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New Uniform Time!


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I like the uniforms, but would take the horseshoe off the helmet , and replace it with a generic horse. A change from Colts to Kolts would also provide some modern flare.

Lol, you never stop the hate do you? It's OUR cts now bud. Same Colts and will always be the same Colts. Same Colts different city.

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Not a fan of dark jersey+ dark pants+ white helmet looks. Like the Jets or Titans, yuck.

I'm picky.

Maybe with a blue helmet at home, white away.

Yeah I like the blue helmet. Maybe without the number. I actually do like the uniforms with the horse shoe look on the chest.

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Yeah I like the blue helmet. Maybe without the number. I actually do like the uniforms with the horse shoe look on the chest.


I like the horseshoe on the chest look too but I think the horseshoe on the chest is too big.  Looks like it's wrapped around the player...I actually didn't notice at first that it was supposed to be a horseshoe. lol  

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The mock-ups are OK....   better than most....   but not as good as what we have.


Perhaps for a once a season type uniform, I could live with it...     but I'm not excited for it.


They look to trendy for me.....   too hi-tech.....   


I like classic Uni's and the Colts have it.....       :thmup:

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I respect the tradition this organization runs with, but regardless its time for something new with swag and attitude to represent the play on the field.  These would

I respect the tradition this organization runs with, but regardless its time for something new with swag and attitude to represent the play on the field.  These would be perfect! 

 " Come on man " The Colts have the best uniforms in football no way are we changin that!







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I really like the Horseshoe on the arms.  I am a teacher in Maryland and I wear my Luck or Wayne jersey to school during their "Purple Friday".  I hate hearing students ask, "You like the Cowboys?".  Having the horseshoe would help me represent here in Maryland.

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I really like the Horseshoe on the arms.  I am a teacher in Maryland and I wear my Luck or Wayne jersey to school during their "Purple Friday".  I hate hearing students ask, "You like the Cowboys?".  Having the horseshoe would help me represent here in Maryland.

At least the blind hatred of the Colts seems to have died out before the current generation. "You like the Cowboys?" lmao 

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I really like the Horseshoe on the arms.  I am a teacher in Maryland and I wear my Luck or Wayne jersey to school during their "Purple Friday".  I hate hearing students ask, "You like the Cowboys?".  Having the horseshoe would help me represent here in Maryland.



Aren't the newer Indy Colts uniforms a different shade of blue than the old Baltimore Colts uniforms. The Indy uniforms seem to have more purple in it, and obviously a different texture. By the way, if you want to score some points with your students in Maryland, wear a Johnny Unitas Colts throwback jersey. Then you would really represent Maryland !

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I respect the tradition this organization runs with, but regardless its time for something new with swag and attitude to represent the play on the field.  These would be perfect! 






The offseason is not officially here until someone brings up a uniform change on a Colts forum. ;)


Welcome to the offseason!

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Being a Baltimore Colt and Indianapolis Colt fan, I love the tradition of the uniforms and the horse shoe.  I stay the course on uniforms.... :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:    


While I would buy these jerseys because they are modern and 'snazzy,' I want the memories of Unitas, Berry, Donovan and Moore to never be forgotten each time the Colts hit the field!!! :colts: :colts: :colts:

I'm with you Daddyoooooo!!!!!!!!! The day they ever would start always using those blue helmet and uniforms with the two little horseshoes on the back I would no longer be a Colts fans, the white with horseshoe on side and Johnny U is what made me a Colts fan since 1958 and if they ever did that this is what you all could do for me PLEASE... Yes it's that bad...


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I'm with you Daddyoooooo!!!!!!!!! The day they ever would start always using those blue helmet and uniforms with the two little horseshoes on the back I would no longer be a Colts fans, the white with horseshoe on side and Johnny U is what made me a Colts fan since 1958 and if they ever did that this is what you all could do for me PLEASE... Yes it's that bad...



You do realize, that was a Colts uniform from the 50's...right?

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this concept has been released the last 3 years. the colts wont be changing up anytime soon. teams like the colts, browns, steelers, dolphins, raiders their all traditional type uniforms and need to keep them that way. already bad enough we may see philly go oregon style now that chip kelly is there lol (just a joke) 

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Our uniforms will always stay the same. The day they dramatically change them is going to be a sad day.


Aside from facemask color changes, and a grey stripe on the pants during the first couple years in Indy our unis are the same as what Johnny U and the legends wore. That is something to be very proud of. We have one of the richests histories in the NFL, and it doesn't need to change.


Like I always post when this comes up.


The 1957 unis should always be our current:




Have the the 1955 and 1956 uniforms as the alternates.






It's all the Colts need. The most perfect uniforms in the NFL.

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You do realize, that was a Colts uniform from the 50's...right?

Yep, sure do. But I'm from 1958 on and what we have now is all I ever knew. So then I would be just lost and wouldn't know

who they were in a sence. I"d feel like a Captain without a ship are is that lost at sea? So as Al would say if this happens.


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Yep, sure do. But I'm from 1958 on and what we have now is all I ever knew. So then I would be just lost and wouldn't know

who they were in a sence. I"d feel like a Captain without a ship are is that lost at sea? So as Al would say if this happens.





Well, I would never drop my team after 29 yrs. of rooting for them just because they changed their look, but I do understand the tradition and I love our all white uni's. It wouldn't bother me a bit though if they went to the blue helmets.

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we dont sleep in two seperate beds like folks did in the 50s. milk isnt delivered by a guy to our porch like the 50s. soda pop isnt in bottles like the 50s... times change.


its funny how some people hold onto certain things that are out dated as "tradition" and eagerly move on from others. im certain a car getting 13mpg would gladly be traded in by any forum member that was "a fan since Unitas" for a car getting 30+ mpg. im sure we would all like a sharp looking sports car (be it euro or muscle) over an old studebaker lark.


Football is a sport watched for entertainment. i at least tune in to see "superhumans" doing things my buds and i only dreamed of doing growing up. these men are stronger, faster and more athletic than i could ever dream of being and i dont think just because we have alwas been in simple understated non flashy uniforms... that we always need to be in them. just like everything else, things evolve.

the colts are a younger, scrappier, different team than Unitas and even Mannings teams. I am all for an update to the uniforms. in saying that, i think iconic pieces need to stay. same blue. same shoe. same white. but the presentation can be reimagined. i like the mock up.

"if you are not moving forward, you are falling behind"

the organization is moving forward. we are all excited. we saw where complacentsy got the colts when Manning went down... we had no plan B. Orlovsky? Painter? we hvae new leadership. coaching. montra. personel. this isnt the same old Colts. so why dress like them.

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I wouldn't mind the Blue helmet with the white horseshoe as much as some total different change. But then again leave well

enough alone, what we have now is what made the Colts, besides Johnny U that's who really made the Colts known!!




I agree, I would not want some radical new look like some of the college nonsense that has came out over the last few yrs.. Oregon, Maryland...I'm talking to you!

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just my 2 cents :2c: . i am 28 just to quantify where i am comming from, and i compleately get the tradition stance. im not going to win any new friends and thats fine. the Colts will not change so this thread is always fun to read in the off season and fun to look at peoples thoughts. #coltsstrong


this concept has been released the last 3 years. the colts wont be changing up anytime soon. teams like the colts, browns, steelers, dolphins, raiders their all traditional type uniforms and need to keep them that way. already bad enough we may see philly go oregon style now that chip kelly is there lol (just a joke) 


Phins are rolling arround a new logo fyi.

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You don't mess with tradition. Ask a team like the Yankees if they care about alternative Jerseys. Has nothing to do with being old school, its what identifies your franchise. My vote is not a chance in hell.

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