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Do you think the colts will look at Chad Johnson?


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For what the Colts' needs are... NO.

For what Chad Johnson's needs are... Let's just say I hope somebody gives him a chance. My impression is he's a decent guy whose world has come crashing down around him.

It's unfortunate for Chad but he is reaping the consequences of his poor decisions. You can't expect to lay in a coupe with chicken heads and not end up with egg on your face. Colts should stay away from Chad...have no need for him.

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It's unfortunate for Chad but he is reaping the consequences of his poor decisions. You can't expect to lay in a coupe with chicken heads and not end up with egg on your face. Colts should stay away from Chad...have no need for him.

No doubt his recent actions look terrible, but before this accusation from his wife, Chad has been guilty of nothing more than being loud and a show boat. His style has never sat well with me, but in the grand scheme of things, it was always harmless silliness. Until I hear the whole story of this latest thing, and we seldom get to hear the whole story, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt... don't get me wrong, I still don't think the Colts need him in any way... but he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me.

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Fun Chad Johnson story that means nothing to the idea of whether the Colts should sign him (no!).... but it's a fun story anyway....

So, Chad goes to a JC out of HS. Plays two years and then goes off to Oregon State. Plays one season there and goes to the NFL.

But those at Oregon State say Chad never went to a single class. He went, played football, didn't got to class. But the time his grades got recorded and people figured out he didn't go to class, well, the season was over and Chad was off to the NFL.

No repercussion. Just Chad being Chad.

I don't think this kind of thing could happen these days. Schools are a little better about making sure their kids are in class. Not perfect, but better than they were back in the day....

Anyway, it's my favorite Chad story... and I always like sharing....

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No doubt his recent actions look terrible, but before this accusation from his wife, Chad has been guilty of nothing more than being loud and a show boat. His style has never sat well with me, but in the grand scheme of things, it was always harmless silliness. Until I hear the whole story of this latest thing, and we seldom get to hear the whole story, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt... don't get me wrong, I still don't think the Colts need him in any way... but he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me.

thats what i said. reading this thread... it soulds like you guys liken to Lawrence Taylor and T.O. thats not Chad Johnson.

and to the : Until Chad get his handed down by a jury..." how bout you hold off on the year and a half image repair with countless hours of appoligies and all that until we hear it handed down that he did such a thing...

He says she headbutted him. Now looking at the tape on both: she fights and punches and is violent DOCUMENTED on her Basketball Wives show.

Chad gets fined for his TD celebrations. cant learn the Pats play book. and is VERY charitible to fans and community...

now im no defense attourney but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has little webbed feet... Id bet she probably struck him.

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thats what i said. reading this thread... it soulds like you guys liken to Lawrence Taylor and T.O. thats not Chad Johnson.

and to the : Until Chad get his handed down by a jury..." how bout you hold off on the year and a half image repair with countless hours of appoligies and all that until we hear it handed down that he did such a thing...

He says she headbutted him. Now looking at the tape on both: she fights and punches and is violent DOCUMENTED on her Basketball Wives show.

Chad gets fined for his TD celebrations. cant learn the Pats play book. and is VERY charitible to fans and community...

now im no defense attourney but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has little webbed feet... Id bet she probably struck him.

In a he said/she said confrontation, especially concerning domestic violence in America, No man will ever win a public relations battle EVER. Throw away the key, line up the firing squad, and as comedian George Burns would state, "Say Goodnight Gracie." Forget the evidence it doesn't matter. Yes, this sounds harsh, but it is what it is.

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IMO I really like our stable of WR overall could end up being the best weve ever had in the long run,Chad Johnson although he may still be talented,would be a major distraction to a team that doesnt need distraction.I really like where we are going now GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!

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No doubt his recent actions look terrible, but before this accusation from his wife, Chad has been guilty of nothing more than being loud and a show boat. His style has never sat well with me, but in the grand scheme of things, it was always harmless silliness. Until I hear the whole story of this latest thing, and we seldom get to hear the whole story, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt... don't get me wrong, I still don't think the Colts need him in any way... but he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me.

thats what i said. reading this thread... it soulds like you guys liken to Lawrence Taylor and T.O. thats not Chad Johnson.

and to the : Until Chad get his handed down by a jury..." how bout you hold off on the year and a half image repair with countless hours of appoligies and all that until we hear it handed down that he did such a thing...

He says she headbutted him. Now looking at the tape on both: she fights and punches and is violent DOCUMENTED on her Basketball Wives show.

Chad gets fined for his TD celebrations. cant learn the Pats play book. and is VERY charitible to fans and community...

now im no defense attourney but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and has little webbed feet... Id bet she probably struck him.

Bingo Cali Colt. Her dubious character is well documented yet he still chose to make her his bride. Schwam, in my post I was referencing his poor choice in women more than anything. Not saying he is guilty or innocent but he chose to marry drama. Poor choice on his part and he's reaping the consequences of that. Regardless...his skills are diminished and Colts don't need the sideshow.

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Bingo Cali Colt. Her dubious character is well documented yet he still chose to make her his bride. Schwam, in my post I was referencing his poor choice in women more than anything. Not saying he is guilty or innocent but he chose to marry drama. Poor choice on his part and he's reaping the consequences of that. Regardless...his skills are diminished and Colts don't need the sideshow.

I agree Coltsman1788. Like I always tell my oldest nephew, do yourself a favor and stay away from high maintenance women. They're not worth it. As my friend Lollygager accurately says, "the prettier they are; the crazier they are" too. Run away. Far away. To a different time zone, hemisphere, and zip code if you have to just to preserve your sanity if necessary.

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Men get hit by women all the time and its not considered domestic violence unfortunately

I don't know if I would classify women as frequent abusers per say Gavin. Most women I come across are intelligent, well adjusted, passionate, and kind. Individuals who wouldn't harm a fly. There are always exceptions to this rule of thumb I suppose and double standards to exist among genders of course, but I am not going to step into that bear trap because no good would unfold for me if I did. I fully comprehend your position Gavin. I just wouldn't embrace it as a definitive fact that's all I saying.

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I agree Coltsman1788. Like I always tell my oldest nephew, do yourself a favor and stay away from high maintenance women. They're not worth it. As my friend Lollygager accurately says, "the prettier they are; the crazier they are" too. Run away. Far away. To a different time zone, hemisphere, and zip code if you have to just to preserve your sanity if necessary.

Oh NO SW.....I better cancel my engagement......maybe Brentmc11's craziness > Denene's? :) No reality shows here buddy :) Edited by BrentMc11
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I don't know if I would classify women as frequent abusers per say Gavin. Most women I come across are intelligent, well adjusted, passionate, and kind. Individuals who wouldn't harm a fly. There are always exceptions to this rule of thumb I suppose and double standards to exist among genders of course, but I am not going to step into that bear trap because no good would unfold for me if I did. I fully comprehend your position Gavin. I just wouldn't embrace it as a definitive fact that's all I saying.

Men are abused quite a bit. Most are afraid to report due to fear of ridicule from their peers and society in general. Then there is mental abuse that leads to physical abuse....another story for another time. Edited by BrentMc11
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Oh know SW.....I better cancel my engagement......maybe Brentmc11's craziness > Denene's? :) No reality shows here buddy :)

Hmmm...a reality TV show hosted by Brent...As Bob Knight would say, "let me tell you something chuck do I look happy?!!" You bet your caboose I do. Perhaps, if you and Denene get hitched the dual "craziness" will level off and result in a white picket fence, family barbeques, and good wholesome fun....Nope, I just can't wrap my head around that one either. haha Just Kidding Brent. A leopard can't change their spots and I wouldn't want them too either.

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Men are abused quite a bit. Most are afraid to report due to fear of ridicule from their peers and society in general. Then there is mental abuse that leads to physical abuse....another story for another time.

Absolutely right. I'm not denying that relevant fact Brent. I am just merely pointing out that sweeping generalizations about an entire gender are extremely dangerous and counterproductive that's all. Just like my previous statement "the prettier they are; the crazier they are." But, in my experience, I have come across a few women who are narcissistic and obsessed with their physical appearance to the level of an unhealthy addiction and compulsion. However, by the same token, I have also come across incredibly intelligent, humble women who are breathtakingly beautiful as well.

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HEK NOOO!!! We don't need his "look at me" All about me me me attitude on our team and around our young recivers and players. We have Reggie Wayne who is the leader of these guys and he's setting the example for them and they are following him. The last thing we need now is Chad whatever his name his on our team screwing it all up. Thats just asking for an infection!!! You play with fire your gonna get burnt. That simple!

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Personal opinion here the whole abuse debate thing probably belongs on another message board than one designed to talk football or at least not in this section.

I think it might be best for everyone if we stick to the idea of should the Colts sign Chad Johnson or not and sure you can say no and sight his off the field issue that's not what I am getting at.

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Ask again after the next game. I have a feeling that most people still say no.

None of the receivers have really disappointed so far, so i say we should stick with what we have.

I might consider chad if reggie gets hurt for the year, but it still would be a tough choice.

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Personal opinion here the whole abuse debate thing probably belongs on another message board than one designed to talk football or at least not in this section.

I think it might be best for everyone if we stick to the idea of should the Colts sign Chad Johnson or not and sure you can say no and sight his off the field issue that's not what I am getting at.

I respectfully disagree GoColts8818. Domestic violence has a direct bearing on locker room chemistry, because legal problems lead to a lack of focus, and if Commissioner Goodell wants to protect the shield and reinforce the theme that playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right off the field issues do matter and tarnish the revenue flow as a safe, corporate product if criminal acts outside the lines remain unregulated.

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I respectfully disagree GoColts8818. Domestic violence has a direct bearing on locker room chemistry, because legal problems lead to a lack of focus, and if Commissioner Goodell wants to protect the shield and reinforce the theme that playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right off the field issues do matter and tarnish the revenue flow as a safe, corporate product if criminal acts outside the lines remain unregulated.

and as I said before that wasn't what I was talking about. I said to say he shouldn't be on the field because of off the field issues is more than fair. What I was talking about was the little debate that broke out about men being abused and what not. A football forum isn't exactly the place for that debate. Clearly to say Chad Johnson shouldn't be on a football team because of what he is accused of doing is more than fair.
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To be clear, this is the Colts forum. As long as the conversation remains about Chad Johnson being a possible fit for the Colts, it will remain here. If it sways towards the unequal comparisons of abused women and the recognition of these acts, compared to recognition of men being abused, the thread will be moved or closed.

This is not intended to offer opinion on this matter, but to keep the forum consistent with it's content.

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To be clear, this is the Colts forum. As long as the conversation remains about Chad Johnson being a possible fit for the Colts, it will remain here. If it sways towards the unequal comparisons of abused women and the recognition of these acts, compared to recognition of men being abused, the thread will be moved or closed.

This is not intended to offer opinion on this matter, but to keep the forum consistent with it's content.

His Fit here could be effected by those actions he made in another state/team because of the locker room and team image so even though he smacked his wife.. with his head it dose pose a bit of a problem for his fitting on this team

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His Fit here could be effected by those actions he made in another state/team because of the locker room and team image so even though he smacked his wife.. with his head it dose pose a bit of a problem for his fitting on this team

again I don't think that is what Warhorse is talking about. He's talking about the debate that looks to have been edited now that broke out about abuse that didn't have to do with Chad Johnson or football in general.
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and as I said before that wasn't what I was talking about. I said to say he shouldn't be on the field because of off the field issues is more than fair. What I was talking about was the little debate that broke out about men being abused and what not. A football forum isn't exactly the place for that debate. Clearly to say Chad Johnson shouldn't be on a football team because of what he is accused of doing is more than fair.
again I don't think that is what Warhorse is talking about. He's talking about the debate that looks to have been edited now that broke out about abuse that didn't have to do with Chad Johnson or football in general.

I apologize if i mischaracterized your position or took it out of context GoColts8818. That was not my primary objective. Motivations behind a criminal act cannot be viewed exclusively in a bubble or vacuum. Look, I understand the original Chad Johnson question regarding his value or liability on the Colts roster. Sometimes, the most meaningful debates unfold when rigid restrictions are loosened and insightful conclusions are reached beyond the the original topic which just served as a springboard toward unified team chemistry and cohesion, which Mr. Johnson wouldn't fulfill right now in his current predicament.

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I apologize if i mischaracterized your position or took it out of context GoColts8818. That was not my primary objective. Motivations behind a criminal act cannot be viewed exclusively in a bubble or vacuum. Look, I understand the original Chad Johnson question regarding his value or liability on the Colts roster. Sometimes, the most meaningful debates unfold when rigid restrictions are loosened and insightful conclusions are reached beyond the the original topic which just served as a springboard toward unified team chemistry and cohesion, which Mr. Johnson wouldn't fulfill right now in his current predicament.

No biggie, like I said it's more than fair to say Chad has no spot on the roster due to his off the field issues. That has a very valued point. I was just merely pointing out that a football forum isn't the best spot for an abuse debate in general. Not that anyone was trying to go there on purpose at all I am sure. I was just pointing it out before it got too hot and heated that's all.
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