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Can we all agree that one of the many stud LTs have to be drafted rnd 1?


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Remember that AC fell in the draft.  We didn't plan on getting him, so if he turned out good, that's gravy. 


The Giants seem happy with Pugh, who fell because he had short arms, but he is a good technician.  I suppose we'll have to find flawed gems like him if possible because the top guys will be long gone where we draft.

I don't get the logic just because Castonzo fell a bit that it's gravy if he pans out. Maybe he fell because general managers disagreed with the draftniks.

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Moving from LT to power guard would be difficult.....don't see it

This is more to address this before someone else throws that you could argue they moved Diem from tackle to guard but I think a lot of people forget that Diem started out as a guard that we moved to tackle and then moved back his last year here. 


I don't see Castonzo moving to guard either.  At most I could see him going to right tackle if we did move him but I don't think that's likely either.  I think at most IF and this is a big IF we did anything we would draft a LT and keep Castonzo to do what McGlynn is doing this year keep the seat warm till the rookie is ready or become the back up tackle as our best option there is really Link.  Then let him go once his contract was up after next season.  More realistic I think Castonzo gets this year and next year and then if they don't like how he has progressed they let him go after his contract is up and either sign or draft a replacement then. 

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First of all yes I miss read your post my mistake and I addressed it in my response to Dustin who pointed that out.


Second would people (because you aren't the only person who has used that line) get over how people respond and add the little shots like "glad you wrote a novel" it adds nothing to your point.  If you don't want to read it then don't.

I appreciate the long responses as they make the topics more interesting, calling it a novel isn't meant to offend(for me at least). I love reading novels so props.

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There is difference between blocking edge rushers and huge defensive tackles.


Link plays every line position, except center, and I believe he is best at RG, Ryan Diem was a very good RG and we moved him to RT. This is not like plugging square pegs into round holes. 

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I appreciate the long responses as they make the topics more interesting, calling it a novel isn't meant to offend(for me at least). I love reading novels so props.

Fair enough, in the past it has been meant to offend so I just get tired of people using it like that because like you I think they do add to topics.  It would get real boring here if we all had to post twitter style.  So if you say you didn't mean it that way I see no reason not to believe you. 

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This is more to address this before someone else throws that you could argue they moved Diem from tackle to guard but I think a lot of people forget that Diem started out as a guard that we moved to tackle and then moved back his last year here. 


I don't see Castonzo moving to guard either.  At most I could see him going to right tackle if we did move him but I don't think that's likely either.  I think at most IF and this is a big IF we did anything we would draft a LT and keep Castonzo to do what McGlynn is doing this year keep the seat warm till the rookie is ready or become the back up tackle as our best option there is really Link.  Then let him go once his contract was up after next season.  More realistic I think Castonzo gets this year and next year and then if they don't like how he has progressed they let him go after his contract is up and either sign or draft a replacement then.

I don't think it's a big IF in all honesty. I'm pulling for AC, but the more games I see him play, the more my confidence goes down.

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Link plays every line position and I believe he is best at RG, Ryan Diem was a very good RG and we moved him to RT. This is not like plugging square pegs into round holes.

Link is mediocre at guard too...he can't even beat out MM. And Deim and Caztonzo aren't similar players. But I'm guessing I'm not going to change your mind.

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Fair enough, in the past it has been meant to offend so I just get tired of people using it like that because like you I think they do add to topics.  It would get real boring here if we all had to post twitter style.  So if you say you didn't mean it that way I see no reason not to believe you. 

Honest to god that is what i meant. If we wrote twitter style i'd just leave, my friends do that enough. Colts Forum is the only place where i can go now and see written responses like adults. 

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I don't think it's a big IF in all honesty. I'm pulling for AC, but the more games I see him play, the more my confidence goes down.

I think it's big because Castonzo will be going into the last year of his deal.  So the Colts might very well look at it if he has any kind of decent season (and I almost think we have to throw out last week because I think it's pretty clear he wasn't 100% UNLESS it becomes a trend) and say give him the last year of his deal and then we can either sign someone or draft someone.  Now, if Castonzo preforms poor enough that he's a clear problem then the chances they do something at LT goes up but I don't think Castonzo has become that big of a problem yet.


Like I said before I think Castonzo is solid.  He has moments but he also has moments that make you go can't we do better?  I don't think he's a great player but I don't think he's the major problem with our line right now either.  I can see the arguments both ways with him so I am not going to be blown away by anything the Colts do with him other than moving him this year just because I don't think we have another option this season and I don't think moving him this year is being discussed by fans or the Colts for that matter either. 

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The way i figure is that if he doesn't improve by the time his contract year rolls around (is it this year?), than we should try and salvage whatever value we can for him. Of course this is JMO

Wondered that myself and looked it up it says he is scheduled to be a free agent in 2015.  So one more year after this year. 

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I don't get the logic just because Castonzo fell a bit that it's gravy if he pans out. Maybe he fell because general managers disagreed with the draftniks.

We targeted Donald Brown, Jerry Hughes, and Tony Ugoh in the draft if you believe what Polian says, but we did NOT target Castonzo.  Polian said he was surprised and thrilled he fell to us.  I'm just saying we got lucky and we ended up with a LT who has been a consistent starter as opposed to the 3 names (there's a lot more than them) I mentioned above.  Maybe I didn't have a great point with the post.  I'm just saying that we got lucky othewise Charlie Johnson might still be at LT.

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We targeted Donald Brown, Jerry Hughes, and Tony Ugoh in the draft if you believe what Polian says, but we did NOT target Castonzo.  Polian said he was surprised and thrilled he fell to us.  I'm just saying we got lucky and we ended up with a LT who has been a consistent starter as opposed to the 3 names (there's a lot more than them) I mentioned above.  Maybe I didn't have a great point with the post.  I'm just saying that we got lucky othewise Charlie Johnson might still be at LT.

Johnson wouldn't be that bad a shout for playing interior line for us.

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Castonzo takes a lot of heat on this board. Reporters who cover this team often refer to him as our best lineman. He is far from a weak link on this team. Yes he does get beat at times. He is playing one of the hardest positions in football. He is playing every snap against the other teams best pass rusher and every little mistake he makes shows up huge with either pressure or a sack. If he was constantly being beat by average defensive ends than I would be worried. If premier pass rushers give him a hard time, that's normal. Give him help. Every other team does the same. 

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Castonzo takes a lot of heat on this board. Reporters who cover this team often refer to him as our best lineman. He is far from a weak link on this team. Yes he does get beat at times. He is playing one of the hardest positions in football. He is playing every snap against the other teams best pass rusher and every little mistake he makes shows up huge with either pressure or a sack. If he was constantly being beat by average defensive ends than I would be worried. If premier pass rushers give him a hard time, that's normal. Give him help. Every other team does the same. 

I agree he's our best lineman the past couple of years like I said before though that's kinda like being the best looking person at an ugly contest though or another way to put it would be like the year that Dan Orlovsky was our best QB when compared to Curtis Painter and Kerry Collins.  How much does it really mean?


I like Castonzo but he does leave me going I would like to see a little more at times though.  With that said I think he has two more years to show us that and he might very well do it.  I would agree our problems with the o-line start with positions other than Castonzo other than last Sunday but again I think that has more to do with him not being 100% than it being a real cause for alarm. 

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Castonzo takes a lot of heat on this board. Reporters who cover this team often refer to him as our best lineman. He is far from a weak link on this team. Yes he does get beat at times. He is playing one of the hardest positions in football. He is playing every snap against the other teams best pass rusher and every little mistake he makes shows up huge with either pressure or a sack. If he was constantly being beat by average defensive ends than I would be worried. If premier pass rushers give him a hard time, that's normal. Give him help. Every other team does the same. 


He gets beat by average DEs as well. 

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I think it's big because Castonzo will be going into the last year of his deal.  So the Colts might very well look at it if he has any kind of decent season (and I almost think we have to throw out last week because I think it's pretty clear he wasn't 100% UNLESS it becomes a trend) and say give him the last year of his deal and then we can either sign someone or draft someone.  Now, if Castonzo preforms poor enough that he's a clear problem then the chances they do something at LT goes up but I don't think Castonzo has become that big of a problem yet.


Like I said before I think Castonzo is solid.  He has moments but he also has moments that make you go can't we do better?  I don't think he's a great player but I don't think he's the major problem with our line right now either.  I can see the arguments both ways with him so I am not going to be blown away by anything the Colts do with him other than moving him this year just because I don't think we have another option this season and I don't think moving him this year is being discussed by fans or the Colts for that matter either.

I don't think he is solid at all...not in pass pro anyway

If he doesn't show something this year I would prefer to move on instead of Luck put up with another year of his subpar play.

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Castonzo is getting a bad rap.  We have an unsettled offensive line and a young QB who can hold the ball too long,  I think we have to be relative when talking about him.  If you put Castonzo on the 2005 Colts at Left Tackle he would probably be considered one of the best in the league?  Well, we ran the same offense every year, and Manning got rid of the ball so fast nobody could touch him.    At a left tackle, it is much easier to defend a QB you know is going to pretty much stay in the pocket and get rid of the ball fast.  Luck is not there right now.  And I don't blame him!  The A gaps are getting destroyed.   Once Luck gets more help from the interior and gets rid of the ball faster, Castonzo will look great :)

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Castonzo is getting a bad rap.  We have an unsettled offensive line and a young QB who can hold the ball too long,  I think we have to be relative when talking about him.  If you put Castonzo on the 2005 Colts at Left Tackle he would probably be considered one of the best in the league?  Well, we ran the same offense every year, and Manning got rid of the ball so fast nobody could touch him.    At a left tackle, it is much easier to defend a QB you know is going to pretty much stay in the pocket and get rid of the ball fast.  Luck is not there right now.  And I don't blame him!  The A gaps are getting destroyed.   Once Luck gets more help from the interior and gets rid of the ball faster, Castonzo will look great :)

Luck's scrambling ability makes AC look better than he is. I made a point of watching all of AC's snaps last year on All 22 film and it wasn't pretty....many times he just got whopped from the word go. That's how I saw from my very amateur view anyway.

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The way Pep Hamilton calls a gm, lets just wait and see. But the point is, Its at least 5 franchise stud LTs coming out.

Richardson at Tenn is pretty good. 71 on Bama is really good. The.kid from Michigan is really good. The LT from Fla St was kind of low on that list I posted and he's really good.


Here's the deal....    you're ready to make a 2014 1st round draft call after ONE WHOLE GAME of the 2013 season.


No offense,  but that's a fan's reaction.


Here's another perspective....   one,  the five stud OT's may all be gone by the time we pick....    two,  even if one falls to us,  he may not turn out to be all that great...  considering Castanzo was picked in the low-mid 20's and he has disappointed some here...


Bottom line:    We don't know yet what we have,  OR what we need.    Can we please wait to see how the season turns out??


Just some respectful food for thought.....

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Listen, drafting an LT in the first round doesn't solve the problem right away. I say problem, but I think that AC and Gosder are two good options at tackle and shouldn't be replaced.


Back to my original point. The Colts could draft an LT in the first round and be stuck with Gabe Carimi or Derek Sherrod. So you don't know what you're getting unless it's like a Matt Kalil, Luke Joeckel can't miss prospect in the top 5. 


So, I find it funny when you say: "there's 2 or 3 more beast guys after him".

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No one is going to give us any kind of value for Cherilus with that contract.  I always enjoy how fans want to trade players they don't think are very good and expect to get something of value back for him.  If he's not very good why would anyone trade for him?




i have said the same thing many times before. that's why they are fans and not gm's, coaches, or scouts.

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Fair enough.  I still don't think we would get much for a trade with Castonzo either.  He will be in the last year of his contract next year and if nothing else he would provide depth on the line IF we brought in another tackle next year. 


agreed, or maybe guard.

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I'm not sure I agree with the OP.  Grigs already stated in one way or the other that he is not too keen on having a rookie at either one of the tackle positions.  Seeing that we will have a pretty fair amount of cash next season I would just pick a quality veteran free agent(if we upgrade there at all), and use the rest of the money to pick up more pass rushers(need a replacement for Mathis) and improve the ILB spot next to Freeman. If you do get a tackle I think one could be had between rounds 2-4 as a young backup to the free agent tackle we aquire.  The draft pick can sit and learn for a while.


I think a lot of people are going to be looking at the Colts next year.  We should be stacked with talent.

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Just trade Costanzo, then draft a LT with our #1 pick next draft. That simple. We're not getting rid of Gosder, if you have the slightest idea that we would you're an *. I'm sorry, you just don't make a dude the highest paid RT in the game and trade him, that would be *ic.

So basically u want an u tested rookie to protect luck?
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