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Polian - Doesn't Believe in Resting Starters


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I was in shock when I heard this. I was also more appalled that Mike & Mike did not bring up the 2009 season up to him. Maybe it is a "go easy on fellow ESPN employees" policy, because I know the Mikes are smart and immediately thought of that but probably chose not to bring it up.


Makes me sick till this day!!!

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I just called my dad's assisted living memory care unit.  They have spot for you Bill.....Pops does remember THAT!  And so do all Colts Fans....


Maybe that is why Polian always had the brushed brown suit on...he forgot he wore it the previous day to the press conference AKA the meeting of 'liars and rats'....of which he is now a charter member. :ticked:  :bomb:  :censored2: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was in shock when I heard this. I was also more appalled that Mike & Mike did not bring up the 2009 season up to him. Maybe it is a "go easy on fellow ESPN employees" policy, because I know the Mikes are smart and immediately thought of that but probably chose not to bring it up.


Makes me sick till this day!!!

I think we were both at that Jets game, right? I still remember how numb I felt. I know it had no bearing on winning the SB, but we were pulling away in hat game. He could have waited until the 4th Q.

I guess I'm still not over it....

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I was in shock when I heard this. I was also more appalled that Mike & Mike did not bring up the 2009 season up to him. Maybe it is a "go easy on fellow ESPN employees" policy, because I know the Mikes are smart and immediately thought of that but probably chose not to bring it up.


Makes me sick till this day!!!


You ever think that the decision to rest starters does not fall under the General Managers job description? It might in some places - DAL or DEN - but not across the board.


When Derrick Rose tore his ACL at the end of a blowout win - people questioned if the Head Coach should have had him in there - not the GM.

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More fuel to the hate Bill Polian fire....


This is not the first time that Polian has made a ridiculous statement that history can clearly prove to be incorrect. The Marvin Harrison drafting debacle for example.


He is either in the early stages of dementia or he is just a compulsive liar.


I would not call it a hate fire, it is just calling him out for blatant issues of integrity.

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He is either in the early stages of dementia or he is just a compulsive liar.


I always thought he was nuts.  Remember the Jay Mohr debate, anyone?  Beyond that, he exhibited some bizarre and erratic behavior over a 14 year period . 

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There are only two possible answers for this.


1. Bill has lost his mind.

2. It was Jim Irsay's decision to rest the starters.


I do not want it to be either, because I like Bill. On the other hand, if Irsay called these shots then we may see it again someday. Either way it is not good.

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The other day he finally admitted the the manning/leaf decision was an easy one (duh) after years of saying it came down to the wire. I actually like Polian, but the guy loves talking in circles.

He is a Hall of Famer without a doubt...brought us unprecedented success...things like these just make you shake your head.... :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:



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I'm not trying to defend him or anything, but he is talking about the NBA. There's a much lower risk for injury than there is in the NFL.

He's talking about the NFL:

“That’s been a problem for the NBA. It has not been, it never has been a problem in the NFL and that’s simply because job security is so difficult in the NFL. You’ve got to try and win every game.”

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He's talking about the NFL:

“That’s been a problem for the NBA. It has not been, it never has been a problem in the NFL and that’s simply because job security is so difficult in the NFL. You’ve got to try and win every game.”

Please tell me that's not a real quote.

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You ever think that the decision to rest starters does not fall under the General Managers job description? It might in some places - DAL or DEN - but not across the board.


When Derrick Rose tore his ACL at the end of a blowout win - people questioned if the Head Coach should have had him in there - not the GM.

When Polian was here, he was arguably the most powerful man in the building, next to Jim himself. Polian even did interviews that kind of said that fans didn't know what they were talking about. He argued that individual stats were more important than the history that goes with being undefeated. Yes, there is a risk of injury, but if the players want to play they should be allowed. It's not like that strategy won us the Super Bowl. Then you have to look at the ticket holder side of it. If I'm paying bookoo bucks to watch the Colts, I don't want to see us pull our star players.

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He's talking about the NFL:

“That’s been a problem for the NBA. It has not been, it never has been a problem in the NFL and that’s simply because job security is so difficult in the NFL. You’ve got to try and win every game.”

I didn't even see that part. I guess I'll get my pitchfork.
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He should have been fired years ago. I love Irsay but he made a mistake in not firing the guy sooner.  He had lost it a long time ago.


That being said, it wouldn't shock me at all if he said this just to get us angry. Especially considering all the hate he got from us after that deicison. I would not put it past the guy, he is a major fill in the blank. It seems like a HUGE shift in belief to me, he was fully for resting starters and had been for a long time.  Did he learn a lesson?  Maybe, but he is too arrogant and stubborn to admit it if he did.  I still think he's messing with us.

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This is not the first time that Polian has made a ridiculous statement that history can clearly prove to be incorrect. The Marvin Harrison drafting debacle for example.

He is either in the early stages of dementia or he is just a compulsive liar.

I would not call it a hate fire, it is just calling him out for blatant issues of integrity.

what Marvin drafting debacle?

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This is not the first time that Polian has made a ridiculous statement that history can clearly prove to be incorrect. The Marvin Harrison drafting debacle for example.


He is either in the early stages of dementia or he is just a compulsive liar.


I would not call it a hate fire, it is just calling him out for blatant issues of integrity.


I think you meant the Ugoh drafting debacle??? Marvin Harrison was not drafted by Polian

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I think we were both at that Jets game, right? I still remember how numb I felt. I know it had no bearing on winning the SB, but we were pulling away in hat game. He could have waited until the 4th Q.

I guess I'm still not over it....

IMHO I think it really did have an adverse effect on the team, I believe to this day if we had played and won both of those games we would have won the superbowl.  As I watched the guys on the sidelines I saw team that was both angry and deflated all at once, they were denied a chance at something that may never be done again and as athletes in a sport where it is so hard to win I think that was a shame. 

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I like the way people think GMs make all the field decisions. It's possible it was never his call. Or he just changed his mind. Neither should be shocking.


If you believe some of the hyperbole, he chose starters, made game plans, made up all of Dungy's schemes, and might have even be hiding Sasquatch. 

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You know what I find ironic?  That people can't handle the name Peyton Manning being mentioned on this part of the forum because he is no longer a Colt but yet they wait for Polian, who is also no longer a Colt, to say anything so they can go back and revisit 2009 and beat the same old horse that frankly has been beaten so much that there isn't even any glue left where the horse used to be.


No question anyone who heard what Polian said this morning will just laugh at it based on what the Colts did here.  Polian is part of the media now, they are for something one day and against it the next.  Just take it for what it is and move on. 


For the people who honestly can't let 2009 go why not?  Polian and Caldwell are fired and have been replaced with a GM and Coach who proved last year that if they are in a similar situation they will do things the way people wanted them done in 2009.  You won!  Irsay heard you and made changes.  Time to let 2009 go.  If you can't let it go by 2013 when can you?  Before you say you can't.  It's football it's a game it's really not that deep that you need to hold a life long grudge over it.  I don't think there is anyone who liked what we did in 2009 but frankly by 2013 most people have been able to accept that it happened and we can't change it and moved on from it. 

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You know what I find ironic?  That people can't handle the name Peyton Manning being mentioned on this part of the forum because he is no longer a Colt but yet they wait for Polian, who is also no longer a Colt, to say anything so they can go back and revisit 2009 and beat the same old horse that frankly has been beaten so much that there isn't even any glue left where the horse used to be.


No question anyone who heard what Polian said this morning will just laugh at it based on what the Colts did here.  Polian is part of the media now, they are for something one day and against it the next.  Just take it for what it is and move on. 


For the people who honestly can't let 2009 go why not?  Polian and Caldwell are fired and have been replaced with a GM and Coach who proved last year that if they are in a similar situation they will do things the way people wanted them done in 2009.  You won!  Irsay heard you and made changes.  Time to let 2009 go.  If you can't let it go by 2013 when can you?  Before you say you can't.  It's football it's a game it's really not that deep that you need to hold a life long grudge over it.  I don't think there is anyone who liked what we did in 2009 but frankly by 2013 most people have been able to accept that it happened and we can't change it and moved on from it. 


I think this is very, VERY different. I think Polian's comments here are highly hypocritical, and I think he deserves to be taken to task for them in this instance.

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I think you meant the Ugoh drafting debacle??? Marvin Harrison was not drafted by Polian

Think he is referring to Polian claiming he would have drafted Marvin in Carolina if he had the chance....when in fact he passed him over for Tim Biacaputuppaaaaii

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I think this is very, VERY different. I think Polian's comments here are highly hypocritical, and I think he deserves to be taken to task for them in this instance.

Why we all know it's a lie.  Just freaking let it ago rather than re-open something that has been drug up 1001 times before.  We all know how people feel about this and we all know people think it was wrong.  How many threads do we need to say it even when our ex-GM says something so silly it's laughable? 


Also, I also find it hypocritical people can't handle the name "Peyton Manning" or any other ex-Colt having threads started about them in the Colts section because "they are no longer a Colt" yet are all for Polian having a thread about him so they can "take him to task" one more time...


They have taken him to task over resting the starters.  How many times do they need to do it?  That's my point.  If people truly want to do it fine but let's not try to pretend like it hasn't happened before or anything said in this thread wont have been said before about it.  That's almost as laughable as what Polian said this morning. 

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You know what I find ironic?  That people can't handle the name Peyton Manning being mentioned on this part of the forum because he is no longer a Colt but yet they wait for Polian, who is also no longer a Colt, to say anything so they can go back and revisit 2009 and beat the same old horse that frankly has been beaten so much that there isn't even any glue left where the horse used to be.


No question anyone who heard what Polian said this morning will just laugh at it based on what the Colts did here.  Polian is part of the media now, they are for something one day and against it the next.  Just take it for what it is and move on. 


For the people who honestly can't let 2009 go why not?  Polian and Caldwell are fired and have been replaced with a GM and Coach who proved last year that if they are in a similar situation they will do things the way people wanted them done in 2009.  You won!  Irsay heard you and made changes.  Time to let 2009 go.  If you can't let it go by 2013 when can you?  Before you say you can't.  It's football it's a game it's really not that deep that you need to hold a life long grudge over it.  I don't think there is anyone who liked what we did in 2009 but frankly by 2013 most people have been able to accept that it happened and we can't change it and moved on from it. 

It is simple.  People react differently to different things.  We love the Colts.....we wanted a perfect record......we did not get it.  Twice really it 'could have' happened.


I do not get the least upset until I see Bill's comments that are in a role he despised....and we KNOW it was not the coaches decision...Polian wore the brushed brown suit and the jock in this organization.  He is now a member of the 'liars and rats....'  Is he lying?  


Just answering your question....you know I love OUR Colts.....and I loved the run with Polian at the helm.....just some things 'hang around I guess....:)


:pass:  :pass:  :coltsfb:  :coltsfb:

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Why we all know it's a lie.  Just freaking let it ago rather than re-open something that has been drug up 1001 times before.  We all know how people feel about this and we all know people think it was wrong.  How many threads do we need to say it even when our ex-GM says something so silly it's laughable? 


Also, I also find it hypocritical people can't handle the name "Peyton Manning" or any other ex-Colt having threads started about them in the Colts section because "they are no longer a Colt" yet are all for Polian having a thread about him so they can "take him to task" one more time...


They have taken him to task over resting the starters.  How many times do they need to do it?  That's my point.  If people truly want to do it fine but let's not try to pretend like it hasn't happened before or anything said in this thread wont have been said before about it.  That's almost as laughable as what Polian said this morning. 


It's different.


Polian made a decision three years ago that he's now saying he would never make. And it affects Colts fans. As you know, I'm one of the primary ones to defend Polian when the criticism gets extreme, from the zealots and blind haters, and so on. But I think his comments here are indefensible. I'm not sure the Peyton Manning comparison is relevant. Manning plays for another team. Polian left the NFL entirely. And this topic is specifically related to a decision he made when he was running the Colts.


I'm not here to pile on to him, but I think he's gonna deserve everything he gets on this one, from fans here, from BBS, from everyone. I'm actually shocked he would say something like this.

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Why we all know it's a lie.  Just freaking let it ago rather than re-open something that has been drug up 1001 times before.  We all know how people feel about this and we all know people think it was wrong.  How many threads do we need to say it even when our ex-GM says something so silly it's laughable? 


Also, I also find it hypocritical people can't handle the name "Peyton Manning" or any other ex-Colt having threads started about them in the Colts section because "they are no longer a Colt" yet are all for Polian having a thread about him so they can "take him to task" one more time...


They have taken him to task over resting the starters.  How many times do they need to do it?  That's my point.  If people truly want to do it fine but let's not try to pretend like it hasn't happened before or anything said in this thread wont have been said before about it.  That's almost as laughable as what Polian said this morning.

People like given the ol curmudgeon the business...I wouldn't take it that seriously.

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