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Manning vs. the Bears


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we dont know that he would have won, people forget Broncos won last night with no Harrison, no MendenHall and no Ryan Clark

Yes the Steelers may have been missing those players...but let's not forget that Peyton was in his first meaningful game in about 18 months, too...and the Broncos are playing without one of their starting offensive linemen, who broke his arm in the preseason

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I saw so many things that Manning would have done to combat the Bears defense it's not even funny and I haven't even broke the game down (video), which I'm about to do.

First of all, Manning would have been running a no huddle faster style of offense which would have really put the Bears at a disadvantage especially with the way they were playing their Safeties and LB's. Secondly, Manning would have audibled out of SOOO many plays when the Bears did their cross-shifting and stunts. Their stunts wouldn't have fooled Manning whatsoever. I hate to compare Manning to Luck but Manning would have chewed these guys up from purely a disorientation standpoint. If you noticed Luck's demeanor when the Bears were shifting, he would simply point and shout but there was not mis-direction like you see with Manning (Manning keeps them completely off-guard with mis-direction shouts and fake audibles and pointing and carrying on with his body language). Luck doesn't have the freedom (although the announcers said he did) that Manning has. Manning has so much more experience I realize. I'm just saying that a Manning led team would have had a victory over the Bears IMO and Manning would have made up for our dizzying inefficiences. We would have also kept CUTLER OFF THE FIELD longer and therefore 41 points would not have been possible.

U know manning also threw 28 int and was 3-13 as a rookie so check your facts boy before u get all hype
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A Mute point. Peyton is in Denver, he is going to do well, and that was apparent from last night's performance. Andrew Luck is the QB of the Colts now, and needs the support of Colts fans. Feel free to cheer Peyton on, Lord knows I still do... and that's never been a secret, but the constant comparisons of these two, and the what if's are very tiresome.

Agree with everything you said...with the only objection being to the use of "mute". It's, "moot point." Mute is an option on your TV's remote control used to silence the speakers.

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Agree with everything you said...with the only objection being to the use of "mute". It's, "moot point." Mute is an option on your TV's remote control used to silence the speakers.

haha and I am the grammar police usually haha thanks for catching that... I guess I was just so caught up in what I was trying to convey.... convey is right..isn't it?


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I saw so many things that Manning would have done to combat the Bears defense it's not even funny and I haven't even broke the game down (video), which I'm about to do.

First of all, Manning would have been running a no huddle faster style of offense which would have really put the Bears at a disadvantage especially with the way they were playing their Safeties and LB's. Secondly, Manning would have audibled out of SOOO many plays when the Bears did their cross-shifting and stunts. Their stunts wouldn't have fooled Manning whatsoever. I hate to compare Manning to Luck but Manning would have chewed these guys up from purely a disorientation standpoint. If you noticed Luck's demeanor when the Bears were shifting, he would simply point and shout but there was not mis-direction like you see with Manning (Manning keeps them completely off-guard with mis-direction shouts and fake audibles and pointing and carrying on with his body language). Luck doesn't have the freedom (although the announcers said he did) that Manning has. Manning has so much more experience I realize. I'm just saying that a Manning led team would have had a victory over the Bears IMO and Manning would have made up for our dizzying inefficiences. We would have also kept CUTLER OFF THE FIELD longer and therefore 41 points would not have been possible.

We just got farley`d. Wasn`t his mind messed up and he is dead from it? MORE Rookies, Even Less veterans on this Team if we paid $tat$ his $28Million.

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I saw so many things that Manning would have done to combat the Bears defense it's not even funny and I haven't even broke the game down (video), which I'm about to do.

First of all, Manning would have been running a no huddle faster style of offense which would have really put the Bears at a disadvantage especially with the way they were playing their Safeties and LB's. Secondly, Manning would have audibled out of SOOO many plays when the Bears did their cross-shifting and stunts. Their stunts wouldn't have fooled Manning whatsoever. I hate to compare Manning to Luck but Manning would have chewed these guys up from purely a disorientation standpoint. If you noticed Luck's demeanor when the Bears were shifting, he would simply point and shout but there was not mis-direction like you see with Manning (Manning keeps them completely off-guard with mis-direction shouts and fake audibles and pointing and carrying on with his body language). Luck doesn't have the freedom (although the announcers said he did) that Manning has. Manning has so much more experience I realize. I'm just saying that a Manning led team would have had a victory over the Bears IMO and Manning would have made up for our dizzying inefficiences. We would have also kept CUTLER OFF THE FIELD longer and therefore 41 points would not have been possible.

I don't want to speak for the rest of the board but myself - I am breathless with anticipation awaiting your post-video breakdown of the game.

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I don't think Manning would have won this game yesterday, and heres why.

A. The offensive line was absolutely pitiful. Manning would have been sacked 5+ times (thank goodness Luck has quick feet to get away from most sacks)

B. Our defense was terrible after Freeney left. Manning may have made it closer, but Manning would have had to throw for 400+ yards for this to even be a close game.

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You are correct. I guess what I'm saying is we certainly know that Manning would probably have won this game at his current age, we blew most of the team up and sacrificed wins. The GM and coaches know this but losing is still hard. I just wonder if Luck can take a page or two out of Manning's book and learn some of his techniques of reading defense even close to Manning. If so, maybe Luck's learning curve and freedom will elevate.

Well then who cares? Suck it up buttercup, when you have a brand new team you aren't going to win often.

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Agree with everything you said...with the only objection being to the use of "mute". It's, "moot point." Mute is an option on your TV's remote control used to silence the speakers.

then again... maybe I did mean "mute" haha I've often wished I had a mute button on more than just the TV remote :P ;)
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Peyton would have taken them apart like a children's ABC set.

Steelers have better D than Bears.

And the Broncos have a much better team than the Colts. I doubt even Peyton could have beaten the Bears with the team as structured. It would have been closer for sure.

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I don't want to speak for the rest of the board but myself - I am breathless with anticipation awaiting your post-video breakdown of the game.

I think you meant to say, waiting with bated breath

It’s easy to mock, but there’s a real problem here. Bated and baited sound the same and we no longer use bated (let alone the verb to bate), outside this one set phrase, which has become an idiom. Confusion is almost inevitable. Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); it means “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So bated breath refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing as a result of some strong emotion, such as terror or awe.

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I think you meant to say, waiting with bated breath

It’s easy to mock, but there’s a real problem here. Bated and baited sound the same and we no longer use bated (let alone the verb to bate), outside this one set phrase, which has become an idiom. Confusion is almost inevitable. Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); it means “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So bated breath refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing as a result of some strong emotion, such as terror or awe.

A there is a swing and a miss...

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And the Broncos have a much better team than the Colts. I doubt even Peyton could have beaten the Bears with the team as structured. It would have been closer for sure.

Let's be realistic, Peyton would not have turned the ball over 4 times. Therefore a win easily against the Bears.

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I think you meant to say, waiting with bated breath

It’s easy to mock, but there’s a real problem here. Bated and baited sound the same and we no longer use bated (let alone the verb to bate), outside this one set phrase, which has become an idiom. Confusion is almost inevitable. Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); it means “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So bated breath refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing as a result of some strong emotion, such as terror or awe.

Anyone can use google.


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Let's be realistic, Peyton would not have turned the ball over 4 times. Therefore a win easily against the Bears.

did you block out Peytons 28 picks his rookie year and 3 fumbles? thats what is being compared not what he would have done now and also he did get a crack at the Bears D in the preseason even though it was only 7 passes but he threw a pick then to if we were talking about this year
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I saw so many things that Manning would have done to combat the Bears defense it's not even funny and I haven't even broke the game down (video), which I'm about to do.

First of all, Manning would have been running a no huddle faster style of offense which would have really put the Bears at a disadvantage especially with the way they were playing their Safeties and LB's. Secondly, Manning would have audibled out of SOOO many plays when the Bears did their cross-shifting and stunts. Their stunts wouldn't have fooled Manning whatsoever. I hate to compare Manning to Luck but Manning would have chewed these guys up from purely a disorientation standpoint. If you noticed Luck's demeanor when the Bears were shifting, he would simply point and shout but there was not mis-direction like you see with Manning (Manning keeps them completely off-guard with mis-direction shouts and fake audibles and pointing and carrying on with his body language). Luck doesn't have the freedom (although the announcers said he did) that Manning has. Manning has so much more experience I realize. I'm just saying that a Manning led team would have had a victory over the Bears IMO and Manning would have made up for our dizzying inefficiences. We would have also kept CUTLER OFF THE FIELD longer and therefore 41 points would not have been possible.

Well yeah there's no doubting this. I took notice too but we have to wait till Luck grows into that kind of " on-field general"

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Let's be realistic, Peyton would not have turned the ball over 4 times. Therefore a win easily against the Bears.

Yeah and Peyton isnt a rookie. I was commenting more on the state of the team. The Bears looked reall good. I dont think even Peyton could have overcome the team's problems in that game.

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Let's be realistic, Peyton would not have turned the ball over 4 times. Therefore a win easily against the Bears.

Think about this...Luck is far more mobile than Peyton. Luck got out of quite a few sacks by his mobility in the pocket. Even if the GOAT Peyton was playing last Sunday, I feel that he would have been sacked at least 8 times, and knocked down about 10 more. No QB, with no pass protection, and no sort of run blocking can survive in the NFL, let alone prosper. If Peyton was playing that game, the Colts still would have lost. and probably have been injured..

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Let's be realistic, Peyton would not have turned the ball over 4 times. Therefore a win easily against the Bears.

Your right in Peyton Manning's first game as a rookie he only turned it over three times all INTs he didn't have the fumble Luck did on Sunday the only major difference between their first outings as QBs and guess what the Colts still lost his first game as a rookie too. Comparing Peyton Manning today to Andrew Luck as a rookie is not fair and come on people we are smart enough fans to know this. If people truly want to compare Peyton Manning to Andrew Luck the best you can do is go back and compare the two as rookies. We know this move by Irsay was not made for this season and the people who are trying to pretend like it was you wont be able to find in three to five years when Luck is coming into his prime and Manning is headed out of the league.
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so we have to wait for Luck to become a great player while RG3 is decapitating NOLA and outscoring great QB's like Brees in their own bulidings?

yeah, why don't we wait for Luck until he is ready to win games...while RG3 is gonna be in playoffs and winning rookie of the year

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If Luck is on the Redskins, do they beat the Saints on the road? yeah think about that..

it wasn't all Colts O'line fault

you forgot to mention the Redskins ran the ball 46 times which greatly helps the pass game because those Linebackers have to creep up leaving the middle of the field wide open, RGIII threw 26 times good for 28th most sunday, the Saints Safety play was awful, Garcon broke a 15 yard pass play into an 80 yard run also the Colts threw the run game out the window. Luck also threw only 3 less completions then Robert Griffen and had 11 less yards not to mention Robert Griffen scrambled 9 times compared to Lucks 2, the Colts O Line was crap on the right side the majority of the game sunday
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so we have to wait for Luck to become a great player while RG3 is decapitating NOLA and outscoring great QB's like Brees in their own bulidings?

yeah, why don't we wait for Luck until he is ready to win games...while RG3 is gonna be in playoffs and winning rookie of the year

Dude....its one game. Seriously.

Having watched both games...the Redskins are aslo a much better team. They dont have a defense giving up 20 yards per play or an O-line allowing free rushers at the snap (against a 4 man rush mind you).

Did you honestly expect, given the state of the team, for Luck to step in and throw for 3 TDs and 300 yards in his first game against a good defense on the road?

And who cares who wins ROTY? I just want the team to be good longterm. Its a long process considering the state of the team coming into this season.

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