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Poll - QB Preference (now that PR has officially retired) (merge)


Poll - QB Preference  

208 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your current choice for QB

    • Roll with Eason
    • Roll with JB
    • Unlock the Swag
    • Sign FA Fitzmagic
    • Sign FA Winston
    • Sign FA Trubisky
    • Trade our next two first round picks to move up for Lance
    • Trade our next two first round picks to move up for Wilson
    • Draft Mack with our 21st pic
    • Trade our 2nd and 3rd round picks to move up earlier in the 2nd to draft Trask
    • Use our 2nd round pick to draft Newman
    • Trade a 1st round pick for Stafford
    • Trade a 1st round pick for Carr
    • Trade a 1st round pick for Wentz
    • Trade a 1st round pick for Darnold
    • Trade a 1st round pick for Tua
    • Mortgage the future biggly, and trade our next three first round picks and next two to three 2nd round picks to get Watson.
    • Other - please list
  2. 2. Would you have preferred Rivers stayed one more year?

  3. 3. How much faith and confidence do you have in Ballard to make the right call on QB?

    • Blind faith, I have a picture of him in my house that I worship daily
    • Pretty confident
    • Not sure right now
    • Not a lot, but hoping for the best
    • Zero confidence

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  • Poll closed on 02/01/2021 at 02:03 AM

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

Herbert beat out Taylor. Jackson and Mahomes showed a lot more early upside than Tua. Not even close.


Sorry man. Didn't want Tua last year, don't want him now. Never thought he'd transition well to the NFL, and I still don't. I'd rather have Darnold, and I don't even like Darnold. 

Herbert was not the original starter.  



I do get if you don’t like Tua why you think it’s a bad idea.  Makes more sense then a rookie not beating out a seasoned veteran.  Very few rookies do. I personally love Tua and think he can be a star.  He does have injury concerns and he also could of been carried by his supporting cast at Alabama.  All valid reasons to pass on him. 

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

I just voted but I'm still torn as heck. 

Voted other, yes wish Rivers had stayed one more year, and not sure.


None of the choices excite me. I'd love to have Watson's talent, but no way I'm mortgaging the future that much, and also don't want a player who thinks he needs to choose GMs and HCs. 


I like the thought of Stafford and Carr to an extent, but doesn't excite me.


I think I'm leaning towards signing Fitzmagic and letting him mentor and fight it out with Eason. Or just letting Eason have a go.


If we tank, we tank, and are in better draft position next year. No QBs other than Lawrence are no-brainers to me. I like the upside of Lance most, but the small school aspect scares me with high bust potential. 

Only problem with tanking is we are too talented.  

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At this point for me it’s Eason, draft, or trade for Darnold. And I’m leaning towards Eason because there’s too many holes to plug for us to be wasting draft capital on other teams QBs. We need a LT, CB, and Edge rusher bad, but could also stand to add another WR and TE. I’m not trading a 1st for Stafford who has the same exact skill set as Phillip but is just younger and slightly more mobile, but I’ll bet anyone money that he won’t be available anyways unless someone makes a crazy offer. 

I will say I’m all for trading up for Lance/Wilson though.

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27 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


I think Dak will be a FA in March, but Jerry is stubborn and will overpay him before he hits free agency.


Cowboys have 10th pick and need to realistically analyze if they can be a legitimate NFC contender with Dak and additions. 


What some teams would possibly do is sign & trade Dak for draft capital/players and use the 10th pick or move up to draft a hot shot QB on rookie contract and rebuild. 

I think Cowboys could be a trade up option because I expect them to bring Dak back. It would probably cost a future 1 though. 

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6 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

At this point for me it’s Eason, draft, or trade for Darnold. And I’m leaning towards Eason because there’s too many holes to plug for us to be wasting draft capital on other teams QBs. We need a LT, CB, and Edge rusher bad, but could also stand to add another WR and TE. I’m not trading a 1st for Stafford who has the same exact skill set as Phillip but is just younger and slightly more mobile, but I’ll bet anyone money that he won’t be available anyways unless someone makes a crazy offer. 

I will say I’m all for trading up for Lance/Wilson though.

That's my main fear. I'll be annoyed if they give up a good haul for a Stafford or Matt Ryan type. Getting robbed because the other teams know you're desperate for a QB.

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I kind of like the idea of having Fitzmagic, Eason, and a rookie probably someone like Lance. In training camp have them battle it out. if Eason is the guy he will win if he doesn't Fitz showed he can win this year and it gives Lance the ability to learn from Fitzpatrick because he will need a year to make the jump to pro football. 


Basically my idea is to throw it all at the wall and see if any stick lol

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8 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

I think Cowboys could be a trade up option because I expect them to bring Dak back. It would probably cost a future 1 though. 


I'm not sure if the Cowboys will bring back Dak. They aren't in a terrible place cap wise, but they won't be able to franchise tag him again so they will have to sign him to a contract and it would take some serious tinkering to sign him and be able to field a full team.


I could see them letting Dad walk and then trade up a few spots to draft a QB

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I'm pulling for it to be Eason because I want to see what the Colts have in the young man and also because I'm selfish and I like to put my draft hat on each year to see who the Colts pick in the first round. And trading that 1st round pick to Detroit would sadden me lol, even though I am happy with 2020 1st round pick of Buckner. I also wonder what it would actually take to acquire Stafford or someone like Darnold. Just because we say 1st round doesn't mean that's what it will be.


I'm also more inclined to hope maybe it's a 2nd round + a future 3rd round for someone like Stafford or Darnold in case they really are a no go for Eason. Because I really do think that this year is what Ballard has been building towards over the past 4 of his drafts, which is acquiring so much good capital via drafts that some of these players can't be re-signed and therefore will be giving us back rewards in the form of compensatory picks going forward. I mean just look at it if we only sign like 1 person in free agency from another team but end up losing people like Mack, Walker, Hooker, etc. That will start bringing back 3rd, 4th, 5th round picks in the future. And then next year may be the same as we continue to extend our elites but say goodbye to players who can be upgraded.

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Does Eason's armpit hair throw his accuracy off? Is that Ballard's main problem with him? 


Maybe they should check armpit hair on prospective rookie draft picks at the combine from now on. 


"He scored high on the Wonderlic test and had a great 40 run time!"


"Yeah, but his armpit hair was a disqualifier..."



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I am make an educated guess here. One thing I feel quite sure of, is that the Colts will NOT start next year with a rookie drafted QB and Eason as their #1 & #2 QB's. Quite sure. Exceptionally sure. Painfully sure. 


That talk gets posted here and there, and it ain't happening. 

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I voted to roll with Eason (backed up by a veteran), I wish Philip had gone 1 more season and in general, I trust the GM to make the right call on a QB.


I wouldn't mind acquiring a good, young veteran QB like Darnold, Stafford or even Wentz (he could probably thrive here under Reich) but the cost of getting any one of them would be steep, even if it's only draft picks considering the other potential or actual holes in the roster that we'll need to plug.


Eason already has a year in our system, so unless you want to bring back Jacoby, whomever you get to take the snaps would likely have at least a bit of a learning curve here.

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3 hours ago, 07dleigh said:

I personally think that Wentz's turnovers and erratic play was just based on him trying to be the hero, knowing that was their ONLY shot. He's not the type to play game manager. That team and specifically their protection was horrible. We could give him a top O-Line and a top running game and just tell him he can relax, and then be clutch (which he is) in the 4th if needed. This scenario is growing on me. 

I don't want him for several reasons..

1. Contract

2 .Injuries

3. turnovers

4. locker room


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5 hours ago, EastStreet said:

Note - I used CBS's latest big board to guestimate draft capital needed to move up and/or draft the QBs listed.



Hard to tell but I think it would take less to move up for Lance than it would for Wilson. I voted for Lance with that premise. If it were the same compensation , i would vote for Wilson

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I voted trade the 1st rounder for Stafford, yes to Rivers back for 1 year, and pretty confident in Ballard.

Not sure why the confused look? Now that Rivers retired I would rather have Stafford start instead of Eason. I would've loved to have Rivers back but since he moved on it is what it is. I also have faith in Ballard making the right decision. Getting Watson would be unreal but it is a pipe dream.

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50 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

At this point for me it’s Eason, draft, or trade for Darnold. And I’m leaning towards Eason because there’s too many holes to plug for us to be wasting draft capital on other teams QBs. We need a LT, CB, and Edge rusher bad, but could also stand to add another WR and TE. I’m not trading a 1st for Stafford who has the same exact skill set as Phillip but is just younger and slightly more mobile, but I’ll bet anyone money that he won’t be available anyways unless someone makes a crazy offer. 

I will say I’m all for trading up for Lance/Wilson though.



Stafford has a much stronger arm than Rivers . The lack of arm strength , IMO , let teams crowd the LOS a bit too much.

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49 minutes ago, IinD said:

That's my main fear. I'll be annoyed if they give up a good haul for a Stafford or Matt Ryan type. Getting robbed because the other teams know you're desperate for a QB.

Precisely. Neither one of those guys is really worth a first. Ryan because age, and Stafford because of talent


8 minutes ago, dw49 said:



Stafford has a much stronger arm than Rivers . The lack of arm strength , IMO , let teams crowd the LOS a bit too much.

Stronger arm but basically the same limitations. I don’t think Stafford drastically increases your chance at winning a Super Bowl. Help or no help, he’s been mostly above average during his career. I’m not trading a 1st for what is essentially a younger Phillip Rivers. At that point, you might as well just spend the two first round picks and get one of those top 4 QBs.


I really just don’t get the excitement around Stafford. 

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2 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Precisely. Neither one of those guys is really worth a first. Ryan because age, and Stafford because of talent


Stronger arm but basically the same limitations. I don’t think Stafford drastically increases your chance at winning a Super Bowl. Help or no help, he’s been mostly above average during his career. I’m not trading a 1st for what is essentially a younger Phillip Rivers. At that point, you might as well just spend the two first round picks and get one of those top 4 QBs.


I really just don’t get the excitement around Stafford. 

If Colts give up high pick hope its for an OT like Ryan Ramczyk. I like Stafford but even I am reluctant at times giving 1 for 33 year old. 


Saints are in terrible shape and Ramczyk could come in immediately and play well in our OL.

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3 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

If Colts give up high pick hope its for an OT like Ryan Ramczyk. I like Stafford but even I am reluctant at times giving 1 for 33 year old. 


Saints are in terrible shape and Ramczyk could come in immediately and play well in our OL.

33 isn't old for a QB, he can probably play 5 more years and be good. We can draft a LT in the 2nd round and still maybe hit the jackpot there.

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32 minutes ago, dw49 said:



Stafford has a much stronger arm than Rivers . The lack of arm strength , IMO , let teams crowd the LOS a bit too much.

Allegedly so does Eason, and he's been in this system for a season learning from 2 veteran quarterbacks, and a HC that was also an NFL QB.

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11 minutes ago, Lancer1 said:

Allegedly so does Eason, and he's been in this system for a season learning from 2 veteran quarterbacks, and a HC that was also an NFL QB.

The only thing about Eason is, he isn't proven and Stafford is regarding having a few good seasons with a bad organization. If I am not mistaken, hasn't Stafford even thrown for 5000 yards in a season?

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The only thing about Eason is, he isn't proven and Stafford is regarding having a few good seasons with a bad organization. If I am not mistaken, hasn't Stafford even thrown for 5000 yards in a season?

He did in 2011


Most likely he would throw for this here


4200 to 4500

25 to 30 td

8 to 15 int

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1 hour ago, AwesomeAustin said:

Herbert was not the original starter.  



I do get if you don’t like Tua why you think it’s a bad idea.  Makes more sense then a rookie not beating out a seasoned veteran.  Very few rookies do. I personally love Tua and think he can be a star.  He does have injury concerns and he also could of been carried by his supporting cast at Alabama.  All valid reasons to pass on him. 

They planned all along to bring Herbert along slowly. He simply outplayed Taylor by a wide margin.  Beating someone out doesn't have to mean beating them out pre-season.... especially when there is no pre-season.


I'm skeptical of a lot players from Bama, depending on position. Just an overabundance of talent everywhere. Always an elite OL, etc.. etc.. 

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A week ago Chris Ballard said he wasn’t certain Jacob Eason was ready to be the Colts BACKUP.


And way too many posters don’t seem to know that even though it’s been repeated here countless times. 

If it’s not clear Eason is ready to be the BACKUP then he’s Damn sure not ready to be the STARTER. 

Look...   I hope someday JE is our starter.  But it’s not happening in 2021.   Maybe ‘22, but not this year.   He’s not ready.  He needs more time.   

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1 hour ago, dw49 said:



Hard to tell but I think it would take less to move up for Lance than it would for Wilson. I voted for Lance with that premise. If it were the same compensation , i would vote for Wilson

Depends on who you listen too, or what big boards or mocks you follow. Many are on the Wilson train simply because he played more. Many are still solidly on the Lance train because they see a higher ceiling. 


Personally, I see Lance as having both higher ceiling and bust potential. Wilson is likely safer, but also bust potential. 

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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

A week ago Chris Ballard said he wasn’t certain Jacob Eason was ready to be the Colts BACKUP.


And way too many posters don’t seem to know that even though it’s been repeated here countless times. 

If it’s not clear Eason is ready to be the BACKUP then he’s Damn sure not ready to be the STARTER. 

Look...   I hope someday JE is our starter.  But it’s not happening in 2021.   Maybe ‘22, but not this year.   He’s not ready.  He needs more time.   

I agree, I don't see it either and nothing against Eason I don't want it. Too early and we have a playoff team that can't be messing around regarding the QB position.

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3 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

They planned all along to bring Herbert along slowly. He simply outplayed Taylor by a wide margin.  Beating someone out doesn't have to mean beating them out pre-season.... especially when there is no pre-season.


I'm skeptical of a lot players from Bama, depending on position. Just an overabundance of talent everywhere. Always an elite OL, etc.. etc.. 

sorry, but no.


Taylor lost the starting job because the team doctor punctured his lung giving him a shot for pain.  Taylor missed about a month or more.   In the first few weeks,  the HC said repeatedly that Taylor would start when he was healthy.   But, to his credit, Herbert outperformed everyone’s expectations.  By the time Taylor was ready to play, Herbert had taken command of the job.  

But this wasn’t some grand master plan.  Herbert didn’t outperform Taylor because Taylor wasn’t even playing.   

This was a fluke.  A Hollywood script.   But this wasn’t a plan, and the normal competition never really happened. 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

A week ago Chris Ballard said he wasn’t certain Jacob Eason was ready to be the Colts BACKUP.


And way too many posters don’t seem to know that even though it’s been repeated here countless times. 

If it’s not clear Eason is ready to be the BACKUP then he’s Damn sure not ready to be the STARTER. 

Look...   I hope someday JE is our starter.  But it’s not happening in 2021.   Maybe ‘22, but not this year.   He’s not ready.  He needs more time.   

Depends on who they bring in, and how things unfold. A lot of unexpected things happen.


Personally, I don't care one way or the other. If he's truly not ready to be the backup, he's probably never going to be ready to be the starter... Unless they are being ultra conservative in their approach. And if they're being ultra conservative, that's a problem too possibly.


It's one thing to say a guy is not ready to be a starter, it's a whole different level to say he's not even ready to be a backup. Sounds like it might have been a bad pick. Either way, 4th round pick... Not a huge loss, but could have been a decent LB, WR like Gabriel Davis, or S like Jordan Fuller.

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12 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

With the team we have I even think JB could go 7-9 or 8-8. That puts us back at picking around 18th again.

the AFCS will be better next year (than 2019), and our schedule will be harder in 2021. With all the potential turnover at LT, DEx2, CB, LB, WR, etc. no telling what would happen. 2021 is pure mystery to me right now.

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1 minute ago, EastStreet said:

the AFCS will be better next year (than 2019), and our schedule will be harder in 2021. With all the potential turnover at LT, DEx2, CB, LB, WR, etc. no telling what would happen. 2021 is pure mystery to me right now.

Yeah this will be a fun/interesting offseason. I just think we have a good all-around team and JB went 7-7 technically in 2019. Had he not got injured we could've went 9-7 or so because I think we win the Miami game and possibly the Pitt game. That is a guess though. I fully believe with Matt Stafford we win 11 games.

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