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Irsay's latest tweet (Saturday 3/16)


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I think we just want him to be a little less hyped up maybe just say we're trying to get a WR no real reason to say its really really close unless it basically done and no reason for words like whopper or blockbuster just fill is in and say hey were trying to bring in a WR trying to get it done then if it don't happen we wouldn't mind as much

I think some here got a little over excited on their own.  Case in point almost as soon as Irsay made that tweet people here started tossing out the idea it could be Fitz.  Irsay said nothing in that tweet about it being Fitz.  Yet fans went crazy over the idea it could.  At that point any WR you land unless it's megatron is going to be a disappointment because it's not Fitz.  That goes on the fans.  Also Irsay said they were close and TRYING to get it done.  People just over looked the trying part.  Again, I know people don't like to hear this but I think the people who got all their hopes up and over excited goes on them because they control how they reacted to Irsay.  All Irsay did was say hey we are trying to make a move, I think we are close and we are trying to make it happen and it's for a WR who is pretty good.  Anything beyond that is speculation from the fans and media. 


You and me also have no idea how close they were.  It could be they were extremely close and just haven't been able to work out that last little detail to make it happen.  Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean the two teams aren't close.  Again, I go back to the Davis trade last year when Irsay said something close to what he said on Friday night.  It ended up happening it just took some time.  Patience is needed here and an understanding that close and trying doesn't mean it's a lock it's going to happen.  The deal could fall apart.  If it does it does.  Don't blame Irsay though because we as fans got overly excited with our speculation. 

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I think some here got a little over excited on their own. Case in point almost as soon as Irsay made that tweet people here started tossing out the idea it could be Fitz. Irsay said nothing in that tweet about it being Fitz. Yet fans went crazy over the idea it could. At that point any WR you land unless it's megatron is going to be a disappointment because it's not Fitz. That goes on the fans. Also Irsay said they were close and TRYING to get it done. People just over looked the trying part. Again, I know people don't like to hear this but I think the people who got all their hopes up and over excited goes on them because they control how they reacted to Irsay. All Irsay did was say hey we are trying to make a move, I think we are close and we are trying to make it happen and it's for a WR who is pretty good. Anything beyond that is speculation from the fans and media.

You and me also have no idea how close they were. It could be they were extremely close and just haven't been able to work out that last little detail to make it happen. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean the two teams aren't close. Again, I go back to the Davis trade last year when Irsay said something close to what he said on Friday night. It ended up happening it just took some time. Patience is needed here and an understanding that close and trying doesn't mean it's a lock it's going to happen. The deal could fall apart. If it does it does. Don't blame Irsay though because we as fans got overly excited with our speculation.

I agree but I just want him to calm down a bit like last year the Davis deal was a blockbuster it's a good trade but not no blockbuster lol
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I agree but I just want him to calm down a bit like last year the Davis deal was a blockbuster it's a good trade but not no blockbuster lol

Irsay might tell you other wise.  Always remember what you think is a big trade or isn't a big trade to you might not match someone else's definition of it.


Also if you don't think it was a block buster think of this if we don't make that deal Vaughn is the number ONE corner by the end of last season.  So to the Colts, a team that didn't really have a number one guy I can see why getting a guy like Davis in their eyes was a block buster.  Also remember we coming off an era where the Colts didn't make moves like this very often and when they did it was few and far between.  So yeah it was a big trade for them.


Also Irsay is trying to get the fan base excited because he knows an excited fan base is good for business.  Always remember there is a little marketing going on when he tweets.  I don't think it's a mistake he sent that tweet out at a time when the Colts were getting pushed to the back burner in the Indianapolis sports world.  I think also knew to capitalize on a day where both Butler and IU had lost and the Pacers had lost the night before.    He saw a chance to get people talking Colts in Indianapolis and not basketball and took it.  I think Irasy is crazy like a fox.  A lot of what we silly and goofy from him because of how he presents it is very carefully calculated by him designed to get a reaction. 

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Irsay might tell you other wise. Always remember what you think is a big trade or isn't a big trade to you might not match someone else's definition of it.

Also if you don't think it was a block buster think of this if we don't make that deal Vaughn is the number ONE corner by the end of last season. So to the Colts, a team that didn't really have a number one guy I can see why getting a guy like Davis in their eyes was a block buster. Also remember we coming off an era where the Colts didn't make moves like this very often and when they did it was few and far between. So yeah it was a big trade for them.

Also Irsay is trying to get the fan base excited because he knows an excited fan base is good for business. Always remember there is a little marketing going on when he tweets. I don't think it's a mistake he sent that tweet out at a time when the Colts were getting pushed to the back burner in the Indianapolis sports world. I think also knew to capitalize on a day where both Butler and IU had lost and the Pacers had lost the night before. He saw a chance to get people talking Colts in Indianapolis and not basketball and took it. I think Irasy is crazy like a fox. A lot of what we silly and goofy from him because of how he presents it is very carefully calculated by him designed to get a reaction.

The trade was huge for us can't disagree that but I mean in the sports world it's not a blockbuster and the free agents this year he hyped up like they were huge I have no problem with any of them they all will have a big part but just over hyped a little but that's him so its ok can't change him I still wouldn't trade him for any other owner he too interesting and random
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The trade was huge for us can't disagree that but I mean in the sports world it's not a blockbuster and the free agents this year he hyped up like they were huge I have no problem with any of them they all will have a big part but just over hyped a little but that's him so its ok can't change him I still wouldn't trade him for any other owner he too interesting and random

Again, just because it wasn't a blockbuster to the sports world doesn't mean it wasn't for the Colts or Irsay.  I don't think many outside of Colts fans would say the trade that brought us Booger was that big of a deal at the time it happened either but it was huge to that Colts team and was a major reason they won a Super Bowl. 


We don't know how these free agents will pan out yet.  Just because don't think they are big names right now doesn't mean they wont turn out to be.  I am sure if they turn out the way Girgson is telling Irsay they will they will end up being huge signings. 


Again, always remember though Irsay is trying to get people excited about what the Colts are doing.  You just have to remember when you read his tweets he is biast and he's always going to put a Colts spin on things.  It comes with the source.  It's up to the people read them and gage their responses accordingly.  Irsay is trying to market a product.  I look at it this way.  If you watch a commercial on TV and it makes you really excited about something and then you get it and have buyers remorse it's not the commercials fault that you did exactly what they were trying to get you to do.  Telling Irsay to not get people excited about something is like telling a commercial to not make you want to go buy something. 

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Malcolm Floyd is old

Vincent Brown is a nobody

Denario Alexander plays with a knee brace.

This is what I call a triple bypass.

Andrew Luck plays with a knee brace what if we would have passed on him in the draft? Brown had 19 receptions and 329 yards and 2 td's in 4 starts last year. Ill give ya Malcom Floyd though

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Say what you will about the Colts but the fact that Irsay made it known Saturday night that the Colts were trying to trade for a WR and the fact it's Tuesday morning and no one in the media this day in age has been able to figure out who that WR is says something about them being able to keep stuff secret that they want to keep secret. 

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As far as I am concerned, if a signing/trade happens then fine. If it doesn't life will go on.


Hey at least they are all trying to constantly improve this roster and keeping us in the "know" a bit that stuff is going on behind the scenes.

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Think we have a case against Irsay? We can claim loss of sleep due to wrongful anticipation... leading to a loss of wages and a decline in health.


A class action lawsuit just might be enough to end this madness!

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As far as I am concerned, if a signing/trade happens then fine. If it doesn't life will go on.


Hey at least they are all trying to constantly improve this roster and keeping us in the "know" a bit that stuff is going on behind the scenes.



My grandpappy once told me that sometimes the best trades of all are the ones that don't happen.

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Just throwing a name out there that I haven't seen anyone mention. I'm not saying give up #24 for him, but CAR Steve Smith might make some sense. CAR isn't winning a SB anytime soon. He's probably expendable for them if they can aquire a valuable pick. Yes, he's kinda old but I still think he a high quality WR. Pretty tough guy for his size too.

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A name that no one has mentioned may be Hakeem Nicks. If the Giants plan on signing Cruz long term they may not be able to afford Nicks and Cruz both. Nicks is a Giant, as in whopper, has a ring. and I believe is in the final year of his rookie deal. Nicks is the player the Colts should have drafted when they took Donald Brown.

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A name that no one has mentioned may be Hakeem Nicks. If the Giants plan on signing Cruz long term they may not be able to afford Nicks and Cruz both. Nicks is a Giant, as in whopper, has a ring. and I believe is in the final year of his rookie deal. Nicks is the player the Colts should have drafted when they took Donald Brown.

This actually makes sense.

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A name that no one has mentioned may be Hakeem Nicks. If the Giants plan on signing Cruz long term they may not be able to afford Nicks and Cruz both. Nicks is a Giant, as in whopper, has a ring. and I believe is in the final year of his rookie deal. Nicks is the player the Colts should have drafted when they took Donald Brown.



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Just throwing a name out there that I haven't seen anyone mention. I'm not saying give up #24 for him, but CAR Steve Smith might make some sense. CAR isn't winning a SB anytime soon. He's probably expendable for them if they can aquire a valuable pick. Yes, he's kinda old but I still think he a high quality WR. Pretty tough guy for his size too.



A name that no one has mentioned may be Hakeem Nicks. If the Giants plan on signing Cruz long term they may not be able to afford Nicks and Cruz both. Nicks is a Giant, as in whopper, has a ring. and I believe is in the final year of his rookie deal. Nicks is the player the Colts should have drafted when they took Donald Brown.


time to accept the big possibility that the "big name" WR fell through and isnt goin down.. Touraj Houshmandzadeh now thats a big name  :funny:  but in all seriousness we've been had!! :banana:

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time to accept the big possibility that the "big name" WR fell through and isnt goin down.. Touraj Houshmandzadeh now thats a big name  :funny:  but in all seriousness we've been had!! :banana:



Yep, I really can't believe people are still throwing names around. Whatever the trade was, died out a couple days ago. 

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That is code for "The trade fell through and now were moving on". We just handed out a 4 million dollar contract for a backup QB. If we trade for a WR now, it's not going to be anybody worth getting excited about.

Did you read it?

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Did you read it?



Read what? The tweet! Yes, I read it and I stick by what I said. They made an offer, the other team did not accept and now it's time to move on. He said before that they were going to have to juggle the cap numbers to make it all work and now they've added to a cap number pretty significantly with a backup QB. Which means if they were going to have to juggle the numbers before, they would have to pull off a miracle now. Not to mention the fact that Irsay hasn't tweeted a word about it in 2 days now besides something about a good insurance policy, which just reaffirms that the deal is dead IMO.

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Read what? The tweet! Yes, I read it and I stick by what I said. They made an offer, the other team did not accept and now it's time to move on. He said before that they were going to have to juggle the cap numbers to make it all work and now they've added to a cap number pretty significantly with a backup QB. Which means if they were going to have to juggle the numbers before, they would have to pull off a miracle now. Not to mention the fact that Irsay hasn't tweeted a word about it in 2 days now besides something about a good insurance policy, which just reaffirms that the deal is dead IMO.

I was just trying to find out how you deduced all that from a him saying they want the price to go down.

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I was just trying to find out how you deduced all that from a him saying they want the price to go down.




I've heard GM's say that in every sport. 99% of the time, it means that they are moving on and going in a different direction. I suppose there's a tiny chance that whoever it was from whatever team gets desperate and decides to go ahead and make the deal, but I'm just accepting that it's dead and not expecting anything to happen. 

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Read what? The tweet! Yes, I read it and I stick by what I said. They made an offer, the other team did not accept and now it's time to move on. He said before that they were going to have to juggle the cap numbers to make it all work and now they've added to a cap number pretty significantly with a backup QB. Which means if they were going to have to juggle the numbers before, they would have to pull off a miracle now. Not to mention the fact that Irsay hasn't tweeted a word about it in 2 days now besides something about a good insurance policy, which just reaffirms that the deal is dead IMO.


I can't fault your analysis here, seems a lot to throw at a guy who you hope is going to ride the bench, especially in the context of what Stanton and even Cassell got.

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I can't fault your analysis here, seems a lot to throw at a guy who you hope is going to ride the bench, especially in the context of what Stanton and even Cassell got.



Yep, that's what I think too. Not that I think it's a bad deal, it's always nice to have a savvy vet backup QB, but with the money they gave him, I don't see anyway that were still going to trade for a big name WR.

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I think at this point the trade involves players and draft picks. If that's the case I can understand why this is taking so long. We are getting to the point where if this doesn't happen soon, it's not happening ever.

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A name that no one has mentioned may be Hakeem Nicks. If the Giants plan on signing Cruz long term they may not be able to afford Nicks and Cruz both. Nicks is a Giant, as in whopper, has a ring. and I believe is in the final year of his rookie deal. Nicks is the player the Colts should have drafted when they took Donald Brown.


Absolutely! That was also my thought this morning when I awoke!  Then I searched found these articles-





And thought, Nicks is coming off surgery and not proven to be back to his old self yet.  Giants can't afford both, long term. and posted the same thought you had in the NFL Owners Meeting thread.  This could be the guy they are waiting for the price to go down on...

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