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How You Became A Fan?


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There have been so many doom n gloom threads so many this and that threads yet hardly any to actually lighten the mood so here is one. Simply just state how you became a fan.

For me I was 12(20 now) and my dads friend had this beautiful 67 Shelby GT 350 that was white with blue racing stripes that I absolutely loved. The colts uni always reminded me of it and naturally I loved them. Then started following and learned just how great manning was and have been hooked ever since haha.

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1984.. My dad bought season tix and our family has held them ever since... And the early years sucked. But "the Irsays" finally got a GM, first Tobin and then Polian and .... poof...

The team starts getting good, I really hope Jimmy is not thinking after watching B Polina for so many years he thinks he has "figured it out" ...


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Pacers fan first. Huge fan of Reggie Miller and still my favorite player. Started following the Colts but was still a big 49ers fan.. Got to watch them practice at the local college, met Jerry Rice in a local Taco Bell! Eventually started following the Colts more and more and the 49ers less :P

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Started watching the Colts in '92 when i was 9. The one play that sticks out from that year was Steve Emtmans 90 yd int for a td against the Dolphins. I remember seeing him on the sidline after the play sucking down oxygen. It was '93 when I became a full time fan. I can thank Marshall Faulk for that. He was just so good, it made me love the Colts.

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My dad has lived in central Indiana his whole life. Been a fan since the team moved here, and I followed in his footsteps. First game I remember is the AFC Championship game in Pittsburgh. I was only seven years old, so I didn't understand the game other than score the most points. Knew he was upset by the outcome, and once I got older, understood the game much better, became a huge fan myself.

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When we first moved here when I was five my family and me went to an ice cream store and at the time they were giving away helmets and I wanted the green one because it was my favorite color well my dad got me the Colts one and when I asked why he said they were the local team and I've been hooked since.

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I was in high school, and over heard somebody talk about Faulk. I watched a Colts game to see what the deal is with Faulk...seen his Nike commercial too. Started to be a Faulk fan, then Harbaugh came along, and thats when it truly started. Fav color is blue, and I was born in the year of the horse....must be fate!

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My dad has lived in central Indiana his whole life. Been a fan since the team moved here, and I followed in his footsteps. First game I remember is the AFC Championship game in Pittsburgh. I was only seven years old, so I didn't understand the game other than score the most points. Knew he was upset by the outcome, and once I got older, understood the game much better, became a huge fan myself.

Anyone ever tell you your pic looks like Big ben?

I started when my brother started taking me to games in the early 70s in baltimore.

I too got hooked on the "shoe". I still think its the best looking uni (road whites) in the NFL.

We went to 3 or 4 games a year until they left for Indy.

That put a MAJOR damper on me going to games Bummer!

However, they could have moved to Siberia and I still would be a Colts fan 1st, even over other sports.. (I've never even gone to a game in baltimore since(Ravens))

Now, i mainly only get to see the Colts when they come to Pittsburgh. Boooo!

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My mom and day were huge Colts fans. They used to listen to the games on the radio during the blackout days.

I was an IU basketball fan. Screamed myself hoarse over many a game until they fired Bobby Knight. I was so disgusted I quit watching and turned to football.

The Colts were my home team, so naturally that's who I started watching. Manning to Harrison and I was hooked! Been a fanatic ever since. :)

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I’m from Norway and haven’t watched that much NFL, but I have tried to read up a bit, especially on the Colts possible future. I cannot call myself a fan yet, since I haven’t seen many games, but I really like the possibility to follow the team through a rebuild and back to glory :number1:

The Colts good chance of getting Andrew Luck also had a little to do with it, since I found out that he was born on the exact same day as I was.

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Joe Montana Had recently retired, and not soon after Steve Young. I had never been a fan of a team just Players.

some years later heard about this Edgerrin James guy and his rushing champion thing and I decided, I'm gonna be a Colts fan and follow this guy. I didn't even really know who Peyton Manning was lol. 1999

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I love these stories! What a good thread idea

For me it was a gradual process that began in 84. I was a college football......then a college basketball fan before that.

Family started going to Colts games......I started going to Colts games.

We started watching them on TV

So, I guess it was because it became a family thing.

I don't know exactly when I realized I was a fan. Probably the Tampa Bay comeback game.

I stayed awake for that whole game

And I go to bed early.......usually

If you are willing to lose sleep to watch a game that you are losing.......I think you are a fan!

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We used to get a one hour weekly show here in the UK, in the mid eighties and I got interested in the game then. So I watched the Bears and then the Giants Super Bowl wins, which was the only live game we got.............then I drifted away. In 2005 I was chatting to my dad, and he told me he had a bet on Indy to win the Super Bowl, and they had this great QB........so I started following the Colts and got hooked. The rest is history.

I saved up enough money to come to Indy and see my first Colts game this past season, but held back as I want to see Manning. I may not get my wish in 2012, but I'm coming over anyway, to cheer on the Shoe in person.......

Been on this Forum (or previous versions) since 2005......

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In 1963, I watched the last 3 quarters of a Cleveland Browns football game with my Grandpa. I don't remember who else was playing, but I wanted Cleveland to win because they were behind when I started watching. It was exciting to watch them come back and win the game. I had a million questions about football and how to play.

My dad had been a Cleveland fan when Otto Graham played. My Uncle was a die hard Packers fan. So, even though I liked watching Lombardi, Starr, Dowler & Carrol, I couldn't root for the same team as my Uncle! My favorite position was quarterback. I didn't want to be a Dallas fan 'cause it was wrong for any QB to be called "Dandy". I really liked the "fearsome foursome" and my first favorite #18 was Roman Gabriel. I liked the scrambling Fran in NY and didn't have much use for the funny Sonny in Washington. Then I watched a Colts game.

I liked the horse shoe logo and was facinated by the way Johnny Unitas just controlled the whole game. Everything a team did to beat the Colts offensively and defensively was directed at Johnny U! For the next decade it was going for the championship every year. A few runs at undefeated seasons and trying to get into that new bowl that was called Super. Finally, won in Super Bowl V.

Then the owner Carrol Rosenbloom traded franchises with Bob Irsay of the LA Rams and the world ended until the reins were handed over to Jim Irsay. The one brief exception was the Bert Jones years and Bob even botched that opportunily.

A fan I still am.

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I’m from Norway and haven’t watched that much NFL, but I have tried to read up a bit, especially on the Colts possible future. I cannot call myself a fan yet, since I haven’t seen many games, but I really like the possibility to follow the team through a rebuild and back to glory :number1:

The Colts good chance of getting Andrew Luck also had a little to do with it, since I found out that he was born on the exact same day as I was.

These are exciting times and its a great time to become a Colts fan if you haven't adopted an NFL team. Even though rebuilding usually follows a period of success and a chapter is closing.... you are right, that rebuilding process can be a lot of fun to watch and share your opinion on, and when we return to the Super Bowl it will be all that much sweeter.

C'mon aboard! :D

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How I became a fan is probably pretty obvious from my site name TennEngr. I became a Colts fan when Peyton was selected to be a member of the Colts in 1998.

I have been a fan of many teams over my many many years and my earliest memories are of being a fan of the "Purple People Eaters" and Fran Tarkington as a boy rooting for the Minnesota Vikings. I was a Miami Dolphin fan when Dan Marino was there and I thought he was the greatest quarterback (at that time).

Growing up in Knoxville, Tennessee made me a die hard Volunteer fan. I became a Peyton Manning fan when he was recruited to Tennessee and solidified being a fan of his when he decided to stay for his senior year.

Most in my family root for the Titans and give me a hard time for rooting for the Colts. Many have asked me if I will still be a Colt fan when Peyton retires or plays for somebody else. I can't see myself being anything but a Colt fan now. Peyton has made me a life long Colt fan but I am sure that I have to prove it to many in the coming months and years. GO COLTS!

P.S. Funny how my favorite QB's kept breaking each others records.

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I was 8 years old in 1980 just really getting into professional sports and looking for a team to call my own. Believe it or not, my first team by default was the Dolphins (in the late 70's) because they were my grandfather's team and I was too young to really pick my own team. However, after his death I decided to make my own decision on a team to support. So I researched and discovered that there was a team called the Colts who played in Baltimore the city where I was born. I immediately became a Baltimore Colts fan and supported them through some lack luster seasons and the move to Indianapolis. Since Baltimore did not get a team right away to replace the Colts, I just stuck with them and my love for the Horseshoe grew. Today I am happy to support the Indianapolis Colts. Over the years, I became a student of the team's history from the earlier Baltimore days. I learned all about the great Baltimore Colts from the late 50's, 60's and 70's and developed an even greater love and appreciation for this wonderful legendary franchise.

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We moved to Indy the last week of '86 from Canton, OH. Coming from Canton, both my wife and I have been lifelong football fans. The first memory we had in our new city was our current "team" (the Browns) losing another heartbreaking AFC Championship Game to the Broncos ("The Fumble"). We decided right then and there that we were going to check out a game with the team from our new city. We went to a preseason game in '87, and then followed up with our first regular-season game. We were hooked!! We've been going to all the home games since! And we've been lucky enough to follow the Colts across the country, having visited 18 different NFL stadiums to this point. A lot of frustration, a LOT of great times and memories!! We wouldn't change any of it, and plan on being at all the home games for years to come!!



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first time watching the Colts was around 1999 when I was 7 years old. My uncle was always a Colts dating back to their days in Baltimore and he continued to watch when they moved to Indy. I was actually lucky enough to go to the 2006 Divisional Playoff game against the Ravens on the Colts trip to the Super Bowl, but experience ever. I remember when I was walking to our sits, I am 15 at the time and the entire half of that stadium seemed like they were just booing at me because I was wearing a Peyton Manning jersey. That is when I truly understood Baltimore's pain and why they hate the Colts.

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We used to live in Cincy so course I was a Bengals fan.Then the old man got transferred to Indiana in 1980.This was shortly after the Bengals dropped 2 SBs to the 9ers and then of course the Colts moved here in 84,so it was a pretty easy choice to start watching the Colts.Well,watching or for the most part through most of the 80s and early 90s,listening to Lamey,lol.Then Marchibroda and the gang came to town and things starting getting better,Steelers, 95 one reception away,how awesome?

So,regardless of what happens,things have been a lot worse.Probably will continue to watch em.

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My Father was a Colt's fan even though he/we were born and raised in the New York City Metro area. My earliest memory was watching the Colts play the Cowboys in the 1971 SuperBowl (I was 4) and my Dad asked me which team I wantd to win? I said the one with the star on the helmet, lol....he set me straight after that! I soon was hooked and was a huge Bert Jones fan and never looked back.

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I became a Colt fan at a young age as my family is from Baltimore. My uncle took me to the Raider vs Colt playoff game that went into 2 over time periods. Memorial Stadium was crazy. I was hooked. It was so cold that day and we would warm ourselves up by drinking crab soup with lots of Old Bay out of a thermos and nippin blackberry brandy. HA My uncle would be arrested now a days for lettin a kid have alcohol but back in the day it really was not that big of a deal.

When the Colts left my entire family stopped the "love affair" with the Colts but I never did. I loved em then and I love them now.

I never understood how one mans decision to move could influence er love or hatred of er team. I dont care where they play.

Go Colts

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Pacers fan first. Huge fan of Reggie Miller and still my favorite player.

Amen to that. I was a huge Pacers fan first in the 90's. Got into the Colts during the Harbaugh days. I actually paid some attention to them in the Jeff George era however (I think his fabulous mullet distracted me to much). I really got into football in the late 90's and haven't missed watching a game since before 1998. Ironically, the year I started to watch football and really enjoy the sport was in 1998, Peytons rookie year. Not because of Manning himself, I just was a late bloomer to football and was previously more of a Basketball guy. That was the first year I watched every game even though it was a treacherous 3-13 season.

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I grew up a 9ers fan, Rice is my favorite athlete to this day, after DeBartlo left, the post Jeff Garcia team was dismal. 2000 was probably the only year of my life I didnt really pay attention to any ball. Having been a Pacers fan and attended 4 playoff games kinda allowed me to warm up to the idea of rooting for the Colts. 2002 is when I started really following the team, though I watched the Harbaugh team enough I wasn't hooked, though who could forget Zac Crockett running over Junior Seau!

Ive been to 5 games, I was at Peyton's first playoff win, and I was sitting behind the goal post when Vanderjat shanked the field goal in 05. Good times, bad times, ya know? I actually think being a Colts fan has been a great learning experience. A metaphor for life maybe?

Anyway here's to nothing good to watch on Sunday's for 6 months!

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Great job everyone!!! I read every one! Love the Pacer comments....I will go back the the Coliseum to Billy Keller, George McGinnis, Mel Daniels, Roger Brown, Bob Netolicky, Darnell Hillman, Freddie Lewis and Donnie Freeman....Billy Knight....with our man Slick Leonard throwing ball racks and getting tossed.

The Baltimore Colts were amazing to watch. Roger Carr, Lydell Mitchell, Bert Jones, Joe Washington, John Dutton....the list goes on and on. I remember a Monday night game with Howard Cosell and Dandy Don Merideth.....in a monsoon...I believe it was against the Jets. It was one of the best games I have ever seen, and Joe Washington did it all....catching passes, running back kicks......I am glad we have the Colts, and I am glad Baltimore has a good football team too.

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I'm a Colts fan solely because of Manning - I admit it. I am a Giants fan since 1985 and remain loyal there. I just root for the Colts as well (except against the Giants) because I love watching Peyton play and I love his personality and I like the way he supports Eli.

So, yes, I'm a bandwagon fan.

I'm kinda the exact opposite.

I am , have been, and ALWAYS will be a COLTS fan.

I have become an Eli fan because he reminds me of Peyton.

I'm not a Giants fan but root for them because of Eli.

Except of course when they play the Colts.

i thought it was so great how the city got behind the Giants in the Super bowl.

Both because of Eli and of course because they were playing the "Evil Empire".


On a side note, Henry hynoski grew up in a town 20 minutes from me. He (his high school team..Southern Columbia) won the state title three years in a row. Tho I think they are only AA. It is somewhat of a "scandal" because the school district really "pushes" kids to go to a local vocational school so they can keep enrollment at the actual high school down in order to stay at AA.

Kinda cheesy.

He's been in the area this week doing appearances.

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I really don't know how I became a fan to be honest. I've lived in New York all my life, which makes it even stranger. I will admit that I am young and became a fan in the early 2000s, so I didn't have to suffer through all the years before Peyton came along (sorry to those who did :sorry: ). Before about 2002 I didn't really have a favorite team. One Sunday my dad was watching a Colts game and I sat down with him and watched. I didn't really know football at the time, and during that game he explained the basics and got me into it. I remember the Colts were in their white unis, and I just fell in love with them. I got to know every aspect of the team, players, coaches, front office, even basic offensive and defensive schemes at a very young age. Used to love going out in the backyard and having my brother run the slant pattern like Marvin so I could imitate Peyton. And to this day, it's been the Horseshoe for life!!!

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As a 10 year old child that lived in Indy, I was already an avid NFL fan. I guess I decided to be a homer too. I grew up as a Bengals/Browns fan. Being from Ohio originally, many family members were really into them I just sorta did what everyone else was, I rooted for the Buckeye teams.

When the horseshoe came to my city, I claimed ownership of the Colts as my team. Not a bad move when you look at what happened to the Browns/Bengals after the 1980's.

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As a 10 year old child that lived in Indy, I was already an avid NFL fan. I guess I decided to be a homer too. I grew up as a Bengals/Browns fan. Being from Ohio originally, many family members were really into them I just sorta did what everyone else was, I rooted for the Buckeye teams.

When the horseshoe came to my city, I claimed ownership of the Colts as my team. Not a bad move when you look at what happened to the Browns/Bengals after the 1980's.

I'm gonna start calling you Nostradamus for that "move".

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Pre-84' I was a Bears fan - when the Colts came to town it was really a love of convenience at first. Though it wasn't until 90-91' yes Jeff George - who would have thunk it, that got me really into the Colts as a fan that attended football games at the Dome - loved that place!

Once we started winning I was at most every home game preseason and regular... Once the dome went down and they shifted season tickets around - I threw a tantrum and sold out :P though I have still remained a fan and as long as I am here in Indiana I likely will.

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