problem is that we already have a great front office, so I wouldn't be in favor of bringing in ANY coach who wants to run the entire show. And nothing I've ever seen from Reid or heard about Reid suggests that he would be an improvement in any way shape or form.

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I'd vote NO! The Colts need a better defense. Any coaching change should be toward a coach in that discipline. Peyton has carved that Eagle defense up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Andy does not have what the Colts need.

I Love Gruden and think highly of Cowher, but I think Jeff Fisher has the kind of defensive cred required and should make any short list. I believe he could reconstruct the defense more quickly, utilizing much of the existing personnel. He also knows all too well what Peyton can do on his side of the ball and would be reluctant to change much.

10 years from now, most, if not all the current coaches will be retired and a whole new group will have the reins. What young D-Coordinators will rule the game, is the question? So, IMHO, that's where they should be looking if they're not looking at Fisher, Cowher or Gruden.

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Thanks for starting this topic, because it's the perfect opportunity to point out to all the Caldwell haters out there that a large percentage of the fans in many (if not most) cities hate their head coach as confidently as you do.

I've listened to Philly sports radio several times per week while commuting for more than 10 years. You can't go 10 minutes during football season (perhaps 30 minutes other times of the year) without somebody expressing their utter disgust and displeasure with Reid. Often times it's the HOSTS who say it. In general, THEY HATE HIM and beg for him to be ridden out of town on a rail. And this is a guy who has taken the team to how many NFC title games? It's obviously left some people here with a positive perception of him.

Some portion of every fan base always over-reacts, and the grass always seems greener. Unfortunately it rarely is.

Personally I wouldn't want Reid because he - much like Belichick - is responsible for all personnel decisions as well as being a coach. And arguably that's his strength, because most of the complaints levied about him are about his game management, and about what he says during press conferences. I'm sure that many don't like the way he looks or what he says on the sidelines either. Sound familiar? The problem is that we already have a great front office, so I wouldn't be in favor of bringing in ANY coach who wants to run the entire show. And nothing I've ever seen from Reid or heard about Reid suggests that he would be an improvement in any way shape or form.

I don't hate Coach Caldwell. I just don't think he's a great coach. I thought Dungy was a great coach. I'm not so sure about Caldwell. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but now it seems he makes questionable game time decisions.

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I don't hate Coach Caldwell. I just don't think he's a great coach. I thought Dungy was a great coach. I'm not so sure about Caldwell. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but now it seems he makes questionable game time decisions.

Wasn't referring to you, nor demonstrating animosity to those who do hate him. Just something to think about.

I listen to NY sports radio even more than Philly, and people hated Coughlin for a long time. He got a lot of leeway after the Super Bowl win, but there are many who still don't like him. Rex Ryan seems comparatively loved. There is something about his personality. Of course there is nothing like a losing streak to change peoples opinions.

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So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

Has this Colt "way of thinking" outstayed itself? I think so.

Change is good sometimes ... and needed.

But as long as the Polians are here there is no way the Colts land a "Alpha" coach.

Andy R and Manning would be..... very nice. He has won a lot of football games in a lot tougher division than Indy plays in.

yes I would welcome ANY change.

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Wasn't referring to you, nor demonstrating animosity to those who do hate him. Just something to think about.

I listen to NY sports radio even more than Philly, and people hated Coughlin for a long time. He got a lot of leeway after the Super Bowl win, but there are many who still don't like him. Rex Ryan seems comparatively loved. There is something about his personality. Of course there is nothing like a losing streak to change peoples opinions.

Tom C and Rex teach tough hard nosed D and running the ball.

What does Caldwell preach? the status quo? He is a puppet. We all know it deep down.

This has got to change. \

NE lost Brady won

Pitt loses Ben wins with how many QB's

Miami lost Marino and Mitchell steps in and gets it done

SF loses Montana how many times? Then Young how many times... and they kept winning....


The talent level here has deteriorated to a putrid level. And I see NO development of young players. And game management? Is horrible.

Time for a change.

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I'd like Gruden simply because I think he'd go as far out of his way as he could to make our offense the best of all time. I think he'd let someone else handle 90% of the defensive stuff so he could focus on making our offense what he knows it could be. Depending on who he brought in to handle the D, Gruden has the potential to be a real hit.

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No, we already have an * coach. reid is the most overrated coach quite possibly in NFL history.

The man has NO idea how to make adjustments. When something isn't working, he just keeps doing it like somehow it's magically going to start working at some point in time, and when it doesn't the eagles lose in embarrassing fashion.

How is that a step up from what we already have?

Bad coaches dont make it to 5 conference title games.

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Why would anyone want Gruden? Cowher and Fisher would be the top two and Reid is better than Gruden.

Totally agree. Gruden is right where he belongs, in the broadcast booth. He took a super bowl winning team and destroyed it in two years because his players hated him and couldn't get out of town fast enough when they had the chance.

As far as Philly fans hating Andy Reid, Philly fans tend to hate everyone. I grew up there and was an Eagles and Colts fan growing up, but could never understand the hatred those people have towards everyone. It does not matter whether you are good or horrible, they hate you if you are on the field. I remember when Mike Schmidt, one of the greatest third basemen to ever play baseball would walk onto the field, they booed him constantly. Absolutely no class whatsoever!

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