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Please, Tell Me Why I Should Remain A Colts Fan!


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i don't care if we go 0-16 for 4 years, have a drugged up monkey as our owner and we are degraded to playing HS teams... i'm a colts fan through and through not for irsay or manning, but for my city

ok, for the city. I can agree with that because I was a Steelers fan when I was young. Lynn Swann was my favorite player. Then Colts can to town and I started rooting for them. I'm always for the Home Team. I can respect that reply, thanks.
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There is a big difference between no longer being interested in paying for season tickets, and no longer being a fan. I've been a fan for a substantially longer period of time than you, and have only been to a fraction of the number of games. One has nothing to do with the other.

If you've been a fan for that long, I can't imagine why you would think that the teams recent actions are intolerable. That is something that the ten year fans who are spoiled by winning are saying. They just can't process what is happening. You have a problem with Jim Irsay? Just think of his father. You aren't happy with the Peyton Manning situation? Just think of the Jeff George, John Elway, Art Schlicter, Bert Jones and Johnny Unitas situations. Frankly I have absolutely no idea what you are on the ledge about. I love Peyton, I had an enormous amount of respect for Polian, and I was quite happy with Caldwell. Things change, and I'll adjust. Ironically the Colts are actually in a "better" place than my teams in the other three sports. If I let THIS get to me the way that you have, I might as well start watching Golf.

Your right, I got over the throwing the perfect season in time but it still hurts. Well put post, thanks for your words. Appreciate your thoughts and your right!
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When Vanderjagt shanked that field goal against the Steelers in '06, I about had a mental. My exact words - "freaking kidding me"

When the Colts won the SB the next year, I about had a mental. My exact words - "freaking kidding me"

obviously both were said with different emphasis.


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Maybe handle the Manning thing better. Keep your word as an owner. Keep the fans in the loop and not position yourself to make yourself look good when you can't. Maybe sack up and go for history when it's in your grasp and not make excuses after you blow it. Most importantly, finish this one way or other before March 3rd when STH are due to renew. You owe it to your fans to not be played as puppets. Those few things would go a long way. I thought it was the fans that made this all work. If we don't show or support the team how long can you survive.
You've made a couple of statements, so I'll try to address them the best that I can.

First of all, it isn't March 3rd yet and there is still a chance that it will be wrapped up before then, so you cannot be upset over something that hasn't happened yet.

Here is what I'm seeing...I feel that Irsay truly cares for Manning, his future, but also cares for what is the best for the Colt's organization. It has recently come to light that Manning has tried to come back and play this past season, even thoug he was clearly not ready to return. According to this new report, he was only able to throw the ball about 30-35 yards, yet he still wanted to play. This provides a lot of insight into PM's mindset. He want's to play no matter what, and it was Irsay, Polian, Caldwell, and the team doctors that decided he couldn't play.

The season unfolded with a 2-14 record, resulting in the firing of almost the entire coaching staff. Manning expressed his displeasure about this and Irsay said to keep things in house. Then Manning's doctors released a statement that he was healthy enough to play. Irsay immediately released a statement that he was not released to play by the Colt's doctors. It was apparent that if Manning wasn't going to be allowed to play by the Colt's team doctors, them Manning wanted to force his way. He either wants to play for the Colts and be provided assurance of that, or let other teams know that he is healthy, in case he was released by the Colts.

Based on the latest report on Manning's 4th surgery, it appears that Irsay was looking out for Manning who may be rushing to play. Irsay wants Manning to remain with the Colts and since Manning is not healthy, Irsay cannot gaurantee $28M to an unhealthy Manning. The contract was written with a helthy Manning in mind. Since Manning is presumably not healty, Irsay has requested that Manning rework his contract. I so not see anything maliscious or wrong with Irsay's actions.

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You should choose to stay a fan (or not) because of your own emotions and feelings. None of us can persuade, trick, or force you into being a Colts fan.

Feel free to give up your season tickets though! There are plenty of us who would kill to get a chance at them! I don't even live in Indy, but if I got season tickets I would manage to drive my butt up there every Sunday! There are plenty of us who have been on the waiting list for years!

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What would you have the organization do? Honest question.

What do I want the organization to do? Well I believe, and this is my opinion only, that in order to maintain stability the Colts need to remain competitive. So with that said, if Manning is Healthy and we don't know, the best option is to trade the 1st round pick to get additional picks to help rebuild and shore up our numerous area's of concern. The #1 pick allows us the opportunity to do that but just drafting Luck and releasing Manning doesn't address that. It's a bandaid to a bullet hole. It will take us longer to rebuild going that route and still doesn't address our backup QB position. We need numerous picks to help several area's.
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You should choose to stay a fan (or not) because of your own emotions and feelings. None of us can persuade, trick, or force you into being a Colts fan.

Feel free to give up your season tickets though! There are plenty of us who would kill to get a chance at them! I don't even live in Indy, but if I got season tickets I would manage to drive my butt up there every Sunday! There are plenty of us who have been on the waiting list for years!

I understand, I used to sacrifice paying bills to go buy scalped tickets each week. If I couldn't do that I would go pay $25 a local bar to watch stolen satellite feed when games were blacked out. I've been there. I understand your thinking.
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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

I have been a COLTS fan since 1968 and always will be TEAM comes 1st Irsay is doing the best he can MOVE ON things will work out
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What do I want the organization to do? Well I believe, and this is my opinion only, that in order to maintain stability the Colts need to remain competitive. So with that said, if Manning is Healthy and we don't know, the best option is to trade the 1st round pick to get additional picks to help rebuild and shore up our numerous area's of concern. The #1 pick allows us the opportunity to do that but just drafting Luck and releasing Manning doesn't address that. It's a bandaid to a bullet hole. It will take us longer to rebuild going that route and still doesn't address our backup QB position. We need numerous picks to help several area's.

That doesn't quite make sense to me. If PM's health is in question, why trade away the draft pick that is targeted for his best replacement?

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because being a fan of a TEAM means you root for the name on the front and not the names on the back.

If you are a MANNING fan only, then you probably shouldnt stay an Indianapolis Colts fan, if he's no longer here.

If you were a INDIANAPOLIS COLTS fan, then players coming and going shouldnt impact who you root for.

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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

Go out and buy a jersey, hoodie, shirt, whatever from another team and wear it. Honestly. I'm in Baltimore and get ridden hard by the Ravens fans here. One of them bought me a Ravens hoodie as a going away gift when I left my job and cut the tags off of it right in front of me (no returns now, right?). I cannot bring myself to wear it under any circumstances. Just can't support a team other than the Colts. The thing sits in the trunk of my car as emergancy gear just in case I ever absolutely have to have it, but I hope it sits there until we sell this car, and I can move it into the next one.

I know it's a tough time right now, mostly because we've been spoiled for the last decade. Not only have we been fans of a team who has enjoyed so much success (a little more in the post season would have been nice), but we were also able to watch Peyton do his thing. Both were (are?) going to come to an end at some point, but that isn't to say the team won't go on to do some more great things. The Manning era is probably not something we're going to see again, but that doesn't mean we're going to be relegated to Baltimore Orioles futility.

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because being a fan of a TEAM means you root for the name on the front and not the names on the back.

If you are a MANNING fan only, then you probably shouldnt stay an Indianapolis Colts fan, if he's no longer here.

If you were a INDIANAPOLIS COLTS fan, then players coming and going shouldnt impact who you root for.

I used to be that way then the best player I have ever seen came to my team and built everything we are today. My thinking changed but Team is important and I respect your post, TY
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Go out and buy a jersey, hoodie, shirt, whatever from another team and wear it. Honestly. I'm in Baltimore and get ridden hard by the Ravens fans here. One of them bought me a Ravens hoodie as a going away gift when I left my job and cut the tags off of it right in front of me (no returns now, right?). I cannot bring myself to wear it under any circumstances. Just can't support a team other than the Colts. The thing sits in the trunk of my car as emergancy gear just in case I ever absolutely have to have it, but I hope it sits there until we sell this car, and I can move it into the next one.

I know it's a tough time right now, mostly because we've been spoiled for the last decade. Not only have we been fans of a team who has enjoyed so much success (a little more in the post season would have been nice), but we were also able to watch Peyton do his thing. Both were (are?) going to come to an end at some point, but that isn't to say the team won't go on to do some more great things. The Manning era is probably not something we're going to see again, but that doesn't mean we're going to be relegated to Baltimore Orioles futility.

Best reply yet, ty for your post. Thats the kind of stuff I want to hear from fans. I remember going to the KC playoff game in KC. Neither team punted the entire game. My Colts Blue was worn loud and proud. Your post just hit home, sorry I might just be renewing my tickets.
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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

If this is not the very definition of being a fairweather fan, then I don't know what is.

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Sorry, but its pathetic if you need someone else to tell you why you should be a fan. If you let one bad season and off season question your fanhood, thats also pathetic. You're only a fan if you stick with the team through good times and bad. Even if you're ashamed of how some people in the organization are acting :bag: .

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ah now i can stretch my legs with all these bandwagons fans leaving

That really wasn't very nice nor helpful. A 27 year fan isn't just getting on the bandwagon. Take it from a 48 year fan. He's frustrated over bad decisions of the past and sees what may be a re-occurance. He'll come to the realization that as fans it's not important to our careers, lifestyles, or happiness. Life goes on with or without the Colts or football for that matter.

Personally, I decided to make that same decision when pre-season gets here. I'll see how I feel then.

Take a little extra stretch and stroll for me while you're at it.

Thanks for your support!

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That really wasn't very nice nor helpful. A 27 year fan isn't just getting on the bandwagon. Take it from a 48 year fan. He's frustrated over bad decisions of the past and sees what may be a re-occurance. He'll come to the realization that as fans it's not important to our careers, lifestyles, or happiness. Life goes on with or without the Colts or football for that matter.

Personally, I decided to make that same decision when pre-season gets here. I'll see how I feel then.

Take a little extra stretch and stroll for me while you're at it.

Thanks for your support!

i dont appreciate people who are fans of certain teams because of a certain player or because their winning. your either with the team or your not.

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oh I forgot that one, bandwagon fan after 27 years, lol Thats a good one, yeah I'm a bandwagon fan, lol. This is the kind of new Colts fan's we really need. This is a class act guy here.

I find it hard to believe a fan of 27 years would suddenly stop following the Colts so abruptly. Something doesn't add up. Especially if its because Manning is leaving. That tells me you don't care much for the future when the Colts are poised to take another great QB and possibly continue its success. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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been a fan and a consistent poster on this forum for years. i dont question my fanhood. i dont care if we suck for 20 more years. i will always have a permanent seat on the colts wagon.

Sounds like you answered your own problem right here in this post congrats. Ive been a fan since I was about 12(turned 20 in nov) so you obviously have lived through a lot more rough times than me. But I can promise you no matter who is tossing the pig skin, no matter who is catchin it, no matter who is tackling the opposing qb, etc etc I will be cheering them on like they were manning/Wayne/frathis/etc etc because at the end of the day this is the TEAM I root for, and I hope it is yours too. I love that I am one of maybe three people I know who are colts fans( one of them being a girl who liked me n probably only said that cuz she knew I was lol). I love talking to all the pats fans from my perspective and I love that my best friend is a steelers fan(as well as my cousin who I love like a brother) because no other team than ours is actually a threat to any of those teams the way we are and I love that we all discuss our teams objectively. Our fanbase is truly unique and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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This is where the rubber meets the road for a lot of people, and we will see where their loyalties really lie. The question is, are you a Colts fan, or do you just happen to watch the Colts because you're a Peyton Manning fan. There is nothing wrong with being a Peyton Manning fan, and a Colts fan by coinsedence. But if you've been a long time Colts fan, especially a fan since before the Manning era, and you're contemplating 'resigning' from your fan status, then you might want to consider that a true fan sticks with their team through thick and thin. Legendary and iconic players come and go, thats the nature of the game. I wish, as many others do, that we could have the fairy tale ending. That rarely happens in life, and its unlikely to happen here. So, does that mean we move on, pack up, and leave the Colts behind? No it should not.

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Your very post explains why you should remain a fan. There's a lot of passion in that post, and it wouldn't be the same, or have the same meaning, if directed towards another team. There are so many wheels turning in this whole debacle that, should you choose to null your fandom, might come back to haunt you later. It's ok to be angry at all the different facets. It means you care. At the same time, you have to consider that there are things going on that you have no clue about (no pun intended). Take a deep breath, and keep rooting for the Colts. You stuck through Jeff George, Jim Harbaugh, and Albert Bentley - you can and should stick through this.

I beg to differ.. If you actually need someone to tell you why you should be a fan then you shouldn't.

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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

Only you can make that decision. IMO, the core things that makes being a Colts fan depends - some like the team, the style of play, the players...etc. If you are having trouble with the way Irsay is molding the team just remember nothing in life and the NFL stays the same forever. Decisions are made, different strategies and directions are implemented and changed. In the end you have to ask and answer the fundamental question - do I still have loyalty and affection for this team? If so you are a fan; if not move on and enjoy the other aspects of your life.

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I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

What? 27 years and you can't wait 2 or 3 more to see where this shake up takes us? With our new coaching staff and awesome draft position, we couldn't be in a much better situation for rebuilding.

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I beg to differ.. If you actually need someone to tell you why you should be a fan then you shouldn't.

That's not sound logic, friend - 'if you need someone to tell you why you _______, then you don't need to ______' - fill in the blank with any two of the same descriptors. I hope I do you justice when I say this guy has been a STH for almost as long as you and I have been alive. Doesn't help to paint him, or anyone for that matter, with a broad brush like that.

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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

ummm he did try to have a meeting with manning and manning took it upon him self to go to Duke University to work out with a baseball player instead of go to the meeting. so you cant blame irsay....and about the keeping in house comment, its irsays buisness, he pays manning to work for him not the other way around. manning should have respected that and talked to irsay first before telling reporters that it feels like their walking on egg shells in the facility. Manning and fans who are worshipping manning are making it seem like hes god, hes not! hes just a football player who did alot of great things for the colts, but sorry to say hes old players get older they dont get younger, and with age comes a decline/injury. unfortinately manning had surgery and was out for the season but he may never be the same or even close to it, if your a colts fan first and a manning fan second you would keep your tickets and you would stay a colts fan. because colts fans dont turn their backs on their team just because of a rough situation. whether we like it or not Manning may be gone and you gotta suck it up get over it an move on too. Luck is the future, and he maybe just as good.

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I can't tell you how to feel or who to cheer for. You have to answer to yourself. If you still like the Colts after Peyton Manning, great. If you don't, fine. You like what you like, and it doesn't affect much of anyone else. You don't need us to tell you what to think or why you should do something.

Some will blame Irsay, some will blame Manning. I just think it's a no win situation for anyone and I understand this kind of thing happens.

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Ok, I'm at a crossroad so I want all you so called Colts fans out there to tell me why I should remain a Colts Fan. I've been called a non fan, a Manning "Fan Boy", Mr. Negativity and a disloyal individual. So after 27 years of being a Colts fan and missing just 3 Colts home games in 18 years, two this year alone, why should I remain loyal to the Colts?

I want to hear from you. I'm a STH and haven't renewed my tickets yet so convience me why I should stay. Mr. Irsay has gone nutts, he can't even listen to himself and keep things "in house" anymore. He can't keep his word to his players and fan base anymore. He can't have a meeting with the guy that saved his franchise and helped win a Super Bowl and helped build him a new stadium. He can't meet with the one guy that helped bring a Super Bowl to this City. I want to know why, after 27 years of loyal support through the good and bad, why I should continue to financially support this team.

I just want to know why, can someone logically convience me why! Is it that hard to want to know why????????????

I'm broken, sick to my stomach and just plain tired of it all. Anyone?????

Please make me understand! I'm on the ciff edge ready to jump!

because you are like most of us you will root for them no matter what, this is our team, and our new coach will get us in the playoffs, DONT JUMP!
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