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Manning To The Titans? [Merge]


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Peyton will NOT go to the Titans. He's classier than that, trust me. He just needed to give them their due diligence and passify Bud Adams.

I don't really think he'll go to Tennessee either, just because he's an honorable guy. Nor will he be going to Arizona. Much as I would LOVE it if he DID go to Tenn I think it will be Denver or miami.

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why blame Peyton? If Irsay was a real man of his word, Peyton would be in Indy and retire from the field to our front office...but since Irsay wasnt being honest the whole time, now he will have to just deal with Peyton being somewhere he feels wanted.

Irsay said that Peyton could be a Colt if he wanted to be. Everyone else, it seems, has leaped to the conclusion that Irsay ran him out of town. For all we know, Peyton may have asked to be released or refused to sign a new deal. My point is that you can't be a "Colt for life" then work toward sticking it to the Colts for life. If Manning closes his playing career in Tennessee, I won't like it, but I'll deal with it. I cannot accept him, however, taking a leadership role with the Titans afterwards and working to kick our butts for the rest of his natural life.

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Where did I say it affects the Colts? I just said I would be interested to know as in curious, I used "I". "I" do not speak for the Colts, just for myself. "I" am curious because it will tell me how the team signing him views his value. This is in NFL General, isn't it, and not the Colts section?

It is fine if you dont care, but I do care.

The actual word that you used was "concerned". I don't understand why a Colts fan would be "concerned" as to how much another team paid Manning. I do understand why any sports fan would find it interesting.

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If he's healthy next year, and plays for our rivals, and whoops us, we need to take it like men. If that wasn't a possibility we were willing to face then we should never have released him.

Saying things like we could never forgive him if he goes to the Titans.

We're lucky if he ever forgives us for running him out of town.

How would you feel if your employer terminated your contract over a workplace injury, then your coworkers chastised you for their competitor believing in you and wanting to give you a job.

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The actual word that you used was "concerned". I don't understand why a Colts fan would be "concerned" as to how much another team paid Manning. I do understand why any sports fan would find it interesting.

But I did make clear later that I was way more curious than concerned, so it was obviously a case of faulty semantics used :). Does that make it clear now? :)

Plus, should I be "concerned" that I have to explain myself every time on this forum whenever I use faulty semantics? (j/k). This time, the "concerned" is "concerned" in the true sense. :)

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If Peyton goes to the Titans I still wish him well. no I do not like it but I did not like it when the colts let him go either. So ye I believe he has the right to land a job where ever he thinks is the best for him. If you do not want him to go somewhere else offer him a contract. When i seen on Colts.com Reggie a colt for life and the big deal made of it. I could not help but think of Peyton saying he wanted to be a colt for life. any way he is no longer a colt so he gets to go wherever he wants.

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Bud Adarns is giving Peyton a % of the team. People in Denver are furious about this

Knew was a lifetime offer, thought was in FO after retires, a % of team wow, either way thats some offer, I cant hold him to blame for taking it if he feels its best for him & his family, do I want him in our division, NO , but if its its something he cant get eslwhere, I do understand it

No hate from me to him on this

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It don't matter, Adams will be dead before Manning's playing contract is over and then whoever takes over can take a sigh of relief and will be able to get out from under any such crazy agreements that Adams made.

If it is a guaranteed salary for x years, and it is written into the contract, such that it survives Bud's death, the league can easily present-value it into the cap.

If it is not guaranteed as such, it isn't real.

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Knew was a lifetime offer, thought was in FO after retires, a % of team wow, either way thats some offer, I cant hold him to blame for taking it if he feels its best for him & his family, do I want him in our division, NO , but if its its something he cant get eslwhere, I do understand it

No hate from me to him on this

I doubt it will be any meaningful percentage of the team, because that value will be counted against their cap.

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But I did make clear later that I was way more curious than concerned, so it was obviously a case of faulty semantics used :). Does that make it clear now? :)

Plus, should I be "concerned" that I have to explain myself every time on this forum whenever I use faulty semantics? (j/k). This time, the "concerned" is "concerned" in the true sense. :)

I was commenting on your initial post. Don't know how you expect me to comment on your future posts, and I don't care enough to comment further. I stand by my initial post, and you can stand by your initial post if you choose.
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The fact is we really dont know exactly why he was released. Irsay obviously loves the guy who saved his franchise or his mural woulda been taken down. the only logical explanation i have is our team was obviously in need of change and irsqy knew that. So we went into rebuilding mode which is something peyton doesnt deserve to be part of late in his career when he wants to win n we want him to win as well. That logically adds up to him being released n us moving forward with presumably Luck and wishing him the best. Dont blame irsay if/when peyton starts excelling again, thank him for peyton because its exactly what was the wanted outcome.

I cant tell you How to grieve, or how to take the whole parting ways thing, but what i said is the only logical explanation i can come up with.

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Let me ask you a question. Peyton is a rich man and is a fierce competitor. He wants to play wherever he has the best chance of winning a Super Bowl. Since money is not an issue, if he believed his best chance of winning a championship was here in Indy, don't you think he would have restructured and stayed?

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Let me ask you a question. Peyton is a rich man and is a fierce competitor. He wants to play wherever he has the best chance of winning a Super Bowl. Since money is not an issue, if he believed his best chance of winning a championship was here in Indy, don't you think he would have restructured and stayed?

We don't know that he wasn't willing to restructure.

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Let me ask you a question. Peyton is a rich man and is a fierce competitor. He wants to play wherever he has the best chance of winning a Super Bowl. Since money is not an issue, if he believed his best chance of winning a championship was here in Indy, don't you think he would have restructured and stayed?

I am sure it was said that Irsay didn't even discuss restructuring with Peyton out of respect.

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Let me ask you a question. Peyton is a rich man and is a fierce competitor. He wants to play wherever he has the best chance of winning a Super Bowl. Since money is not an issue, if he believed his best chance of winning a championship was here in Indy, don't you think he would have restructured and stayed?

I think it was more wanting to draft Luck and starting a new era than a cap issue.

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I think it was more wanting to draft Luck and starting a new era than a cap issue.

yes you are correct but those two issues, drafting Luck and cap issue, are interrated . .. you can't tied up so much money at one position when only one of those players can play at a given time . . . it doesnt make a lot of sense, and since you have a limited amount of cash to spend (i.e. cap issue), you better to allocate those funs to a different position, then to have those funds gathering dust on the sidelines . . .

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As I stated on another thread, this "contract for life", just what is this about? The Angels had this in Pujols contract, meaning that when he goes into the HOF he will go in as an Angel, Pujols will have no choice. Are the Titans trying to pull off the same deal, don't know if NFL players have the choice of team or does this contract make the decision for PM? Would not want to see PM in the HOF as a Titan.

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