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Bobby Okereke not signed yet?


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Typically the problems are how the bonus money is paid out...   or incentive clauses...    or the most  often quoted one....   “off-set language”...


These are the reasons we hear most about.    I suspect this will get done soon enough. 

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24 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


1) Where did you hear that?

2) Why do you think it’s true?

I also recall them talking about third rounders being the most difficult to sign of them all, this being on GMFB a few weeks ago. It’s weird but apparently that’s where money is the most “negotiated” in the details and way a contract gets written. Sounds like there is just wiggle room to squeeze out as much as you can based on how it gets written. Just odd quirks inside the system. Won’t matter as it sounds like the nfl will be planning a strike for the new contract negotiations anyway. All this current stuff will change. 

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9 hours ago, Irish YJ said:

Not worried. It'll get worked out. Even if it didn't, unless Walker is hurt again, not a huge need. He's more of a speed downs need regardless.


I predict he ends up at SAM before it's all said and done anyway.


I doubt Okereke ever plays SAM. That’s where Banogu will get snaps. And with so many DBs on the roster, I imagine they won’t use a SAM too often. 


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There is more wiggle room in the contract for a third rounder.  Plus it was mentioned there is some weird language to deal with.

39 minutes ago, pacolts56 said:

I think someone mentioned in another thread that he may have a bit longer finish to his school year at Stanford than the rest of our selections. :dunno:

He has been participating in OTA though.

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1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

There is more wiggle room in the contract for a third rounder.  Plus it was mentioned there is some weird language to deal with.

He has been participating in OTA though.


Yeah, that wiggle room is because of the 25% rule.  


It’s complicated, but basically there’s more ‘wiggle’ for third rounders.  I believe it’s guaranteed money so teams (and players) are careful how they address it.  


In the greater scheme of things it’s meaningful for guys who aren’t making huge first contract money.  

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8 hours ago, shastamasta said:


I doubt Okereke ever plays SAM. That’s where Banogu will get snaps. And with so many DBs on the roster, I imagine they won’t use a SAM too often. 


We didn't use SAM all that much last year either. I doubt Banogu ends up at SAM, except for maybe some very specific scheme downs. The reports I've seen had Banogu running with the DEs, which IMO is where he belongs. 

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4 hours ago, Irish YJ said:

We didn't use SAM all that much last year either. I doubt Banogu ends up at SAM, except for maybe some very specific scheme downs. The reports I've seen had Banogu running with the DEs, which IMO is where he belongs. 


I think they'll use banogu at Sam when they line up in their base package, which as you alluded to is not very often. In sub packages he'll be at DE. Since they're in sub packages most of the time, banogu will mostly practice with the DEs but I suspect he will also practice part of the time with the LBs

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On 6/1/2019 at 3:58 PM, Chloe6124 said:

I did hear that third round draft picks generally take the longest to sign.


On 6/2/2019 at 5:58 AM, jskinnz said:


1) Where did you hear that?

2) Why do you think it’s true?


On 6/2/2019 at 6:27 AM, Jdubu said:

I also recall them talking about third rounders being the most difficult to sign of them all, this being on GMFB a few weeks ago. It’s weird but apparently that’s where money is the most “negotiated” in the details and way a contract gets written. Sounds like there is just wiggle room to squeeze out as much as you can based on how it gets written. Just odd quirks inside the system. Won’t matter as it sounds like the nfl will be planning a strike for the new contract negotiations anyway. All this current stuff will change. 




I am wrong here and learned something I did not know.  Apologies.

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Nothing to worry about.  I'm not going to worry about it unless they havn't signed him when July rolls around.  And even then I would only worry a little bit, would worry more if they don't have him on contract by training camp.



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1 hour ago, shastamasta said:

Well considering the news that revealed he was the player accused of rape at Stanford...I wonder if this is just coincidence or not. 


Can you provide a link? 


I just googled that and there was no story about a Bobby Okereke.   There was a story about a Daniel Oneteke — no relation.


Unless this story happened after the draft,  I don’t see the Colts being caught off guard on this.


I look forward to hearing back from you.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Can you provide a link? 


I just googled that and there was no story about a Bobby Okereke.   There was a story about a Daniel Oneteke — no relation.


Unless this story happened after the draft,  I don’t see the Colts being caught off guard on this.


I look forward to hearing back from you.


I googled this out of curiosity.  There are links inside this reddit thread.  



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5 hours ago, AwesomeAustin said:


I googled this out of curiosity.  There are links inside this reddit thread.  




Thanks for the link.    That was hard to read.


Several thoughts.   First, I feel bad for the young lady.    Doesn’t sound like “the system” handled this well.  


Second,  not very happy with how Stanford handled this (if true).   They didn’t handle the Brock Stewart case all that well either.   


Third...   interesting that it’s being said Ballard knew about it and still felt comfortable drafting Okereke.  It appears Ballard has given BO the benefit of the doubt on this.  


Fourth...   I don’t have much experience with Reddit.   The conversationed veered wildly back and forth between good conversation and ugly insults.   Not pleasant.


All in all, disappointing.   But if Ballard is informed, then it doesn’t sound as if this is the reason for the delay in getting BO signed.

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9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

All in all, disappointing.   But if Ballard is informed, then it doesn’t sound as if this is the reason for the delay in getting BO signed.


Yeah, I don't think one has anything to do with the other. The Colts were aware of this before the draft, it wouldn't cause them to hesitate in signing him.

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2 hours ago, Superman said:


Yeah, I don't think one has anything to do with the other. The Colts were aware of this before the draft, it wouldn't cause them to hesitate in signing him.

Unless they are trying to make some of his money subject to him not being suspended... and Okereke is not budging on it. There was a similar thing last year with Roquan Smith and the Bears that resulted in him not being signed well into training camp. In his case their main concern was him getting suspended for hits(that's when there was huge fear the new rules for "leading with the helmet" will result in a lot of suspensions for linebackers and safeties). I wonder if we are not trying to put something similar in his contract about suspensions... (in this case the main concern being off-field stuff)... This is all conjecture and I have no source or report saying this is the case, but I'm just thinking out loud about possible reasons connected to this revelation. 


Here's source for Roquan's contract dispute:






The Bears might have found a way around it. Over the weekend, coach Matt Nagy let slip at a news conference that the league's new helmet rule -- the one that could subject players to ejection for initiating contact with the crown of the helmet -- was part of the reason for the holdup. Subsequent reporting indicates that the Bears and Smith's representatives are indeed arguing over contract language that would allow the team to void guaranteed money if Smith were to be disciplined by the league under the new rule.


Please understand this: Even if you take Nagy at his word that the new helmet rule is "part of the issue," the problem isn't that the Bears are worried about Smith getting ejected or suspended for newly illegal hits. The problem is that the Bears want to reserve the right to void his guarantees if he gets ejected or suspended for illegal hits.



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5 minutes ago, stitches said:

Unless they are trying to make some of his money subject to him not being suspended... and Okereke is not budging on it. There was a similar thing last year with Roquan Smith and the 49ers that resulted in him not being signed well into training camp. In his case their main concern was him getting suspended for hits(that's when there was huge fear the new rules for "leading with the helmet" will result in a lot of suspensions for linebackers and safeties). I wonder if we are not trying to put something similar in his contract about suspensions... (in this case the main concern being off-field stuff)... This is all conjecture and I have no source or report saying this is the case, but I'm just thinking out loud about possible reasons connected to this revelation. 


Small nit...   but to clarify....


Smith was drafted by Chicago, not SF.   But otherwise your point is a good one.  


It’s entirely possible. 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


Small nit...   but to clarify....


Smith was drafted by Chicago, not SF.   But otherwise your point is a good one.  


It’s entirely possible. 

Yah, I caught it and corrected it above. I got the teams mixed up... Thanks for pointing it out too. 

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23 minutes ago, stitches said:

Unless they are trying to make some of his money subject to him not being suspended... and Okereke is not budging on it. There was a similar thing last year with Roquan Smith and the Bears that resulted in him not being signed well into training camp. In his case their main concern was him getting suspended for hits(that's when there was huge fear the new rules for "leading with the helmet" will result in a lot of suspensions for linebackers and safeties). I wonder if we are not trying to put something similar in his contract about suspensions... (in this case the main concern being off-field stuff)... This is all conjecture and I have no source or report saying this is the case, but I'm just thinking out loud about possible reasons connected to this revelation. 


Here's source for Roquan's contract dispute:




Something like that is possible, but unlikely, I think.


Smith was a first rounder, with a fully guaranteed contract. There's a rule that states if a player is suspended, his future guarantees can be voided. Smith was concerned with the new helmet rule that suspensions might become rampant, leading to his guaranteed money going away for something that it probably shouldn't go away for.


(I've never seen a satisfactory answer to this, but I believe that even if the team suspends a player, they can technically void his guarantees; the Colts apparently did this with Richardson after suspending him in the 2014 playoffs, but he filed a grievance and the two sides settled. I don't know what would happen if it became a full-on legal challenge.)


Last year's #89 pick, Joseph Noteboom, was guaranteed only his $818K signing bonus, not even his Year 1 salary. That precedent is well established. We can assume that Okereke's contract will have a guaranteed signing bonus, and nothing more.


If that's the case, his guaranteed signing bonus wouldn't be affected, only future guarantees, and he won't actually have any, following precedent. From what I've seen, there's nothing that the Colts could be including that would jeopardize Okereke's guaranteed signing bonus, and I don't know of any team trying to recoup previously paid signing bonus in the event of a player suspension. I guess they could be asking for a La'el Collins clause, where if he's charged or convicted, his entire contract is voided, but that seems overboard; if you're legitimately worried about that, don't draft him.

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