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Andrew Luck - “Shut up. Don’t talk in my huddle.”


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1 minute ago, Boiler_Colt said:

But, I thought Luck wasn't a good leader because he doesn't yell enough and is too nerdy? /s

I still think he doesn't yell enough and is too nerdy lol. He has a deep voice, so he may not even be yelling when he says this, he may just be talking in his deep, dad voice. Also, Luck is too nerdy! :thmup:

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

Watching Dontrelle Inman on Fair Game with Kristine Leahy. He said Andrew Luck has a dad voice in the huddle. Andrew says things like, “Shut up. Don’t talk in my huddle.”


When asked if he (Inman) will be back next year. He says that he wants to be a Colt. Says he passed up several opportunities to sign with other teams early in the season, but he waited to find the right fit. He says he bet on himself. 

When he says he would bet on himself. Does that mean it looks like he will be back.

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23 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

When he says he would bet on himself. Does that mean it looks like he will be back.


To be honest, it seemed like he will go with the money. However, at the same time he also did wait for the right fit.


I think there is a chance he will come back, but if some team throws money at him then I think he’ll walk, because I don’t think Ballard will throw a lot of money at him.  

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Inman is a very mature guy.   Hearing this interview and the one with JMV, football isn’t everything for him.  He was already planning his post football career and will continue to do so in the offseason. It’s clear he’s looking for the “right fit” and he believes the Colts is that fit.  He’s coming back and I’m sure Frank and CB want him back.  


Be it as #2, 3, or 4.  You can’t beat solid depth like Inman.  Guys get hurt all the time and he’s the consummate pro who can step right in and contribute without missing a beat. Every team needs pros like Inman. Glad we brought him into the fold.

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2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:

He said Andrew Luck has a dad voice in the huddle. Andrew says things like, “Shut up. Don’t talk in my huddle.”


"Don't make me pull this huddle over."


"I will turn this huddle around and we can all go home.  Is that what you want??"


"That's it!  I told you to shut up in my huddle!  Now we're not getting McDonalds!  You happy that you're not getting a happy meal?  Well that's what happens when you don't shut up in my huddle!!!"



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That is something I start teaching kids in the 2nd grade.  I tell everyone (over and over and over again... they are kids afterall) that no one talks in the huddle except the QB.  And then I'm constantly getting on the QBs to take control of the huddle.  Being a former center myself, I also tell the center that he has to be the enforcer in the huddle... if someone doesn't shut up when the QB tells them to, it's the center's job to make sure they understand the seriousness of the, so it lead to a few scuffles during practice as the center made his point.

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I want Inman back. I think he's a great fit on our offense and already has worked with 4 guys on the staff for years. Hopefully Ballard gets it done. He could potentially replace Chester Rogers or even move to a #2 guy if he can get there. As far as Andrew Luck not being a "vocal" leader. I think that's just how you view things. Luck, from what I can tell is very level headed. I'm sure he demands a lot out of the guys and can be very dry at times but I think it can be better this way rather than to be yelling or angry constantly every Sunday. Players will get burnt out with you. I think Luck is a vocal leader in his own way and it's working. I'm sure there's plenty behind the scenes that we don't see or hear about as well.

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Colts rookie in the huddle:  "Wait, what's the play?  I'm confused."


Luck:  "Hi confused, I'm Andrew.  And no talking in my huddle.  Go to your room and learn your playbook, rook."


Rookie:  "Is that a dad joke?"


Luck:  "What did I just say about talking my huddle?  And I'd better not hear any video games coming from your room, either.  Don't make me take away your phone."


Rookie:  "What?  You're not my dad."


Luck:  "I walked 10 miles uphill in the snow to learn my playbook when I was your age.  As long as you're in my huddle, you will do as I say.  My huddle, my rules."

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9 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

That is something I start teaching kids in the 2nd grade.  I tell everyone (over and over and over again... they are kids afterall) that no one talks in the huddle except the QB.  And then I'm constantly getting on the QBs to take control of the huddle.  Being a former center myself, I also tell the center that he has to be the enforcer in the huddle... if someone doesn't shut up when the QB tells them to, it's the center's job to make sure they understand the seriousness of the, so it lead to a few scuffles during practice as the center made his point.


I coach youth football as well. I’m an OC for 5th through 8th. 


The past few years we’ve been running mostly power from the I and Pro Set, some Wing T, with a little bit of spread built in. 


This off-season I am pondering the idea to install an Air Raid attack, with mesh. I want to spread out more, and run a lot more Ace. 


I am torn because it will be challenging for the players, but I think the end results could be worth the short term pain. 

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On 2/12/2019 at 7:10 PM, BlueShoe said:

Watching Dontrelle Inman on Fair Game with Kristine Leahy. He said Andrew Luck has a dad voice in the huddle. Andrew says things like, “Shut up. Don’t talk in my huddle.”


When asked if he (Inman) will be back next year. He says that he wants to be a Colt. Says he passed up several opportunities to sign with other teams early in the season, but he waited to find the right fit. He says he bet on himself. 


it is the Peyton Manning way-



Andrew Luck went to the prestigious Manning Passing Academy, as have the likes of Russell Wilson, Colin Kaepernick, Matthew Stafford, Philip Rivers, Sam Bradford, Nick Foles, Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota, Dak Prescott, Sam Darnold, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen and Justin Herbert (among others).  All of the Manning's (Archie, Cooper, Peyton, and Eli and their assistants) teach this.


On 2/12/2019 at 11:50 PM, ReMeDy said:

Oh okay, so from the way it sounds, Andrew Luck actually said:

"Heh heh, shut up, heh, don't talk ahaha in my huddle. Hyuk hyuk."


We make fun of Andrew's easy off the field attitude.  But there were some amazingly fierce competitors on the field that were gentle giants off of it.  Off the top of my head without thinking, Merlin Olsen and Reggie White spring to mind.  Football is serious business, and I think A.L. is another one (in his own way)-





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28 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


it is the Peyton Manning way-



Andrew Luck went to the prestigious Manning Passing Academy, as have the likes of Russell Wilson, Colin Kaepernick, Matthew Stafford, Philip Rivers, Sam Bradford, Nick Foles, Jameis Winston, Marcus Mariota, Dak Prescott, Sam Darnold, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen and Justin Herbert (among others).  All of the Manning's (Archie, Cooper, Peyton, and Eli and their assistants) teach this.



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13 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


I coach youth football as well. I’m an OC for 5th through 8th. 


The past few years we’ve been running mostly power from the I and Pro Set, some Wing T, with a little bit of spread built in. 


This off-season I am pondering the idea to install an Air Raid attack, with mesh. I want to spread out more, and run a lot more Ace. 


I am torn because it will be challenging for the players, but I think the end results could be worth the short term pain. 

If you have a good QB you can pull that off.  Good luck.


Last season was my last season of coaching, took a team from 3rd through 8th grade.  For my D, I ran a 3-3-5 single gap, except for the middle players, NT, MIKE and FS were the guys that had to read and react.  I had three downlineman, two OLBs a yard off the LOS and outside the widest line player, the MIKE, the a LS and RS, they were lined up equal with the mike at the more traditional OLB spots, then CBs that played man and the FS, who followed the ball.


As long as everyone stayed disciplined it was an effective D, but when kids wanted to try to make every play, rather than staying with their assignment there would be some big plays.


I loved coaching, over the years I have about 20 years of coaching youth football but I also think I will be happy to get my August through November back.


If you're interested, my cousin who played college ball and coaches HS football, sent me a ton of videos with different drills, techniques, etc.  It is all stored on a google drive, if you would like, send me a private message with your email and I will send you the link to the drive.

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A great takeaway from watching the video is Luck having 10 cadences at the line of scrimmage, just so that he can get those extra 10-15 yards per game.


Just about everyone interviewed within the Colts organization has said that Luck is goofy, but he is a fiery competitor and a leader. We've all seen it on game day. Luck is a competitor with an insane will to win.

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I think Luck is more of a demanding guy than he comes off in interviews.  


During the run up to the NFL draft there was a little bit of talk about his personality meshing in the NFL but it wasn't very heavy.  And I think that's because the scouts and the people who actually went and talked to his coaches and his teammates found out that the way he comes off to the public and the way he is with his teammates is entirely different.  


I don't think any real NFL scouts or GM's who looked at Luck in the 2012 draft thought that he didn't have the backbone to lead a football team.  If they did it would have seriously hurt his draft status.  

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11 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

If you have a good QB you can pull that off.  Good luck.


Last season was my last season of coaching, took a team from 3rd through 8th grade.  For my D, I ran a 3-3-5 single gap, except for the middle players, NT, MIKE and FS were the guys that had to read and react.  I had three downlineman, two OLBs a yard off the LOS and outside the widest line player, the MIKE, the a LS and RS, they were lined up equal with the mike at the more traditional OLB spots, then CBs that played man and the FS, who followed the ball.


As long as everyone stayed disciplined it was an effective D, but when kids wanted to try to make every play, rather than staying with their assignment there would be some big plays.


I loved coaching, over the years I have about 20 years of coaching youth football but I also think I will be happy to get my August through November back.


If you're interested, my cousin who played college ball and coaches HS football, sent me a ton of videos with different drills, techniques, etc.  It is all stored on a google drive, if you would like, send me a private message with your email and I will send you the link to the drive.


Absolutely! I do not turn down football philosophy. Most of what I know, I’ve learned from others.


I’ve been a youth OC and/or HC off and on for the past 15 years or so. We’ve coached just about every sport our kids have played. We love it.

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On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 7:38 PM, BlueShoe said:


I coach youth football as well. I’m an OC for 5th through 8th. 


The past few years we’ve been running mostly power from the I and Pro Set, some Wing T, with a little bit of spread built in. 


This off-season I am pondering the idea to install an Air Raid attack, with mesh. I want to spread out more, and run a lot more Ace. 


I am torn because it will be challenging for the players, but I think the end results could be worth the short term pain. 

What did you just say?  My foosbawl translator is broken.

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On 2/14/2019 at 7:55 AM, Coffeedrinker said:

If you have a good QB you can pull that off.  Good luck.


Last season was my last season of coaching, took a team from 3rd through 8th grade.  For my D, I ran a 3-3-5 single gap, except for the middle players, NT, MIKE and FS were the guys that had to read and react.  I had three downlineman, two OLBs a yard off the LOS and outside the widest line player, the MIKE, the a LS and RS, they were lined up equal with the mike at the more traditional OLB spots, then CBs that played man and the FS, who followed the ball.


As long as everyone stayed disciplined it was an effective D, but when kids wanted to try to make every play, rather than staying with their assignment there would be some big plays.


I loved coaching, over the years I have about 20 years of coaching youth football but I also think I will be happy to get my August through November back.


If you're interested, my cousin who played college ball and coaches HS football, sent me a ton of videos with different drills, techniques, etc.  It is all stored on a google drive, if you would like, send me a private message with your email and I will send you the link to the drive.


How does it feel to step away from youth coaching? 


I'm dreading that day I enjoy it way too much.  I've been coaching youth soccer for the past 8 years. I have a U11G team that feels like I have 11 daughters lol.  I've found that if you gather bunch of good kids with the desire to play that no matter their talent level they can succeed.  I think that's one of the biggest joys for me is developing then into what they can be. 

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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 10:24 AM, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

That doesn't sound like Luck at all. If he really did that's completely out of his character.

It surprising he would yell "SHUT UP, no talking in MY HUDDLE"!

I would think he would ask for quiet in a more respectful(Andrew Luck type) way.

Just maybe you really don't know what Luck's personality is in the huddle?

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12 hours ago, Surge89 said:


How does it feel to step away from youth coaching? 


I'm dreading that day I enjoy it way too much.  I've been coaching youth soccer for the past 8 years. I have a U11G team that feels like I have 11 daughters lol.  I've found that if you gather bunch of good kids with the desire to play that no matter their talent level they can succeed.  I think that's one of the biggest joys for me is developing then into what they can be. 

I guess soccer is different but I coached little league baseball for a few years and finally couldn't take the parents anymore. The kids were fantastic but way too many parents stuck their noses in where it didn't belong. The embarrassment some of the kids showed over their parents actions was sad.

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I guess soccer is different but I coached little league baseball for a few years and finally couldn't take the parents anymore. The kids were fantastic but way too many parents stuck their noses in where it didn't belong. The embarrassment some of the kids showed over their parents actions was sad.


I'm super lucky. The kids parents aren't bad (not perfect but no where near the horror stories I hear from other coaches in my area. 


Many quit after one or 2 years.


I think my biggest qualm is if they are going to choose another sport every season because in my area softball is King...

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6 minutes ago, Surge89 said:


I'm super lucky. The kids parents aren't bad (not perfect but no where near the horror stories I hear from other coaches in my area. 


Many quit after one or 2 years.


I think my biggest qualm is if they are going to choose another sport every season because in my area softball is King...

Yeah I had a wonderful player that had a lot of talent and he was just plain fun to be around. Sadly his father showed up at practices drunk and was always yelling and degrading his son. It got to the point I tried to reason with the guy but he wanted to get violent over it. Well needless to say I lost my temper and drilled him to the ground. I had to leave after that.

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